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Extra Credit: A College Reverse Harem Romance

Page 2

by Cassie Cole

  I shoved him playfully. “You had me going!”

  “I am good at reading people, though,” he went on. “For example, I could tell you didn’t want to be at the party. You were ready to go home before we showed up.”

  “Guilty as charged,” I replied. “I don’t know most of the other women very well.”

  “You faked it well,” he quickly added. “Everyone else probably thought you were having a good time. I only noticed because I’m good at it.”

  I turned toward him. “I did have a good time. During the stripping, I mean. You’re good. I mean, you’re good at what you do. I wasn’t bored, is what I’m trying to say.”

  His eyes bore into mine. I had been so focused on his body during the strip show that I hadn’t noticed how blue his eyes were. They pierced my soul and made me want to sit down and talk with him for hours. I decided they had to be tinted contact lenses. Nobody’s eyes were that blue.

  “I know you weren’t bored,” was all he said.

  “How long have you been… doing your job?” I asked.

  “Just two years,” he replied. “It’s not a long-term job, I promise. It helps pay for my textbooks.”

  I winced. “You’re a student?”

  “College, not high school,” he replied, as if that was my concern. “I’m a fourth-year at Des Moines State University. Business major.”

  I sighed with relief. I was a history teacher. All of my classes were upper-level. A business major might take a one-hundred-level class as a general elective, but they wouldn’t take one of the upper-level classes I taught.

  There were thirty thousand students at DMSU. The faculty code of conduct forbids us from sleeping with students in our own classes, but students we weren’t directly teaching? That wasn’t explicitly prohibited.

  It was still frowned upon. Most professors avoided any conflict of interest like the plague. But the way Zack was looking at me…

  “I know stripping isn’t the most traditional side-job,” Zack explained. “I think my parents would disown me if they knew.”

  The Uber driver glanced at us in the rear-view mirror.

  “But it cuts down on the student loans I’ll have to pay back. Which is nice.”

  I shook my head. “No judgment here. I think it’s admirable to work while going to school. It’s not easy.”

  Zack leaned toward me in the back seat. “It’s easier than you might think. It’s not like I’m digging ditches or working in construction. Or teaching a class full of unruly students.”

  “My students aren’t bad,” I replied. “My sister teaches middle school. Now that’s a tough job.”

  Zack rested his elbow against the window, which made the muscles in his arm flex deliciously. “Middle school is rough. I wouldn’t relive those years if you paid me a million dollars.”

  I raised an eyebrow. “Come on. You were probably the most popular kid in school.”

  “Hah! Not even close. I was the pimple-faced nerd who ate lunch by himself every day.”

  “Now I know you’re joking.”

  “I’m completely serious! You should’ve seen me. My glasses were as thick as coke bottles. I had terrible allergies so my nose was always stopped up. I had to breathe out of my mouth, but I didn’t like to do that because I was self-conscious about my braces, so I spent all day trying to breathe out of my clogged nose. The other kids called me Zack Zack the pollen attack.”

  I covered up my mouth but couldn’t help but laugh. “I’m sorry! I’m not laughing at you, I’m laughing at how ridiculous that seems. Because now you’re… you’re…”

  He flashed me a big white smile. “I’m braces free, baby!”

  I was going to say you’re as hot as a supermodel, but I kept the thought to myself.

  “Did you grow up around here?” Zack asked me.

  Before I could answer, the car pulled into our apartment parking lot. We said goodbye to the driver and got out of the car. Up ahead, two college guys wearing popped collars got into the Uber and drove away.

  I didn’t want the night to end, but there was no way to continue our conversation without being forward. We walked into the lobby and got into the elevator. I pushed the button to floor five.

  “Which floor?” I asked Zack.

  He smirked. “Five. I’m apartment five-oh-nine.”

  “Wow, I’m five-oh-one. Just a few doors down.”

  “Crazy coincidence,” he said.

