Reclaiming Maysen
Page 4
“Well, I was thinking dinner and a movie. That new one you wanted to see is still playing, isn’t it?”
“Yep,” she replies, popping the ‘p’. “You staying at the clubhouse or at Nan’s?”
I think about it and say, “The clubhouse. I know you can’t stay with me or anything, but if it’s like most weekends, they usually do a cookout or something.”
“This is true. Maddox?”
“Yeah, babe?” I try to change things up from time to time. I know she loves her special nickname and I don’t wanna overdo it.
“Um, thanks.”
“For what?”
“Everything.” That one words explains so much and causes me to break out into a full-blown grin.
“Always, babe.”
I came in second place overall at my meet. I’m a sore loser on most days, but knowing I’m going to see my girl has me shaking off the disappointment. Mom and Dad as usual are bragging about how proud of me they are, and I’m trying to pay attention to them, but all I wanna do is jump in my car and hit the road. “Thanks,” I say trying to appease them. “I’ll do better next time now that I know how he works. I’ve never competed against him or seen his tapes, so this is a learning curve for me.”
“We know, kiddo, second place isn’t so bad considering how many you were up against.” Mom nods her head as if she’s making up her mind about something. Finally, what seems like forever later, we’re saying our goodbye’s. They walk me to my car like I’m still sixteen.
“Drive safe, son, and make sure you treat that girl with respect,” Dad says.
“Always have, Dad. Always will, too.”
He nods at me and slips me some money. When I shake my head no, he states, “Look, I know you have your scholarship and I know you work during your breaks either with us or down in Corinth with Jaxson and Capone, but we didn’t have to pay for college, so what I give you is the money we set aside for that. Take it and have fun with Maysen this weekend.” My dad, always the one needing to take care of his kids. I hate taking money from him considering I’ve been saving for years and have a nice nest egg put aside.
“You could always put it back for Danika,” I reply. “She’s going to school when she graduates, right?”
“She’s got her own college fund that we started. Don’t worry about your sister. Just take the money. Save it or spend it, but I know after your race today, you’re going to be eating tonight.”
“Thanks, Dad,” I say, taking the money he hands me. I know it’s important to him to feel as if he’s still helping me out, but I feel like an ass taking his money. He and mom are comfortable, but I’d prefer him to save that for their retirement. Once I take over the business from him, I want them to be able to travel and mark things off of their bucket list. They’ll still be young enough to enjoy life. I get in my car and hook up my bluetooth and call my girl.
“Hello?” she answers once it connects.
“Hey, baby. Just wanted to let you know I’m on my way. I’ll head straight to the clubhouse to drop my things off and shower then I’ll come pick you up.”
“Did you win?”
“Came in second,” I moodily say. It just now hit me I didn’t get first.
“That’s so good, Maddox. Congratulations!” Silver lining, my girl is proud of me.
“Thanks, babe, see you in a couple of hours.”
“What is it?” I ask, knowing she doesn’t want to end this call as much as I don’t.
“Mom and Dad insist we have dinner with them tonight. I couldn’t say no, is that okay?”
“Of course it is, I like hanging out with your family.”
“Lies! All lies,” she teases me.
“I’m offended, I wouldn’t do that.”
“Now you’re passing home and going straight to hell.”
“Are you calling me out?”
“Me? Never.”
“Dinner with the folks, then a movie, but tomorrow, you’re all mine.”
“I can’t wait.” We disconnect the call and the drive takes no time at all. When I pull into the clubhouse, Jaxson, Chief, Hatchet, Smokey & Uncle Braxton are all ‘cleaning their bikes’. In other words, they’re waiting for me to arrive for a chat.
“What’s up?” I state walking up to them. I shake all of their hands showing respect.
“My house, dinner,” Hatch informs me. I swear I’ll be seeing him beat his chest next.
“I was informed, I’ll be there.”
“We wanted to know what your future plans are.”
“Well, I plan on going to college, taking over the family business and one day, marrying Maysen.”
