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Her To-Do List- Complete Series

Page 5

by Holly Ardent

  I'm glad I haven't been getting any at home these past few months, she thought. If he'd tried to touch me at all those first two nights, I would've screamed and that could've proved awkward.

  After lunch, Jeremy wandered into the living room and started making small talk. She knew the routine and wondered what he wanted this time.

  “So mom, how's your day going?” he asked.

  “You've been home all morning, you know how my day went,” Laura replied.

  “Oh yeah, right. Is there anything good on TV tonight?”

  “Jeremy, just spit it out. What do you want?”

  “ Just because I'm talking to you doesn't mean I want something.”

  “Yes, but when you start pulling random topics out of thin air to ask me about. It normally means you want something.”

  Jeremy's face fell and Laura took pity on him.

  “Look, I've known you for your entire life. Of course I know your habits.”

  He looked guilty for a moment.

  I wonder what that was about? she thought. It looks like he's got something going on that I'm unaware of.

  “Well, I need to borrow some money,” he said.

  “How much and what for?”

  “A hundred bucks ought to do it.”

  “What for Jeremy?”

  He blushed beet red.

  “There some things I'm just not comfortable talking about with you mom.”

  “Oh, so it has to do with sex?”

  Jeremy winced.

  “Tell me you didn't get Sherrie in trouble,” Laura said.

  “No, I didn't. But I did promise her something and then found out I don't have enough cash to cover it.”

  “You're a bit young to be proposing.”

  “Mom! It isn't that either. I, um... I promised her a night at a ritzy hotel and when I checked the prices afterwards, I found out that I don't have enough to cover it.”

  Laura sniffled mentally.

  My little boy is all grown up and trying to seduce his girlfriend. Actually, I'm pretty sure he already has, but at least he's trying to treat her right, unlike the way some men in this family treat women.

  She opened up her phone and started an app. Jeremy stared at her as she manipulated the screen. A minute later she closed the app and looked up at him.

  “There you go, I transferred two hundred dollars to your bank account. Take her out to a nice dinner first.”

  “You rock mom,” Jeremy said, “but when did you start using your phone to do all that? I thought you hated trying to do stuff on it.”

  “Well, I felt guilty when Owen had to get that app working for me. So I spent some time this week learning everything on my phone a little better.”

  “Catching up to the twenty-first century I see.”

  Laura shook her head at him.

  “This from the boy who lets his phone run totally out of charge twice a week?”

  Jeremy pulled his phone out and looked at it. He grimaced and walked over to the charger to plug it in.

  “Anyhow, I won't be home Friday night,” he said. “I'll pick Sherrie up after I'm off of work, then we'll go to dinner and the hotel.”

  That means I'll be alone here until ten o'clock at the earliest, Laura thought. Now how can I get Pete over here?

  “It sounds like you've got it all planned out,” she said. “I hope Sherri enjoys it and expresses her gratitude appropriately.”

  “Mom! That's just wrong. There are some things a mother just shouldn't encourage.”

  “Why not?” Laura asked innocently. “If I hadn't encouraged things like that with your father, you wouldn't be here. It isn't like your generation invented sex, even if your brain hurts thinking of us old fogies getting it on.”

  Jeremy squeezed his eyes shut.

  “I so don't need that visual in my head,” he said. “I've gotta go to work. I'll see you later.”

  Okay, so how am I going to get Pete over here? I always thought he was kind of a square, but if he was talking with Scott and Owen about me being a MILF, then I might have been wrong. I know he's the athletic type, I bet I can play damsel in distress and get him to come over and help me.

  Laura walked over to Jeremy's phone and turned it on. She scrolled through the contact list and copied Pete's number onto her own phone.

  Now I just wait for Friday. When Jeremy leaves for work I'll see if I can get a hold of Pete.

