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The New Devil in Charge

Page 9

by Jennifer Loren

  I was supposed to end up serving Nick. Once that didn’t work out, I felt this assignment would do, easier even, but somehow, I think it has become even harder. “Sky, are you going to sit there all day? This would go much faster if you would help.”

  “What exactly are you looking for?” I ask.

  “Information. Anything that will help us understand how his organization worked. Who he worked for and how he made his money. This seems to be his headquarters. He must keep something important here or he wouldn’t go so far out of his way to make it look like nothing but a rundown bar. This place has no license for operation and certainly no liquor license. He didn’t even bother to open it up to the public. He’s hiding something here.” Sighing, I get up and search for a place to begin when Ryan steps behind me and places his hands on my sides. I stop breathing as he guides me to a place. “Try here.”

  I glance over my shoulder at him, and he forces a smile in my direction. He touched me again. I was fine until he touched me. I’m always fine until he touches me. Somewhat fine anyway.

  Ryan—the little brother I knew nothing about until he opened that door in his underwear and took my breath away. To say that he is sexy would be an understatement; he is beyond any kind of sexiness that I have ever witnessed. His brother, Nick, is amazing to watch. His cool, debonair style only makes him all the more desirable, but he is intimidating and unapproachable for someone like me, a nobody. Ryan, though, who is also powerfully hot, is rough around the edges with a little rugged naughty mixed in. He’s a man who doesn’t care where he sleeps or in what, if anything at all. I won’t deny I enjoyed getting a peek of him in his entirety, or having the opportunity to peek again whenever he sleeps. I try not to make a habit of it, but sometimes, I can’t get him out of my dreams and I just need to remind myself he’s real. He’s not the monster devil I assumed all Savages are. He’s different than what I expected. He treats me as an equal and doesn’t hesitate to share his emotions with me, no matter how intense they may be. He can be quite comical at times when he gets frustrated with me. Sometimes, I drive him crazy on purpose just so I can see him tense and curse under his breath to himself. It’s a fun game I play without his knowledge. Although, there are times that I remember what family he is a part of, everything stops being funny, and I get angry.

  Sometimes, I want to hurt him, attack him from behind, but the anger quickly diminishes as soon as he touches me; even just a single breath grazing my cheek makes me crazy. No matter how hard I try to stay focused, stay angry, I can’t because he excites me in a new way. I keep telling myself I don’t need anyone, but living so closely with Ryan has me longing for a taste of something more. I thought he was simply the little brother, but then I watched as his muscles flexed all over his body, his head moved up, and as his eyes began to swirl as his power raged towards the enemy at full force, taking hold of their minds and changing their thoughts to whatever he wanted. I didn’t know he could do that. I didn’t know how truly powerful he is, how much of a Savage he is. I continue to look his way until I notice Elijah watching me.

  “Do you need something?” I snap.

  He leans towards me. “You know, he lost someone pretty special. If you want him, you are going to have to take it pretty slow.”

  “I don’t know what you are talking about. I don’t want him. I am just surprised by him. I didn’t know he could do what he did.”

  “What do you mean you didn’t know? Why did you think you were assigned to protect him? It wasn’t only because he’s Nicky’s little brother. The boy has got some major skills. He was the one, after all, that drove that knife into Savage and killed the bastard.”

  “He killed him?!” I ask with a whole new outlook on things.

  “Yeah, Nicky helped him of course, but Ryan was the one that picked that dragon up and slammed it into the man’s heart. It was cool as hell to watch, scary as fuck, but cool.”

  I suddenly can’t breathe. “I thought it was Nick …”

  “No, like I said, he was there and a key part in getting Savage beaten down and into a position to be killed. Ryan certainly couldn’t have done it without Nicky or … well, it was a team effort really that day. Anyway, your boy over there, he is still healing. He is determined and eager to find a reason to stick around after Sam’s death, so don’t take his indifference to heart. He isn’t going to be easily swayed your way.”

  I stand back from Eli in shock. “Like I said before, I don’t want any part of him. I am here to do a job only, and when that job is done, then I will leave my post without any issue.”

