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His Smile: A Mafia Romance

Page 10

by Katerina Winters

  Disappointment mingled like acid in her stomach with regret as she turned back straight in her seat. She shouldn’t have run.


  Stopping midway down the quiet hallway, she gave a dismal look to the closing elevator doors and back up to Calvin’s determined face. For a ride that should have only taken fifteen minutes, it took nearly double that as Calvin purposely took longer indirect routes all the while pleading his case. He claimed he was a changed man, he told her he had gotten caught up with the lifestyle the other players on his team had of partying and going out every chance they got. Despite her insistence that he just drop her off in the front of her building, he ignored her protests and continued to try and persuade her back. She was too tired for this. Any energy she may have had left from her party immediately depleted at the sight of Roman’s unsmiling face.

  “Please,” she began softly, giving Calvin an honest look. A look that he had rarely seen from her but immediately recognized its seriousness. “You and I are done. We had our time, and it just didn’t work out.”

  Hoping to just end it then and there, she turned and walked the rest of the way to her door, praying he would just leave it at that. Switching her phone and Egyptian headdress to one hand, she pulled her key out of her tiny gold pouch.

  The sudden presence behind her caused her hopes to plummet and her irritation spark. Standing beside her, with no visible intention of giving up, Calvin stood like a surly giant to her right.

  “I made one mistake, and you’re seriously never going to give me a chance to make up for it?” His incredulous tone paused her hand as she unlocked the door.

  Annoyed and very close to angry, she gave him a withering look. “That’s correct,” her tone was clipped. “You ended our relationship so you could enjoy the groupie lifestyle your illustrious career affords you.”

  She watched the emotions pass through his handsome face. Apparently deciding a different tactic, Calvin gave her a soft pleading look. Cupping the rounds of each of her shoulders, he stepped closer to her, forcing her to look up. “Please baby, let’s just go inside and sit and talk about this. I don’t want to let you go. You have no idea what it has been like for me without your smile in my life and then to finally see you tonight looking so damn good,” his voice trailed off purposely as his eyes appraised every inch of her with obvious lust.

  Stepping out of his grip, she considered her chances of opening her door and rushing inside without the determined ballplayer following her inside. Her phone vibrated in her hand. Hoping it was her sister, she glanced at the incoming message and stilled.

  (If he steps foot into your apartment, I will start by breaking his right arm in five places.)

  Rahina could practically hear the dark threat being whispered from Roman’s smiling lips. Glancing at her door, Rahina clutched her phone and crown tighter in her hand as she stared in trepidation at the painted blue door. She knew, without a doubt, he was somehow inside her apartment, waiting. Shaking her head, she focused her distracted mind on her primary obstacle before considering the largest obstacle yet.

  “Calvin, for the last time I’m not getting back together with you, I don’t want to talk this out, and I want you to leave.” Each point was received like a bullet to the man’s ego. The trained, sweet cajoling face vanished, replaced by an angry scowl.

  “Fine, whatever,” he threw at her caustically. Turning away, he stomped to the end of the hall and pushed for the elevator.

  The sigh of relief stopped halfway in her throat as her phone vibrated again.

  (Now come inside.)

  Her breathing turned shallow as she shifted nervously on her feet. Glancing down the now empty hall towards the closed doors of the elevator, she considered her options.

  (If you run, I will catch you.)

  (And instead of talking here like I planned, I will simply take you back to my place. Forcibly.)

  Insidious excitement wrapped around her thumping heart. Unlocking the door, she stepped into her apartment. Her front door opened into a small unlit hallway. At the open mouth of the hall, she could see the dim light coming from her living area. Rahina slowly walked forward, setting her small purse and crown onto the tiny mirror table along the way. Keeping her phone nervously clutched in her now sweating hands, she reached the end of the short hall. The air in her lungs constricted as her eyes met Roman’s. Leaning back with the lounging grace of a panther, he let one long muscular tattooed arm draped casually across the top of her emerald velvet sofa. Mentally, she yelled at herself for being too lazy to change the bulb in the overhead light. With only the light from her floor lamp, it felt as if the room was bathed in warm golden candlelight which seemed to only accent the hard planes and strong jaw of Roman’s face. Unapologetically at home in her small living room, Roman’s dominating presence took up every corner of the room.