  * * *

  When Jeremy left for work on Friday morning, Laura was feeling impatient again. She was entirely recovered from her encounter with Owen at this point and feeling horny. Jeremy had let slip that Pete would be working until two in the afternoon today and she wanted to wait until he was off of work before calling him.

  She lay back on the couch and slid her hand under the waistband of her skirt, then down into her panties. In her mind Pete was stripped nude and it was his hand on her pussy. As she stroked up and down her slit, she thought of just how happy Pete was going to be when she made her offer. Her hand slid up to her clit and started rubbing gently in circles. He'd be grateful enough that he'd do her right and satisfy this itch that had been bothering her ever since she'd heard Scott call her a MILF.

  A few minutes later, after a very small orgasm, she stood back up and straightened her clothing.

  Well, that sucks. Looks like I'll need help if I want a really good orgasm. I can't get myself there any more, or at least not while I keep thinking about these young boys lusting after me. Why do it myself when they can do me instead?

  Laura snarled at the clock when she checked and it was only twelve-thirty. She reviewed her plan in her mind and, as long as Pete was the nice guy she thought he was, it ought to work perfectly. A little trip upstairs let her visualize what she planned to do and when she finally came back down, it was one o'clock.

  Why the hell does time move so slow when I'm anticipating something? On other days I look up and half the day's gone.

  Laura settled in on her computer and pulled up her favorite forum. Reading about other peoples' troubles and victories kept her occupied for a while. When she finally looked up again it was after two.

  Good, a few more minutes and I'll give him a call.

  She went into the kitchen and popped the cork on the bottle of wine she'd purchased a few days back. It was a fortified wine, like the one that had gotten her drunk with Owen. She was pretty sure that Pete wasn't much of a drinker and she thought a glass of this ought to have him nicely relaxed, and off-guard.

  Finally she picked up her phone and dialed Pete's number.

  “This is Pete.”

  “Hi, Pete? This is Laura, Jeremy's mom?”

  “Oh. Hi Mrs. Werner, what can I do for you?”

  “Well, Jeremy and his dad are both at work. I'm rearranging the guest room and there's a few pieces of furniture that are too heavy for me to move on my own. Jeremy said I should ask you or Owen for help if I absolutely had to get it done right now. So, would you help me out? I can make you a really nice dinner to repay you.”

  There was a brief pause on the other end of the phone.

  “Sure, Mrs. Werner, I can do that.”

  “Oh, please call me Laura. Every time I hear Mrs. Werner, I look around for my mother-in-law.”

  “Alright Laura, when would you like me to come help?”

  “As soon as you can, but there isn't a super rush. I just need to get it done today. If you're going to let me make you dinner, you'll want to be here before five o'clock though so I can get it started.”

  “Give me a little while to recover, I just got home from work. I'll try to be there by four-thirty if that's acceptable.”

  “That should work just fine. Thank you so much for this. I'll try to make it worth your while.”

  “You're welcome Laura. I'm going to go now. I'll see you in a little bit.”

  “Bye Pete, and thanks again.”


  Laura was smiling when she disconnected the call.

  * * *

  The next two hours dragged by for Laura, but she made it through them. When the doorbell rang, she jumped up and rushed over to answer it.

  Pete was standing on the doorstep. She'd never seen him dressed to do physical labor before and was impressed with the size of the biceps revealed by his t-shirt. Most of the time he wore a button down shirt and slacks, but he looked good in jeans, work boots, and a t-shirt.

  Good enough to eat even, she thought. I'll have to make sure I do that.

  “Hi Pete, you're a life saver.”

  “I imagine this isn't really that urgent,” he said.

  “Not really, but I did want to get it finished up today and had no-one else to help me. So your being willing to do so means a lot to me.”

  He looked embarrassed and tongue-tied.

  “Come on in,” Laura said. “It's the upstairs guest bedroom, but I thought I'd see what you'd like for dinner first. I was thinking maybe spaghetti and red sauce, with Italian sausage and garlic cheese bread. That sound good to you? I could also do burgers or steaks if you'd prefer.”

