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The Knights of the Cross, or, Krzyzacy: Historical Romance

Page 57

by Henryk Sienkiewicz


  Sir Arnold was informed in the morning of the flight of the servant ofthe Order; he chuckled at the news, on the other hand he held the sameopinion as Macko, viz, that she might fall a prey to the wolves, or beslain by the Lithuanians. The latter was not at all improbable, since theinhabitants of that locality who were descendants of the Lithuaniansabhorred the Order and all those who came in contact with it. Some of themale population had joined Skirwoillo, others had risen in arms andslaughtered the Germans here and there; they, their families and theircattle hid themselves in the inaccessible fastnesses of the forest. Theysearched the following day for the servant, but without success, becauseMacko and Zbyszko were occupied with more important matters; hence thelack of indispensable ardor in the searchers.

  They were obliged to push on toward Mazowsze; they wished to start atonce, at the rising of the sun, but they were unable to do so becauseDanuska was in a profound sleep, and Zbyszko would not permit her to bedisturbed.

  He listened to her moanings during the night-time and thought that shewas not asleep. He, therefore, promised himself good results. Twice hestealthily went into the hut; twice he saw by the light falling throughcrevices of the logs her closed eyes, open mouth and glowing face, aslittle children are wont to have when asleep. His tears melted his heartat that sight, and he said to her:

  "May God grant you health my most beloved little flower." Then hecontinued: "Your troubles are ended, your tears are ended. May the mostmerciful Lord Jesus grant that your happiness may be as inexhaustible asthe flowing river."

  Then, lifting up his simple and upright heart heavenward, he askedhimself: "With what can I thank Thee? What shall I render to Thee for Thyfavors? Shall I offer to the Church some of my wealth, grain, herds, wax,or something of the same nature acceptable to God?" He was even about tovow and name accurately his offerings, but he wished to wait and see theresult when Danusia awoke, whether she had recovered her senses so thatthere might be reason for thanksgiving.

  Although Macko knew well that there would be perfect safety when once inthe domains of Prince Janusz, nevertheless he was also of the opinionthat it was better not to disturb Danusia's rest. He therefore kept hishorses and servants in readiness but waited.

  Nevertheless when it was past noon and Danusia continued to sleep, theywere somewhat alarmed. Zbyszko, who was incessantly watching, lookingthrough the crevices and door, entered suddenly for the third time intothe hut and sat down upon the block where the servant had dressed Danusiayesterday.

  He sat and gazed at her, but she had her eyes closed. But after the lapseof a short time, not more than it takes to say one "Pater" and "AveMaria," her lips began to twitch a little, and she whispered as thoughshe saw through her closed eyelids:


  In an instant be threw himself upon his knees in front of her, graspedher emaciated hands, which he kissed in ecstasy. Then he addressed her ina broken voice:

  "Thank God! Danuska! You recognize me."

  His voice awoke her completely. Then she sat up in the bed and with openeyes she repeated:


  Then she began to blink and look around her in amazement.

  "You are no more in captivity," said Zbyszko. "I have rescued you fromtheir hands and I am taking you to Spychow."

  But she withdrew her hands from Zbyszko's and said:

  "All this came to pass because there was no permission from dear papa.Where is the princess?"

  "Awake, then, dear little berry! The princess is far away and we haverescued you from the Germans."

  Then she appeared not to notice his words but seemed to try to recollectsomething.

  "They have also taken away my little lute and have broken it against thewall. Hey!"

  "O God!" exclaimed Zbyszko.

  He then observed that she was absent-minded and her eyes were glassy andher cheeks were glowing, and it struck him that she must be very ill, andthe mention of his name twice was due to feverish hallucinations.

  This caused his heart to tremble within him with despair and a cold sweatcovered his brow.

  "Danuska!" he said. "Do you see and understand me?"

  But she replied in a low voice:

  "Drink! Water!"

  "Gracious Lord!"

  And he rushed out, and at the door encountered Macko, who was coming toascertain her condition. Zbyszko could only tell him hurriedly, "Water;"and then hastened to the stream which ran among neighboring bushes.

