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Bears in Blue Shifter Romance Box Set

Page 16

by Mia Taylor

  “It’s not a sell,” Rand replied, setting the chair right. “I’ve worked enough undercover gigs to know the deal.”

  Charlotte was taken aback by the admission.

  “You’ve worked undercover?” she asked in disbelief. “I thought…”

  She trailed off but Rand seemed to understand what she wanted to say.

  “I only work undercover but I’m a background guy,” he explained. “I don’t really get my hands dirty. It’s a good gig. You should try it.”

  “What does that even mean?”

  “It means that I am a support system to the detectives involved. I don’t make deals but I’m what you might call a supporting actor.”

  Her brow furrowed. “Still…”

  “I just make sure the scene runs as it should.”

  Charlotte almost felt guilty, knowing that she’d been putting the guy through the ringer since she’d first met him, but his presence was both annoying and alarming.

  And I’d wanted to find a way to reach out to Rhett tonight.

  At the end of it, she realized that was the real problem. She’d been thinking of nothing but Rhett since she’d taken on her new persona and now Rand was throwing a wrench into things.

  “Come on, Charlotte. I can be a lot of fun,” he coaxed her beguilingly. “I’ll be the best boyfriend you ever had.”

  “Then you’d be gone if that was true,” she clipped back.

  “Are you always this edgy or is it just the circumstances?” Rand asked. “Want me to give you a massage?”

  She glared at him balefully, knowing he was making a joke, but Charlotte wasn’t in the mood. What she really wanted was to get up and leave Rand and his smug face alone in the apartment while she snuck out, but that wasn’t happening.

  There was nothing she could do but wait until the morning and get to work. Now she had double the reason to move faster, regardless of what Kelly said.

  “Come on,” Rand taunted her. “Don’t you want to play checkers or something?”

  “Checkers?” she echoed. “You want to play checkers?”

  “I’d invite you to play chess but I’m really good and you’re already irate, so…”

  “Bring out the chess board,” she snapped. She wanted to wipe the smirk off his face by any means necessary.

  Even if it’s a small victory, like kicking his ass in chess.

  ~ ~ ~

  When Charlotte opened her eyes, she was sprawled out on the sofa, fully dressed, her neck pinched uncomfortably.

  Instantly, she sat up, her blood boiling as she heard the sound of soft snores from the bedroom.

  Without thinking about it, she stormed into the room and yelled at Rand to wake up but the shrill sound of her anger didn’t seem to alarm him in the least. He barely opened his eyes and yawned, stretching his arms upward.

  “Oh, good morning, sunshine,” he mumbled. “You making coffee?”

  “Jesus Christ. You left me on the couch and took the bed?” she yelled at him. “Very chivalrous.”

  “I thought all you women wanted to be independent these days,” he snickered, rolling onto his side to grab his pillow and draw it closer to him. Charlotte stormed over to his side and grabbed the pillow to beat him with it. She could feel her eyeteeth starting to protrude under her gumlines.

  “HEY!” Rand yelled. “Stop that!”

  “Get up!” she snarled, leaning in. “Get up before I shift. I’ve had it with you.”

  Her voice was barely audible and she hoped that the mics in the apartment wouldn’t pick up what she’d said but at least her words had an effect on the buffoon with whom she was sharing an apartment.

  “Don’t!” he growled back, their eyes clashing. “Don’t be stupid.”

  “You sleep on the couch going forward,” she snapped.

  “You fell asleep!” he protested. “What was I supposed to do?”

  “You wake me up or you sleep on the goddamned floor!” Charlotte cried. “You do not leave me on the couch.”

  He glared at her and she saw his own fangs extending but just as quickly as they came, they retreated.

  “Are you done?” Rand barked and she lowered the pillow, her eyes still flashing.

  “Not even close,” she spat back but she spun to storm from the room.

  “Where are you going now?”

  “I’m going to have a shower. The least you can do is make some coffee!” she shouted back.

  She was shaking with anger but she couldn’t say why such a small thing had riled her up so badly.

