Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition

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Twisted Steel: An MC Anthology: Second Edition Page 29

by Elizabeth Knox

  I pull up in the back parking lot and can see the smoke coming up from the grill. Whatever the hell Winnie is cooking is making my fucking mouth water. For fuck’s sake. None of us have wives so for the most part the only time we have good food is when we go to town. That was until Winnie joined up with us, I’ll be honest his prospect trial was about a month shorter than we wanted because he threatened to stop cooking for us. Now he is an official member and though he is only twenty-two years old, I know he is going to make a great Djinn.

  “What kind of mess you bastards getting into tonight,” I shout as I step out of my car and pass an eye over my bike that is parked in my spot.

  “Only the best kinds,” Charmaline says as she walks over to me, a bottle of brew dangling from her fingertips. “I’m happy you decided to grace us with your presence. I would have been so sad if you didn’t show up.” She stops in front of me and uses one of her extra-long false nails to trail down the edge of my jean kutte.

  “I’m happy to help. Last thing I want is for you to be sad,” I say politely. Char is a forward woman and though that alone doesn’t turn me off it’s the dominance she tries to exert over everyone. She’s bossy and I’ve had to put her in her place more times than I care to think about. She just isn’t a nice person. I tried to date her thinking that maybe she was hiding a softness under what she showed the world. I was wrong, she was just mean all the way through. It didn’t stop me from taking her up on her advances from time to time. She may be shit as a person, but a pussy is a pussy and she is willing and oh so fucking able.

  “I know something else that you can do that will make me happy.” She leans up on her tiptoes and drags her fingers up the sides of my neck and into my hair.

  “Lord have mercy, he just got here. Let the man eat. His dick will still be there after a fucking hamburger,” Cody says from the above ground pool.

  Charmaline turns with fury in her eyes and glares at my little brother. He glares right back before he makes a funny face and I burst out in laughter.

  I walk around Char and make my way over to Spark and Winnie who are standing by the grill talking shit. “That’s crap, there is no way that you would be able to sit through a full back tat.”

  “I can and I will prove it. I have an appointment next week,” Winnie says as he pulls a few burgers off the grill.

  “What the hell you little girls talking about?”

  “This fool has decided to get our insignia tatted on his back. Like a full mural. I love the dedication but I don’t think he has the stones to do it.” Spark pulls the beer up to his lips and takes a swig.

  “Shit, a full back?”

  “Yeah. I thought it would be cool.” Winnie stops what he is doing for a second and gives me a look. “That’s okay, right?”

  I laugh slightly, “Yeah, kid. I like it but maybe don’t try and do it all at one time. Slowly would be better and it would come out better too.”

  “That’s true.” Winnie turned back to the grill.

  “What the hell were you doing?” Spark asks.

  “Oh, you know it’s fucking Tuesday which meant Suzy was out of her mind.”

  Spark shook his head. “What the hell, bro? Are you her man or something?”

  “What no, you know that.” I take a step back.

  “Then why the hell does she have you waiting on her hand and foot. That’s the most pussy shit I have ever seen in my life. She’s never going to stop her shit if she knows that every fucking time she gets like that you are just going to swoop in and save the fucking day.”

  I looked at him like he was absolutely crazy, the town of Patis is minuscule, it’s right near Kennebunk and we have even less of a population. I will do anything to make sure my townsfolk were safe and if that meant I was going to have to pick her the hell up every night and make sure that she walked in her house that is what I would do. He knew that. The fact that he is trying to get me to see some wrong in what I’m doing is ridiculous.

  “What would you have me do, Spark, let her drive home drunk so she can crash into someone’s living room? Maybe I should let her walk so she can make her way to the beach and fall the fuck in?” I snarl at him.

  “Oh fuck, do you have to be so fucking melodramatic all the time? That shit isn’t going to happen and if it does happen that doesn’t mean that it’s going to be your fault that it does. I mean why do you have to swoop in and save everyone? What do you get out of that?” Spark shrugs.

