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MILF Money for College- Complete Set

Page 5

by Holly Ardent

Pam tossed a set of keys onto the floor beside the bed, then put the handcuffs on the covers beside her. Jim picked them up and started securing her. She was lying face up and the stretch of her arms made her tits look smaller, but he appreciated the overall effect.

  “You mind if I fuck your mouth a bit first before I get to your cunt?” he asked.

  “I'm the one cuffed down. I can't stop you from doing anything you want,” she said.

  Damn it, she asked me to just fuck her cunt, he thought, and I agreed. I don't want to go back on my word.

  “Shit, I hate being a nice guy sometimes.”

  Jim took a pillow from the head of the bed and propped her ass up with it, so her pussy was easier to get to. He knelt between her legs and slid himself in. She was still wet and a little looser than earlier. He started out slow and quickly picked up to the speed she'd asked for.

  Tits, mouth, ass, what the hell do I want to play with? Jim wondered. I know, I'll keep it simple.

  Jim went up on his knees. He couldn't thrust as hard this way, but he had a plan. His hand moved to her clit and started playing. He kept thrusting in and out of her steadily, as hard as he could in this position. But he kept a close eye on Pam, trying to figure out what got her really going as he varied what he was doing to her clit.

  After the earlier bout of sex, Jim was in no danger of cumming any time soon. Pam, on the other hand, started to cum after about ten minutes. Jim stopped playing with her clit long enough to let her stop orgasming, then moved his hand back to the swollen nubbin of flesh that would have her orgasming over and over until he joined her.

  When his hand moved back to her clit, her eyes grew wide. After the second orgasm, when he started playing with it again, her eyes were more than wide, they were almost panicked.

  She spoke after the third.

  “Would you stop that?” she asked.

  “Tell me to stop and I will, otherwise I'm just going by what you said and doing what I want while I fuck you. I like making you cum. I love the look on your face right after you do. So unless you tell me to stop, I'm going to do it over and over until I cum.”

  “Umm, I said that didn't I?”

  Jim nodded.

  “You're not going to complain that you get to cum over and over, are you?

  Pam's mouth opened and closed like a fish several times.

  “Fine, do your worst,” she said.

  “Or my best,” he replied. “All you need to do is cum as much as you possibly can.”

  By her fifth orgasm, Jim was feeling like he might cum soon. He'd been fucking her for more than forty-five minutes by this point. Pam, on the other hand, was babbling. She wasn't complaining about it any more, she was begging for more.

  “Oh god, yes. Another one please. I've never cum this much before and it just keeps getting better and better.”

  All the bedding was a mess. Pam had squirted repeatedly and Jim heard the mattress slosh underneath him every time he shifted his weight. He was getting tired himself, but he thought he might be able to get one more out of her.

  He worked her clit over furiously as he continued to thrust in and out. His stomach hurt and his hands were cramping up, but he was holding out so far. He got rougher and rougher with her clit and finally she went over the edge again. Her pussy was drying out and when she squirted this time, there was barely any moisture. Pam started babbling as her cunt clamped down on his cock like a silk lined iron glove.

  “Fuck, fuck, yeah, yeah, cumming, I'm cumming, again...”

  She went on and on in single words and fragments of sentences. Jim felt his cock swell up. This time it was more of a sense of relief than pleasure as he blasted his cum inside of her. He finished cumming quickly and pulled out. Then he collapsed beside her.

  Pam kept babbling for a few minutes and by the time she stopped, Jim could move again. He slid off the bed and grabbed the keys. Then he unlocked all four sets of cuffs before collapsing onto the bed beside her again. She immediately rolled on her side and wrapped her arms and legs around him, pressing as much of her flesh against him as she could manage.

  “Thank you,” she whispered faintly. “Never like that before. Love something new.”

  Then Pam fell asleep.

  Jim allowed himself the luxury of exploring her body as she slept. His touch on her skin gave her goosebumps, but didn't wake her. He kept playing with her right up to the point where he needed to go out and put the last coat of paint on the fence and then he woke her up.