  He returned after a moment with a full pitcher of water and handed it toDanusia who drank it with much avidity. Macko entered the hut beforeZbyszko and seeing the patient he became gloomy.

  "She is feverish?" he said.

  "Yes!" groaned Zbyszko.

  "Does she understand what you say?"


  The old knight furrowed his brow, then he began to rub his neck and napewith his hands.

  "What is to be done?"

  "I do not know."

  "There is only one thing to be done," said Macko.

  But Danusia, who finished drinking, interrupted him at that moment; shefixed her dilated pupils on him, and said:

  "You too I have not offended, have mercy upon me!"

  "We have pitied you already, child. We only desire your welfare," repliedthe old knight, somewhat agitated.

  Then he turned to Zbyszko:

  "Listen, there is no use to leave her here. The wafting of the wind andthe rays of the sun will probably benefit her. Do not lose your head,boy, but take her to the same cradle wherein she was when they broughther here--or upon the saddle and let us move on! Do you understand?"

  Then he left the hut to give the last orders, but he had scarcely lookedin front of him, when he suddenly stood still--as if nailed to the spot.

  A numerous host of infantry armed with pikes and spears was surroundingthe huts, ovens and clearing, on all sides like a wall.

  "Germans!" thought Macko.

  He was greatly terrified, but in a moment he grasped the hilt of hissword, clenched his teeth, and had the appearance of a wild beast at bay,ready to defend himself desperately.

  Then the giant-like Arnold, and another knight, advanced toward them fromthe shanty, and when he approached Macko, Arnold said:

  "Fortune's wheel turns rapidly. I was your prisoner yesterday; you aremine to-day."

  Then he looked haughtily at the old knight as one looks upon an inferiorperson. He was neither a very bad man, nor a very cruel one, but he hadthe defect common to all Knights of the Cross, who in spite of theirbeing well-bred and even humane, looked with contempt upon those whomthey conquered, neither could they suppress their great pride when theyfelt themselves the stronger.

  "You are prisoners," he repeated, haughtily.

  The old knight looked around gloomily; he was very serious but audaciousin his heart.

  Were he armored, upon his charger, and with Zbyszko at his side;--if bothhad swords in their hands and were armed with axes, or the terrible"woods," which the Polish noblemen knew how to wield dexterously, hewould then have probably attempted to break through, that wall of lancesand spears. Not without reason did the foreign knights, quoting it as anobjection, exclaim to the Polish in the fight near Wilno: "You scorndeath too much."

  But Macko was on foot facing Arnold, alone, without his coat of mail. Hetherefore looked around and observed that his men had already thrown downtheir arms, and he thought that Zbyszko too was with Danusia in the hut,entirely unarmed. As an experienced man, and much accustomed to war, heknew that there was no chance whatever.

  Therefore he slowly drew the short sword from its sheath and threw it atthe feet of the knight who stood at Arnold's side, who without the leastof Arnold's haughtiness, but at the same time with benevolence, repliedin excellent Polish:

  "Your name, sir? I shall not put you in bonds but shall parole you,because I see you are a belted knight, and you treated my brother well."

  "My word!" replied Macko.

Having informed him who he was, Macko inquired whether he would bepermitted to go to the hut and warn his nephew against any mad action.His request was granted. He entered and remained there for a while andemerged with the _misericordia_ in his hands.

  "My nephew is even without a sword, and he begs you to permit him toremain with his wife as long as you intend to stay here."

  "Let him remain," said Arnold's brother. "I shall send him food anddrink; we shall not move soon, because the people are tired out and wetoo are in need of refreshment and rest. Sir, we also invite you toaccompany us."

  Then they turned and went to the same fireplace near which Macko hadspent the night. But either from pride, or from ignorance they permittedhim to walk behind them. But he, being a great warrior, knowing how itought to be, and adhering strictly to custom, inquired:

  "Pray, sir, am I your guest or a prisoner?"