  You’re on edge because there’s too much going on. And you’re missing Rhett.

  Maybe because she’d been aware of where he was every moment when he’d been in his funk after signing the divorce papers, but when he’d gone off grid then, she hadn’t missed him nearly as mush as she did now.

  In a weird way, she felt like she was never going to see him again.

  That’s just stupid, she chided herself. You’ll see him soon.

  But when she slipped into the shower to lather her silken black curls, she couldn’t stop the anxiety from mounting in her body. Even as the water beat against her skin in even, hot waves, the tension only seemed to be growing.

  It wasn’t the danger of being exposed that worried her—Char would do what needed to be done to protect herself.

  And I guess I’m triply protected with Don Juan out there.

  No, her biggest concern was that Mia would come fluttering back into Rhett’s life and try to pick up where she’d left off.

  And I’ll be powerless to stop her.

  A part of her knew that the concern was likely unfounded but the divorce had come as such a great relief to Charlotte, she couldn’t help but wait for the other shoe to drop.

  But if I prove that Mia is just as corrupt as I’ve always suspected she is, then Rhett will be forced to see her for what she always was—a bitch not worthy of his love.

  Rand pounded on the door.

  “Are you almost done in there?” he yelled. “I need to pee!”

  She ignored him. He could explode for all she cared.

  “Come on, Char!” he cried and ire shot through her. In a flash, she grabbed her towel and wrapped herself tightly before throwing the door open to glower at him.

  “Charlotte,” she hissed. “My name is Charlotte.”

  He seemed taken aback by her tone as he shifted uncomfortably before her.

  “I know,” he replied slowly. “What did I call you?”

  “Char. Don’t ever do that again.”

  You’re not Rhett.

  “Fine,” he said stiffly. “Can I pee now?”

  “No,” she snapped, slamming the door in his face.

  “Oh, come on, Charlotte!”

  She cleared the steam off the mirror and studied her expression closely in the glass.

  You need to focus on not blowing anyone’s cover, she told herself. You need to get Rhett off your mind for now.

  But as she turned away, bundling her curls into a towel-turban, Charlotte knew it would be easier said than done.

  ~ ~ ~

  “Your hand is sweaty,” Charlotte muttered and Rand grimaced.

  “Pretty sure that’s your hand creating a pool.”

  “Do we really have to hold hands? Christ, it’s not like we’re living in 1960. You don’t need to stake your claim.”

  “Do you ever stop complaining, Charlotte?”

  “What can I say? You bring out the worst in me.”

  “The restaurant is just up there.” Rand pulled her hand and Charlotte scowled but allowed herself to be yanked along.

  The inside of Limoncellos was gorgeous, much more beautiful than anything Charlotte had ever seen.

  “I don’t see any of the usual suspects,” Rand murmured but Charlotte wasn’t sure if it was for her benefit or that of the people listening in.

  “Let’s have a seat,” Rand said as Charlotte looked around.

  “Let’s wait for a maître d’,” s
he replied flatly. She gave him a contemptuous look. “Have you never eaten in a fine dining restaurant before?”

  “Good evening.” The host didn’t seem impressed with the duo but Charlotte offered him a warm smile.

  “Hello. Table for two?”

  “Do you have a reservation?”

  But suddenly, Charlotte saw who she was looking for and shook her dark hair.

  “No. But I see a friend,” she replied, shoving past the maître d’ and losing Rand’s hand.

  “Madam, you cannot—”

  Charlotte was already across the room and standing in front of an almost full-circled booth at the back of Limoncellos.

  Mia hadn’t seen her yet, her head bowed down against Theo Susi’s as if she was telling him an intimate secret, but he saw her and his eyes narrowed.

  “Can I help you?” Theo asked, pulling away. Charlotte ignored him and slipped into the booth, uninvited. She could feel Rand’s reproving look boring into her back.

  “Hi, Steph,” she purred, relishing the balking of Mia’s face. “It’s me, Charlotte Penisi. Remember me?”

