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His Smile: A Mafia Romance

Page 28

by Katerina Winters

  “My God, I have never seen anything so good in my life,” Misha who hadn’t stopped gushing about the performance stood in the middle of the small half circle the men made around her along with Christelle.

  They were standing backstage in the exclusive VIP room where only a few carefully selected members of the audience, investors, and press stood waiting for the dancers to come out from the back.

  “Oh, I know,” Christelle sighed with a hand to her chest. “I cried when I realized she had died. Did you know she was going to die?” Turning to Roman, she gave him a curious stare.

  Glancing away from the door where the dancers were supposed to come out of, Roman looked to Christelle with a wry smile. “She has died in everything I have seen her in thus far, I will be surprised if she ever lives to the end of a performance.”

  Both of the women laughed, just as the door opened. A round of applause went up as the cast walked out and greeted everyone. Still dressed in her final glittering moon maiden outfit, Rahina was rushed by reporters and people wanting to take photos with her and the two Princes. After nearly ten minutes of greeting and photos, she was able to extract herself with the help of security and come over to them where they stood in the far-off corner.

  Misha and Christelle pounced on her before anyone else.

  “You were so good…the holograph was amazing…I was so surprised…will there be DVDs?” All three men watched with silent amusement as the women fawned over the tall dancer. Answering all their questions with a warm smile, Rahina could only share quick glances with him over the excited women’s heads before taking a few pictures with them.

  Knowing that she was going to be called back to the throng of admirers any minute, Roman captured her hand in his. “Before you go,” he began, tugging at her hand to follow.

  Already standing at the side door, Mosca nodded at him as he approached and opened the door to an extra back room the theater had. Standing in a group talking, the people stopped as they caught sight of Rahina.

  The grip on his hand tightened as Rahina stopped and stared at her family. Both of her brothers, sisters, mother, and father had been in the booth next to theirs that night, all watching the performance at his invitation. For a few moments, nobody said anything. It was Amin, Rahina's father who stepped forward first followed by his wife. Roman could feel Rahina's tension at her mother's unreadable face, and he swore to himself if Deeya Chopra fucked this up he would have them living out of a motel room at the edge of the city by the end of the week.

  Mrs. Chopra looked at her daughter directly, and both Rahina and Roman could see the sparkling moisture in her eyes. “That was beautiful Rahina,” she cried softly, opening her arms to her daughter.

  Roman stood back and watched as Rahina hugged her mother and crying sister. Maybe now he could get a full night’s sleep.


  "Oh, come on, why are you giving me that look?" With her hands on her hips, Rahina sat dressed in her new black lingerie astride Roman's thighs.

  With one hand already strapped in one of his black cuffs he used on her, she had it secured to the headboard behind him.

  "I would rather for this to be reversed," he grumbled bitterly.

  She still had one hand to go, but so far, he wouldn't cooperate. Each time she tried to lift his arm, he purposely and quite effortlessly kept it down.

  "Oh, I know you would," she laughed knowingly. "But you said we could," she reminded him.

  That night at dinner when she proposed her want to tie him up, Roman had frozen mid bite of his food. Looking to her with a scowl, he flatly refused. It took the rest of dinner and the remainder of the night to plead her case, basically just using the argument that he did it to her all the time, so it was only fair she would get to do it back. Finally, and very reluctantly on his part, he agreed.

  A few moments of silence passed between them as he considered her words.

  "I take it back," without hesitation, Roman reached for the strap on his left wrist.

  "No Roman…come on, please…you can't back out now," she whined catching his arm having to hug it to her front to keep it from moving and even though she was pretty sure she was only able to get him to stop because he allowed it. Refocusing her argument, she turned an accusing glare at him. "Every time I begged you to stop you just ignored me,"

  Roman said nothing, he stared past her with deceivingly bored eyes as she still restrained his arm against the valley of her breasts.

  Trying a different tactic, Rahina released his arm and folded her own over her chest. "Is it that you don't trust me?"

  Slowly, his gunmetal gray gaze slid back to hers. "If I did not trust you, my beautiful Rahina, we would have not gotten this far."

  This was all about control. Roman lived off the commanding feeling every day of his life. Giving it up even momentarily was foreign ground for the man.

  Snuggling up against the curve of his neck, she placed a kiss against the hot skin, inhaling his clean manly scent. "I'm always scared when you tie me up," she admitted. A deep rumble vibrated his chest as he let out a groan, she could feel his free arm wrapping around her waist and pulling her closer to him. "And though I know you will never hurt me," she continued. "I still get really nervous when you do it." Rubbing against the underside of her thigh Rahina could feel the unmistakable bulge hardening beneath her at her confession. She never admitted these things before, not aloud at least. Of course, he knew she felt this way by her reactions and their continued escapades but saying it out loud felt different. It felt vulnerable but somehow honest and sexual. "The things you do to me, I can hardly repeat them, but it always feels so good."

