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Hard At Work (A Dark Alpha Romance) (Nice and Dirty Series Book 3)

Page 3

by Lola StVil

  She’s sitting at the table, her back to the door, her cell phone pressed to her ear. She’s finished her lunch. A sandwich wrapper sits on the desk beside her, and she keeps twiddling with it. I wish it was my cock in her hand.

  The thought makes my cock twitch, and I push it away. I stay where I am, listening to her talk. Not because I want to eavesdrop on her conversation, but because her voice is mesmerizing. It’s low but feminine, and when she laughs, it’s like music.

  “I think Liam is getting sick of waiting for me to be ready,” Aria says into the cell phone. She sighs. “I guess I’m just not worth waiting for.”

  I feel a dark surge run through me. Part jealousy that this Liam guy is obviously her boyfriend. It is like a physical pain inside me to think of someone holding Aria’s hand, kissing her, getting to take her places and show her off to the world.

  It’s more than just jealousy, though. Whoever this Liam fucker is, he’s an idiot. How can he not see that Aria is so special? How can he not want to hold on to her and never let go?

  I hate him because he’s with her, and I hate him because he is making Aria question her self-worth. She’s worth the fucking world, and given half a chance, I would show her that. I’d give her the world and more.

  You’re worth it, Aria. You’re worth everything, and if this Liam guy is too fucking dumb to see that, he deserves to lose you. You deserve better than him. You should be with me.

  Stop it, I tell myself, but it’s no use. Hearing that she’s doubting herself makes me want her more. It makes me want to march in there and tell her she’s the most amazing girl I’ve ever met.

  She’s talking again.

  “He says he’s waited long enough. I mean, it’s been five weeks, and I get it. It’s a long time. He’s probably right, but I just don’t know. And if I was ready, I would know, right? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I’m ready in that sense, I’m just not sure I’m ready for him. I just always pictured my first time being special. And I’m not convinced Liam is the right guy to give myself to. Is that ridiculous?”

  My cock is like an iron bar as it hits me that Aria isn’t just talking about her first time with Liam. She’s talking about her first time with anyone. I feel my no-dating policy evaporate into a thousand tiny pieces. I will have her. I will take her and make her mine. Fuck Liam. He doesn’t deserve shit from her, let alone the most precious gift she has. I have to have her. I have to make her mine.

  She’s laughing now, a low, almost seductive laugh that sends another wave of need through my cock. It takes everything I have not to go in there, throw her cell phone away, and fuck her on the table. No. I can’t so that. She deserves so much better than that. She deserves a long, slow seduction that will have her begging me to take her. She deserves the time and effort it will take to show her she’s worth it.

  “I have to go. My break is almost over,” Aria says.

  Take as long as you want, Aria. You have me so far under your spell, you could sit in here all day and I still wouldn’t let you go.

  “I love working here. Yeah, my boss is fine. He’s smoking hot, too, which helps.”

  That’s an interesting development. She is into me.

  “No, of course he doesn’t. When I first met him, he used to give me these looks. Looks that melted me inside and made me ache for him. But now he barely glances in my direction. It’s like he doesn’t know I exist.” She laughs again. “Welcome to the world of being the hired help, huh? Right, I really do have to go. Catch you later.”

  She hangs up the call and stands up. She picks up her sandwich wrapper and goes to the trash can, and I realize I am just seconds away from being caught listening in to her conversation with an obvious hard-on. I pull my jacket closed, hiding my cock. I take a deep breath and step into the room.

  “Hey, Aria. How are you finding the job so far?” I ask, keeping my tone as casual as I can manage.

  She looks at me and smiles. I swallow hard, warning myself to stay back.

  “You remembered my name,” she says.

  She sounds surprised. As if anyone could forget this perfect creature once they’ve met her. Oh, I know you exist, Aria—don’t you worry about that.

  “Sure.” I grin. “How could I forget the girl that gave me a champagne bath the first time we met?”

  She blushes and laughs softly. “I meant to say that I love it here. Thanks for taking a chance on me. Even after I swilled you.”