  “I can tell you what I get out of that. Satisfaction. How the fuck do you think I would feel if that shit did happen and I knew that I could have gone over there, taken ten minutes out of my day and made sure that she was alright. I’m not about to let some shit go down because it’s too much of an inconvenience for me. If I can’t help it’s one thing but to just ignore the problem isn’t part of who I am. You know that shit, Spark.”

  He sighs and looks back over to the food. “Unfortunately, I do.”

  “What the fuck is that supposed to mean?” I turn him back around so that he is facing me. If he has something to say then by all fucking means he should fucking say it.

  “It means that you can’t keep your fucking nose in your own damn business. Let fucking Suzy get her damn DUI and go to rehab. What the fuck is going to happen when you aren’t there to show up and save her? What is going to happen when she becomes so fucking dependent on you that she can’t fend for herself?” His chest heaves up and down but he doesn’t turn back in my direction. He is just staring at the fucking fire in the grill. His safe place.

  “I hope we never find out.” I clap him on his shoulder and feel him relax a bit at my touch. We may argue from time to time but Spark knows I love him as I love all my brothers.

  “Who’s ready to eat?”

  “Fuck yes!” Cody jumps out of the pool leaving Becca in there with a forlorn look on her face.

  We all sit at the wooden table and hand out the meal that Winnie worked so hard to put together. We wait for a second, silently letting those who did pray to do that. I wasn’t one of them. I had very little faith nowadays.

  “You look tense,” Charmaline leans over and whispers in my ear.

  “I’m fine,” I reply, taking a bite of my food.

  “I don’t think so. I think we should go upstairs and you let me take care of you,” she purrs in my ear.

  “I said I was fine. Let me eat.” I roll my eyes at her and she backs up slightly. She crosses her arms over her chest and pouts slightly, she’s not used to anyone telling her no. What she wants she usually gets the second that she wants it.

  I put my burger down and lean over to her ear. “Let me mingle for a few, I promise I won’t forget about you.” Even if I couldn’t stand her approach there was no reason for me to be a dick about it.

  That little promise was enough for her to smile bright and curl further into my side.

  “You heard from Preston?” Cody asks as he shoves a spoonful of potatoes in his mouth.

  My chest gets tight at the mention of my brother’s name. Preston was also still on a mission. He was part of a deep cover op down in Oklahoma. He was gathering intel on the women that were being stolen and placed there to be escorts and basically sex slaves. We don’t get to hear from him often, yet since I’m in the FBI myself every so often I can get a message from him. I hadn’t heard from him in weeks and the Wings of Diablo gave us some devastating news about the farmers’ market that some of their allies had taken out. I have no idea if my brother was there as the information was classified but I wish someone would tell me something. It’s the nature of the job though. I know that.

  “Nah, I haven’t heard anything. Soon I hope.”

  “Don’t stress, you know he will reach out as soon as he can. Maybe them getting rid of that location will force the brass to move faster?” Spark says.

  “I hope so,” I say again. That is all I can do with the bureau. Pray and hope that everyone knows what the fuck they are doing and no one gets my little brother kil

  The conversation moves on to a trip that Cody wants to take over state lines to do some ice fishing. I would usually be down for it but I don’t have it in me.

  “So what do you think?” Winnie says.

  I blink a few times and realize he is talking to me. Fuck, I must have zoned out. I’m too stressed about Preston and the shit that Spark said. My mind won’t shut the hell up. I need to relax.

  “Yeah, sorry, kid. I have no idea what you said. My mind is elsewhere.” I grab Charmaline and stand up from the table. “Besides I have a guest to entertain. You bastards clean this shit up before you go to bed. The last thing I fucking need is a god damn bear in my clubhouse.”

  I pull Charmaline into the clubhouse. I pin her up against the wall and make sure there is enough light in the area. “How much have you had to drink?” I ask.

  She rolls her eyes and smirks at me. “Oh, Wyatt, always worrying. I have had two beers, the one I was just drinking was number two. I’m completely sober and in my right mind.”