  “Spaghetti would be fine Mrs. Werner, thank you.”

  “Please, it's Laura, not Mrs. Werner.”

  “Sorry Laura. Yes, that sounds great. Now which room is it?”

  “Come on in the kitchen with me, I'll get the food started and then I'll show you. It will probably take both of us to move a couple of those pieces of furniture.”

  Pete followed her into the kitchen. He stood there, uneasily, looking around the room while she made preparations for dinner. She chatted away, trying to draw him out, but the most she got out of him were some terse one or two word answers. Finally she had most of the food underway. None of it would need tending for a few minutes so she led him upstairs.

  It did take the two of them to move the bed, the wardrobe, and the dresser. It didn't take long though and when they came back downstairs, the scent of the food permeated the air.

  Laura took a deep sniff.

  “I love Italian sausage, just a little bit spicy and so flavorful.”

  “Uh-huh,” Pete said.

  “Why don't you have a seat, I'll get the rest of it going and we can eat in another few minutes.”

  Pete sat down at the dining room table, still looking uncomfortable. It was more than just a few minutes later when Laura brought out two plates of food. She went back into the kitchen and returned with two glasses of wine.

  Pete looked curiously at his glass and took a sniff. The look on his face would've had Laura laughing if she weren't worried about making him feel at ease.

  “I'm sorry,” she said, “would you rather something other than wine to drink? I hadn't even given it a thought.”

  “Oh no Laura, this will be fine. I just wasn't expecting it.”

  She nodded and sat across the table from him. After a few bites, she looked across the table.

  Maybe I can draw him out if I ask him about himself.

  “So, how's your summer going?” she asked.

  “Pretty well. I'm working a lot though.”

  “Are you off to college at the end of summer? I know Jeremy is planning on taking a year off before he goes.”

  Pete's face lit up a bit for the first time since he'd arrived.

  “Oh no, I'm going into the Army. I have to report for boot camp just over a month from now.”

  “You are? What are you going to do?”

  “Well, I hope to get into the Rangers, Airborne Rangers if I can qualify...”

  Laura kept feeding Pete questions about what he thought it was going to be like. She refilled his wine for him, twice. By the time she'd exhausted the questions she could think of, Pete was more than a little tipsy and had lost his uptight demeanor.

  I've got to ease him into it, she thought. I think he'd spook if I just jumped him, even with him a little drunk .

  “You looked like your back was a little sore while we were moving things. Did you hurt it?” she asked.

  “It's a little stiff. I do a lot of lifting at work, and sometimes I forget to lift with my legs instead of my back.”

  “I might be able to help you with that some. Have you ever tried Tiger Balm?”

  “What's that?”

  “It's a sore muscle ointment. If you like I'll apply some to your back for you. It smells pretty strong, but it works quite well.”

  “I think I'd like that,” Pete said, rubbing his lower back.

  “Take off your shirt and lie down on the clear area of the living room floor. I'll go get it and bring it down.”

  I'd tell him to lie down on a bed, but I think that might freak him out.

  Laura thought that if she wasn't in the room when he started disrobing, he might be more comfortable with it. She was sure that once she was sitting on his back, with her hands on his bare flesh, she'd be able to make some headway towards her goal. She grabbed the Tiger Balm, then slid her panties off and flipped them into the laundry.

  He's already got me hot and bothered. If I can get my pussy in contact with his skin, he's sure to ask about it. Maybe I'll tell him right out what I'm after.

  She went back downstairs and found Pete lying flat on his stomach in the living room. She straddled him, walked up to his waist, and lowered herself down, putting most of her weight on his ass.

  The Tiger Balm filled the room with its pungent odor when she removed the cap and started rubbing it onto her hands. When she had enough there, she leaned forward and started working on his lower back.

  “That's nice, but it feel like just a massage,” he said. “I thought this stuff was supposed to do something more.”