“So you’re going to take her away from her family?” Hatch looks offended by my statement.
“I don’t see it that way.” I stop to think of the right way to express what Maysen and I have already decided. “The way I see it, we’re all family. We may be a few hours away, but we’ll come and visit and you can do the same.”
“Can’t protect her if she’s a few hours away,” he grumbles. I see a smile on the others’ faces.
“Hatch, I’ll protect her. As her future husband, that job is mine.”
“I don’t like it. Why can’t you come here and work with Capone and Jaxson?”
“Well, my family’s business isn’t here. It’s always been my dream to take over for my dad so he can retire,” I slowly say, as if I’m talking with a bunch of five-year olds.
“We can discuss this further. Nothing wrong with thinking about combining the two of the businesses and you setting up a crew there and y’all living here.” This sounds more like it’s coming from DJ via Hatch if I’m hearing correctly. It takes every bit of strength inside of me not to roll my eyes at his proclamation.
“Do I have time for a shower before dinner?” I ask. The decision will ultimately be mine and Maysen’s, but I’ll think about what he said and talk to my dad and also her. I know she’s close to her sister and friends, so I want to take that into consideration as well.
“If you must, little grasshopper,” Smokey jokes. “Make it quick, poppa bear here is a little anxious.”
“You don’t say,” I mutter walking past them, letting the little grasshopper remark go. It’ll do no good to get into a sparring match with him. He’s the master and I’m a little peon in the cesspool.
I make it up to the room I normally stay in when my family visits and lock the door. I don’t trust them not to come in and pour cold water over me or something. They’re mature like that. I also lock the bathroom door once I have my clothes. I take the quickest shower known to man, still worried they’ll pick the lock or something.
“That was quick,” Smokey remarks.
“What did you expect, me to spank the bank or something? That’s your duty, not mine.” I try to keep up with the masses.
“No spanking, not while you’re in my town,” Hatchet mumbles. I lean over in laughter, holding my stomach. If he thinks I haven’t pumped one or two out with visions of his girl, he’s sadly mistaken. I think I’ll keep that information on the down low though. No need to ruffle his feathers any more than necessary. “We’re outta here,” Hatch announces. “Maybe one day we’ll teach you to be a real man and ride a bike.” Does he think he’s getting the best of me?
“I know how to ride, old man. Would you like for me to take your daughter out on the town with a loaner from my uncle?”
“Fuck no! I don’t know if you ride good.”
“That’s what I thought, I’ll meet you at your house.”
Uncle Braxton comes over and slaps me on the back. “He’ll lighten up, give him time. That’s his baby.”
“Is this how you’re going to be with Lily?” I inquire.
“Worse, so much worse.” Poor cousin Lily. I feel bad for the man who catches her eye and vice versa. Hopefully, Aunt Cara can change his mind. Of course, none of these men want to admit their little girls are gonna grow up and find someone of their own.r />
“Maddox!” Maysen screams as she runs toward me. I barely have time to brace myself before she’s wrapping her arms around me in a hug. She feels so fucking good and I have to concentrate so that my body doesn’t betray me. “I’ve missed you so much!”
I grin down at her and lean in for a quick kiss. I hear a growl coming from Hatch and raise my eyebrow at him. He may be old enough to be my parent, but I’m damned sure not going to act like I don’t like her to keep him happy. “You okay, Daddy?” she asks. He grins at her while scowling at me at the same time. I need to learn that trick because it’s rather impressive.
“I’m fine, baby girl. Let’s go on in, your mom likely has dinner waiting for us.”
We head into the house, our fingers laced together, before I’m tackled at the knees by a tiny dynamo. “Hey, JJ,” I say, “you’re getting big, aren’t you?” He grins at me and I see a missing front tooth.
“I play football, Maddox!” he exclaims. I hold my hand up and he high fives me.
“Bet you’ve got all the cheerleaders, huh, buddy?”
“Yuck, girls have cooties.”
