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Demonic Dora

Page 14

by Claire Chilton

  “Bloody demons.” The fairy stood up, brushing her dress to smooth it down. She shot Pooey a sideways glance. “Do you really think I’m pretty, big fella?”

  Kieron rolled his eyes when Pooey’s chest puffed out at the words ‘big fella’.

  “Enough! Where the hell is Dora?” Kieron cried.

  “She went for a drink with your dad,” Spazmerelda said.

  “Yeah, she did.” Pooey confirmed.

  “Did she go willingly?”

  “Yeah, she was pretty happy,” Spazmerelda said.

  “She was giggling and didn’t give a crap about me,” Pooey added.

  “Did she ask about me?” Kieron tried to understand why she would go without him.

  “No.” They replied in unison.

  He slumped on the bed before picking up the tub of ice cream and the spoon. He looked into the tub.

  It might make me feel better.

  “No!” he said, dropping the ice cream on the floor and standing up with renewed determination. “She would not have left me if she’d known I was trapped. It’s my fucking father up to something again!”

  “He is kinda sneaky.” Spazmerelda agreed.

  “He is a total dick,” Pooey said.

  “I’m going to get him back for this.” Kieron narrowed his eyes and clenched his hands into fists.

  Dora woke up with a smile. She stretched out on her bed yawning. Last night had been amazing. She had learned about controlling demons while having a spa treatment from a coven of witches. Lord Lascher had told her it was an exploration into learning about her powers here in Hell. It had begun with therapy shopping at the most expensive boutiques and ended with a makeover at the Wych Spa. On top of all that, she could now control small demons with her willpower alone, which had been immense fun to learn. Although, when she tried it on Pooey last night, he’d just scowled at her and stomped away.

  Dora frowned.

  Why was Pooey so weird last night?

  She sat up on the bed and scanned the room. “Pooey?”

  The room was silent.

  Did something happen to him?

  She began to worry. Pooey was always saying someone would eat him, but she had thought he’d be safe in her room.

  “Pooey, where are you?” She jumped off the bed and searched the room for him. He wasn’t under her bed or in her wardrobe. She checked her backpack. He wasn’t in there either.

  Where the hell is he?

  Horrible thoughts of finding a half-eaten Pooey in the kitchen plagued Dora’s mind as she frantically searched her room for the little ball of fluff.

  When she couldn’t find a hint of Pooey in the room, she decided to find Kieron. Maybe he could help. Not that he’d been particularly nice last night either, which had majorly pissed her off. He didn’t appear to like her anymore. She’d tried asking Lord Lascher why Kieron hadn’t come with them, but Lord Lascher had brushed the question away with a vague, ‘Kieron won’t be into all this girly stuff.’ Nevertheless, she had felt abandoned by Kieron and assumed he had decided not to come with them because he didn't like hanging out with her anymore.

  Maybe he just wanted a break last night, she rationalised, deciding to find Kieron and talk to him about it. He could help her find Pooey, and maybe they could bury any hatchets they had along the way.

  Dora opened her bedroom door with a bright feeling of hope growing inside her. The feeling turned to ice before cracking into a million pieces and shattering when she saw Kieron leaving his room with Pooey sitting on his shoulder.

  She stared at the backs of her friends as they walked down the corridor together, not even glancing in her direction. She silently closed her door and turned away from it when an overwhelming feeling of sadness washed over her. She sank against the door, sliding down it until she knelt on the plush red carpet in her bedroom.

  I can’t believe I worried about them, and they didn't even give me a second thought.

  Feelings of betrayal, sadness and anger overwhelmed her. She scowled, seeing red as the mindless urge to punch something exploded inside her.

  How dare they ditch me?

  She growled as she rose to her feet, and the anger built up inside her. A ball of fury grew in her belly, needing some kind of outlet.

  She shrieked and spread her hands out towards her window. Fireballs shot from her fingertips, exploding on the window frame and engulfing the curtains. A feeling of emptiness washed over her as she stood there panting and watching the flames lick the curtains. The fire grew as it burned up into a blaze. She walked towards the window, feeling the heat of the fire warm her face. Her mind was blank as she watched the fire destroy the window frame, and the flames grow larger.