  “Pam, you need to wake up.”

  Her eyes snapped open.

  “Whatever you want,” she said.

  “You need to wake up. This room is going to need to air out and you'll need to change the bedding and maybe dry out the bed.”

  “That's all you want?” she asked.

  He shook his head.

  “No, I want more, but that's what you need to do right now. I don't know that I could do anything else sexually today, but if you want me over again some time, you just need to ask.”

  “Anytime you want,” she said. “I'll find some other reason to have you here again soon.”

  “Then you need to clean everything up so it looks normal before your husband gets home, right?”

  “Oh, yeah, him. You're right, I do.”

  “I'm going to go finish the fence now. I'll come back up after I'm done.”

  “Okay,” she said.

  Jim went down and finished the fence. When he came back up, Pam answered the door, still totally nude.

  “Don't you need to get dressed?” he asked.

  “I was hoping for a kiss goodbye,” she said. “Pretty much... everywhere?”

  Jim grinned, he was sure he could get used to this. But he wasn't sure if he'd rather she stayed this way or went back to how she was before he'd fucked her.

  “Of course,” he said.

  He took her in his arms and pressed his lips to hers. His tongue darted into her mouth, exploring it. When he pulled his lips away, she tried to follow.

  “No, I have to leave soon.”

  He leaned over and kissed a breast, he kissed it all over before moving to the nipple and sucking it into his mouth. He tickled it with his tongue and then released it and started in on the other breast. Her breathing told him that she was still incredibly turned on, either from the sex earlier or his current actions.

  Finally he dropped to his knees. He kissed her pussy and noticed that her clit was still swollen. So he leaned up to kiss that also. He couldn't help himself, he sucked it into his mouth and tugged on it. Pam responded with a near instant orgasm, squirting right in his face.

  Pam looked shocked, but Jim just laughed.

  “I guess I asked for that,” he said.

  When he stood back up, Pam dropped to her knees. She unzipped his pants and sucked his cock into her mouth. He could tell she was trying to get him hard again, but he knew that it wasn't very likely to happen right now. After a few minutes she mewed in disappointment and tucked his cock away.

  “Next week some time?” she asked. “I'll find some repairs that need to be done.”

  “You've got my number, right? Call me and we'll set it up,” he said.

  Jim turned and left before she convinced him to do something else right now. When he got home, he ate dinner and then fell into his bed and slept for twelve hours straight. He woke to the phone ringing and staggered downstairs.


  “Hi Jim, it's Lisa. Would you like to come over?” she asked.

  * * *

  Ella's Junk

  (Cheating Wife MILF Erotica)

  MILF Money for College #3

  Holly Ardent

  Text copyright © 2015, Holly Ardent

  All Rights Reserved

  Jim Riley now had a summer job, although he found it hard to call it work. He was doing a lot of the same things his father used to have him do around the house, only now he was getting paid for it.

  The MILF next door, Lisa, had a massive ne
twork of friends that she was recommending him to if they needed maintenance or handy-man style repairs. At least, she set up jobs for him on the days when she wasn't fucking him into exhaustion. Even on the days he did work, he could normally count on her wanting a quickie.

  In addition to setting up work for him, she'd also loaned his sexual services out to one other friend already. She'd just mentioned doing that again the day before. Lisa was scheming, trying to figure out a way to get her friend Ella in the sack with Jim. She'd told him that Ella really needed to get laid. Ella had mentioned that her husband just didn't seem interested in sex any more, and that she hadn't gotten any in months, ever since the last of the kids moved out. She'd complained to Lisa because she'd thought her husband would get more amorous, not less, after the kids left.

  Lisa, of course, took this as a plea for help in fixing that little problem.

  Lisa is an incredible fuck, Jim thought, but she really likes to step into people's lives and fix whatever she can. I shouldn't complain though, she's doing a hell of a job of it for me.