  I wait until she’s at the door. “Sometimes you have to take risks in life, Aria. You have to know what you want and make sure you get it.”

  She looks back at me, and I know I’m not hiding my meaning well. I can’t help it. I can’t think straight when I look at her. She looks at me for a second longer than would be normal and then turns and practically runs from the room.

  Oh, Aria, the chase is officially on.



  I go back to my desk with Colton’s last words ringing in my ears. I can’t help but wonder how much of that conversation with Hayley, my best friend, he heard. Was that his way of saying he thinks I should just say screw it and let Liam take my virginity? Or did he mean I should go after him?

  No, there’s no way he meant I should make a play for him. It’s just wishful thinking on my part to let myself believe that for more than a minute.


  I realize Clare has been trying to get my attention for a while now. At least she doesn’t know I ran into Colton and won’t assume I’m off in the clouds daydreaming about him fucking me senseless. So there’s that.

  “Sorry.” I smile sheepishly. “I was a million miles away.”

  “It’s okay. I was just asking if you fancied a couple of drinks tonight. A few of the guys from the building sites are going for a few, and they’ve invited us along.”

  “Ah, I can’t tonight. I have a date,” I say.

  “That explains why you’re a million miles away from here, then. What’s he like? Hot?”

  I shrug. “I guess so, yeah. Yeah, he’s hot.”

  He is, but the pressure is getting me to the point where I no longer look forward to seeing him anymore. I’m not about to tell Clare that, though. It’s a bit too much information for an office conversation. And I’m definitely not going to tell her that I used to think Liam was hot, but when I compare him to Colton, he doesn’t even come close.

  “Ah, well, if you change your mind, we’ll be at Ginny’s Bar, just over the road from here.”

  “Thanks.” I smile. “But I won’t change my mind.”


  I’m ready early for our date tonight. I’ve chosen a mid-thigh-length black dress that hugs my hips and breasts. My hair hangs loose around my face, poker straight. And I am wearing my highest heels. I am as nervous as all hell. Somehow I know tonight’s the night I will give myself to Liam. Not because I particularly want to, but because the more I think about it, it just isn’t normal being a virgin at my age. It’s not like I want to wait until marriage or anything. It’s time for me to grow up and get this over with.

  I keep telling myself this, yet there’s a voice at the back of my head that tells me I don’t want to. Not with Liam. I know that if he thought anything of me, he would wait without all of the pressure, but it has been almost six weeks now, and how many guys would even wait that long?

  The constant thoughts roll through my head as the two sides of me argue with each other. The only thing they seem to be able to agree on is that if I was going out with Colton, there would be no waiting. I wouldn’t be able to stop myself with him.

  I ask myself for the third time if I should just cancel tonight. It’s not because of the sex thing hanging over me. Not really. That’s just a good excuse I can give myself. The truth is, it feels wrong going on a date with Liam when I can’t get Colton out of my head for even a second.

  And he’s not just taking up headspace. Every time I think of him, my pussy tightens and I get wet. I’ve never felt such a str
ong attraction to anyone before, and it scares me a little bit.

  Aria May Stevens, this is fucking stupid. Get a grip on yourself, girl. Colton is a dream, a fantasy. He’s untouchable. Liam is real and he wants you.

  I know it’s true, and until I met Colton at the governor’s ball that day, I was more than happy with Liam. I remember looking forward to seeing him, getting butterflies in my stomach when he walked into a room. But it was never like this. I never felt myself getting wet just from looking at him. I never found myself thinking about what I wanted him to do to me.

  My cell phone pings, and I’m relieved I can stop thinking for a moment. Liam must either be early and he’s here now, or he’s letting me know he’s running late. I pick my cell phone up and check my text messages. The text there isn’t from Liam. It’s from an unknown number.

  I frown and open the text message.

  I just thought you should know what he’s really like.

  Attached is a video. I almost don’t watch it. It’s going to be some sort of pervy video, and I don’t particularly want to watch it. Or it’ll be one of those dumb social media challenges. Or maybe even a virus.