  “Uh-huh. Then stop staring at him with that dreamy-eyed expression.” He laughs winking at me.

  Ryan looks up and smiles. I smile back at him before I can stop myself. Suddenly, my heart starts beating rapidly, my knees begin to start shaking, and my sure sign, my right pinky finger twitches uncontrollably. I have felt this way before, and I was sure I would never feel it again after what happened. I can’t like him. I can’t! I have a job to do, and I need to hate him to do it.

  It’s been a long day, and after a soothing shower, I step out to Ryan cooking us a meal. “Hungry?” he asks, wearing nothing but jeans, showing off his amazingly toned chest. I bite my lip, trying to remind myself not to stare. Thankfully I am distracted by the skillet he is holding.

  “I am hungry actually. You cook?”

  “Sometimes. When I have more than just me to cook for and a desire for a particular meal.”

  I sit down at the table with him as he hands me a plate and allows me to take in the incredible aroma of food. “Wow, you really can cook. Where did you learn how to do this? Actually, why would you learn how? Did one of your servants teach you for some reason?”

  He laughs. “Servants? No, and I might have money to do so now, but Nick and I grew up dirt poor. We had to steal most of what we needed. I had to learn to cook in order to eat. My mother was sick most of the time when I was a kid, and someone had to take care of her since my father was nowhere to be found, or at least I didn’t think he was. I guess he was around more than I knew.” I stare at him as he begins to unknowingly share a piece of his life with me. “Are you okay? Why are you staring at me?”

  “I’m sorry. You are a Savage. I just assumed you were born into wealth.”

  “You have no idea who my family is, do you?” He laughs again, shaking his head.

  “I do too!” I look away from him as I realize I really don’t know him or Nick as well as I thought. “I knew your grandfather.”

  “Oh well that explains your warped idea of us. Let me clear things up for you. We had no idea about him until he tried to make us cold blooded killers for his use. We’re not him. Nick isn’t, and I am certainly not, and I hope I never become him,” he says surprisingly.

  “You don’t crave his power and prestige? He was quite amazing in that respect.”

  He shakes his head with a sour expression. “No, I couldn’t care less about any of that.”

  “Then what do you want?”

  He sits back, looking around the room before finally focusing on me. “To be happy. For my whole family to be safe and happy and my friends the same. Once that happens, then I will be happy enough.”

  “I would say they are all that now, yet you still don’t seem happy.” I breathe quietly, somewhat afraid to hear his answer.

  He looks up at me with a tense posture as he stuffs a fork full of food into his mouth. “I’m happy, ridiculously happy. It’s not my fault you can’t tell.” I tremble suddenly from his glare, and my oversized shirt sleeve falls off my shoulder and down further than I would normally allow. My left breast nearly becomes exposed as my shirt stops just above my nipple. I start to pull my sleeve back up until I notice Ryan’s interest. He watches and seems to be waiting for it to fall off the edge. I push my chest out and let him admire me more, wondering if he will turn away or stay interested. I take in some more food before looking his way again, to find him still looking at me. I try letting my hair
down, take another bite of food, and look up at him again as my hair falls over one eye.

  “So you do have long hair. Why do you keep it pulled up all the time? Are you ashamed of who you are?”


  He rubs his face, looking me over as if he is looking for a flaw to exploit. “Daddy issues?” I shake my head. “What is it then? Why are you here? What is it you are trying to overcome and prove to everyone that your past is forgotten?”

  “I am not here to try and prove anything. I only wanted a chance to be considered for a powerful army and this is my opportunity,” I say in frustration.

  “Bullshit. Everyone has a past, and those who try to hide it had the worst. You wouldn’t be here unless someone or someones hurt you.” I pull my shirt back onto my shoulder and look down at my food. “It was more than one, wasn’t it?”

  I stand up and shove the entire table up into his face. “What is your problem?! Are you trying to upset me? Make me quit? Well, I’m not! I am here for good, and there is nothing you can do about it. I won’t give up! Do you understand me? I won’t!” I walk away and dive under my blanket on the sofa, refusing to speak another word to him the rest of the night.

