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Daddy's Bite: Paranormal Age Play

Page 5

by Jayda Marx

  That certainly didn't help him warm up to me. A vein bulged on his forehead as he inspected our clasped hands. "Don't bring that shit in here! Do you think these guys want to see that while they're trying to eat?" Al motioned towards the diners before gripping Israel's wrist and jerking his hand out of mine. Izzy whimpered in pain and I lost it.

  I wrapped my hand around Al’s throat and pulled him forward until our noses almost touched.

  Mind control is an interesting thing; the greater the intellect of the person you're trying to persuade, the harder it is to take over their subconscious. I tapped into Al’s mind like a hot knife cutting butter. I locked him in a statue-like state, keeping my hand on his neck, and turned to Izzy.

  "Are you okay?" He nodded while rubbing his wrist, but didn't take his wide eyes off of Al’s face, still etched in anger. Israel was the only one who seemed concerned; the diners that Al was so valiantly trying to protect from our gayness were eating their greasy food while not giving a shit what was going on around them. "Has he hurt you before?"

  "Never any worse than this," he replied, lifting his wrist. "Just a shove here or there if I was in his way. He never gave me a bruise or anything; it's okay."

  I tightened my grip on Al’s throat. He deserved to die; attacking a master vampire's mate was punishable by death, but I didn't want Israel to witness such a thing. My mate was too sweet for his own good; even defending his abuser. But hell, his own father slapped him around; maybe he saw his boss's behavior as normal. Maybe he was even grateful that he didn't hurt him worse.

  I sighed and cupped my hand on Izzy's cheek. "It's not okay," I argued gently. "No one gets to lay a hand on you, you understand?" He nodded and cast his eyes to the floor, but I lifted his head right back up. "I'm not upset with you; I'm worried about you. That's a Daddy's job, to watch over his boy. So please let me take care of you. You deserve better than this place and this man. Come with me and let me make you happy."

  The corners of his lips ticked up and his eyes shimmered. "Yes, Daddy." I kissed his forehead and he turned a worried gaze back to Al. "Will he be okay?"

  "He'll be just fine." Unfortunately. I wasn't about to leave him without a parting gift, however. I locked eyes with him and asked in my mind, "Can you hear me?" Al slowly nodded and I loosened my grip. "First, you're going to apologize to Israel for everything you've put him through and admit that you're a dick."

  He turned towards Izzy and said in a monotone voice, "I apologize for everything. I'm a dick." Izzy's brow furrowed in confusion, but he gave a nod.

  "Good. Those are the last words you'll ever speak to him. From this moment on, you are not to touch him, approach him, or even look at him. If you see him coming down the sidewalk, you are to turn around and go the other way. Is that clear?"

  "Crystal." Now for the fun part.

  "To make up for your sins, you will spend your weekends volunteering. You'll give your time and energy to helping those less fortunate than you. You will keep all negative words from your lips and spread nothing but peace."

  I released my physical and mental hold over him, and he blinked rapidly. When he saw Israel standing next to me, Al turned around quickly and hustled back into the kitchen. Granted, it wasn't as satisfying as squeezing the life out of him, but I thought it was a nice tribute to Izzy to have his tormentor spread some positivity in this crazy world.

  "Shall we?" I asked Israel, offering him my elbow. He looked back and forth between me and the kitchen doorway before nodding and taking my arm. When we stepped out onto the sidewalk, he removed his rabbit from my jacket and carried it in his free hand. I squeezed his fingers and suggested through a smile, "Let's go home."

  Chapter Four

  Before we went to my place, Israel asked if we could stop by his apartment to gather his things. It was unnecessary, as I would provide him with everything he needed, but I wanted him to be completely comfortable with the move and keep anything that brought him security. So, we walked back to his tiny place and collected everything he owned, which barely filled one garbage bag.

  Israel didn't say much as we packed up his things, and I assumed he was concentrating. But when I called for a limousine (it was easier than asking a coven member to drop off a car, and honestly, I wanted to treat Izzy; nothing was too good for my mate) to take us to the coven house and Izzy didn't say a word about the vehicle as we climbed inside, I worried something was wrong.