  Not a coincidence, I thought. This is totally a sign.

  By this point every bell in my head was ringing. It was like someone had built Zack in a lab and dropped him into my life. We stood next to each other in the elevator, neither of us looking at the other.

  Zack broke the silence first. “I’m just going to come right out and ask.”

  I turned toward him, waiting for the question. But it wasn’t the one I expected.

  He pointed at my finger. “Why isn’t someone like you married?”

  “Someone like me?”

  Zack’s expression was soft and caring as he smiled at me. “Someone so beautiful, and fun, and smart.”

  The forwardness of the compliments caught me off guard and I laughed nervously. “You don’t know I’m smart.”

  “If you’re an associate professor, you must be.”

  “Want to know a secret? There are a lot of associate professors who are as dumb as door nails.” I cocked my head. “You also don’t know my marriage history. Maybe I’ve been married and divorced three times.”

  He stared back coolly. “Have you?”


  He nodded. “Then I refer you to my original question.”

  There was indeed a reason I had never settled down. But I definitely wasn’t going to tell the hot stripper who I had only known for an hour.

  “Haven’t found the right guy, I guess.”

  We exited the elevator and I stopped in front of my apartment. I pulled out my keys but held them in my hand. Extending the moment.

  Ask him out, a voice whispered in my head. Invite him to get drinks sometime. I could still picture his nearly-nude body in my mind, and the sensual way he danced to the music at Brandi’s house. I wondered how that body would feel pressed on top of me, sinking into me…

  Before I could, Zack ran a hand through his blond hair and said, “Jessica, I have a confession to make.”

  I tingled with anticipation as I waited for him to say it.

  “My apartment is on the tenth floor.”

  He cupped my cheek and kissed me.



  It felt so good to give in to temptation. I used to be a lot more exciting when I was in my twenties: I was on Tinder every week, finding random hookups online or at the bar. Meaningless sex with a different person every week. Most of my friends played tennis or signed up for 5K races. Sex was my hobby.

  That all ended when I became an associate professor. I forced myself to become more reserved, more careful with how I looked in public. I didn’t want my students to think differently of me. So I stopped having one-night stands, which meant I stopped having fun in general.

  But standing outside my apartment with Zack, the sexy guy who was looking at me with the same thought in his mind…

  Zack cupped my cheek and kissed me. I closed my eyes and surrendered to his warm, wet lips. He pushed me back until I was against the door, his lips crushing into mine possessively. His muscular body pressed against me, reminding me of what I had seen earlier. I moaned into his lips there in the hall as we made out.

  I broke the kiss long enough to fumble my keys into the lock. We fell inside my apartment and the door closed behind us.

  Zack’s bag dropped to the ground and he took me in his arms. His fingers slid against the fabric of my cocktail dress, over my hips to cup my ass. He squeezed and pulled me to him, and I felt the bulge of his cock through his pants. The same cock that had bounced in his thong earlier, mere inches from my face…

  His hands drift
ed lower and he lifted me into his arms. It was effortless to him—he was so strong he picked me up like I weighed nothing. I draped my arms around his neck and continued kissing him because his lips felt so good, I never wanted to stop. We moved deeper into my apartment and he lowered me to a surface. My solid oak kitchen table. I sat on the edge and he pushed forward, his body spreading my legs until my cocktail dress rode up on my hips. The crotch of his pants pressed against my panties and I sighed with pleasure.

  Zack pulled his shirt over his head. It was the exact same motion he had done while stripping, a move which showed off every muscle in his arms before revealing the chiseled lines of his pecs and abs. But unlike the strip show, this time we were alone. I could savor the sight and touch of him all by myself without feeling self-conscious.

  I couldn’t resist the sight of his sexy body so I leaned forward and pressed my lips to his shoulder, kissing the muscles there while moving toward his neck.

  “I eat on this table, you know,” I said.