  “Chill,” she said in a dead tone. Ice formed on the window and doused the flames, creating a shiny coating over the burnt wood. She stared at it for a long time.

  Eventually she frowned.

  What the fuck was that?

  She shook her head, feeling unsure about what had just happened, but she was more concerned by her sudden loss of allies than her curtain destroying skills.

  What am I going to do if I have no friends here anymore?

  Kill anything that gets in your way. A dark voice in her mind replied.

  Dora frowned. Even her thoughts were darker in Hell.

  “Do you even know what you’re doing?” Pooey shot Kieron an uneasy glance.

  Kieron hung snotroot around his father’s bedroom door. He paused and peered down at the little demon. “Trust me,” he said. “This will keep him in his room.”

  “It wouldn’t keep me in a room,” Pooey replied.

  “Well, you’re a ninja, and he isn’t,” Kieron said with a sigh. He didn’t actually know if this would work, but he had to try something to keep his father away from Dora, didn’t he?

  “That stuff is kinda gross.” Pooey gestured at the goopy strings of snotroot hanging around the doorframe.

  Kieron rolled his eyes and continued spreading the green gooey gel around the wooden frame with his fingers.

  Does this guy ever shut up?

  “Kinda stinks too,” Pooey said.

  Kieron contained a growl and continued spreading the snotroot around the entrance to his father’s chambers.

  “I don’t think it’s going to work,” Pooey added.

  Kieron spun around and pointed a finger at Pooey. A large gob of snotroot flew off his hand and splatted Pooey in the face. “Shhh!” he hissed. “He can’t wake up until I’ve finished.

  “Eww!” Pooey cried, trying to wipe the hanging trails of snot off his face.

  “Shush,” Kieron whispered when he heard noises of movement inside his father’s chambers.

  “Get this stuff off me. It’s gross! Oh, my eyes. My eyes are stinging. I’ve been snotted! Help me.” Pooey rolled around on the floor, attempting to wipe his face off on the thick red carpet.

  “What the hell is going on out there?” Kieron heard his father shout inside his room.

  “Shit,” he muttered. He snatched the grimoire off the floor and quickly flipped to the bookmarked page for the right spell.

  “Dude, I think you messed it up.” Pooey paused rubbing his face on the carpet and peered up at Kieron.

  “Not yet, I haven’t.” He ground out, trying to suppress the urge to kick Pooey. “Spiritus snotirious, with root of the giant nostril, I bind thee.” He rushed out the words as the door handle turned.

  He jumped back, nearly crushing Pooey as the door cracked open.

  His father stood in the doorway wearing red silk pyjamas. He had a confused expression on his face. “What the hell are you doing outside my bedroom?”

  Kieron exhaled a deep breath before bravely puffing out his chest. “Protecting Dora from you.”

  “What have you done this time? Devil’s balls, but you’re an idiot of a son sometimes,” his father muttered, taking a step towards Kieron. Green veins lit up in the gloopy snotroot around the doorway, and a large blob of it landed on Lord L
ascher’s head. He glanced up, frowning. “Oh, you fucking idio—” He didn’t finish as the snotroot expanded with an elastic twang across the doorway, covering Lord Lascher in a thick jelly-substance and freezing him in it.

  “Ooh, effective!” Pooey said, rubbing his chin and studying the frozen Lord Lascher, who now looked like a giant booger. “Will it go crusty later?”

  Kieron hadn’t actually read into what else the spell did, but seeing his father struggling through a wall of thick snot was kinda cool. Lord Lascher shouted something at Kieron, but the mucus covering him muffled the sound. Judging by his father’s expression, he wasn’t saying anything particularly pleasant.

  “That’s what you get for messing with my girl,” Kieron said to the snot-frozen figure.

  He took an involuntary step backwards when his father’s eyes burned red, and he noticed the murderous look in them.

  Oh shit!

  His father’s face twisted and turned black. Large fangs grew over his lips. His muscles bulged as he changed into his demon form, and his body grew in size. The slimy covering expanded around him as his massive, veiny wings sprouted from his back. The gooey cage stretched as its prisoner expanded inside it until it finally exploded, splattering Kieron and Pooey with giant blobs of snot.

