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Daddy's Bite: Paranormal Age Play

Page 10

by Jayda Marx

  I sprang into action, jerking the biggest shifter away from her and pinning him to a brick wall. Shifters were strong and quick, and I was alone against them, but I hoped that I could pick them off one at a time. I wrapped my hands around his thick neck and stared into his eyes. I attempted to lock on to his mental waves, to convince him to leave the girl alone, to stay the hell out of the city…anything, but instead, he just smiled wickedly at me.

  "Your mind tricks don't work on me, blood sucker," he growled through his teeth, and I grunted when he punched me in the gut. The only way this was ending was physically.

  I pulled one hand away from his throat and rammed my fist into the side of his face. His nose bent and trickled blood, but immediately snapped back into place. I pulled my fist back to hit him again, but froze when I heard a sweet voice call out, "Leave her alone!"

  I looked over my shoulder just in time to see Izzy, who had snuck into the alleyway, take off his sneaker and chuck it at the other shifter, nailing him in the head. The creature backed away from a weeping Mandy, turning his attention to Izzy and baring his teeth. Oh, fuck no.

  "Oh good, another playmate," the creature snarled.

  Rage burned within me. My blood was alight with fury as the shifter closed in on my mate. The look of horror in Izzy's eyes as he scrambled backwards sent the same electrical pulse through my body as when we bonded. My muscles clenched and burned. I gripped the head of the shifter before me and slammed it into the brick wall, creating a dent and sending him sliding down to the ground, totally unconscious.

  I rushed to the other shifter, who had a fistful of Izzy's hair as he lowered his mouth toward my boy's face. He pressed his tongue to Izzy's cheek as he whimpered, and I lost control.

  I gripped the shifter's shoulders and threw him back onto the ground before leaping on top of him. I punched him again and again, hearing his bones crack from my blows and sending blood spattering over the asphalt, though it dried on his skin instantly.

  The creature fought back, viciously clawing at my throat and chest, shredding my skin. As quickly as it knitted back together, he tore it again without mercy. He wanted to either drain my blood or pierce my heart to end my life, but I would never let that happen. I had too much to live for with my perfect boy. His life was at risk as well, and I would do anything to ensure his safety.

  I growled and placed a hand on either side of the shifters head and twisted with all of my might. His eyes widened with a look of terror and he scratched faster, deeper, but it was no use. Tendons and ligaments snapped, and finally his head turned in an unnatural angle as his hands slapped against the ground. Just to be sure, I continued to twist until his face was on the asphalt, and I looked down upon the matted hair on the back of his head.

  I rushed back to Izzy, who was pale and trembling on the ground. I dropped to my knees in front of him, and he immediately started weeping when he saw my shredded, bloodstained sweater. “Oh, Daddy.”

  “It’s okay; I’m okay. Look.” I pulled the strips of fabric away from my chest so that he could see I had no more bleeding or scars. “I’m all healed up. Are you okay?”

  He nodded, but cried harder. “I’m sorry I followed you,” he hiccuped between sobs. “You told me to stay away, but I heard someone crying and I was worried about you. Then I saw Mandy and I wanted to help her.”

  “You were so, so brave, little one.” My boy, who was frightened of so many things, put himself in danger to help someone in need. I couldn’t be prouder or more in awe of him.

  “Is she okay?”

  “I don’t believe she was harmed. Let’s go see her.” I scooped Izzy into my arms as I stood up, and kept him cradled close to my chest when I walked over to the young lady. She was curled up much like Izzy had been, and weeping into her hands.

  “Mandy, are you alright?” I asked in a gentle voice. She jerked at the sound, but when she realized it was me, she looked up and nodded.

  “Are they gone?” At her question, I remembered the second shifter I’d knocked out. I forgot about him in the chaos and with my need to protect my mate. I whipped my head towards the brick wall, but found nothing but an impression of his head and dried blood. Apparently, he’d regained consciousness and bolted.

  “They’re gone.”

  “Did they hurt you?” Izzy asked worriedly.

  “No,” she replied, wiping at her face. “They scared me and ripped my shirt, but I’m not hurt.” I offered her my hand and once she was standing, she surprised me by throwing her arms around the two of us. “You saved me; both of you. I don’t know what they would have done to me if you hadn't come.” She sniffled into my chest and I patted her back.