  Something tells me it’s none of those things, though, and I reread the message: I just thought you should know what he’s really like.

  What who is really like? And why do I need to know?

  Curiosity gets the better of me, and I hit play before I can talk myself out of it. There’s still half an hour before Liam is due to pick me up, and it’s not like I have anything better to do while I wait.

  The video shows a bouncing club. Dance music pounds as sweaty bodies writhe, their arms in the air, sweaty euphoria covering their faces. I watch as the camera swings around in a wide arc. I’m starting to think the sender of the video got the wrong number.

  The camera begins to zoom in. It focuses on a couple standing at the edge of the dance floor, tucked away in a dingy-looking little recess. He has his hands on her ass, pulling her against him. They are kissing passionately. She has her hands pressed into his hair.

  I definitely know now this video was never meant for me. It’s clearly some sort of joke between friends. I’m moving my finger toward the button to shut it off when the couple break apart.

  My insides turn cold. The video is definitely meant for me. Panting for breath, his eyes locked on the woman he’s with, is Liam.

  My cell phone falls from my hand and lands on the ground. I vaguely register the dull thud but make no move to pick it up. I was right to not give myself to Liam. I feel sick to my stomach when I think about how close I came to doing it. I would have done it tonight, I’m almost certain of it. And there he is with his hands all over another woman, his tongue in her mouth.

  I feel tears come to my eyes and blink them away. I’m not going to sit here and cry over Liam fucking Green. Angry now, I bend forward and snatch my cell phone back up off the ground. The video is playing again, and I shut it off.

  I hit call and listen to the ringing. The call goes to voicemail. I don’t know why, but it suddenly feels important that I know who sent me the video.

  I type out a text message. Who are you?

  The answer pings back in within seconds. A friend.

  I’m no wiser as to who sent the text message, but it’s clear whoever it was isn’t going to tell me who they are. A friend. None of my friends much like Liam. They know he is always pressuring me to have sex with him, and it could be any one of them. I don’t think it’s Hayley, though, my best friend. She wouldn’t have done it like this. She’d have come over and sat with me while she showed me the video.

  Whatever. It doesn’t really matter who sent the video. The end result is the same.

  I close my messages and scroll through my call list until I find Liam’s number. I hit call.

  “Hey, babe,” he answers.

  How did I used to think it was sexy when he called me babe? It’s fucking insulting. He’s reducing me to nothing but a plaything, taking away my name and making me just another conquest. It’s probably in case he forgets who is who and gets my name wrong.

  “Don’t fucking babe me,” I snap.

  “Huh?” Liam replies. “What are you going on about? What’s wrong?”

  “What’s wrong is seeing you with your tongue down some girl’s throat last night,” I say.

  “How the fucking hell do you know about that?” he asks.

  My eyes widen in surprise. He’s not even going to deny it? I’m not even special enough that he would try to save my feelings?

  “It doesn’t matter how I know. Just that I do. We talked about this, Liam. We agreed we wouldn’t be dating other people and you betrayed me. You … you fucking cheated on me.”

  Liam gives a soft laugh. “Oh, come on, Aria, don’t be so fucking naïve. It didn’t mean anything. It was just sex, that’s all.”

  His words cut me like a knife. I expected him to say it was just a drunken kiss, nothing more. But it wasn’t. That was just a warmup for what came later.

  “How could you?” I whisper.

  He sighs, like he’s the one who should be exasperated. “What did you expect? We’ve been together for weeks and there’s been nothing more than a kiss and a bit of a fumble. If you’d put out, I wouldn’t have gone looking for it elsewhere.”

  “Are you seriously trying to blame me for this, Liam?” I ask.

  “I’m just saying that I have needs, Aria. And if you can’t fulfil them, then I have to go to someone who can.”

  It’s my turn to laugh. It’s a bitter noise, one filled with scorn and hurt.

  “You know what, Liam? Fuck you. Don’t bother coming here tonight, and don’t call or text me anymore. We’re done.”