  The limo pulled away from the curb and I turned to Izzy to ask what was bothering him. But before I could speak the words, he asked, "You're not human, are you?"

  I was surprised by the bluntness of his question, but I wouldn't lie to him. "No, I'm not." I sighed and added, "I'm sorry; that wasn't how I wanted you to find out." There were definitely gentler ways of breaking my identity to him than manipulating a man's mind in his presence.

  "I knew something was off when Al apologized to me," Izzy admitted. "He never would have done that on his own."

  I muttered, "The bastard," under my breath, and Izzy snorted a laugh.

  "Yeah, pretty much." His smile disappeared when he asked, "What did you do to him?"

  "I didn't hurt him," I ensured. "And he's in no danger of hurting himself. I simply told him to leave you alone and urged him to be a better person." I hated to ask but I had to know, "Did it frighten you?"

  Israel thought a few moments before shaking his head no. "I'll admit it was strange seeing him all frozen like that, but I remembered what you said; that vampires use mind control to avoid fights. I knew you wouldn't hurt anyone unless you had to, and that you were just protecting me." I nodded my agreement and he asked, "So that's what you are? A vampire?"

  "I am." I let him digest the words for a moment before asking, "How do you feel about that?"

  "Hmm." Izzy stroked his fingers through his long hair as he thought. "I guess I don't feel anything about it." I arched an eyebrow and he explained, "It doesn't change who you are. I said you were the nicest person I ever met and I meant it. You don't hurt me and you want me to be happy. You understand what I need and want the same things as me. You're the best Daddy I could ask for. If you don't care that I'm human, why should I care that you aren't?"

  As he spoke, my smile kept stretching until my cheeks hurt. "Thank you, Izzy. You're the best boy I could ask for too." He pursed his lips and I gave him a soft kiss.

  "Will you tell me about vampires? I've only heard what my parents told me and I know none of that is true. I want to know all about you."

  "You make me so happy." The fact that he was not only unafraid of my identity but curious about it meant the world to me. "Come up here." I patted my thighs and Izzy quickly climbed onto my lap, nuzzling into my chest.

  "Where to begin?" I asked myself as I gathered my thoughts. I took a deep breath and started, "There are many fables about how vampires came to be; curses, black magic, deals with the devil, but the reality isn't nearly as fantastic. We are products of the universe just like humans, but our genetic makeup is a little different. It's true that we need to consume blood to survive, but that's true of many animals. I suspect it's off putting to people because of our physical similarities to humans. Human beings eat the flesh and meat of other animals - sometimes even raw meat that drips with blood, but we're still seen as different."

  "I never thought of it like that," Izzy admitted, and I squeezed him tightly.

  "In the beginning, vampires and humans didn't have the best relations; people feared and hated us. They saw us as evil creatures instead of a species desperate for survival. But even though we had a rough beginning, we learned to tolerate each other and in time, were able to live in peace. It helped immensely when my kind developed a life saving measure for humans as well as an alternate food source for vampires." I explained all about the company my coven ran as Israel listened intently.

  "So you don't even drink real blood anymore?"

  "I haven't for many years. But there's something you need to know."

  "What is
it, Daddy?" Looking into his big, innocent eyes, I hoped he was ready for the string of bombs I was about to drop on him. I swallowed hard and forged ahead.

  "As you saw at breakfast, vampires eat food as well; it nourishes our bodies. But drinking blood fuels us to use our special gifts."

  "Like mind control," he gathered.

  "For one. We're also very strong and heal instantly if we're injured. We can't get sick or die of natural causes. We can be killed, but it's difficult to do because of how resilient we are. Otherwise, we are immortal creatures."

  Izzy gasped. "You live forever?" When I nodded, his brows tucked in. "How old are you?"

  His eyes bulged when I answered, "Six hundred ninety four. Our aging process is very slow; I won't get my first gray hair for another couple of millennia."

  "Whoa." Izzy appeared overwhelmed, but there was more he needed to know.