  An hour or so later, I feel a tap on my shoulder. I turn over and see a plate of food in his hand. “You didn’t finish eating. You’ll need your strength to be so stubborn and stick around here.” I take the plate, and he walks away. Setting the plate down, I rush after him and force him to turn and face me. He turns around so fast I don’t have time to react to his swirling eyes. “Leave me alone, Skylar! I don’t want you. I don’t want anyone in my life. I don’t want to hurt you, but I guarantee that you don’t want to be in my life. You will only get hurt.”

  “No, I won’t!”

  He grips my arms tight. “Are you not listening to me? You will only get yourself killed being around me. Go home. Find another way to whatever path you are trying to get to.” He lets go of me, and I take hold of him back. “What do you want from me?! Do you want to fuck? Is that it? Be able to say you fucked a Lord?” He screams in my face, and the memories of my past come flooding back to me like the slow beat of a drum, one rhythmic image after another. My legs give out, and I float into a panic I can’t control. I believe I am screaming, but I hear no sound. The only thing I know is that I am suddenly floating into his bed, being cradled to his chest as he whispers in my ear. “I’m sorry, Sky. I’m so sorry. No one’s going to hurt you here. I promise.”

  When morning comes, I find myself asleep next to him, with Shadow nearby. This old bed is actually not much better than the sofa. I really wish he would find a better place to live, but maybe he finds this dump more comfortable and is more at home here than anywhere else, considering his past. Or maybe he doesn’t feel he deserves anything nice, being that he survived and she didn’t. I get out of bed and stumble my way outside to watch the sunrise, smiling at the possibilities ahead of me.

  “Skylar,” a man snaps, grabbing me and forcing me into a car. I fight to regain control but it is no use. “Don’t worry, Sweetheart. It’s only me, your future husband,” Ramsey announces as if I should be honored with his presence.

  “What do you want?”

  “I only wanted to know how you were doing and how your new job is going?”

  “It’s fine,” I say with a sharp tone.

  “And your new charge? Is he impressive at all? The little brother he sent away to keep safe …” Ramsey laughs along with his goon buddies that follow everything he does and everywhere he goes.

  Crossing my arms, I sit back with a large smile. “Quite. Why?”

  “Really? Hmmm, I was rather hoping he would be weak and easy to subdue.”

  “Not likely, and especially not by you.” He looks my way as if I set a challenge for him.

  “I doubt he is that impressive,” he huffs.

  “Oh, you would be wrong. He is so strong that he was the one that actually killed Savage,” I say proudly until I see his expression change to one way more interested in what I have to say.

  He grabs me and pulls me closer to him. “How do you know that?”

  “I was told by someone who saw it happen. Why?”

  He lets me go and sits back, thinking. “That changes some things. Well, men, it looks like we need to change our focus for a bit.”

  A sudden chill shoots up my spine, and a fear rises up inside of me like I haven’t felt since I faced Savage face to face. “I want to go back. Take me back before he wakes up and finds me gone.”

  “Oh I will. I definitely will, and after I do, you better help me find that dragon.”

  “Why would I help you do anything?”

  “Because, Honey, I am your man for life, whether you like it or not. Or did you forget the bond we have, the bond I shared into your body?” He rubs his hand up my side. “You’re infected, beautiful. It’s only a matter of time now. Maybe I should enjoy you now while you are still able to put up a fight.” I cringe away from him in disgust.

  “Do you really want me to go back to him with marks on me? He will only question why I look so abused,” I reason.

  “Fine, I don’t care. Enjoy your time while you can. It’s too bad you couldn’t get to Jayzon like I know you wanted to do. Destroy those unbeatable powers for good and make him an easier target for me to take down and finally free my master from his prison. Now, we may have another option, a way to bring back a formidable foe to take Lord Jayzon on, without baby brother to help him this time.” Running his hand through my hair, he continues. “You know, his single, unattached brother is a much easier target for you. You could nail him baby and inflict some pain on that family, and while you are it, do me a favor …” He grabs my throat and squeezes hard. “Find the dragon’s knife.” I shake my head in confusion. “You’ll know it when you see it. If he is the one that actually killed Savage, then it won’t be too far from him. Find it and bring it to me.”