  He grabbed a handful of my hair and tilted my head back until I was staring up into his crystal-blue eyes. “I want to eat you on this table.”

  Zack gave me another kiss and then pulled away from me. He rummaged around in his bag on the ground. I watched the muscles in his back ripple.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  He stood and held up a can of whipped cream. “Getting this.”

  He sprayed a dollop on my cleavage, just like he had done at the party. I moaned as he licked it up just like he had done before, although the context made it so much more erotic now. His tongue slid against my skin to get every ounce of cream, and it made me wonder how it would feel on other parts of my body.

  Zack licked his lips and said, “Stick out your tongue.”

  I obeyed, and he squirted a little puff of whipped cream onto the tip. “Don’t eat it,” he warned.

  He leaned into me again, pressing the weight of his body against my pussy. His sexy face drew closer, and his mouth opened. Then he gave me a long French kiss, his lips tightening around my tongue and gently sucking the whipped cream off the tip. My body shivered with pleasure and a moan escaped my lips.

  “You taste good,” I whispered.

  “I bet you taste better.”

  His fingers went to my cocktail dress. I sat up enough for him to slide it up over my ass, bunching it up around my waist. The can of whipped cream hissed again as he deposited another dollop on my belly, right above my panties. I leaned back on the table as he bent to me, long tongue moving across my hips from left to the right, following the bones of my pelvis. I tingled as he reached the whipped cream and licked half of it off. His chin brushed against my panties as he licked again, brushing against my clit for half a second.

  The anticipation was killing me. Zack seemed to know it, too. My chest heaved as I waited to see what he would do next.

  He curled his fingers underneath the waistband of my panties. I raised my ass off the table enough for him to slide them off, down my legs and over the heels I was still wearing. I kicked them off and they thumped against the tile floor. Zack didn’t notice—he was totally focused on admiring the sight before him. He gazed at my pussy like it was what he had been fantasizing about all night.

  He smiled lustily at me.

  The whipped cream was cool against my pussy lips, but then his tongue was warm. I moaned loudly as he licked the full length of my pussy, the tip of his tongue sliding just inside my lips as he removed the whipped cream and swallowed it. Another spray from the can and another lick, and this time his tongue pushed deeper inside my pussy.

  One more dollop of cream was added to my clit, and this time he didn’t just lick it off. His tongue swirled around my clit slowly, pushing into every crevice. The can clattered to the floor but neither of us cared. I sighed blissfully as he held my legs wide and ate me out, tongue moving around my clit and then down into my pussy before sliding back up to my clit again. The pleasure was perfectly intense, exactly what I needed.

  Normally I required lots of foreplay before coming anywhere close to an orgasm, but Zack’s tongue moved with expert skill. That and the fact that I had been turned on for an hour, first while watching him strip at the party and then chatting with him on the way home. Regardless of the reason, I leaned back on the table while he ate me out and admired the wonderful sight: his blond head pressed between my legs, working steadily like he knew exactly what I wanted. And when he curled one finger up into my pussy, and then a second one? It was the final push my body needed. I grabbed a handful of his hair and held him against me while I came. His lips wrapped around my clit and sucked as wave after wave of pleasure slammed into my body.

  When I finally stopped moaning he kissed his way up my belly and chest, reaching my lips. I jammed my tongue in his mouth and kissed him hard, tasting a combination of my pussy and sugary whipped cream on his lips.

  “How much is left in that can?” I asked him.

  His blue eyes tightened as he smiled. “Plenty.”


  I pushed him away and slid off the table. I grabbed hold of his pants and yanked as hard as I could. The buttons connecting them together popped open and the pants flew off, just as they had done at the party, revealing his thong. I giggled in spite of myself.

  “I’ve always wanted to do that.”

  “Want to do it again?” Zack asked. “I’ll put them back on…”

  “The last thing I want is for you to put your clothes back on,” I replied.