  Kieron fell backwards when a giant gob of goop whapped him in the face. He landed on the floor next to a drenched Pooey.

  “This is the last time I let you choose the spell,” Pooey muttered, waving his drenched, fluffy arms in an attempt to shake the slime off them.

  Kieron grimaced as he peered up at his father. The black demon shook the snot off its scaly body, spraying mucus all over him and Pooey in the process.

  Lord Lascher stared down at Kieron with angry, blood-coloured eyes. “Your ass is mine now, boy.” His threatening growl sent a shiver down Kieron’s spine.

  When he didn’t reply, the demon narrowed its eyes before a wicked smile lit up his face. “And so is your girl.”

  He scowled at his father and expelled a guttural growl of his own as his inner demon bubbled to the surface. Anger burned in the back of his throat as he jumped to his feet, feeling his demon muscles popping up all over his body.

  “Dude, he’s way scarier than you are,” Pooey said.

  Kieron spun his head around to face Pooey. He snarled at him. Pooey held up his hands in surrender. “I’m just sayin’.”

  Kieron turned back to face his father, narrowing his eyes at the black beast and clenching his fists. “Stay away from Dora.”

  “What are you going to do about it if I don’t?” His father taunted. “You can’t save her. She’s already mine.”

  Fuelled by pure rage, he launched himself at his father and attacked with a loud roar. “You can’t have her!”

  Dora let out a polite cough before placing the tiny porcelain teacup back in its saucer with a dainty clink. She felt like a clumsy giant near Lady Lascher’s fragile tea service. “Thank you for the tea, Lady Lascher.”

  After deliberating, she’d decided she needed a female point of view about her explosion in her room. With Kieron and Pooey abandoning her and Lord Lascher being useless to talk to because he was so vague about everything, her only option had been to find Lady Lascher and ask her advice. At least Lady Lascher would tell her what she genuinely thought, even if it was via her bipolar inner demon.

  “You’re welcome, Dora. I must say, it’s nice to see you’ve been learning to use your abilities.” Lady Lascher smiled, but her words were a little on the frosty side.

  “I can’t thank your family enough for helping me fit in,” Dora said, deciding to butter her up for the best chance of decent advice.

  “No need to thank us, my dear. I’m told Kieron’s chances of passing his exams this year are much improved since you’ve been here.” Lady Lascher placed her teacup on the side table and offered her a piece of carrot cake.

  She winced when she accepted the cake. She didn’t dare eat it for fear of spilling it on the pristine floral couch. She considered Lady Lascher’s words. “I don’t think I’ve done much to help Kieron, yet.”

  “No, not yet, but you will.” Lady Lascher smiled again.

  Dora frowned.

  What the hell is that supposed to mean?

  “What do you me—?” She didn’t finish her question as a loud crash resonated behind her. She spun around to see Kieron and his father burst through the wall in a tumble of demon claws and bulging muscles. The black mass of Lord Lascher’s demon form dwarfed Kieron’s tanned skin as they struggled and clawed at each other in a flurry of fists.

  “Holy shit!” Dora gasped.

  “Don’t swear, dear. It’s vulgar,” Lady Lascher said as she placed her teacup in its saucer.

  Kieron screamed when his father clawed at his chest, leaving trails of blood down it and shredding his white shirt to pieces. He punched his father in the stomach, and the giant demon groaned.

  Lord Lascher retaliated, grabbing Kieron by the throat and lifting him into the air by his neck. Kieron wriggled like a worm on a hook, gasping in his father’s grip. He appeared helpless as the black demon held him several feet above the ground.

  “I vow by Satan’s nutsack, if you don’t put my son down right now, you’ll regret it!” Lady Lascher’s voice was cold, calm and deadly.

  “I will after I’ve bitten his fucking head off,” Lord Lascher replied as he bared his sharp fangs at Kieron.

  “Do not make me angry.” Lady Lascher snarled at her husband.

  “Aww, come on. The little shit needs discipline.” The black demon whined.

  “Then I will do it. Put him down, NOW!”

  Lord Lascher hissed at Lady Lascher before dropping Kieron onto the Oriental rug.