  “Good. I don’t want to hear no shit later. You wanted me alone. Let’s go be alone,” I growl as I snatch up her hand again and tug her to one of the community rooms, if she wanted me, I was going to give it to her.


  The door opens and I make sure to hang the genie playing sign on the door. We all knew that to mean that this room was occupied. We rarely brought women back to our actual homes which were all on the property but separate from the actual clubhouse. Instead, if we were going to get laid by someone for just some quick fun, we would use one of the four community rooms. All of them were the same, king-size bed, lock, and garbage. That’s it, nothing fancy. We were here to fuck, there would be no candles and rose petals.

  “Mmm, I’ve been waiting all night for this,” Charmaline says as she slowly strips out of her top.

  “Yeah?” I pull my thermal sweater over my head and toss it to the side. “Let’s not keep you waiting any longer,” I growl over to her.

  She smiles and kicks out of her shoes, before she unbuckles her pants and pulls them down leaving her lace panties in place.

  I push my own pants down and sit back on the bed. My cock isn’t hard yet. “Come over here.”

  “So bossy,” she says as she kneels on the bed and crawls over to me. I lie all the way back and she kisses around the head of my cock, letting a bit of her spit come out of her mouth to lube me up. She jerks softly for a few seconds and just like always, I’m standing at full attention.

  “Open that mouth. Swallow all of me,” I groan out as she continues to jerk me off.

  “My pleasure.” She tries to keep eye contact with me as she licks her lips and lowers down on my now hard dick. She takes in the head first, bobbing up and down on the sensitive part of my cock before I shove my hand into her short dark red hair. I grip the back of her head and press down slightly so she takes more of me into her mouth. I want to feel the very back of her throat.

  It doesn’t take long before she is gagging and gasping for air. My cock still not all the way down her throat. I let go of my grip on her head and she pops up with a sharp inhale. A trail of spit links the tip of my cock to her lip. I lean up on my elbows so I can see her better.

  “Oh fuck. Can you do more?” I ask, suddenly really interested to find out how fucking sloppy she can get on my cock.

  “You know I can. You are just so damn thick.” She rolls her lips together for a second before she opens her jaw wide and engulfs the entire top half of my dick. She is really fucking good at this shit.

  “Shit,” I grunt as my hand goes back into her hair and I push down further. She dry heaves and the vibrations of her gag urges me forward. “Ah shit!” I press down harder and when I hear her take in a breath through her nose, I know that she is breathing well enough for me to go deeper.

  She smacks my thigh and digs her nails in as I pick my hips up off the bed and thrust one quick time upwards. My cock pushes through the anatomy of her neck to get further down her throat. She gags hard and I release her. The last thing I need is for her to throw up in my lap. I liked sloppy not fucking disgusting.

  “Oh my god.” She let her head fall back as she sucked in breath after breath.

  I pulled her leg to get her to roll over which she does quickly. I hook my hands into her panties and roll them down her legs. I toss them on the side of the room where I remember her putting her clothes before I reach back into the small pouch we have by the sides of the bed and pull out a condom. I tear open the gold wrapper and quickly sheath my rod. I don’t want kids. Especially not with someone I can’t stand more than sixty percent of the time.

  “Can we try without?”

  “No. Fuck that. Either we are going to be safe or you are going to be on your way?” I stared at her for a second. There was no way that I would be sliding into her without a condom. That shit would never happen.

  She grabs the back of my head and gives me a soft smile. “Okay, babe, no worry. I just thought I would give you the option.”

  “Don’t give me the option again. I don’t want that shit.” I finish rolling the condom on my cock and slide back and forth over her pussy. I didn’t need any lube when it comes to her, she is always wet for me.

  “Okay, Wyatt. Okay.”

  I press the head of my cock at her entrance, I thrust in and she moans loudly in pleasure.

  I’m sure it feels good but surely after only the very tip it doesn’t feel that fucking good. I roll my eyes and try to focus on anything besides the phony screams coming out of her mouth.