  Arnold's brother was shamed at first; he halted and said:

  "Proceed, sir."

  The old knight went in front, not wishing to hurt the self-respect of thevery man from whom he expected much.

  "It is evident, sir, that you are not only acquainted with courteousspeech, but your behavior is also courtly."

  Then, Arnold, who only understood a few words, asked:

  "Wolfgang, what are you talking about?"

  "I am doing the right thing," said Wolfgang, who was evidently flatteredby Macko's words.

  They sat down at the fireside, and began to eat and drink. The lessonwhich Macko had given to the German was not in vain. Wolfgang regaledMacko first at the repast.

  The old knight learned, from the conversation which followed, how theywere caught in the trap. Wolfgang, the younger brother of Arnold, ledalso the Czluch infantry to Gotteswerder, against the rebelliousZmudzians. Those, however, proceeding from distant counties could notarrive in time to assist Arnold. The latter did not think it necessary towait for them because he expected to meet on the road other bodies ofinfantry proceeding from the towns and castles situated on the adjacentLithuanian frontier. This was the reason that his younger brother delayedhis march several days, and thus it happened that he found himself on theroad in the neighborhood of the tar-burners, where the fugitivewoman-servant of the Order informed him of the ill-luck which hadhappened to his older brother. Arnold, whilst listening to the narrativewhich was told him in German, smiled with satisfaction; finally heaffirmed that he expected such a result.

  But the crafty Macko, who, in whatever situation he was, always tried tofind some remedy, thought that it would be of advantage to him to makefriends with the Germans, therefore he said after a while:

  "It is always hard to fall into captivity. Nevertheless, thank God, I amfortunate to have been delivered into nobody else's hands but yours,because, I believe, that you are real knights and mindful of its honor."

  Then Wolfgang closed his eyes and nodded his head somewhat stiffly butevidently with a feeling of satisfaction.

  The old knight continued:

  "That you speak our language well. God has given you understanding ineverything."

  "I know your language, because the Czluchs speak Polish, and my brotherand I served for seven years in those counties."

  "You will in time take office after him. It cannot be otherwise, becauseyour brother does not speak our language."

  "He understands it a little, but cannot speak it. My brother is morepowerful, although I am not a weakling either, but of duller wit."

  "Hey! He does not seem to me dull."

  "Wolfgang, what does he say?" asked Arnold again.

  "He praises you," replied Wolfgang.

  "True, I praised him," added Macko, "because he is a true knight, andthat is the reason. I tell you frankly that I intended to let him goentirely free to-day on parole, so that he might go wherever he wishedto, even if he were to present himself in a year's time. Such treatmentis customary among belted knights."

  Then he looked attentively into Wolfgang's face, but it was wrinkled, andhe said:

  "Were it not for the assistance you have given to the pagan dogs againstus, I also might have let you go on parole."

  "This is not true," replied Macko.

  Then the same asperity of discussion as in yesterday's dispute betweenArnold and himself was repeated. However, although right was on the oldknight's side, it went on with more difficulty, because Wolfgang was of amore severe disposition than his older brother. Nevertheless, one goodthing resulted from the dispute, that Wolfgang learned of all theabominable practices of the Order at Szczytno, their crooked actions andtreachery--at the same time he learned of Danusia's misfortunes andtortures. To those very iniquities which Macko had thrown in his teeth hehad no reply. He was obliged to acknowledge that the revenge wasjustifiable, and that the Polish knights were right in their acts, andfinally said:

  "Upon the glorified bones of St. Liborus! I swear, that I also will notpity Danveld. They said of him that he practiced black magic, but God'spower and justice is mightier than black magic. As to Zygfried, I am notsure whether he also served the devil or not. But I shall not hunt forhim, because first, I have no horses, and on the other hand, if what yousaid is true that he outraged that girl, then let him also never returnfrom Hades!"

  Here he stretched himself and continued:

  "God! Help me till the hour of my death."