  “Calm down, Aria. We’re not kids anymore. Surely you can see the position I’m in here.”

  “Oh, I can see it clearly. You’re alone.”

  I hang up. Tears come to my eyes again, and this time, I let them come. What an absolute fucking dick Liam turned out to be. I can’t help but wonder if the girl in the video knew he was just using her for sex or if she thought it was the start of something. Honestly, I hope for her sake she knows, because I’d hate to think she developed feelings for him and he did the same thing to her.

  I wipe my eyes and sit looking at my cell phone for a moment. I call Hayley, but the call goes straight to voicemail.

  I tell myself to stop crying. Liam isn’t worth my tears. The truth is, though, I’m not crying for Liam. I’m not worried that we’re over. In fact, I’m kind of relieved it happened now rather than later. I’m upset because I’ve finally let myself admit it: the things I feel for Colton aren’t just signs of a stupid crush. I really want him. More than I’ve ever wanted anything. And I know it can’t happen.

  I stand up abruptly. I refuse to sit here all done up and crying like some sad-case loser. I’m going to wash my makeup off, put my pajamas on, and eat ice cream from the tub until I feel better.

  Another idea comes to me as I head for the bedroom, and I smile to myself. It’s a much better idea. I go to the bedroom, and instead of taking my makeup off, I fix my mascara. I go back to the lounge and text Clare.

  I’m in. What time?

  We’re here now, comes the reply.

  I grin to myself and call a cab. Fuck sitting here crying over Liam, or Colton, or the mess my life seems to have fallen into. I’m going to go out, drink, and have the night of my life.



  I’ve only been in the bar for about two hours and I’m already drunk. I’ve been drinking cocktails, wine, and far too many tequila shots. The bar is busy and the music is good, and it’s been nice to just let go and have some fun.

  Outside of the office, Clare is the instigator, bringing rounds of shots to the table seemingly every two minutes. She has introduced me to some of Colton’s work crews. There was a Terry, a Graham, a Johnno, a Simmo, and others I can’t remember. I no longer know who is who. I don’t think I really got the na
mes all straightened out with the faces in the first place, and after the tequila, I have no chance.

  We’ve danced and laughed and I feel good. Clare mentioned earlier that Colton might be dropping in. That gave me a burning feeling in my stomach, one much stronger and much nicer than the one brought on by the alcohol, but he hasn’t shown up, and while I really wanted to see him, it hasn’t spoilt the night for me.

  The music is now being intercepted by karaoke. One of the guys—I think it might be Graham, but I could be wrong—is making his way up to the stage to sing when Clare turns to me.

  “So what changed your mind?”

  I shrug.

  “Come on, spill it,” she says. “What happened to your date?”

  I open my mouth to tell her Liam and I are over and leave it at that, but somehow, the whole story comes pouring out of my mouth.

  “I got sent a video from a number I didn’t recognize. It showed Liam, my boyfriend—no, my ex-boyfriend—kissing another woman. He was in some club and he was practically fucking her right there at the edge of the dance floor.”

  “Wow,” Clare says. “Men are such pigs, aren’t they?”

  “Yup. And Liam is the worst. I called him to confront him about it. And you know what he said? He said it was my own fault, because if I put out, he wouldn’t have to go looking somewhere else.”

  “He actually said that? What a fucking loser.”

  “I know,” I agree. “Clearly he only wanted me for one thing, and when he didn’t get it, he showed his true colors. I’m so glad I didn’t have sex with him now. I know it’s stupid, but I want my first time to be special.”

  “Your first …? Are you a …?”

  “You can say it.” I laugh. “It’s not like it’s a dirty word. Yes, I’m a virgin.”

  Of course, as I say that, the song ends and I find myself yelling my sexual status loudly enough for the whole table to hear. Probably the next one, too. It gets me a round of cheers and whoops from the guys. Clare glares at them.

  “Enough,” she says.

  I take a big gulp of my wine, trying to swallow my embarrassment down with it. “It’s fine,” I say. “It’s nothing to be ashamed of.”


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