  “Why, what does it do?” I gulp.

  “Don’t worry about it. Just worry about your future. I could make the rest of your life a living hell, stripping you naked, putting a chain around your neck like the animal possession you will be to me. I could share you with everyone I know and allow your soon to be feeble body to be used over and over again. Pain, my dear, oh the pain and horror you will come to know.” He enjoys a laugh among his buddies, who all look me over with anticipation. “Or, I could allow you the peace you will surely want, allow you to hide in our homey little cave away from the judging eyes for the rest of your pitiful, disgusting life. Now, you get me that knife. You use those gorgeous looks while you still can and seduce that man, that supposed future Lord, into bed and fuck all he is away so I can use him for what I need.” The car suddenly comes to a stop, and Ramsey shoves me out the door and onto the lawn in front of the house.

  Chills, I have nothing but chills, and I can’t shake them. I quickly find my way back into the house and find Shadow waiting for me inside. “He’s no one important, I promise.” He cocks his head, and I get down to his level and hug him. “I wish things could be different, Shadow. I really do.” I take a deep breath and escort Shadow back to the bedroom before crawling back into bed with Ryan. I know what I have to do, what my future holds for me, and what I have to do to minimize the hell I am set to face. No matter what I may feel.

  “Sam?” Ryan whispers, rolling over and wrapping his arms around me. A touch of his warm soft lips on mine, and I am pressed against his chest with a love I thought I once knew. I should wake him; I should use this moment to seduce him. I should. I should … stay on my mission and do what I have to do. Another kiss against my head. “I love you,” he breathes against my skin. Or maybe I should enjoy being someone else for one more moment? Oh, what a wonderful feeling it is to be his love. I close my eyes and bury myself in his arms, taking hold of his jeans he never bothered to take off from the night before, determined to not let him go until I’m ready to.



nbsp; When the sun hits my face, I wake with a woman in my arms and not the one I dreamed was there. I look down at her as I try to unlatch her grip from my pants. She sits up, looking up at me between her tresses, causing a twinge inside to pull at me.

  “Good morning,” she says softly.

  “Good morning. Are you feeling better?” She nods, slowly releasing me although she doesn’t seem to want to. “You’re taking this body guard stuff seriously, huh?”

  She laughs. “Yeah, I guess so.”

  She sits up close to me, licking her lips and rubbing her hand up my chest. Her shirt drops off her shoulder again, and I can’t help myself. I have to touch her. Moving my hand down her bare arm, I trace the edge of her shirt with my finger as it barely hangs on to her nipple.

  She suddenly removes her shirt and breathes deeply. “You can touch me anywhere you want to.” Moving on top of me, her breasts graze my bare chest, bringing my cock to attention instantly. She sits down on it and rubs her hips against me until I groan. I take hold of her and rub my hands over her body so thoroughly I nearly strip her completely of her remaining clothes.

  With a kiss to her neck, I run my fingers through her long hair and then take hold of her face to force her to look at me. “I’m not going to fuck you, Sky. You may not think so, but I think you deserve better than that.” She doesn’t fight me or argue; she just stares at me in shock. Sky slides off of me and grabs her shirt to put back on.

  I’m not sure what to say to her next when she all of a sudden leans over and kisses my cheek. “Thank you, but you deserve better than what you are allowing for yourself. Sam would want you to be happy, no matter what you may think. One day, you are going to have to allow someone to love you again, Ryan.” I ignore her comments and walk away. She doesn’t know what she is talking about, and I don’t care how attracted I am to her. She’s never going to get what she wants from me. In fact, our days together are going to soon be over if I have anything to say about it. My slow building anger with Skylar is interrupted by Shadow rushing to my side with his ears up, and I quickly take notice. I don’t see anything, but like Shadow, I can feel them coming. “Skylar! Get up and let’s get the hell out of here.”


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