  Suddenly, Rahina realized how feminine her little one-bedroom apartment seemed compared to Roman’s overwhelmingly male presence. Beneath his large, expensive leather shoes, the muted pinks, purples, and blues of her Turkish area rugs seemed to glow neon under the staid color of his deep blue slacks and a plain white button-down shirt. The endless shelves of potted plants taking up her large double windows that joined her connected living area into her small open kitchen screamed whimsy and merriment against the harsh black of his tattoos covering his brawny forearms and fingers. Dear God, why was it only now was she really seeing Roman for the apex predator he really was. He was right; they were nothing at all alike; her life was filled with smiles, tutus, and carefree dancing while his—was filled with danger and cold grins.

  The twin gray pools of his eyes watched her with alarming scrutiny. It felt as if she was standing face-to-face with a wolf in the wild. Cold primal eyes were zeroing in on her every breath, her every move, and reading her scared thoughts as she stood there trapped.

  Patiently he watched her, his wide mouth set firmly in an unreadable blank expression. Swallowing nervously, she stepped further into the room, stopping at the edge of the rug.

  “Roman, what are you doing here?” She asked breathlessly.

  “I play hard to get once, and you run to your ex? I thought you said you were persistent.” His voice was lethally soft as he gave her small taunting smirk.

  Unsure of his mood, she eyed him warily. “I didn’t run to him. I was running away from you,” she clarified. “Besides, your hard-to-get is pretty convincing and honestly a little scary,” she gave what she hoped was an indifferent shrug. Ever since that day in his office, she couldn’t get the image of his cold eyes out of her mind when he told her to leave. It was so startling, it was as if he simply came to a decision and just hit a switch, turning off any warm emotion.

  “You will give up that easily?” he asked provokingly. “I like to be chased,” he said, feigning a mock look of hurt.

  Annoyed, Rahina crossed her arms under her breasts, inadvertently revealing a few more inches of her sculpted torso as her halter top rose with the movement. She didn’t notice his gaze flick towards the movement. Rahina couldn’t figure out why he was doing this, she was sure he was just teasing her, but she couldn’t ignore the subtle charge in the air coming from the large gangster lounging on her couch.

  “I have no interest in chasing you if you don’t even like me,” she argued.

  One dark eyebrow rose as his smirk grew into a sardonic smile. “That didn't stop you before.”

  “Yes, well now my pride is involved,” lifting her chin, she held her breath as she gestured towards her front door. “You wanted to be rid of me fine, you got your wish now please leave...”

  He was up and off the couch before she could finish the sentence. With two steps he was in front of her, backing her up against the wall, her words were cut off with a sharp intake of breath. The light scent of cologne mingled with the radiating heat from his large body surrounded her. Instinctively, she raised her hands in defense, holding them uselessly at his firm chest. Heat like nothing she ever fe
lt with any of the men she had ever danced with seared at her fingers through his shirt.

  Roman planted one hand on the wall beside her and bent down to her ear. “That is not going to happen, beautiful. I am too far gone now, so I am here to stay,” his heavily accented voice was threaded with an intensity she had never seen from him.

  Although he stood perfectly still, Rahina’s senses were in high alert. Looking up at him, she felt her shoulder blades rub against the wall. Apprehension twisted in her stomach as she realized just how vulnerable she was in this situation. His gray eyes were alive with a lambent fire as he stared down at her waiting for her, daring her to argue.

  Shaking her head in confusion, she dropped her eyes to his wide chest, focusing on the fine leather of his chest holster. "Why the change all of a sudden, Roman?” she whispered shakily. “Before, you said I was out of my league, and I shouldn't be with you. Why torment me and say you want me now? You’re just going to end up pushing me away again.”

  Lifting his other hand to her face, Rahina shivered as he tenderly brushed some of her long hair back. Juxtaposing his tender movements, Roman’s smile grew large, reminding her of the Cheshire cat as he gave her an almost pitying look. “I’m done warning you Rahina, you wanted me…and now you have me.”