  Mia’s chin quivered and for a terrible moment, Charlotte thought she was going to do something stupid like cry.

  “Stephanie, do you know this woman?” Charlotte held Mia’s eyes and slowly, she watched her despised counterpart regain her composure.

  “Oh… yes,” Mia choked. “H-how nice to see you, Charlotte.”

  “I’m so glad to hear you say that!” Charlotte gushed, turning to nod at Rand, who remained standing by the table. “Sit down, babe. I’ve been hoping to run into someone I knew here and look at us!”

  “I don’t know if your friends want us to join them,” Rand growled but Charlotte’s look caused him to clamp his mouth closed.

  “That’s ridiculous!” Charlotte laughed, turning back to Mia. “You’re happy to see me, aren’t you?”

  “Of course,” Mia whispered. “Please, sit down.”

  Theo’s eyes narrowed as he studied the two newcomers.

  “I’m sorry, who are you?” Theo asked bluntly but Charlotte had expected such a greeting.

  “Oh, sorry!” Charlotte giggled. “I’m Charlotte. This is my boyfriend, Craig. We’re from Toledo.”

  A slight understanding crossed over Theo’s face.

  “Oh… you knew Steph from home.”

  “Yes,” Charlotte replied sweetly but her eyes were cutting into Mia’s face. “From our home.”

  “W-what brings you to Chicago?” Theo asked but Charlotte could see his guard lowering and even Rand seemed to realize that his partner had full control of the situation.

  “Work. Well, Craig’s work. I can do my work from anywhere.”

  “And what is it you do, Craig?”

  The men began to speak as if the women weren’t there but again, Charlotte had anticipated the misogynistic greeting from the capo.

  “What are you doing here?” Mia hissed, her face almost translucent with fear.

  “Just checking in,” Charlotte replied calmly, watching the males through her peripheral vision to ensure they weren’t listening.

  “I don’t need you checking in!”

  “You should keep your voice down, Stephanie.”

  “You tell your partner that it’s over,” she muttered and Charlotte gaped at her before laughing.

  “My partner has nothing to do with this,” she assured Mia and the words seemed to fill the woman with even more fear.


  “Think of me as your reinforcements,” Charlotte breathed lightly. “You can never be too careful, right?”

  “How long are you in town?” Theo asked, interrupting their intense conversation.

  “Indefinitely,” Rand and Charlotte answered in unison.

  “Perfect,” Theo drawled, sitting back against the leather booth to drape an arm over Mia. “We’re having a little get-together tomorrow night at our townhouse. Why don’t you come and we’ll introduce you to some of our friends? It’s nice to see someone from Steph’s past for once. I was beginning to think she’d fallen from the heavens and into my lap.”

  I bet you made him feel that way, Charlotte thought grimly but she maintained her bright smile.

  “That would be amazing, wouldn’t it, babe?” she asked Rand. He managed a tight smile and nodded.

  “Will you text me the address, Steph?” Charlotte asked. “Here, give me your phone and I’ll program my number.”

  Reluctantly, Mia shoved her iPhone toward her and it was then that Charlotte saw it.

  Slowly, her eyes traveled upward to where Theo’s arm was still casually draped over Mia’s shoulders.

  The couple was wearing matching wedding rings.

  “Y-you’re married?” Charlotte whispered, her cover forgotten. Mia turned her head away and Theo chuckled.

  “Two weeks today, actually,” he replied.


  A wave of bile rose into Charlotte’s throat but somehow, she managed to choke it down, rising to her feet.

  “Charlotte…” Mia said pleadingly but Charlotte couldn’t look at her. It wasn’t just that Mia had fallen into her cover. She’d fallen in love and gotten married.

  “I have to go!” Charlotte rasped, worried that she might faint. “I totally forgot I have something to do.”

  She couldn’t spend another moment standing at the table and she rushed away before she could betray her true emotions.

  She hasn’t just flipped, she’s developed a whole new life. I have to get out of here before she rats on me.