“Yep, they do, son, stay away from them,” DJ replies, coming into the foyer. “You make sure you text your mom and let her know you made it safely yet?” she asks me.
“Not yet, I’ll do that now.”
“Please do, otherwise, she’ll worry.” I nod and hide my grin. These moms stick together like glue and take turns scolding us on the other’s behalf.
“Yes, ma’am.” I pull my phone out and send a mass text out to Mom, Dad and Danika. They unanimously respond and I have to reply back. This is why I did a group chat, this way I can respond once and they all are happy. I let them know that I’ll text when I take off to go back home. Now, though, it’s my time with my girl. This next trip home, will be to pack my belongings so I can head off to my college dorm. I just had my first track meet, but no one has officially moved in yet. The track team has their own ‘fraternity’ type house and I’m excited to start my college life.
“So, how did the rest of it go?” I ask Maysen as we head into the family room. I’m not one to wax poetic about houses, but growing up in the business I have, I really like their home. I can imagine having something like it when Maysen and I are ready to settle down.
“Wellllll…let’s just say that orange is not Stephanie’s color.” Her uncles both pushed shit through after she got the statement made and the first court appearance was yesterday. She probably won’t get anything more than probation but hopefully, that’ll keep her from hurting someone else. I just hate it was my girl that suffered the consequences of her actions.
I can’t help but laugh at her words. “That good, huh?”
“The judge gave them all probation, and gave me a restraining order against them so until I graduate, they have to go to public school!”
“Oh how the mighty have fallen,” I state. “Bet they’ll soon find out how that life is, huh?”
“Considering that the rest of my family and cousins go to the school they’re headed to, I’m sure their lives will be interesting to say the least.” I look at her and she continues, “No, they don’t plan to bully them, but they’ve spread the word that the four of them hurt me. Since I grew up with most of those kids, Stephanie and her crew will likely find themselves on the outside looking in.”
“Good, it’s nothing less than they deserve in my opinion.”
The following year
Maddox and I are excited about my graduation. I advanced quick enough that I’ll be graduating an entire year early. I’m excited and anxious. I’ll be one of the youngest in the freshman class, but I got accepted at the same school as Maddox. We’re spending the summer at the farmhouse, much to my dad’s displeasure. Mom convinced him that it’s time to let me spread my wings some...especially since I’ll be on my own soon anyways.
But today is the day I receive my diploma and the MC is throwing a huge party in my honor. Mom sat me down a couple of months ago and had the birds and bees talk with me...which led to me getting on birth control. I’ve never been so embarrassed in my life. And it’s not like we’re doing anything right now. We’ve set some goals for ourselves. But at least Ralynn had to suffer too. She’s been dating a new boy at school, and they are very vocal about ‘being in love’ which is a load of shit, she’s just trying to make Jaxson jealous.
I know this for a fact because more often than not when Tony calls, she sends his ass to voicemail then claims she didn't hear her phone. I know they aren’t doing anything, she’s saving herself for her heart's desire. Poor Jaxson. Anyways, Ralynn shrugged it off whereas I hid behind her. The things they did to my poor vajayjay still haunts me.
When my legs went up in the stirrups and I was exposed to everyone in the room, I was praying the floors would open up and swallow me whole. I can’t even think about it without turning a bright shade of red. But Mom wanted me prepared in case we take things to the next level.
Which won’t be happening any time soon. My man wants to do it right, he wants a romantic setting not a spur of the moment thing. I have been more tempted than him when his arms are wrapped around me and his lips are glued to mine. He has more self-restraint than I do, but I’m glad he respects me to the level which he does. He knows that I want candles, flowers and the entire shebang when I decide to give up the big V.
I’ve put on a pair of well-worn blue jean shorts, a Harley Davidson tank, my hair is up in a messy ponytail and to top the outfit off is a pair of black chucks. Looking in the mirror, I’m impressed with my biker chick look. I decided to wear minimum makeup due to the humidity this time of year in Texas. I’d sweat off more than I’d be wearing by the end of the night. I’d prefer not to have raccoon eyes when we wrap up the evening.