  "But the best vampire gift of all is called a fated mate. Every vampire is granted one person by Fate to be their perfect match. This person completes their soul and is the most treasured and important person in the vampire's life; they are held high above all others. The vampire loves, protects, and provides for their mate for all time, and with everything they are."

  "How does a vampire know that they've found their mate?" Izzy whispered, completely enthralled by my tale.

  "Their whole body reacts. Their stomach erupts with butterflies, their heart races, and their blood burns. Every cell comes alive with recognition that they've found the one to complete their soul." I smiled down at him and said, "That's exactly how I felt when I met you."

  His eyes welled up as he asked, "I'm yours, Daddy?"

  "You're my special boy, the love of my life, and my forever mate. Remember when you told me that your body felt drawn to mine? That's the bond between us; your soul recognizes mine as its perfect match."

  "Has a vampire ever had a human mate? How does it work? I…I won't live forever." His beautiful face scrunched up in what looked like pain. "Will you get another mate when I die? Have you had a special boy before me?"

  "Shh, little one, please don't be upset. I've never had a boy before you, and you are my one and only mate. Many vampires have been mated to humans over the centuries, and they are still living together in bliss."

  "How can that be?"

  I dropped a kiss to the top of his head before explaining, "When fated mates bond, a very special connection forms between them. Not only do they share a deep, unbreakable love, but they gain other benefits. The vampire's senses sharpen, their strength and speed increase, and they fulfill their purpose of protecting and nurturing. The human receives the gift of immortality; their lifeline becomes tied to their mate's. They will live forever unless their vampire love is struck down, just as the vampire will die if their mate expires. One can't survive without the other."

  "I could live forever too?" Izzy's eyes were as wide as saucers. I placed my hand on his chest and felt his heart beating like crazy.

  "I didn't mean to overwhelm you."

  "I'm not overwhelmed; I'm excited! This is all so incredible. I just…" He scrubbed his forehead and added, "Okay, maybe I am a little overwhelmed, but in a good way." He took my hand in his and asked, "How do we bond?"

  This certainly wouldn't help calm him down. "This is what you needed to know; a vampire can survive drinking the blood substitute we've created...until they meet their mate. Then they can only feed from their fated one; their body will reject any other blood source."

  The color drained from Izzy's face as he repeated in a whisper, "You have to drink my blood."

  "It won't hurt you," I assured him. "I've heard that feeding between mates is a sensual, soothing experience. It's a special time for just the two of us."

  "That actually sounds…kinda nice." I breathed a sigh of relief.

  "And the blood of your mate takes on the flavor you most enjoy, so you don't have to worry about what it may taste like."

  "I'm glad it won't be yucky for you."

  "Or you," I offered, and Izzy's forehead wrinkled up. Oh…right. "In order to complete our bond, you must drink from me as well. Taking my blood into your body will cement our connection and bind our lives. We will both need to drink from one another at least every few days." He looked a bit pale again, so I told him, "We won't move forward with anything until you're ready, so you don't need to think about that right now. I know it's a lot of information at once; I didn't mean to drop it all in your lap like that."

  "I'm glad you did," Izzy replied. "I want to know all about you, and I don't want us to have secrets."

  "No more secrets," I promised, and sealed it with a kiss.

  "Can I ask you one thing?"

  "You can ask me anything," I corrected.

  Izzy's gaze dropped to my chest, where he drew a shapeless pattern with his fingertip. "You called me the love of your life; is that because we're mates, or because you think you'll fall in love with me, or-"

  I pressed up on his chin until his eyes met mine. "I loved you the moment I felt your presence. Before I heard your voice or saw your beauty, you captured my heart. In an instant, my dreams and desires were fulfilled. And when I finally met you? Oh, Israel. You are more than I ever imagined or deserve. So no, I don't say it out of duty or because I believe it could happen; I say it because I love you with every fiber of my being, and that will never change, so please don't ever doubt it."

  "Oh, Daddy." Izzy threw his arms around my neck and sniffled into my chest. "I love you too. And not because I can live forever or because you have fancy cars; I love you for the way you treat me and how you make me feel."

