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The Retribution: A High School Light Bully Romance (Beverly Hills Prep Academy Book 3)

Page 29

by Melissa Adams

  Instead of the anger that would be more than justified right now, I see pity in her dark blue eyes.

  She looks at Margaux and my sister takes a shuddering breath in an attempt to stop crying.

  “What are you doing here? Did you come here to gloat? You won! You got Devon and Teague and my brother loves you, he just said that. Not likes you, he fucking loves you. And I’ll probably lose him for what I did. Are you happy now?”

  She sounds bitter and defeated and while I’m still so fucking mad at her that I can barely look at her, my heart breaks for her.

  I never quite understood how lonely she felt.

  But my attention is firmly on the showdown between the two girls I love the most in the entire world.

  Aubrey lowers herself onto my lounger, by my side, and looks at Margaux as if she were pondering an answer to her question.

  “No, Margaux. I’m not happy. And for what it's worth, I'm so sorry about how you feel. Look, I met Devon in the summer, way before school and things got ... complicated. When you asked me if I was fucking him and I said no, I was telling you the truth. We were barely speaking at the time but we had unfinished business. I thought he hated me and after that thing with the drinks, that feeling got even stronger. I didn't mean to step on your toes or anything like that. But I wish you'd talked to me openly instead of acting the way you did. And as for your brother ... Knox loves you more than anyone else in the entire world. I would never have tried to take him away from you. If anything, the fact that we both love him, is something we have in common that could be a solid foundation for us to build a friendship on.”

  Margaux hesitates before asking her how it is possible that she isn't mad at her.

  “After everything I did to you ...”

  And Aubrey sets her straight.

  “Oh, hell no! I’m fucking mad at you! I wanna strangle you and bitch slap you all at once. But in time I’ll get over it. For Knox's sake. Because I really love your brother, Margaux.”

  My sister looks at her with a mixture of awe and diffidence.

  “Do you really? You love him but you're fucking three more guys?”

  “I don't expect you to understand all this, Margaux. I love each of them with all my heart. And I know we’ve only known each other for a couple of months and that having a relationship with all four of them will be four times more complicated but they're worth it. We’ll work on it; like the guys are working on trusting each other, for me. And this is the thing: of course they're smoking hot but when I met each of them, my heart knew that I could trust them. And my heart right now is telling me that I need to work on forgiving you for Knox's sake because I know that if he loves you so much, it must mean that you're worth it.”

  “Oh, Aubrey ...”

  I look at my girlfriend and my heart overflows with love as I wrap an arm around her shoulder and pull my sister closer, hugging both my girls.

  I know it's fucking sappy but I couldn't give any less fucks than I do, because for a just a second, my world is damn well perfect.

  But after holding them both close for a long moment, I pull back and ask Margaux for her help with figuring out who planted those pills in Aubrey's locker.

  “If you help us figure it out, and get Aubrey re-admitted at school, I swear that all will be forgiven.”

  Aubrey nods encouragingly but my sister still looks hesitant and if I didn't know her as a hard-ass fearless bitch, I’d say that the emotion in her eyes is fear.

  “Gaux-Gaux, what's wrong? Do you have an idea about who planted those pills?”

  Her eyes widen in terror when she nods and stands up abruptly.

  “Yeah, I need to see if I'm right, if the school ID I lost is where I think it is.”

  The double patio doors that connect the indoor swimming pool to our backyard open and ... I should've fucking known it!



  A short blonde girl, who looks like a slightly older version of Margaux walks in from the double patio doors that connect the indoor swimming pool to the backyard.

  She throws a lanyard with an ID attached to it at Margaux, hitting her square in the chest.

  As the two girls glare at each with matching pale blue eyes, I observe how they're both rail thin but have really big boobs.

  They have the same shade of dark blonde hair but while Margaux’s reaches her backbone, the other girl sports an edgy, asymmetric bob.

  They have Knox’s same high cheekbones and sexy, luscious lips and the same cute smattering of freckles on their noses.

  “Michelle, I didn't know you were back!”

  Knox doesn't sound pleased, he obviously doesn't have the same love for his older sister, because he doesn't look at her like he does at Margaux.

  Michelle's lips quirk up in a cruel smirk.

  “I got back last night, just in time to finish what our useless little sis started but didn't have the balls to see through.”

  Knox glares at her and shakes his head in disbelief.

  “I should've known that you were behind this whole shit show!”

  Michelle stares down at both of her younger siblings.

  “Yeah, well what do you know? I thought Margaux was like me but it turns out that she's a soft little idiot like you, brother.”

  She says brother as if the word left a bad taste in her mouth.

  “After all, did you think that your sweet, little ‘Gaux-Gaux’ could've even thought about any of this? She acts all tough but she's weak. This is why no one ever gives her the time of day or ever sticks around after they fucked her! And even the fact that anyone even wants to fuck her she has me to thank for, because if I didn't get her those diet pills, she’d be as fat as your girlfriend! So yes, as usual, when the boy she liked wouldn't even let her blow him, she came crying to me and I suggested getting him kicked out of the football team to bring him down a notch or two.”

  Knox clenches his fists.