  Lifting her head from his neck, Rahina felt warm all over at the spark of arousal in his eyes. Leaning in, she pressed her lips to his and felt triumphant at his immediate hungry response.

  Pulling away from him, she listened and watched as he muttered something in Russian, which she suspected from past use of the word was his version of "fine." Happy at her small victory, she quickly fastened the black Velcro strap around his thick wrist and secured it to the headboard on the other side of his head. Now with both arms up and fastened to the decoratively carved wooden headboard, she sat back against his hard thighs and admired her handy work all the while stifling a grin at his surly expression. A part of her wanted to pull out the blindfold she bought, but from the hard-edged look on his face, she knew that would be pushing it.

  With her long black hair falling to her waist and pooling around her thighs, Rahina pushed back some of the wavy tresses and reached for the front of her bra. Silently and hungrily Roman watched her hands move over one cup of the bra and unsnap the front portion. His mouth went dry as she pulled the flimsy lace piece away and let it fall somewhere to the floor. His balls tightened at the sight. The bra was nothing new to him, he had seen these peek-a-boo bras plenty at his brothel, but here on Rahina, it was something entirely different. Delicate lace spiraled like a triangle around her breasts framing them like works of art, with the fabric front removed she may as well be wearing nothing, but somehow the tiny scraps of framing triangle lace bordering her heavy breasts, accentuating her dark plum nipples—it was fucking maddening. Looking down, his mouth curled into a hard sneer of regret for agreeing to this, if she was wearing the bra then that must mean those matching panties were of the same ilk. Was that why she felt so hot against his leg, was the vertical seam opening against him now, pressing her exposed folds directly to his leg? Suddenly he felt like a fucking caged animal.

  Yanking hard on the restraints, the normally secure headboard lurched with a groan under the violent pull of his flexed arms. Jumping in surprise, her heart thudded in her chest as she realized his impatience. Eyes lowering, she looked down at the bunched sheet around his waist catching sight of the curved ridge of his erection pressing against the fabric, leaning forward and she placed another soft kiss at his lips. Bracing her arms against his solid chest, she smiled wickedly as she kept the kiss light and at her slow
pace, sensing his responding anger as he attempted to deepen it. Powerful muscles jumped restlessly under her hands like molten steel trapped beneath soft leather. His was angry and in need, and it made her want him all the more.

  Lifting herself to her knees, Rahina moved back until she was further down his thighs nearly at his knees. Grabbing the sheet with one hand, she slowly pulled it completely away from him, exposing his erection. Rahina couldn't stop her eyes from widening in reaction. It didn't matter how many times she had seen it, his thick uncut length stole her breath away. As if knowing what she intended to do, she bit the smile forming on her lips as it twitched slightly.

  "Rahina," she ignored his near growling whisper as she settled more comfortable between his slightly spread legs and bent over to him, capturing the hot flesh in one hand.

  Her sex warmed at his deep inaudible curse beneath his breath. Laying on her stomach, she hovered her mouth above the fat head, eyeing the bead of precum forming at the opening as she pushed back some of her hair over one shoulder. The heat coming from his skin was practically broiling hot as she slowly lowered her mouth over him, taking in the thick flesh of his cock.

  "Fucking hell," he groaned.

  His hips jerked slightly, and the sounds of the cuffs being snapped tight against the headboard rang out over her head as she slowly bobbed up and down on the turgid member. She could tell he was exerting nearly all of his control to hold his hips still and the thought only made her wetter. Moving faster, knowing he needed more from her, she pushed the foreskin down in a gliding motion as she accepted him deeper into her throat before gliding the slick foreskin back up as she sucked while pulling him to the edge of her mouth. Roman's rumbling frustrated groans were becoming more frequent, and she could tell he was enjoying the rhythm she set.

  Too bad she was going to disappoint him, she thought evilly.

  She had been planning this for days now, ever since the amazing night of her opening performance, she couldn't stop thinking of wanting to devour him. When he led her to her family, she nearly broke down in tears. He might never say the words that he loved her, but she knew without a doubt he did. Tonight, she was going to show him, she was going to show him just how crazy he made her.

  Reaching behind her, she grabbed the device she bought for tonight. Never breaking her stroke, she glanced up at him to see that his head was back and his eyes closed as she stroked him into her throat. Pulling back, she pulled the black elastic silicone of the ring and quickly slipped it over the head of his cock and pushed it to the base.

  "Rahina," his guttural voice warned as he looked down in disbelief and saw what she did.

  Sitting very snugly at the base of his dick was a cock ring with an attached stimulator for her. Grinning, she sat back and admired her handy work.

  Both of his large arms flexed in their spread position pulling at the straps until they were strained taut from the headboard. "Get it off," each word was evenly spoken with clear menace.

  Shaking her head, she pressed her lips together in an attempt to keep from grinning as she stood back on her knees, straddling him.

  His mouth tightened, and he straightened from the headboard and leaned threateningly closer to her, his eyes burning with black fire. "Cut me loose now."