  Dora rushed to Kieron’s side as he sank to his knees panting for air. She touched his shoulder with tentative hands, wincing at his damaged skin. Deep scratches ran down his muscular chest and on to his defined abs. His shirt was ripped and hanging off him, and there were painful-looking red marks around his neck. She knelt beside him and cupped his chin, raising his face to make sure he was okay. His deep blue eyes locked on hers. They were filled with sadness and defeat.

  “Dora, would you be so kind as to take Kieron to his room, and make sure he is okay?” Lady Lascher asked.

  “Sure.” Dora nodded and helped Kieron stand. She draped his arm over her shoulders, so he could rest his weight on her before she guided him out of the room.

  “No! That little shit doesn’t deserve a fucking nursemaid.” Lord Lascher jumped in front of Dora, blocking their path to the exit. “Give him to me!” The wicked gleam in Lord Lascher’s bloody eyes made her grip Kieron tighter against her.

  Like hell I’m letting you near him.

  Kieron groaned, and his muscles trembled under her hands as he attempted to stand up straight on his own. “Round two,” he muttered.

  “Like hell!” Dora tightened her grip on Kieron. She refused to let him get hurt again. “Lord Lascher, no offence, but get the fuck out of my way before I kill you again!” she said.

  Lord Lascher laughed. “Without a staff, dear? What exactly do you think you can do to me?”

  Dora scowled at him. “Keep pissing me off and find out.”

  Lord Lascher poked a sharp claw into Kieron’s chest, causing another bloody wound to appear on it. Kieron groaned, and Dora tried to pull him out of the demon’s reach, but Lord Lascher just poked Kieron harder in the chest.

  “Doodlysquat!” She screamed at Lord Lascher, but nothing happened.

  The bloody claw left Kieron’s chest and gently lifted her chin. “You only have the power I give you, stupid girl.” Lord Lascher mocked her.

  “Enough!” Lady Lascher bellowed. An invisible force flung Lord Lascher back against the wall, knocking over a china cabinet in the process. Thick green vines wrapped around his body and pinned him to the wall, so he resembled struggling wall art instead of a scary demon.

  “Dora, if you’ll see to Kieron, I’
ll see to my husband,” Lady Lascher said in a calm voice. She turned towards Lord Lascher, and green smoke filled the room.

  “Thanks,” Dora said before rushing from the room, taking Kieron with her.

  ”Lionel, we need to have a chat.” She heard Lady Lascher snarl as she closed the door behind her.

  Dora leaned Kieron over his bed, taking great care as she helped him lay down on it. He looked beaten in every sense of the word with bruises beginning to show around his throat, deep gashes down his torso and a few cuts on his face.

  He turned his face away from her and looked at the red wall of his bedroom without saying a word. She suspected he was in a lot of pain.

  In an attempt to end the awkward silence, she patted him on the shoulder in a spot unmarred by injuries. It was the only part of him undamaged by the fight. “I’m going to find some bandages,” she said.

  “Fine.” His voice sounded abrupt and serious. He didn’t even glance at her, which worried her more than his wounds did.

  “I’ll be back in a minute.” She rushed into the bathroom, searching for a first aid kit or bandages in the mahogany cabinets hanging on the wall. In the first cupboard, she found an array of man products. She eyed them with curiosity. Masculine-looking gels, aftershaves, razors and weird-looking brushes filled the cupboard.

  Bloody hell, he has more of this stuff than I do.

  She shook her head. Browsing through his toiletries was not why she was here. She moved on to the second cabinet. When she opened it, her eyes widened and her mouth dropped open. Boxes and boxes of condoms in all kinds of colours and flavours were bursting out of the cupboard.

  Well, at least he’s well prepared … Who uses that many condoms in a year?

  She peered back through the open doorway into his bedroom, wondering how many girls he’d slept with this year. Out of curiosity, she picked up one of the boxes. It was a black box labelled ‘STUD’. It had a picture of a horse on it with the words, ‘Ride all night long’ emblazoned across the front. She frowned. Eww! She inspected the sell by date on the box and grinned. It went out of date two years ago and was unopened.

  He’s not a player after all.


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