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The Flapper Caper

Page 2

by Victoria L K Williams

  Both younger women shook their head to her question. There was no doubt that Charlotte was a savvy business woman. She had continued her own family’s citrus company and expanded when the times were right, always ahead of her competition. But she also knew the town of Citrus Beach better than most of its citizens. Hers was the first founding family to homestead the land along the Citrus River, establishing huge groves of citrus and then buying up land where ever they could, including along the coastline of the Atlantic Ocean. They bought long before bridges from the mainland over to the white sands of the beaches even existed. At the time, they purchased the land, there was no demand for the mosquito infested area, and they held onto until it there was, sealing the family’s fortune.

  Before any more could be said, the door to the shop opened and a young woman with short, curly, copper hair entered. Megan grinned when she saw her, there was no mistaking that Emma was her daughter. The hair alone gave it away, although Megan's was longer, today she’d pulled it back in a clip, letting the long tendrils curl down her back. The same hazel-colored eyes stared at each other, the only difference were the crinkles around Megan's, hinting at the laughter of 45 years.

  Emma quickly hugged her mother and then asked where Sammy was. Since Sammy had entered their life, Emma had made it her priority to spoil the youngster the way only a big cousin could. She was always sure to include Toby in their time together, but today, she announced it was a girl day.

  “I promised Sammy she could come out riding at the farm, since the guys are all busy working at the car museum,” she explained to Megan.

  Sammy’s squeal of delight when she saw Emma was almost ear shattering. She hurried to put her work away, not wanting to miss a moment at the farm. The others laughed at her enthusiasm, but Emma was realistic about the youngster’s excitement.

  “I wish I was the reason for her excitement, but we all know it’s really Jo-Jo. Since that little animal’s arrival at the petting zoo, the kids can’t wait to get out there. Oh well, at least we now have plenty of volunteers.”

  Emma exchanged a grin with her mother, almost daring her to contradict her words. Shaking her head, Megan didn’t even try. Emma was right. Since Jo-Jo’s addition to the animal sanctuary, visiting hours were busy. The small monkey attracted visitors of all ages. Emma and her best friend, Taylor, ran the town’s farm where unwanted animals were given a safe place to live out their lives. The inheritance came from Mary Wheeler, the last of the rich Wheeler family. She’d also left all her money and holdings for the continued operation of the farm.

  Megan’s phone rang, interrupting their conversation. Looking at the caller ID, she walked away from the others to answer. After a few minutes, she was back.

  “That was the party planners. There are a few details we need to go over, so I’m going to head over to the museum. You are all supposed to show up there for lunch and get any last-minute instructions.”

  Lucy and Charlotte agreed to be there by lunch, and after saying goodbye, Megan and the dogs headed back to Aiden’s office.

  Chapter 3

  Twenty minutes later, Megan pulled into the driveway of the museum. They’d steadily been getting everything for the grand opening, but even she was surprised at how much was accomplished. Granted, Joe had been working for the past few years refurbishing the warehouse’s interior, the actual holding and display areas for the cars. Then he’d brought Aiden and Paul on board to make the final push to bring all the cars to Citrus Beach.

  Megan made her way into the building’s lobby. A few of the workers called out greetings to her as she walked past them. When she walked through the Great Hall where the reception would be, she found herself in the main show room.

  She looked around her, taking it all that beautiful cars: from old Model A's, to beach-side Woody's, to elegant Jaguars – and everything in between. Many of the cars were from Joe's personal collection, but he'd also persuaded friends and acquaintances to store their cars at the museum as donations, allowing visitors to enjoy their beauty.

  "Hey Megan, I think the party planner is looking for you." A woman, carrying a stack of brochures, walked by Megan, calling out to her. Megan thanked her, asking where the party planners were working and then went back to looking over the display in front of her.

  She now understood why the three men in her life were so excited about this project. She had seen it grow, step by step on paper, but seeing it completed in front of her made all the difference in the world.

  The main showroom was circular, and the outer perimeter of the room was thick glass walls, separating the viewer from the controlled atmosphere where the cars were stored. Behind the wall stood four floors of cars, waiting to be brought down to the center viewing turn table.

  As she stood there, she could see the system work first hand. Her mouth formed a small “O” as she watched it work. A moving platform made its way to a car. The car was moved onto the platform and then lowered to the viewing platform where it rotated to be seen by all, like a runway model. The entire operation was carried out mechanically, controlled by computers.

  "Megan, there you are. We need to go over the guest list one more time. I want to be sure each person or couple has their host vehicle for the evening."

  Megan's attention diverted away from the progress of the car, to the man who had walked up to stand next to her.

  "I'm sorry, James. I didn't realize you were next to me. This is fascinating, watching the cars move from one stage to the next."

  "Yes, I suppose. But, I need your attention to go over these last-minute details, please.”