  “I should've known that this whole thing was your idea! I knew that Margaux would never think about something so fucking despicable! Why the fuck did you mess with my girlfriend, Michelle?”

  Michelle laughs and her eyes gleam with pride, as if what Knox just said came from recognition rather than disgust.

  “Yeah well, I’ve always been the smart one in this family! So when Margaux came to me crying because your QB1 wouldn't fuck her, I thought about putting shit in his drink and getting him kicked out of the team. I’m fucking my college football team coach and I got the idea when he told me how anti-doping rules and testing are being enforced more and more both at college and high school level. And obviously at first the idea was just to get Devon kicked out of the team and get Margaux's rival suspected of it, so that Sis could get her guy. And you know how much I believe in knowing as much as you can about your enemy in order to destroy them, so I asked Margaux to tell me everything she knew about the other girl. That's when she told me that her name was Aubrey Richmond and I knew that getting her dumped by the quarterback wasn't enough, that I wouldn't stop until she got kicked out of school and her life was destroyed.”

  I’m about to ask her why but I don't need to, because Michelle wants me to know how much she hates me and is obviously very proud of her scheme.

  “It looked like I got at least part of my wish when Margaux told me how three of the guys she was fucking were accusing her of drugging them and even bullying her by calling her a skunk and a whore out loud and how the rumour that she was behind those tainted drinks was spreading like wildfire. But then you had to be the knight in shining armour and got involved and got everyone to forgive her and threatened anyone who spread the rumour or treated her badly. I told Margaux to put more pills in more sports drinks and get your ass kicked out of the team too but you guys kept passing all the drug tests, so I decided to take matters into my own hands. I stole Margaux's ID and broke into school late last night, and put those pills in her locker. Then I put that ‘anonymous’ tip into the sugg
estion box. And before you even think about going to the principal with this, I made sure that I took a sheet from Margaux’s monogrammed notepad. So if anything, the suspicions will fall on her. So Knox, tell me, who do you wanna save? Your precious little sister or your skunk of a girlfriend? Because one of ‘em will be blamed for this!”

  I see Knox’s dilemma and how hard he's thinking: it looks like Michelle had a pretty solid plan but I still don't understand why she was so hell bent on destroying me, so I ask her.

  “But why? I understand why Margaux hated me but we don't even know each other. I haven't done anything to you.”

  Michelle scoffs and explains.

  “Do you know what's the trouble with you Gen X or linksters or whatever they wanna call the generation born after millennials? You're all so fucking worried about showing to the world how cool you are on social media, that you forget the importance of history. And history is what matters here: a Richmond ruined my life by getting me expelled from BHPA. And when I found out that my sister's archenemy was a Richmond, I thought that this was my chance to get my retribution. Isn't it poetic justice? Your brother got me kicked out of school and that meant that my father froze my trust fund and no Ivy League college would even look at my applications. Now, you'll share my same destiny because all the evidence is against you and no one will ever believe you. I hope you rot in jail, twunt!’

  Knox is about to react but Margaux surprises me by intervening.

  “Michelle, I know I started this whole thing and God knows I wanted to split Devon and Aubrey up, possibly get Knox to quit dating her too. But I never intended for this to go this far. Is there a way to take this back? Aubrey doesn't deserve expulsion.”

  Michelle smirks cruelly.

  “You're a fucking pussy! All the time and effort I put into making you look good and teaching you how to make it to the top at school is fucking wasted! I used your ID to get into the school after hours and the anonymous tip is written on your monogrammed paper. And I hacked into the school security cameras, so there’ll be no footage of me ever being there. Since I’m not gonna confess, it's your choice: either the Richmond bitch will go down, or you can.”

  “I beg to differ! I see you haven't lost your cruel, manipulative streak and that getting expelled from the academy didn't teach you anything.”

  Alex, Sam, Tuna, and Ayla leave the changing room they were hiding in, followed by Devon, Teague, and Landon.

  Michelle’s gaze is full of hatred when she confronts my brother.

  “You fucking asshole! I’d say it's a pleasure to see you, but I’d be lying! What are you gonna do to save your little sister, huh? You aren't the head of the A-Team and you no longer rule BHPA. Your sister better accept her destiny and start looking at her options at community college because she certainly isn't getting into Harvard after being expelled from the academy. Unless Knox wants to rat his own little sister out.”

  Knox reacts immediately:

  “I’ll go to the principal and tell him everything! I'll tell him that you did it!”

  Michelle laughs at him.

  “Good luck, sweetie! It'll be your word against solid evidence. You have no proof that I’m involved. Accept that I won and you all lost. Alex, Sam, Tuna this’ll teach you not to cross me ever again!”

  My brother is about to retort something, but his girlfriend Ayla steps forward with a triumphant smile, setting her green eyes on Michelle.

  “This is where you're wrong, Michelle! You think you're so smart but like you got caught cheating last time, you'll pay for your actions this time too. When Knox kept saying that Margaux couldn't possibly be behind this, at first we didn't believe him but when we realised that he was your brother, we knew it could've only been your doing. So we were hiding in the changing room this whole time and I got you on tape admitting to everything and bragging about it! As usual, your need for attention is your downfall. You should've kept your mouth shut, I bet the school will press charges as soon as Mr McArthur hears this.”