  "But how will it be with that unfortunate martyr?" inquired Macko. "Areyou not going to permit us to take her home? Has she to suffer agony inyour underground prisons? Remember, I beseech you, God's wrath!..."

  "I have nothing against the woman," replied Wolfgang, roughly. "Let oneof you take her home to her father, on condition that he present himselfafterward, but the other must remain here."

  "Bah! But what if he swears upon his knightly honor and upon the lance ofSt. Jerzey?"

  Wolfgang hesitated a little because it was a great oath; but at thatmoment Arnold asked a third time:

  "What does he say?"

  When he informed himself of the matter he opposed it vehemently andrudely. He had his private reasons for it. First, he was conquered bySkirwoillo, then in single combat, by the Polish knight. He also knewthat owing to the destruction of the army at the previous engagement itwould be impossible for his brother to advance with his infantry toGotteswerder and he would be obliged to return to Malborg. Moreover heknew that he would be obliged to give an account to the Master andmarshal for the defeat, and that it would be to his advantage if he wereable to show even one important prisoner. To produce one knight alive isof more value than to explain that two such were captured....

  When Macko heard the loud protestations and oaths of Arnold, he resolved,since nothing else could be obtained, to take what was previouslyoffered. Turning to Wolfgang he said:

  "Then, I beg one more favor--permit me to acquaint my nephew; I am surehe will see the wisdom of remaining with his wife, while I go with you.At all events, permit me to let him know that he has nothing to sayagainst it, for it is your will."

  "Well, it is all the same to me," replied Wolfgang. "But let us talkabout the ransom which your nephew must bring for himself and you.Because all depends on that."

  "About ransom?" inquired Macko, who would have preferred to postpone thatconversation to a later period. "Have we not time enough to talk aboutit? Where a belted knight is concerned his word is of equal value withready money, and as to the sum it can be left to conscience. There, nearGotteswerder, we captured one of your important knights, a certain deLorche. And my nephew (it was he who captured him) paroled him. Noallusion whatever was made to the amount of ransom."

  "Have you captured de Lorche?" inquired Wolfgang, sharply. "I know him.He is a powerful knight. But why did we not meet him on the road?"

  "He, evidently, did not go this way, but went to Gotteswerder, or toRagniec," replied Macko.

  "That knight comes from a powerful and renowned family," repeatedWolfgang. "You have made a splendid capture! It is well then, that youmentioned it. But I cannot let you g
o for nothing."

  Macko chewed his mustache; nevertheless he lifted up his head haughtily,and said:

  "Apart from that, we know our value."

  "So much the better," said the younger von Baden, and immediately added:

  "So much the better. It is not for us, for we are humble monks, who havevowed poverty, but for the Order that will enjoy your money, to God'spraise."

  Macko did not reply to that but only looked at Wolfgang, with such anexpression as to say: "Tell that to somebody else." After awhile theybegan to bargain. It was a difficult and irritable task for the oldknight. On the one hand he was very sensitive to any loss, and on theother hand, he understood that he would not succeed in naming a too smallsum for Zbyszko and himself. He therefore wriggled like an eel,especially when Wolfgang, in spite of his polished words and manners, hadshown himself excessively grasping and as hard hearted as a stone. Onlyone thought comforted Macko and that was, that de Lorche would have payfor all, but even that, the loss of de Lorche's ransom, worried him.Zygfried's ransom he did not count in the affair because he thought thatJurand, and even Zbyszko, would not renounce his head for any price.

  After long haggling they finally compromised upon the sum in _grzywiens_and the time of payment, and stipulated upon the number of horses and menZbyszko should take with him. Macko went to inform Zbyszko, and advisedhim not to tarry but depart at once, for something else might meanwhilecome into the German's head.

  "So it is with knightly conditions," said Macko, sighing. "Yesterday youheld them by the head, to-day they hold you. Well, it is a hard lot. Godgrant that our turn may come. But now, it is necessary not to lose time.If you hasten on, you may yet overtake Hlawa and you will be safertogether, and once out of the wilderness and in the inhabited region ofMazowsze you will find hospitality and assistance in every nobleman's or_wlodyka's_ house. In our country they do not refuse those things even toa foreigner, how much more to one of their own people! The condition ofthe poor woman might also be improved thereby."