  When I’m completely inside her the screams change from high-pitched porn squeals to deep guttural sounds that let me know that I’m stretching her as far as she can take. Exactly what I want to hear.

  “Oh my god, you’re huge.” She moans and lets her body go limp as she takes all of me.

  “Hold on tight, darling,” I grunt out as I get a good grip on her hips.

  She puts her hands on my wrists but doesn’t say a word.

  “You need me to stop?” I grunt out to her.

  “No, god, Wyatt, don’t stop,” she whispers.

  Thank fuck. I would never force a woman to do anything that they didn’t want to do but at the same time I was so far gone by this point I can’t guarantee that I would be nice when I throw her the fuck out.

  I pump into her and her walls pulse hard against my cock. “Oh fuck, yes. This shit feels so good!” she cries out.

  “Damn, I need to get deeper.” I lean over her body and try to chase my own release but every time I do I fall back down the mountain completely unsatisfied.

  Forty-five minutes later and she’s come three times already, me on the other hand haven’t been close. I get almost there and then just fall straight back down.

  I let her come one more time and then I pull out of her. I was tired already from going full force for the last forty-five minutes.

  “Hey.” She leans up as I try to get out of the bed. “You’re not finished, come back.”

  “I’m good for tonight, Charmaline.”

  “No, come back,” she says and tries to pull me back.

  I pull away.

  “I said I’m good.” There is a bit more bass in my tone.

  “Ugh, what the hell is the problem. Just come finish fucking me. I know you want my pussy.” She tries to grab me again.

  I snatched my arm away again. “Charmaline, I know you fucking mean well but I’ve had enough. Now grab your shit and leave.” I stare her down and wait for her to get the damn picture.

  Yeah, she felt good but not good enough. I was tired of basically just giving myself the worst case of blue balls that I’ve ever had.

  “Whatever, your loss.” She angrily put her clothes on and walked out of the community room. I stripped the covers off and tossed them out of the room into the bag we used for laundry before I flopped back down on the mattress. She would be pissed for a few days but she would be back. I was sure of it.

  I roll over to m
y side and stare at the ceiling. What the fuck was wrong with my cock. Why couldn’t I finish? I knew it was because I had too much shit on my mind but this was fucking extreme. I stretched out and hissed in pain as my cock bobbed uselessly against my stomach.

  I had to find a way to lose this fucking stress or I may never fucking nut again.


  “Djinn, come see me,” Lynch, the assistant deputy director and my boss, calls outside of his office.”

  I close up my computer making sure to lock it down properly so no one is able to use it and I make my way over to him. I’m sure there is another case that needs to be cleaned up. I may be an FBI agent but I spend all my time in the office, basically a desk jockey. I’m fine with that as it let’s me work my mind but for the past few months he has pretty much been sticking me on the most boring of assignments.

  I have a knack for finding the small details that most people overlook, plus riding a desk is much safer than what a few of my patch brothers were doing. Both Preston and Bishop are still active field agents. I worry about them constantly.

  “Yeah, boss?” I stick my head into Lynch’s office, I hope whatever he is about to ask me is quick.

  “I need you to go through this file and make sure there are no discrepancies.” He tosses a thick brown folder in my direction but doesn’t bother to stop what he is doing. “This is a priority.”

  “You got it.” I pick it up and go back to my desk.

  The minute I open it, my curiosity is piqued. I’m used to seeing scenery from all over the world. I wasn’t expecting to find photos of terrain right behind my own town. Whatever this case was about was close to home. Something had happened and we missed it.

  I took my time going through all the files and what I found out made my fucking stomach turn.

  I didn’t find any discrepancies but the case wasn’t closed. They simply deemed it a cold case. A woman in her mid 30’s with an umbilical cord still attached to her was found at the base of one of the side mountains in White Mountain National Forest. No baby was found and no one was looking for her. There was no other DNA besides her own. The temporary response from the bureau was that it was a suicide. The only reason we were still looking into it is because she is the fourth woman in the past few years to be found like this around this huge national forest. It seems like a pattern. My boss doesn’t think so.


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