  Her heart constricted, and her breathing came out in shallow burst at the meaning of his words. This was it, the moment she had been working so hard for, and now that it was here, she was terrified. Towering in front of her was the most dangerous man in Boston, a man whose presence made grown men turn and run in fear. Letting her gaze slide back down to his chest, she eyed the dangling piece of hardware beneath his arm. A man who also carried a gun with him at all times with a matter-of-fact nonchalance.

  "I don’t know Roman, I-I don’t think we should…” She felt so smothered and overwhelmed by his dominating presence, she could hardly form coherent sentences. “You’re making me nervous," she accused breathlessly.

  Leaning his forehead to hers, Rahina held her breath as he looked directly in her eyes and replied deeply. "You should be."

  She had no time to react to the warning. Rough hands dropped to her bare waist, clasping her on both sides, pulling her hips flush against him. Naturally, she opened her mouth to respond, but that was all he wanted. Covering her mouth with his, Rahina jerked in his hold in surprise. All of her thoughts suddenly ignited and burned away as the heat of Roman’s mouth consumed her. Without meaning to, a small moan escaped her throat as she felt the firmness of his lips work across hers, demanding she surrender to him. Her senses were filled with the masculine mixture of soap, coffee grounds, and a hint of cologne. The feel of his large body against her like this, the taste of him in her mouth, Rahina felt herself succumbing to his silent demands. Releasing her lips just for a moment his eyes darkened with a wild hunger she had only ever read about in steamy online novels as he took in her dazed expression. Tilting her back deeper into his arms, forcing her body to rely on his strength, he pulled her back to his lips.

  “No,” she moaned against his firm lips.

  All of her sanity was drifting away like sand in the wind under his touch. Struggling to regain herself, she pushed at his broad chest. It felt as if she was pushing against a mountain, there was absolutely no give in his body.

  “Roman,” she whined as he nipped at her bottom lip, masterfully banishing some of the fight she had summoned. Clutching at his shoulders, she opened her mouth wider to his imploring hot tongue. Hearing his low growl of satisfaction jolted her mind back out of the haze. With renewed energy, she pushed against him turning her head from his drugging hot kiss. Slowly, she felt the hard bulge of his bicep flex beneath her back as he set her gently back upright.

  Uselessly, she held her hands up to his chest again, knowing it did absolutely nothing to stop him. Forcing herself to gather her thoughts, she backed out of his arms, bumping into the wall behind her.

  “No, you can’t do this, not after what you did!” she still couldn’t quite catch her breath. Her lips felt bruised and softened from his assault, and all she wanted to do was lick them. But she knew if she did that, she would be inviting trouble. Managing to collect her thoughts, she avoided his smoldering gaze as he stared at her with all the calm in the world. “You can’t just toss me to the curb and pick me back up when you want. Why now Roman, why all of a sudden?” she demanded suspiciously.

  Filling up the space she left between them in retreat, Roman took her by surprise as he leaned his forehead against her shoulder. “Because you have gotten under my fucking skin and I cannot get rid of you,” the depth of his voice sent tremors through her body.

  “I don’t believe you,” she whispered, more to herself than to him. She didn’t want to fall back into his sphere so easily, her pride demanded her to remember how he easily rejected her. But all she wanted to do was wrap her arms around his big warm shoulders and hold him to her, let him kiss her until her mind went blank. “You’re just jealous because you saw me with Calvin tonight,” she reasoned. “It’s just typical male jealousy and…”

  Roman laughed as he backed away. It was a harsh humorless laugh that made her instantly uneasy. Walking away from her, she watched him turn around, his eyes taking in the details of her apartment but not really seeing them.