  The younger man dismissed the action behind the glass with a wave of his hand. Obviously, he wasn't interested in the museum, he was here to do a job. Megan turned her full attention to James, not wanting to get on his bad side. She’d seen him lose his temper with his own employees and didn’t want to subject herself to one of his temper tantrums. Megan didn't agree with treating people that way, and it offended her that somebody she hired did. She'd never worked with his company before, but they came highly recommended and they could create an atmosphere to the gala; exactly what she was looking to accomplish. So, she bit her tongue, figuring she only needed to get through the next 48 hours and she would be done with it – and him.

  "Here, you know most of the people coming, would you mind checking to make sure that everybody is included? I know you have a master list as well."

  Megan took the notebook from his hand as he held out to her, and noticed that he had a fresh manicure. Where he found the time, she couldn't imagine, but the manicure was part of his overall appearance. He was professional looking but there was something about him that seemed off to Megan. If it had been an earlier time, she might label him a dandy. Or maybe she was more accustomed to men with calluses on their hands and hair that was a bit windblown, not stiff with hair product.

  "Of course, James. That’s on my to-do list also," Megan took the papers he held out, and smiled. She pointed to a bench, strategically placed within the viewing area, suggesting they sit down while she looked at the paperwork.

  It didn't take long for Megan to review the list in front of her with him. She had to admit James was through, and she only found one or two mistakes, simple things which he couldn’t know. One guest had suddenly left town and a couple that had broken off their relationship, so, they probably would not want to share the same car. Knowing the couple, she wasn’t even sure they’d want to be in the same room with each other. Megan pointed out the adjustments and taking the list from her, James stood.

  "After lunch, we will decorate the interiors of the ballroom and display areas. I’ve been assured that all the cars will be in place by then. I understand you have a crew of helpers coming in to put out information plaques for each car and the roping to keep the guests from climbing into the cars."

  Megan nodded her head in agreement. This area she’d insisted on total control. It was important that the proper labels and signage line-up for each in
dividual car on the showroom floor. The velvet roping would restrain somebody from climbing in the car, as well as serve to remind the guests where the boundaries were.

  "I'll leave you to it. If you need me, I will be in the kitchen making sure the caterers have everything they need."

  Without waiting to hear Megan's answer, James turned on his heel and headed toward the large commercial kitchen off the community room. This room was as big as a grand ballroom and had been specifically created so that private car club meetings could take place. Always the businessman, Joe had also envisioned being able to rent the room out for private parties, and the kitchen was perfect for a caterer’s use.

  She watched the man strut his way purposefully towards the kitchen, and she smirked herself. Whether he knew it or not, James had met his match in the local caterer who was providing all the food and refreshments for the gala and the preview party. Megan insisted that they use this caterer. Not only was she local, but her reputation was impeccable and her food was excellent. James had been a little out of sorts at first, he wanted to bring in all his own vendors but Megan had insisted. He finally agreed, but he had been sullen about it.

  Deciding that the kitchen was the last place she needed to be now, Megan headed down one hallway to a large outdoor courtyard. This is where the preview party was scheduled for earlier in the day tomorrow. Members of the press, local auto clubs, and a few very special guests who could not stay out late for the gala were invited.

  While the preview party’s decorations would be nowhere near as elaborate as the gala’s, it too had a 1920s theme. Elegant white tablecloths covered tables, huge potted palms scattered the perimeter the courtyard, and oversized arrangements of exotic orchids and tropical flowers were placed around the podium where Joe was to speak. A few members of the local car club had loaned their antique cars for the preview, and they were scattered around the lawn area outside the courtyard. This would give the attendees a taste of what was inside, waiting for them to enjoy.

  As Megan walked around the courtyard, she admitted that James had seen to every detail and she was pleased with the results.

  "Hey Megan, Joe just got here, and he's looking for you."

  "Thanks. I'll be right in," Megan called back to the young man who poked his head out the door to deliver the message.

  From that point on the rest of her day was filled with errands and chores which all needed to be attended to quickly and efficiently. She met everybody for lunch as promised. When they finished eating, she assigned one group to put up the roping around the cars and another to make sure the elaborate signs were placed in front of the proper car. Joe would come by later to double check that everything was labeled properly. It was imperative the right car have the right label, because there were too many experts attending who would point out mistakes, and he knew it.

  Megan and her team of volunteers worked hard through the afternoon, barely stopping for water breaks. They wanted everything done today so there would only be last-minute details left for tomorrow. Megan felt everyone should enjoy the preview party and the big gala, not running around still doing setup work.

  As they worked, she caught glimpses of Joe and Aiden, but they never seemed to find a moment to talk. Everyone had their own tasks to complete, and time flew by as they worked. Occasionally she would peek in to check on the decorating, but she was shooed out by James. He assured her everything was under control. After all, he told her, she had hired the best party planner in south Florida, so let him do his work. Megan had no choice but to accept his reasoning and return to her own list of things to be done. Occasionally she could hear James’s voice shouting out orders to his staff, but tried to stay out of their way.

  By the time, Megan made it home, she was exhausted. She was happy as she pulled into her parking spot, to see Aiden had arrived ahead of her. And grateful there were no other cars filling up the parking area. She didn’t have the energy to deal with company tonight, regardless if it was family or friend. Tossing the shoes she held in her hand by the front door, (Megan rarely drove with her shoes on) she went inside, eager to see Aiden.