  “Give it a minute,” Laura said, still rubbing. “You'll know when it starts working.”

  She continued to rub the balm into his back, slowly working her way up to his shoulders. When she reached the middle of his rib cage, she felt him stiffen for a moment and draw in a deep breath.

  “Whoa! I see what you mean. It feels like it's burning, but not really.”

  “That heat is going to loosen up your muscles,” she said.

  I need to get my hands on something other than his back. Actually I need to get his hands anywhere on me, then we'll be getting someplace.

  Laura completed rubbing his shoulders and slid her weight down from his ass onto his legs. Her hands moved to the skin just above his jeans and started rubbing again, then she moved them down.

  Pete drew in another deep breath and she waited for him to say something, but he stayed silent. She was rubbing his ass now, enjoying the feel of the tight muscles through the denim of his jeans.

  “This would be so much easier with no clothes in the way,” she said.

  “Umm...” Pete replied, never finishing the sentence.

  “Heck, if you liked I could take mine off and you could rub me too,” she said.

  Pete muttered something under his breath that Laura couldn't make out.

  “What was that Pete?” she asked.

  “I'd rather not say. I didn't realize I said it out loud.”

  Now Laura was intrigued.

  “Please?” she asked.

  Pete muttered again, but this time she was pretty sure she understood him.

  “If you took your clothes off, I'd want to do a lot more than rub you,” was what she thought she'd heard.

  “Good,” she said.

  Laura stripped her shirt off and draped it over Pete's head.

  “Do you know what that is?” she asked him.

  “Uhhh... Yeah?” he said.

  “So what are you going to do now that I have some of my clothes off?”

  “Nothing,” he said in a small, determined voice.

  “I know you were talking with your friends about me being a hot MILF.”

  “I'm sorry,” Pete said.

  His voice sounded as though he were almost in tears.

  “Don't be, I don't want an apology. I want you to do something about it. Here I am half naked of my own accord, and you're apologizing? Did you lie to your
friends? Am I so ugly that you don't want to touch me?”

  Laura let her voice rise in pitch towards the end of her words. She didn't really believe any of it, but she was hoping the same White Knight reflex that had brought him over to help her move furniture was going to help her with her real intentions.

  “You aren't ugly at all. You're hot!” he said, “I just don't... haven't...”

  Pete's voice trailed off.

  He isn't, is he? she thought. Could I be that lucky?

  Laura struggled to keep her voice normal and not sound incredulous.

  “Are you trying to tell me you're a virgin?” she asked.

  The muffled answer she got sounded like an affirmative. Laura stood up and started slipping her skirt off.

  “Stand up Pete,” she said.

  Pete stood up, looking at the floor.

  “I'll go,” he said, “I'm sorry.”

  “No, you won't!”

  Pete looked up at Laura and his eyes went wide when he saw her totally nude.

  She gestured imperiously at his pants.

  “Take those off,” she said. “Get rid off the rest of your clothes. I can't take your virginity unless you lose the clothes first.”

  Pete's hands instinctively went to his belt at her barked command. But he paused before unfastening it.


  Laura nodded.

  “Really, I'll show you what to do. It'll be a pleasure to just teach you and not have to make you unlearn bad habits.”

  He undid his belt and jeans and slid them down. His cock was straining at the front of his underwear, the tip peeking over the waistband.

  Laura bent over and planted a kiss on the visible portion of his cock. She gestured for him to lose the underwear as well and he, hesitantly, removed them.

  “Ever gotten a blow job?” she asked.

  Pete blushed and shook his head.

  She pushed him towards an overstuffed chair.

  “Have a seat and I'll fix that for you.”

  Pete sagged into the chair. Laura dropped to her knees in front of it and grabbed his legs. She pulled him forward until she thought she'd be able to get his mouth on him. Then she wrapped her hand around the base of his cock.

  “I'm assuming you've masturbated before?” she asked.

  He winced and squeezed his eyes shut, but nodded.


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