  She would be lying if she didn't admit to the tinge of fear that ran across her heart at the threat. Even trussed up like this Roman was no less intimidating. His huge shoulders and thick arms took up most of the headboard, and his bright silver eyes promised the darkest of revenge. But he had every reason to be nervous she thought wickedly, the cock ring she placed on him was deigned to keep a man from cumming and with the added clitoral stimulator he was in for a ride of hell.

  "No," she said firmly reaching down and gently grabbing his standing length beneath her legs.

  "Rahina I swear to God if you do not cut me loose, I will fuck you for days straight, until I can no longer stand!!" he roared. Strained, tied, and angry his massive body practically pulsed waves of threatening energy. All of which she ignored.

  Lowering herself, she winced a little at the blunt stretching intrusion from this position.

  "Fuck," he whispered painfully letting his head roll back between his shoulder blades. "I'm going to kill you…fuck," his words were cut off with another expletive as she lowered herself deeper.

  Reaching out both hands to his shoulders with a small cry of pleasure, she breathed heavily as she pushed herself to the base.

  Grabbing the back of his head, she pulled his lips to her mouth. Desperately, she kissed him, whispering her love for him between gasps of air.

  "Rahina baby, please," she could barely enjoy the rare note of frenzy in his voice as she reached between them. Realizing what she was doing, he gave her look of disbelieving rage as she activated the vibrating stimulator.

  Simultaneously they both threw their heads back in devastating groans. Using his shoulders for leverage, she tried to bounce against him, but the pulsing vibrations against her clit and the stretching sensation of him inside of her was too much. Her body betrayed her will to last any longer and tightened around him as she cried out in release.

  Letting out a hoarse shout of tortured frustration, Roman shifted his hips and bucked her off of him letting her tumble to the bed next to him. Dazed and still incredibly sensitive Rahina watched in slow horror at what she was seeing. In a half crouch on the bed, Roman stared at her with blazing fury as he jerked his right arm over and over again against the decorative wooden slat.

  "Stop," she yelled, trying to reach for him to calm him down. "You'll just hurt yourself…"

  The audible sound of wood cracking interrupted her. With a sadistic satisfied look, Roman looked at his hand and gave another mighty yank, splintering the wood and releasing his arm. Like a viper, his freed hand moved to his other trapped arm and released it before she could respond. Reaching down to his cock, he pulled the piece of black silicone off with a snarl before reaching for her leg. Turned the wrong way around on the bed, with her head near the end and her feet near the now broken headboard, Roman held her leg at the knee as he buried himself inside of her with one fluid glide. Watching her neck arch as she moaned at the invasion, he dipped his head to suck at the arch of her throat while wrapping a fist with a handful of her hair. Pulling her hair until she was staring at him directly, he gave her that slow ever-growing evil smile.

  "I am going to make you pay for that, sweetheart."


  "George will be here in an hour, Ms. Chopra," Bill, the security guard, called to her from the doorway on the other side of the studio.

  Grabbing her towel to wipe her forehead, Rahina smiled and waved at Bill. “I should be gone by then, just want to finish this number, but I will lock the front just as you showed me when I leave.”

  Nodding with a smile, Bill disappeared from the doorway, leaving her alone in the studio. It was late, and a Saturday night, needless to say none of the other dancers were still in the building. After the second performance of their show last night and the promise of VIP access to all the major dance clubs wanting to cater to the temporary celebrity of the dancers’ fame, it was a no-brainer she would be the only one left. Going to a club was the last thing on her mind. Earlier, Roman had texted her telling her he would be a few hours late getting home. All she planned on doing tonight was going home, eating leftovers, and watching the finale of the cooking competition while snuggled up to her Russian giant.

  She was only able to put in twenty more minutes of practice before the continued thoughts of eating the leftover pasta Roman made the other night slowly drove her to the edge of her sanity. Grabbing her phone and her bag, she slung it over her shoulder and walked to the door hitting the light switch on her way out. Riding the elevator down to the first floor, she stepped out into the dimly lit foyer. During the day the foyer, which had large windows facing the street were usually filled with bright sunlight and fluorescent lights showcasing the eight-foot dynamic dance photos Dante had a
rtfully displayed. Now it was just plain creepy. With the one light near the empty security guard's booth by the door, it felt as if she was in a horror movie. Having arrived late today, she was lucky enough to score a parking spot in front of the building on the street instead of using the small parking garage connected to the building.

  Approaching the door, her heart lurched at the three shadowy figures waiting on the other side of the door between the entrance and her car. With her phone in hand, she paused and stared at the unfamiliar men with their backs to the door. Dressed in jeans, boots, and clean looking dark jackets, the men didn't show any sign of being vagrants. One man who was half turned to the door caught her eye, and her stomach dropped. Signaling to the other men, they all turned around and faced her at the door. Reasonably young, stocky, Caucasian, and with an undefinable element of danger they reminded her of some of Roman's enforcers—except for their clothes. She didn't know what it was about Russians, but for some reason, the need to wear a suit or the very least slacks and a button-down was damn near a requirement.


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