  Ayla shows her smartphone, waving it mockingly at Michelle and Knox's older sister loses it completely, launching herself against Ayla with a loud shriek, trying to push her into the pool with the obvious intention to damage her phone.

  But Ayla’s faster than Michelle and steps out of the way, sending her old nemesis head first into the pool.

  Alex laughs at the sight and compares Michelle to a turd.

  “Someone please fish her out, I don't wanna be accused of caddy shacking the pool! Guys, did anyone call the principal?”

  Devon steps forward.

  “Mr McArthur and Coach Benson are waiting for us at school first thing in the morning to hear the evidence. But the principal has reassured me that as long as we can prove what I just told him, and we play in tomorrow night's final, Aubrey will be welcomed back with open arms and an apology.”

  Alex seems satisfied: he has one arm around his girlfriend and one around me.

  “Come on then, let's order that pizza, I’m starving. And you guys need to carb up for tomorrow's game. I can't wait to see you kick ass and to see my little sister cheer for the team!”


  Six Months Later

  Hilton Head, South Carolina


  I WAKE UP SANDWICHED between Devon and Knox and I stretch my pleasantly sore body, careful not to wake them up.

  They look so peaceful in their sleep and I decide to slip out of bed and go sit poolside to enjoy the warm but not stifling morning sun.

  I yawn and nod at my sister Abi, who's sitting on one of the poolside loungers, observing Chaz swim his morning laps.

  I normally join him but I feel too tired after last night.

  Abi smiles knowingly and asks:

  “You look happy. Did it finally happen?”

  I blush and nod under her inquisitive gaze, making her giggle.

  “Oh come on, don’t act all shy now! I wanna know if it was everything you hoped and dreamed. You're not allowed to act all reserved after you bugged me for months last summer to tell you how it was to make love to all my guys at once.”

  She's right, I was a real nosey brat, so now it's only fair that I share the details with her.

  Abi and I have no secrets, we share everything.

  Since my boys decided that I didn't have to choose, back in November, they’ve come a long way.

  I'm not saying that our relationship is perfect or that there aren't any challenging moments but the guys always put me first and they’ve truly become best friends.

  They enjoy each other's company, and they're building a relationship based on trust and respect, unless obviously there's pizza involved or a football is being thrown around, then they get feral.

  I couldn't feel more loved and cherished and while at first our sexual relationships progressed only on a one on one basis, around spring break there was the now infamous ‘hot tub incident’.

  I was at Knox's house and we were having sex in the hot tub, one night when we thought that we were home alone, with his parents and Margaux out of town and the guys going to a movie we weren't interested in.

  I remember it as if it was yesterday: Knox had taken my bikini top off and started kissing me passionately, his big, slightly rough hands cupping my boobs and teasing my nipples.

  I’d lowered myself onto him, straddling him and moving up and down on him, clenching my inner muscles around his hard shaft.

  That's when I realised that we weren't alone and my eyes met Teague’s blue ones.

  He was standing on the threshold of the living room patio doors in a pair of black swimming trunks and as soon as our eyes met, his hand dipped into his shorts, stroking himself while he looked at me and Knox.

  That immediately pushed me over the edge and after I recovered from an intense orgasm, I whispered into Knox's ear and we asked Teague to join us.

  I’d never felt as worshipped and cared for as I did having one of them kiss me all over while the other was inside me.
r />   That wasn't the only time Knox and Teague shared me, we ended up sleeping together quite regularly.

  I’d never really thought that I'd be into having more than one lover at once but with them it felt natural and they made me feel safe, sexy, and wanted.

  That's when I understood what Abi meant when she told me that she wanted to be with all her guys at once: the moments I felt the happiest were the ones we spent together, all five of us.

  So if that worked for a dinner and a movie or an amusement park, why not in our most intimate moments?

  However I hesitated to open up about it with the boys, just in case that made them uncomfortable.

  I have no secrets with them, this is why my relationship with each of them is so amazing: we tell each other everything without judgement, and I know the boys have been growing closer with one another.

  But I felt reluctant to ask something like that because for example, I hadn't missed Devon's unease when I kissed one of the others in front of him, and Landon had a surprising possessive streak.

  A few times he really got off by asking me to tell him that I was his.

  I mean I'm sure it was a kind of passionate, dirty talk thing but I didn't miss the possible implications of it, so I didn't have the courage to ask him to share me that way.

  I confided in Knox and Teague about it and surprisingly, they didn't think that a scenario where they could all make love to me together was as impossible as I thought.

  And they were both right, it kind of happened naturally: last week I was watching a movie with Teague and Knox in my living room and they started kissing me.

  It started with sweet, languid kisses to my lips while the other one would kiss down my neck and shoulders but before I knew it, I was naked between them and while Knox entered me from behind, Teague was touching my centre, in the exact spot that makes me see stars in minutes.

  I had wrapped my hand around Teague's shaft and I was stroking him up and down in perfect sync with Knox's thrusts.


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