  “Try not to think on it. You’re safe now and that’s what matters. Come; let’s get you back to your brother.”

  Izzy stayed in my hold (right where I wanted him) as we walked back to the tattoo shop; he kept his arms wrapped around my neck and his body plastered to mine like a baby possum clinging to its mother. Mandy gripped my hand and didn’t let go, but it wasn’t a romantic touch. She needed comfort and reassurance, and I would gladly give it.

  “What do we do with him?” Mandy asked as we passed the mangled body of the shifter. Her voice held no compassion for the creature that had attacked her.

  “We leave him. His kind will collect his body.” In civilized packs, he would be given a proper burial with respects. I didn’t know how things worked with rogues and I didn’t care; they could fucking eat him as far as I was concerned.

  When we returned to Ross’s shop, he took one look at us and leapt from his seat, rushing to his sister. “Oh my god, what happened?” His face went pale as Mandy gave him the details of the attack. “Thank you for saving my sister. I don’t know how to repay you.”

  “That’s not necessary,” I told him with a smile. “I’m just glad she’s okay.”

  “Still, I want to do something for you. Oh, I know; if either of you ever want any work done, anything at all, come see me. It’s on the house.”

  “Thank you.” I offered him my hand and he shook it firmly.

  “And I want to take you both out to dinner,” Mandy added. “I know my boyfriend Jack will want to thank you as well.” She jotted down her number and I put it in my pocket. “I’m looking forward to seeing you again, little hero,” she told Izzy before giving him a kiss to his cheek. He smiled sweetly and blushed as he nuzzled against me.

  “For now, I need to get my boy home,” I told Ross and Mandy, and they nodded their understanding. Now that things had settled down, the reality of what just happened was hitting me hard. Izzy had been in danger. He could have been injured, or worse. Things could have ended when we’d just shared our wonderful beginning. My soul was in disarray and I needed to get Izzy back to our safe space and spend the afternoon nurturing and pampering him to settle us both.

  We waved goodbye and I carried him back to our vehicle.

  Chapter Eight

  The whole drive home, Izzy didn’t leave my lap. Part of me wanted to buckle him into his own seat for safety, but I couldn’t part from him. I needed him close to me, so I drove slow and carefully while he cuddled against my chest.

  He clung to me as we rode the elevator to the top floor and I held all of our grocery purchases in my free hand. Once we were in our place, I jumped into full throttle Daddy mode. I got Izzy settled on the sofa, wrapping him up in his soft blanket and gathering a few plush toys for him to hold, with Flopsy being front and center.

  As I changed my clothes in the bedroom so that Izzy wouldn’t have to look at reminders of the attack, I called Jett and filled him in on everything that happened. He sent well wishes to Izzy, and offered to call security to have them keep tabs in the city to make sure everything stayed under control.

  Once I was in fresh clothes, I fixed Izzy a bowl of Spaghetti-Os and turned on a movie for him to enjoy; this time choosing Lady and the Tramp. He watched attentively, but didn’t dance to the songs or copy any accents. I sensed he needed more
care, so I fed him each bite of pasta as he stayed wrapped up in his fluffy cocoon.

  Izzy had just finished his meal when there was a knock at the door. He watched nervously as I answered it, but smiled when he saw it was Jett stopping by to check on him. Even better, my friend brought Izzy a towering ice cream sundae to cheer him up.

  My sweet boy invited Jett to stay and finish the movie with us, but my friend said he had work he needed to get done. I knew well enough that he was just giving us some space and time together, and I was grateful to him. I fed Izzy each bite of the ice cream, hot fudge and whipped cream mountain, and by the time the film came to an end, a smile was back on his pretty face.

  “You look like you’re feeling much better.” Izzy nodded as he licked a dot of cream from his lips. “Did the dessert do the trick?”

  “The ice cream was yummy, but that’s not what made me feel better.” He lay his head on my shoulder and added, “That was you, Daddy. You always take care of me and make me happy. I was scared when that creature came after me, but I knew you’d protect me. What scared me most of all was that you might get hurt. I can’t protect you the same way, and that made me sad.”