  “So, you say that Ella wants sex? As in, you've asked about it, mentioning me as a partner?” Jim asked.

  “Not as such. She wants sex badly, but I didn't mention your name to her in regards to that. She needs some work done, there's a big pile of junk out in her back yard that was supposed to be removed a year ago. Most of it's metal, so you can take that down to the recycling place and get paid for the job twice if you like.”

  “Wait, get back to the sex part. If you didn't mention me to her about that, how do you know she'll be interested?”

  “Because I know Ella. I know her weaknesses. She's nuts about a particular sweet wine which I happen to have a few bottles of. She's also a cheap date. One glass of wine and she feels it. After a second glass anyone can feel it if they want to, she'll encourage them. But the third glass is the charm. After a third glass, she'll fling herself on any guy she finds attractive and I'm pretty sure she'll find you attractive.”

  “So, you're going to get her drunk to get me laid by someone else?” Jim asked.

  “No. I'm going to get her drunk so she gets laid. You just happen to be the lucky guy that'll be the beneficiary.”

  “What, I'm supposed to show up and hand her the wine bottle? I'm sure that'll go over well.”

  “No, we'll both go over,” Lisa said, “each in our own car since you'll need your truck for the hauling. I'll introduce you, then while you load the stuff to haul away in your truck, I'll ply her with the wine. When you're done, come up to the door. Just make sure you take at least a half hour to load your truck and she'll be set.”

  “I'm not so sure about this,” Jim said. “It doesn't feel right to me.”

  “Jim, Ella is so shy I'm amazed she ever got married in the first place. If she weren't so shy, I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem. She'd probably find someone on her own if she were more outgoing. It isn't that she's ugly or anything, far from it, it's that her husband is ignoring her.”

  “Yeah, but—”

  Lisa cut him off.

  “Let's do it this way. Try my idea and if you don't think it's what she really wants, then you don't have sex with her. I think you'll find that all that shyness disappears after her second drink and she becomes very outgoing and willing to express what she wants after the third. You'll see, just try it. You can always leave if you decide it's wrong.”

  Jim sighed.

  “Okay. I should know better than to argue with you, you always get your way.”

  “Only when we argue. When we have sex you always get yours,” she replied. “So, what way do you want it today?”

  * * *

  Jim hopped in his truck and followed Lisa's car as she drove off. She was heading to Ella's place. She had the bottle of wine in her car with her and Jim was still having second thoughts.

  If she's sloppy drunk and just willing, but not eager, then I'm outta there. I won't take advantage of her even for Lisa's sake.

  They pulled into a driveway in front of a decent sized house. It was on a large lot and Jim could see right into the back yard from the driveway. The pile of metal and wood back there should fit in the bed of his pickup, barely. He'd need to tie it down and make sure it was secure before driving with it, but that would give him an excuse to work on it for at least half an hour.

  Lisa got out, carrying the wine, and Jim followed her to the door. It opened to reveal a rather short woman. She smiled when she saw Lisa, but when she noticed Jim she looked at his face for a moment, then her gaze slipped to the ground. As she tilted her head down, her hair slid across the half of her face closer to him. It looked like an old mannerism that she'd instilled in herself.

  “Ella, it's good to see you,” Lisa said. “I told you about Jim, right? He's here to haul away that pile of junk for you.”

  Ella's response was muffled by both her hair and the fact that she was facing the ground. Lisa heard her though, and responded.

  “I thought I'd show him the way over instead of just giving him the address,” Lisa said.

  Then she added in an almost sing-song, tempting voice as she gently wiggled the bottle of wine.

  “I brought a bottle of wine.”

  Ella tilted her head back up.

  “Is it—”

  Lisa interrupted her.

  “Yes it is,” she said.

  She showed the label on the bottle to Ella.

  “Aren't you going to ask us in?” Lisa asked.

  “Oh, sorry. Please come in, won't you?”