  I squeezed him as tightly as I could without causing harm and peppered his head with kisses. "Thank you, little one. You've made me so happy."

  We snuggled together until Izzy sniffed again. "It is a really nice car, though."

  I chuckled and kissed his head again. "My mate deserves nothing but the best. Let's check it out." We'd be at the coven house soon, and I wanted Izzy to enjoy the ride.

  He slid off of my lap, onto the leather seat next to me. I reached down and opened a door by my feet, revealing an assortment of beverages and asked, “Would you like something to drink?”

  “There’s a fridge in here? That’s so cool!” I smiled at his enthusiasm as he bent down to look at the options. “Oh wow, they have apple juice! I’ll take that, please.” The juice was a special request by yours truly.

  I removed the box from the fridge, pushed in the straw, and unfolded the flaps on the carton. “Now you have something to hold onto,” I explained.

  “You’re a genius.” Actually, I picked up the trick from watching Jett helping one of his little companions, but I kept that information to myself. I was greedy for any compliments from my mate.

  Izzy happily sucked down his juice while I helped myself to a bottle of water. When his carton collapsed in the middle, I asked, “Want to see what else this thing can do?” He nodded quickly, so I pressed a few buttons on the wall.

  Izzy’s jaw dropped when a rope of lights illuminated the floor and around the windows, and a thumping tune pulsed from speakers all around us. With another press of a button, the lights flashed in every color of the rainbow.

  “Look at all of the colors!” Izzy exclaimed with a wide grin. “It’s like we’re in our own private dance club.” He bobbed his head to the beat and wiggled his butt in the seat.

  “Check this out.” I laced the fingers of my left hand with his and held my right hand in the air. I moved my arm as if it were climbing up and down an invisible hill. Then I shrugged each of my shoulders and lifted our clasped hands so that my body moved in a wave motion.

  Without missing a beat, Izzy rolled his shoulders as well and snaked his free arm in the air. After a moment’s pause, he brought the movement back in the opposite direction towards me. We waved, wiggled and danced until he was giggling and beaming from ear to ear.

  “I want to show you one more thing.” I pushed the last remaining bu
tton on the wall and a panel on the ceiling shifted and opened, revealing a patch of blue sky above us.

  “Whoa,” Izzy whispered. “Can I go up and look?”

  “Just be careful.”

  He climbed onto the seat and his head popped outside. It was a matter of seconds before it reappeared inside the limo. “Come see, Daddy!”

  How could I resist an invitation like that? I stood up beside him and squeezed my shoulders through the sunroof. Cars zipped past us as we crossed an overpass into the heart of the city. The cool breeze lapped at our faces, sending Izzy’s curls flying behind him.

  “This feels amazing!” he called into the wind. His lips were stretched into a beautiful smile and there was a sparkle in his eyes. He looked joyous and free. Izzy punched the air with both arms and yelled, “Woo! This is the best day of my life!” I let out a booming laugh, celebrating my good fortune to have found this perfect man.

  The car bounced when its tire hit a dip in the pavement, and Izzy’s hands dropped to grip the roof for support so that he wouldn’t fall. “I think it’s time to go back inside,” I instructed; I didn’t want him to get hurt.

  He nodded his agreement and we both sank back inside the vehicle. Once we were settled, Izzy turned to me and said, “This really is the best day of my life. Breakfast was delicious, this ride is incredible, and I found out that my vampire Daddy will love me forever. I don’t think it gets better than this.”

  Until that moment, I didn’t know it was possible for my heart to hold so much pure and wonderful emotion without it bursting in my chest. “What if I throw in some kisses?” I asked with a smirk.

  “Okay, yes, that would make it even better.”

  I laughed and wrapped my arm around his waist. “Come here, you.” I lifted him effortlessly and settled him on my lap, wasting no time before taking his sweet lips with mine.

  We kissed, licked, and nibbled until we were both breathless and hard. Israel moaned into my mouth as our tongues tangled, and my hands slipped beneath the hem of his shirt to caress his soft, smooth skin.


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