  “Please don’t be sad, little one. My body was built for things like that, and I was made to look after you.” I kissed the top of his head and asked, “Is there anything else I can do to make you happy?”

  Izzy looked up at me with those big, beautiful eyes I could never get enough of. “Yes, Daddy. Will...will you love on me?”

  I slowly unwrapped him from his blanket and placed his animals on the cushion next to him. I took him in my arms and carried him into our room, where I lay him gently on the bed. I began undressing him at his feet, noticing there was only one shoe to remove; in my haste to get him home to safety, I must have left the other one behind. It didn’t matter; I’d buy him more.

  I slipped the socks from his feet and kissed his sweet little toes before sliding his cotton pants down his legs. I kissed up his shins and thighs until I reached the waistband of his striped briefs. I snatched the elastic in my teeth and crawled backward, peeling his underwear off from around his feet.

  “Daddy, you’re so sexy,” he moaned in a gravelly tone.

  “You’re sexy, Israel.” I continued with my kiss trail, heading back up his legs before pressing feather soft kisses over his sack and along his stiff shaft. “I love your beautiful body.” I pushed up his shirt and licked up his pelvis before flicking his navel bar with the tip of my tongue. “So damn pretty, but you’ve got a naughty streak inside too, don’t you?” I licked the gem again and he moaned.

  “Just for you, Daddy.”

  “That’s right.” I pressed open-mouthed kisses to his chest and gently bit down on his nipple as he hissed through his teeth. I worked my way up and sucked the flesh of his throat into my mouth, licking across his mating mark and making him shiver.

  “Every part of you is irresistible,” I whispered against his skin. “Here…” I nibbled up the side of his neck. “Here…” I ran my tongue along the shell of his injured ear, letting him know that every inch of him was gorgeous.

  I lay beside him and rolled him away from me so that I had access to his smooth back. “Here…” I pressed kisses to four little freckles between his shoulder blades before licking down his spine, my tongue bouncing over the bony processes until the tip of my tongue slid into the top of his ass crack.

  “Do you like that too?” Izzy asked breathlessly, looking over his shoulder.

  “Oh, Izzy; there are no words for how much I love this.” I cupped a hand over each cheek and massaged gently. Each time I squeezed his flesh, I got a glimpse of his pretty pucker. “You’re making my mouth water.”

  When the view became too tempting to ignore, I spread his cheeks, leaned in, and touched the tip of my tongue to his rim. I circled my prize, feeling each tiny rise and fall in his wrinkled flesh.

  Izzy moaned aloud when I flattened my tongue and lapped at his hole. His sweet musk danced on my taste buds and made my mouth water more. His skin glistened with my saliva as I passionately ate his ass, devouring his flavor.

  “Daddy, that feels so good,” Israel purred. “Please, I want you inside me.”

  At his words, my heart raced and my cock throbbed in my jeans. I popped the button of my pants, releasing the friction from my hot flesh. I gathered saliva on my tongue and painted Israel’s hole until it was shiny and dripping.

  I fluttered my finger against his opening as Izzy groaned and pushed his hips back. He gasped when I slid just the tip of my finger inside him. I paused for a moment for him to get used to the sensation and asked, “How does that feel?”

  When he answered, “So good,” I inched the rest of my digit inside his tight, warm channel. I slowly pulsed in and out of him, watching in awe as his skin stretched to take me inside. “Mmm, that’s nice.”

  Izzy winced when I sank a second finger into his entrance, but after a moment, his discomfort melted away and he was moaning again. I circled my digits, stretching and loosening his muscles to take me. When he pushed back on my hand and asked for more, I knew he was ready.

  I slipped my fingers free and jumped from the bed over to the nightstand drawer. I collected a bottle of lube and tossed it onto the mattress before stripping off my clothes as fast as possible. My body ached to be close to Israel; inside him.

  I crawled back onto the bed and drenched my already dripping cock with lube. I lay on my side next to Izzy, spooning up behind him and resting my cheek on his.

  “Hold me, Daddy,” he whispered, and I wrapped my arms tightly around his waist.