  I kissed Zack and pulled him down to the kitchen floor. Not taking my lips off his, I felt around behind me until I found the can of whipped cream underneath the table. Slowly, I removed his thong.

  I already knew it from the strip show, but Zack’s cock was big. Very big, especially now that he was fully hard. He was fully shaved, which probably made it look even longer, but this dick would be impressive even with a fluff of pubic hair around the base.

  I pushed Zack onto his back so that he was laying flat on the tile. “Oh, that’s cold,” he said.

  “I’ll warm you up.”

  While laying down, his cock rested against his belly. The tip was nestled between two of his abs. I shook the can of whipped cream and sprayed a line from the underside of his head all the way down to his balls. It looked like the most delicious banana split I’d ever seen.

  I ran my fingernails along the inside of his thighs as I knelt closer. Zack was staring down at me with those insanely-blue eyes, waiting to see what I would do. Slowly I extended my tongue and touched the tip of it to his balls. His muscular thighs tensed underneath my touch. As I began licking the whipped cream I moved my fingernails underneath him, caressing the underside of his balls.

  The moan that escaped his lips was more delicious than the whipped cream.

  I licked the rest of the cream off his balls, then continued across the underside of his shaft. One long lick until I had taken all of the whipped cream into my mouth. When I reached the tip I kept going, wrapping my lips around his bulbous head and pulling his cock away from his belly. Lower and lower I went, taking as much of his cock into my mouth as I could. Every sugary inch. Zack moaned louder, urging me on.

  When I couldn’t take any more I slowly receded, keeping my lips wrapped tightly around him.

  I decided that was enough teasing for him. I gripped his shaft with my fingers and began sucking him off faster, up and down steadily. I was wearing my cherry-red lipstick tonight, and I knew the sight of my lips moving along his cock must look amazing.

  I loved giving blowjobs. Knowing I could pleasure a man with just my mouth? It made me feel sexy and powerful. I was good at it, too. I gripped Zack’s shaft tightly while sucking on him, jerking him off along with the blowjob. How quickly could I make him come? Quicker than he had made me come, I thought. I wanted to find out. I wanted to see his chest heave and hear the roar of his ecstasy in my ears, to feel him come all over me…

  But Zack had other ideas ton



  I was settling in to the blowjob when Zack grabbed hold of my hair and pulled my head away.

  “What’s wrong?” I asked. “Does that not feel good?”

  He sat up and kissed me passionately. “The opposite: it feels too good. I’m not done with you yet.”

  I tingled with anticipation. “What are you going to do to me?”

  He grinned.

  Zack stood up and pulled me with him. He held me in his arms a moment longer, kissing me deeply, before pulling off my dress and spinning me around. I gasped as he put a hand on my back and bent me over the table. One hand held me down while the other guided his cock into my pussy from behind. He slid into me steadily, one long stroke, burying inch after inch into my pussy until I felt his body pressed all the way against my ass cheeks.

  The noise he made was pure bliss. I looked over my shoulder at him, taking in the beautiful sight. Zack’s sexy body was up against mine, completely nude and covered with chiseled muscle. The lines of muscle in his arm flexed while he held me down, and his other hand ran up my back to my ass, cupping it with need.

  He began fucking me doggy style, pistoning his cock into my pussy from behind. The angle was intense but I was already as wet as could be, and I was so turned on that it felt amazing. The way his body moved behind me, undulating with each thrust, was like my own strip show but with the added benefit of him being inside me. It turned me on in new and exciting ways.

  Zack grabbed hold of my hair and pulled gently, which forced my head back around and arched my back. I cried out with pleasure as he pummeled my pussy, long strokes that crashed against my G-spot from behind. His free hand clenched my ass cheek, fingers digging into my flesh like he was holding on for dear life. I loved the way he held me, taking me like I was something he had been fantasizing about all night instead of the other way around. The pleasure was so great that my eyes clenched shut and my toes curled on the kitchen tile.


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