  Turning back to her, he gave her a grim smile. “Honestly, I wish it was. I wish it was as simple as that. I wish I did not regret every minute after that fucking day I told you to leave.” He laughed mirthlessly as if he too couldn’t believe what was happening. “If it was just my ego, Rahina, I promise I could very easily have gotten over that,” he said, shaking his head with a harsh realization. “But it is not as simple as that, it turns out, you are consuming me from the inside out.” Stunned and a little confused she put up no resistance as he reached for her again, pulling her against his long hard body. Tilting her chin up, Roman brushed his thumb at the corner of her bottom lip, staring with hunger as he watched them part. She looked at him in open wonder as his predatory eyes seemed to zero in on the movement of her tongue wetting her suddenly dry lips. “I watched you perform that night,” he continued deeply, and she recalled the beautiful flowers she received wrapped in black paper. “I swear you are like a goddamn flame, consuming the best parts of me and I decided to stop fighting it.” Bending down, he placed a soft kiss just above the pulse at her neck, making her shiver for more. Clutching her hands against his shirt, she pulled him closer to her, ignoring the sensible voice in her head telling her to push him away. His voice vibrated against her collarbone as he brushed his lips upwards. “You asked for all of me, my beautiful Rahina, and now I am going to show you what you unleashed.”

  The fight in her completely vanished as his hands gripped her, lifting her easily in the air. Wrapping her legs around his waist, Rahina submitted to the overwhelming pressure of his will. A part of her knew that when she walked into her apartment earlier that Roman was going to get his way, they both did. Her body came alive under his touch, the feel of his large hands sliding down the dip in her waist to grip each curve of her ass cheeks through the thin satin material of her shorts delighted her.

  “Fuck, I hate these clothes,” he growled into the curve of her neck.

  “Why?” she breathed deeply, framing each side of his beautifully stern face with her hands, enjoying the rough feel of his facial hair trying to grow back. Leaning down in his arms, she kissed his lips in soft exploring kisses, much different than his consuming ones. She marveled in the taste of him, barely able to get enough. “Everyone liked my outfit.” She eventually pulled away, absently thinking of her friends’ reaction to her simple but eye-catching outfit.

  “My point exactly,” he grumbled against the hollow of her throat.

  She realized he stopped walking, looking around, she recognized the darkened interior of her bedroom and her rumpled bed directly behind her. As if on cue, he lowered her to the mattress. The soft, springy cushion of her bed sent a flash of warning through her mud
dled thoughts. Blinking she looked up to Roman’s towering body, to the wide berth of his massive shoulders and thick muscled arms. A hint of fear whispered along the edges of her mind.

  “Wait,” she held up a hand feebly as he stepped closer, his dark eyebrows furrowing at the sudden halt. “Wait, I want to make sure…I mean…,” It was hard to think with him being so close, there was so much she wanted to say to him.

  She wanted to demand an apology, she wanted him to admit further why he suddenly kicked her out of his life that day if he liked her. There was so much that was running through her head, but she could hardly think, she could barely even believe he was with her now like this. His metal gray eyes lightened as he watched her struggle for words. Smiling he stepped closer until his knees hit the edge of the bed and he reached out and pushed her gently down until her legs were dangling off the edge of the bed and her back was flat on her rumpled unmade comforter. She felt the bed depress between her thighs as he kneeled one knee between them, the soft material of his slacks rubbing against the sensitive skin of her inner thigh. Removing the leather holster from around his arms, he anchored both arms, one on either side of her head holding himself above her.

  Swallowing, she tried to focus, wanting to make sure they were both on the same page. “I just want to make sure…I mean…I don’t want to see other people.”

  A chaotic gleam glimmered in his eyes as he bent down to nip at her neck. “Mmm,” he purred against her thrashing pulse, darting his tongue against her fevered skin, she could feel his responding smile to her jolting response. “I’m so glad you brought this up. Do you want me to explain in detail the level of carnage I will enact if I see you with another man?”

  Surprised at the volatile response, she was equally ashamed to admit that the lethal promise excited her on some level. “No! That’s not what I meant, I mean I don’t want either of us to see other people,” she gave him a meaningful look. “I don’t want to be cheated on. Tell me—promise me,” she clarified, lifting her hands to the wide expanse of his jaw again. She couldn’t get enough of touching him. Looking up at him from this position seemed like only a fantasy before, but now here he was staring down at her while one of his hands ran along her bare waist. Swiping her thumbs gently over the light stubble of his cheeks, she resisted pulling him down to kiss her again and waited pointedly for his response.


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