  “I’ve got you. I’ve always got you.” I shifted my hips so that the tip of my dick pressed against his hole, and kissed his cheek. “Take nice deep breaths,” I whispered in his ear, and slowly thrust forward.

  Izzy whimpered as his flesh stretched around my fat tip. His fingernails burrowed into the skin of my arms and he gnashed his teeth together. “Try to relax,” I reminded him. “Big, deep breaths; let me in, baby.”

  He breathed in through his nose and when he exhaled, his body relaxed and I slid a further inside him. When my crown popped through his ring of muscle, I kissed his face again. “Good job, Izzy; so good for Daddy. The hard part’s over. Keep breathing.”

  My eyes rolled back as I slowly pushed forward until I was fully seated inside him. His warm walls hugged me perfectly, drawing a low growl from my chest. My body longed to thrust and fuck, but I remained still. I’d never hurt my boy.

  Sweat beaded on his brow and his eyes were shut tightly. After a few moments I asked, “Are you okay?”, and he nodded quickly. “Do you want me to move?” He nodded again, so I slowly pulled out and pushed back into his sweet heat, this time, drawing a tiny moan from his lips.

  With each gentle thrust, Izzy’s hole relaxed and I moved easier within him. My slick cock slid against his walls and he moaned his pleasure. When I picked up my pace, his fingernails dug into me again, but were this time accompanied by cries of bliss.

  “Daddy, yes,” he chanted over and over as I rocked back and forth, plunging deep inside him.

  “You’re so sexy,” I growled in his ear. “You drive me crazy. You feel so good; so tight and warm. So perfect for Daddy.” I thrust harder, causing our balls to slap together and Izzy to cry out my name. I loved hearing it on his lips; making him lose his inhibitions and call out into the room.

  I fucked him wildly, snapping my hips back and forth. Izzy turned his head towards me and caught my lips with his. Our tongues twisted and battled as sweat dripped down our gyrating bodies. He moaned and keened into my mouth and tangled our fingers together, making the moment not only heated and frenzied, but sweet and passionate. Israel was everything.

  He broke our kiss and looked at me with wide, desperate eyes. His warm breath came in bursts on my skin, and he groaned out, “Daddy, please!”

  I knew what he needed. I dropped one hand from around his stomach to grip his hard, leaking cock. My fist c
ompletely enclosed his flesh, and I jerked him fast and hard as I rode him the same way. Israel bucked and pleaded and cried out my name.

  “Daddy, I’m gonna come!”

  “Give it to me,” I begged, stroking him even quicker. One final cry left him as his back arched away from me and his dick erupted in my hand. Thick, warm cum covered my fingers and dripped down my palm.

  I lifted my hand to my mouth and licked away his seed, taking in a little part of him. He watched with a slack jaw until my fingers were clean, and then he rested his sweaty head back against me.

  My lover was satisfied, but my own body craved release. I slammed into him, filling him with every thick inch as I rocked quickly back and forth. My toes curled and my thighs hardened. My balls rolled and twitched, and I grunted through my teeth, “Daddy’s gonna fill you up,” just before my orgasm ripped through me.

  My cock swelled and pumped my seed into my lover as he whispered my name. Lights burst behind my eyes and my heart tried to run away from me, but I kept myself grounded with my hold on Izzy. I focused on the softness of his skin and his heat still wrapped around my cock, and finally I came back to myself.

  “That was incredible,” Izzy said in a weak, sleepy voice.

  “It was perfect,” I agreed, my breaths still coming in puffs. “I love you, Israel.”

  “I love you too, Daddy. Forever and always.”

  I smiled and kissed his salty forehead. “Do you want to take a shower with me to clean up?”

  “I do,” he answered around a big yawn, “But I think I need a little nap first.”

  “Then we’ll have one,” I answered before giving him more kisses. I couldn’t help myself.

  “Will you hold me even though I’m sweaty?”

  I chuckled into his curly hair. “Absolutely.”

  “And will you stay inside me as long as you can?”

  His sweet request warmed my heart. “I promise.” Izzy hummed and scooted back towards me as much as possible before lying still and releasing a happy sigh. Within minutes, he was fast asleep in my arms.


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