“Get a move on, chica!” Ralynn yells from the living room. Our parents have already left for the evening, my mom has to be hands-on for any party, especially when it’s in regards to her kids.
“I’m coming! Hold ya damn horses, the party can’t start until I arrive anyways, you impatient cow.”
“Mooo,” she cries melodramatically as she grabs our purses and all but starts shoving me out the door. I can’t help but laugh at her antics as we head to the car. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear she was blood-related to our uncles, Smokey and Bandit, sometimes! We get into the car and head towards the clubhouse.
“I’m excited! But I am curious, how are the three devils fitting in at your school?”
“Girl, all I’m gonna say is that they are getting theirs, they are looking over their shoulders as they walk down the halls. Last gym class we had, Lily took all of their clothes while they were in the showers. Oh my God, she even took their towels! You could hear nothing but screams of horror bouncing off the walls and the entire class laughed their asses off!”
“If that’s the worst they’ve gotten, it’s better than what they’ve done to me.”
“Oh, that wasn’t the worst, it was just the funniest.”
“Do tell,” I turn in my seat looking her way.
“This one time, in band camp…” I don’t let her finish before I’m slapping her shoulder.
“Seriously, Rae! Stop repeating your favorite line from that stupid movie.”
“Hey, it’s not stupid, it’s a classic.”
“It is not,” I snort in laughter.
“Anyways, other than pushing them down the stairs, we’ve sort of reenacted everything they put you through. The cafeteria scene was my favorite, the guys even got in on that one. Jasper put it on social media...needless to say, they were a sensational hit. He got over one-million views. The entire school plays it every time one of those plastic bimbos comes into a classroom. We will go down in history as the best!”
“Y’all are crazy!” I’m leaned over, clutching my stomach to stop it from hurting due to how hard I’m laughing. A tiny part of me wonders if this makes them as bad as they were to me? I squash that thought. I wasn�
��t the only one they terrorized at Endicott, not by a long shot. If all they have to deal with is some minor pranks, they’re getting off easy. Satisfied that I’ve justified, at least to myself, that my family and friends are not bullies, I turn up the radio and we sing along.
* * *
* * *
I’m sitting outside on the bench in front, waiting on my woman and Ralynn to make their way here. My Maysen was so beautiful today when she received her diploma. She stood out from everyone else, a light, bright ray of sunshine among a dark cloudy storm.
As always, she took my breath away. I sometimes need to pinch myself to make sure I’m not dreaming and she’s really mine. I watch and observe all of the couples around me. This is what I want for us, for our future. They love each other with a devotion that is impenetrable. I see Rae’s car pull up to the gates and I jump up off my bench and rush to meet them when they park. Once the car is settled, I yank open the passenger side door. I lean in and unbuckle her then pull her out and lift her up in my arms. “I missed you, my beautiful girl.”
“You know I can unbuckle myself,” she teases, “and I missed you too.”
“Knock it off you two, it’s only been a couple of hours since you’ve seen each other.” Rae rolls her eyes at our display of affection. Before I have a chance to respond, I look over and spot Jaxson in the doorway and grimace when I see Rae brush by him without so much as a hello or even go to hell. She stomps through the clubhouse and I can’t help but wonder what that’s all about.
She’s usually snarky when it comes to him, but she’s never been downright disrespectful. She didn’t give him any sass, just passed on by like he didn’t even exist. I look at Maysen and she shrugs her shoulders at me. Okay, guess we’re going to join the club of clueless and just keep on going.
We walk into the clubhouse and in the hour I’ve been sitting outside the old ladies have transformed this place into a brother’s nightmare. Pink streamers and balloons line the room and I notice her cake in the middle of the pool table. It’s even pink! My girl loves her pink, that’s for damn sure and I make a mental note that we’re gonna have to compromise when we get our own place because no way in hell am I sleeping in a girly-girl room!