  Then he looked at Danusia, who was in feverish half-sleep, breathingquickly and loudly, with her transparent hands stretched upon the blackbearskin, trembling with fever.

  Macko made the sign of the cross at her and said:

  "Hey, take her and go! May God restore her, for it appears to me that herthread of life is being spun very thin."

  "Do not say that!" exclaimed Zbyszko, in a distressed tone.

  "God's power! I will order your horses to be brought here--and you mustleave at once!"

  He went out and arranged everything for the journey. The Turks, whomZawisza had presented to them, led the horses and the litter, filled withmosses and fur, and they were headed by Zbyszko's man, Wit. Zbyszko leftthe hut in a moment, carrying Danusia in his arms. There was somethingtouching in that, so that even the brothers von Baden, whose curiosityhad drawn them to the hut, looked curiously into the childlike face ofDanuska. Her face was like that of the holy images in the churches of OurLady, and her sickness was so great that she could not hold up her headwhich lay heavily on the young knight's arm. They looked at each otherwith astonishment, and in their hearts arose a feeling against theauthors of her woes.

  "Zygfried has the heart of a hangman, and not that of a knight,"whispered Wolfgang to Arnold, "and that serpent, although she is thecause of your liberty, I will order to be beaten with rods."

  They were also touched when they saw Zbyszko carrying her in his arms, asa mother is wont to carry her child. They comprehended how great was hislove for her, for youthful blood coursed in the veins of them both.

  He hesitated for awhile whether to keep the patient on horseback near hisbreast on the road or to lay her in the litter. Finally he resolved uponthe latter course, thinking that she might feel more comfortable in arecumbent posture. Then he approached his uncle and bowed to kiss hishand and bid him good-bye. But Macko, who, as a matter of fact, lovedZbyszko as the apple of his eye, was somewhat disinclined to show hisagitation in the presence of the Germans; nevertheless he could notrestrain himself, and embracing him strongly, pressed his lips to hisabundant golden hair.

  "May God guide you," he said. "But remember the old man, for it is alwaysa hardship to be in captivity."

  "I shall not forget," replied Zbyszko. "May the most Holy Mother comfortyou."

  "God will recompense you for this and for all your kindness."

  Zbyszko mounted his horse immediately, but Macko recollected somethingand hastened to his side, and placing his hand upon Zbyszko's knee, hesaid:

  "Listen, if you should overtake Hlawa, remember not to molest Zygfried,otherwise you will bring down reproach upon yourself and upon my grayhead. Leave him to Jurand, but do nothing to him yourself. Swear to meupon your sword and honor."

  "As long as you do not return," replied Zbyszko, "I shall even preventJurand from harming him in order to prevent the Germans from injuring youon Zygfried's account."

  "So, and you seem to care for me?"

  And the young knight smiled sadly. "You well know that, I am sure."

  "Move on and good-bye."

  The horses moved on, and in a little while disappeared in the hazelnutthickets. Macko felt suddenly very much troubled and lonely and his heartwas torn for that beloved boy in whom rested the entire hope of thefamily. But he soon got rid of his sorrow, for he was a man of valor andcould master his emotions.

  "Thank God that I am a prisoner and not he."

  Then he turned toward the Germans and said:

  "And you, gentlemen, when will you start and whither are you going?"

  "When it is agreeable to us," replied Wolfgang, "but we go to Malborg,where, sir, you must first appear before the Master."

  "Hey! I shall yet have to forfeit my head there, for the help I havegiven to the Zmudzians," said Macko to himself.

  Nevertheless his mind was at rest when he thought that de Lorche was inreserve; the Baden knights themselves would protect his head even if itwere only for the ransom.

  "Otherwise," he said to himself, "Zbyszko will neither be obliged topresent himself nor lessen his fortune."

  That thought caused him a certain relief.


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