  “What the hell was that about?” Rand demanded, catching up with her outside of the restaurant. “That wasn’t suspicious at all.”

  “They’re married.”

  “I heard.”

  She looked at Rand in disgust. He didn’t seem fazed in the least.

  “Did you know about this?” she demanded, realizing why he was so impassive.

  Rand shrugged his shoulders. “Like I said, Charlotte, I’ve been doing this a while. Nothing surprises me anymore. The good news is that we can go home now.”

  “H-how the hell do you figure that?” Charlotte snapped. “She’s playing double agent! We need to bring her in!”

  “That’s not our call to make. Our job was to come here and see what’s going on.”

  “Now that she knows we know she’s married to the fucking capo, she’s going to do something desperate, Rand.”

  “And we can’t risk being around for something like that,” Rand agreed. Charlotte knew exactly what he meant. If they were cornered, they would fight their way out, leaving them vulnerable to exposure.

  Still, Charlotte knew she couldn’t simply walk away from the operation, not when she didn’t understand how Mia could do this, not only to the CPD but to Rhett.

  But this works to your advantage, she thought. This is what you wanted—Mia out of Rhett’s life forever. This solidifies it, doesn’t it?

  She wondered, then, why she felt so miserable in her discovery.

  “No,” Charlotte said flatly, moving toward Rand’s Charger. “We’re not telling Kelly anything, not yet.”

  “Wait, what?” Rand ran to catch up. “Why not?”

  “Because I’m not satisfied she’s not under duress,” Charlotte lied. “Let’s go to that party tomorrow and see what else we can find out before calling it in.”

  “Charlotte, this is not a good—”

  “You’re backup, remember?” she shot back. “This is my op.”

  Rand gritted his teeth and unlocked the car. “Are you friends with Mia or something?”


  She didn’t offer anything more than that but as they drove away from the restaurant lot from the parking spot a few blocks away, Charlotte could feel Rand’s eyes on her.

  It’s none of his damn business. Kelly sent me here to find out exactly what’s happening and that’s what I intend to do.

  Chapter Seven

  What Is Going On?

nbsp; “We could be walking into a trap,” Rand reminded her for what felt like the dozenth time since they left the apartment. “I feel like we should—”

  “Oh, for Christ’s sake, then stay home!” Charlotte snapped irritably. “You’re worse than a Chihuahua.”

  Rand’s lips pursed but to Charlotte’s relief, he stopped with his incessant complaints.

  “Nothing is going to happen in front of a hundred people,” Charlotte continued, flipping the visor down to check her makeup. “They’ll need to take us out of the room and we both know we can handle ourselves in that situation.”

  “I’d rather not have to,” Rand bit back. “We’re not even microphoned.”

  Charlotte scowled at him. “We snuck out by design, remember?” she shot back. “Are you seriously going to be a pain in my ass all night?”

  “Oh, that’s rich. I’m the pain in your ass,” he snickered. “Right.”

  “You just keep the big players away from me and Mia—”


  “Okay, seriously, you’re going to have to stop that before I punch you in the throat.”

  “If everything goes sideways because you keep slipping up your friend’s name—”


  Rand’s eyebrows shot up in surprise and a wry smile formed on his lips.

  “I can see that,” he chuckled. “Who is she to you?”

  “No one.”

  “She’s someone to you. She inspires so much rage, it’s almost spitting out of your eyes by the way of laser beams.”

  Charlotte studied his face, wondering if he didn’t know already, but she could see nothing but a need to understand why she was acting so venomously toward Mia.

  “She was my partner’s wife.”


  Surprise colored his face and Rand shook his head in disbelief.

  “And they sent you on this op? That’s not very smart.”

  “What? You think I can’t be professional?”

  Rand howled with laughter until it shook the car, and she glowered at him.

  “Coming from a woman who attacked me with a pillow for taking the bed, no, I don’t think you can be professional when you’re a bomb ready to explode.”

  “Can we just get in there, Rand?”



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