  Jim took the moment to study Ella. Her skin was pale with a dusting of freckles along the top of her cheeks. Her eyes were hazel, with a hint of gray in them as well. Dark brown hair hung halfway down her back, slowly shading to chestnut brown at the very bottom. She only stood as tall as Jim's chest and her lack of height made what would otherwise be an ordinary sized pair of breasts look much larger.

  Ella caught him looking. She quickly turned and walked back into the house. Lisa and Jim followed.

  She led them into the living room, a light and airy place with hardwood floors and large windows whose curtains were pulled back to flood the room with sunlight.

  Lisa held out the bottle of wine and a corkscrew she'd removed from her purse.

  “Jim, if you would?” she asked.

  Jim opened the bottle for them then, as directed, set it on the corner of the table.

  Lisa went through introductions again. This time Ella briefly looked straight at Jim before dropping her gaze down. Once again the hair swept down to cover half of her face

  “I'll go get three glasses,” Ella said.

  “You'll only need two,” Jim said. “I'm more of a beer type of guy and I really ought to go start loading my truck.”

  Ella stood and went to the kitchen for glasses. When Jim stood, Lisa did as well. She whispered to him.

  “What do you think?”

  “Really cute and with a crippling case of shyness.”

  “So, if she's willing you'll take care of her problem?”

  Jim sighed.

  “Only if she isn't a sloppy drunk. I don't want there to be any question as to whether I was taking advantage of her being drunk.”

  Lisa laughed softly.

  “You're on. I think you'll find that you can't even tell she's drunk except for her attitude change. Go load your truck, I'll ply her with wine. Remember, give me at least half an hour.”

  Jim headed out to his truck and backed it up next to the junk pile. Then he spent the next half hour, plus a little, loading it. Lisa hadn't been kidding about the amount of recyclable metal in the pile, and a lot of it was heavy. When he finally finished, he pulled his truck back out onto the driveway and headed for the front door.

  Lisa answered his knock. She spoke to him quietly as they made their way to the living room.

  “She just started her third glass. She wouldn't say anything about you at all when I asked. That's a good sign, it means she was thinking about you in a way
she thought she shouldn't. Follow my lead.”

  Jim rolled his eyes, but walked into the living room and sat down in the armchair he'd occupied earlier.

  Ella looked up when he walked into the room. Her gaze followed him to the chair and when he sat down, she actually locked eyes with him for a few seconds. When her gaze dropped this time, it ran down his body, not to the floor. She looked back at his face and gave a tiny nod.

  “Jim, you said you were more of a beer type. Would you like one?” Ella asked.

  “Sure, thank you.”

  Ella got up and went to the kitchen again. Jim's eye was caught by the extra wiggle she put into her stride as she passed by him.

  Once she was out of the kitchen he looked over at Lisa, who mouthed.

  “I told you so.”

  “Bottle or glass?” Ella called from the kitchen.

  “Bottle's fine, thanks,” Jim answered.

  Ella came back out with the bottle and handed it to him. Once Jim had a grip on the bottle, Ella slid her fingers out and over his own. She slowly drew her fingers along his as she pulled her hand back.

  She sat down and picked up her wineglass again. Jim noted it was more than half empty, and Lisa had said it was her third. That meant, if Lisa were correct, that Ella was about to get even more forward.

  Lisa stood, catching both Jim and Ella's attention.

  “I need to be going now. I'll see you later on Jim? I've got someone else that needs some work done tomorrow.”

  Jim started to stand. He saw Ella's mouth turn down into a frown and Lisa spoke.

  “No Jim, stay. Finish your beer at least. That's okay with you, right Ella?”

  Ella's frown disappeared and she quickly downed the rest of her wineglass.

  “Of course he can stay to finish his beer. Here, I'll see you out,” Ella said.

  Jim settled back into the chair and took a long drink. He could hear the two women talking near the front door, but not what they were saying. The door opened and closed, and he heard Ella coming back to the living room. A glance outside showed Lisa getting into her car. When she saw him looking, she gave him a thumbs up.


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