  She could feel her tension evaporating as she looked around her living room and took in the rich woods from the antique furniture she had used to decorate. The bright pops of color from the shattered pillows and throw blankets lifted her spirits, as did the sounds of the two dogs rushing forward to welcome her home. Megan made a note to herself to thank Aiden for picking them up and bringing them home. As she greeted the dogs, she caught a whiff of something warm and spicy coming from the open doors leading out to the pool deck. She sighed in relief; Aiden had also taken care of their dinner. Glancing up, she smiled when she saw Aiden follow the dogs into the house.

  “Thank you so much, it smells absolutely wonderful. I missed you today.”

  Wrapping her arms around his neck she whispered her thanks and gave him a warm kiss.

  “Come on out onto the terrace, I’ve got everything set up out there, and I’ll pour you a glass of wine,” taking her hand, Aiden led her to the patio doors. But Megan shook her head.

  “Give me a minute. I want to get out of these dirty clothes and brush the tangles out of my hair. Go on out, I’ll be there in a jiffy.”

  Giving him another quick kiss, she turned and headed towards her bedroom. When she turned on the overhead light, she smiled to see her two housecats, Wilma and Betty, curled up on the end of the bed. She stopped long enough to give them each a scratch behind the ears before entering her bathroom. The cats merely yawned at her, not pleased to be woken. Yes, her animals’ names came from the Flintstones cartoon show. That had been the handiwork of Emma when she was a child. It had started with her old Basset Hound whom she named Fred. From there it had snowballed. Fred was now living with Emma at the farm, and he was missed by all.

  It didn’t take her long, and then she was out on the terrace, sipping her wine and enjoying dinner with Aiden. Megan loved her terrace and spent most of her evening out here reading or swimming. They talked about their day as they ate, and when they finished, Aiden insisted that she relax while he cleaned up their dinner plates. Once done, they sat together on the glider, content do just be with each other.

  The first yawn didn’t surprise her, but she tried to hide it from Aiden. But as a single yawn can do, it set off a chain reaction and he was yawning too. Before she knew it, Megan was having a hard time keeping her eyes open. Aiden noticed and decided it was time to say good night.

  He was still sleeping in the apartment over a barn on the 10 acres that housed Megan's home, Citrus Beach Concierge, and Paul's business, Citrus Beach Builders. Once they got married, he would move into Megan's home, but for now he was keeping the apartment. This was more because he traveled frequently, consulting with his old employer – the FBI – than because of old traditions. It was easier to come and go from the apartment and not have Megan's house in a constant state of suitcases being either packed or unpacked.

  Megan got up with Aiden and walked him and his dog, Gypsy, to the door. After taking a few moments to say good night, Aiden headed to his car to drive over to his apartment. Megan watched him leave and then locked the door.

  “Time for bed, Barney,” she called to the dog.

  Barney didn’t need a second invitation, and he raced down the hallway to the bedroom. By the time Megan walked through the door, he was curled up in the dog bed beside her bed.

  Chapter 4


  The next morning was beautiful. There wasn’t a cloud in the sky and there was enough of a breeze to make it comfortable. The promise of a perfect day hung in the air.

  Megan went through her morning routine while mentally reviewing her checklist for the day. A few phone calls assured her that all was being handled at the museum and she felt herself relax. Everything was organized and going according to plan. It looked like the day’s events would run smoothly without a hitch.

  Aiden showed up for breakfast, a ritual they had started aft
er their return from a romantic ski trip, and they had spent a relaxing hour having coffee and omelets by the pool. When they finished, Aiden settled into one of the lounge chairs with the morning paper. Megan smiled at the picture he made sure their married life would be like this too.

  Around 10, the morning’s peaceful was shattered. The arrival of Toby and Sammy had a way of doing that, but it was a happy interruption. The kids were full of excitement about the preview party, which they were attending. Both wore costumes of the 1920s, ready to carry out the theme of the day. Most of those attending the preview would also be in costume, wearing the more casual day wear from that period. The evening’s gala was more formal and the costumes would range in time periods more broadly.

  “What do you think of my outfit?” asked Sammy as she twirled, making the skirt flare out with the action.

  Megan laughed out loud at her obvious glee and turned to Lucy who had followed the kids into the house.

  “Great job on the costumes, Lucy. Sammy, you look fantastic. And Toby that newsboy cap is perfect for you.”

  They all grinned at the young man as he took off the cap and bowed low, his arm outstretched.

  “What’s everybody laughing about in here?”

  Paul followed his family into Megan’s house, also in full costume. The four of them made a wonderful image, a family happy and content. As the two women exchanged looks, Megan saw peace in her best friend’s eyes. The newly formed family had made her life complete.

  Aiden emerged from the kitchen, hearing all the laughter, and shook hands with Paul before turning to Toby, repeating the same gesture. He always went out his way to single out the quiet youth, knowing full well that Sammy’s exuberant personality could sometimes overshadow Toby. This was just one of the many things that endeared him to Megan.

  “So, aren’t you all a little early for the preview?” he asked


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