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Hard At Work (A Dark Alpha Romance) (Nice and Dirty Series Book 3)

Page 6

by Lola StVil

  I close the door to my office and head for my desk. I don’t think I’ll be getting any work done today. Aria won’t be the only sitting at her desk imagining the things I could do to her. It’s all I can think about.

  I see myself stripping her slowly. Laying her down and kissing her body, sucking her nipples. I see myself burying my face between her legs, making her come until she’s begging me to fuck her. I enter her in one long stroke, claiming her pussy as mine. Once I am in, no one else will ever get to touch her again. She’ll be mine forever.

  My cock is hard again. I scoot closer to the desk and open my pants. I reach down and grab my cock in my fist and jerk off. It doesn’t take me long to get there. All I have to think about is the way Aria looked the other night when I was stroking her pussy. How she covered her little gasp with a cough. How fucking wet she was. I come explosively. I clean my hand off on a tissue and fasten my trousers. I head to the bathroom to clean myself up properly.

  I don’t want to be caught with a spunk stain in my boxers. Because with Aria and I alone in the office, who knows what could happen?



  It’s fair to say I got absolutely nothing done today. All I could think of was Aria. Knowing she was just down the hall and we are the only two people in the office had me in a state of arousal all day. I can’t think, can’t concentrate. Fuck, I can barely breathe.

  I spent all day hoping she would come to me, but she didn’t. I lost count of the times I jumped out of my chair to go to her but talked myself out of it. It’s driving me crazy. I’ve never been one to hold back. When I know I want something, I fucking take it. But Aria is different.

  She’s special. Fragile. She needs to be handled with care, and the last thing I want to do is to come on so strong she thinks I’m another Liam, just after one thing from her. I’d kill to get that one thing, but that’s not all I want. I want the full package, the American dream. Two kids, a white picket fence, and a dog named Skip.

  Okay, maybe not Skip.

  I’ve never been in love before, and I have no idea how to handle it. I’ve never been nervous about women, never second-guessed myself, but Aria has me acting like a fucking teenager. I might as well go out there and ask her if she wants to come and make out in the back seat of my car.

  Maybe it will all work out for the best and we can teach each other some things. I can teach Aria just what her body is capable of in the right hands, and she can teach me a lesson in patience. She might be a virgin sexually, but I’m a complete virgin when it comes to loving a woman instead of just fucking her, so in that sense, we can both be each other’s first and last. We can dive into this heart-first together.

  I just have to time it right. I don’t want to scare her away, but I don’t want her to think I’m not interested, either. She’s not completely naïve to how this whole thing works. She’s giving me signals, and she knows it. She wants this. Maybe not as much as I do—I don’t think anyone can want something as much as I want her—but she wants me all the same.

  I stand up for the hundredth time when my door opens. It’s going to be like a scene in a movie. We’re going to cross my office floor and meet in the middle, and I’m finally going to kiss her. There will be fireworks and then there’ll be orgasm after orgasm. The kind that they definitely don’t show in the movies.

  I take a step toward her, and she frowns. Okay, it’s not going to be like the movies. I cover myself by going to my filing cabinet. I flick through the top drawer and casually glance over my shoulder at her.

  “Did you need something?” I ask.

  “I just came to let you know I was heading out. Unless you want me to do anything else?”

  Oh, I want you to do something else, all right, Aria. I want you to ride me until your entire body is crying out to stop. I want you to push past it and ride me harder. I want us to come together, and then I want to turn you onto your front and start over again. I want you to scream my name, to tell me you belong to me.

  “No, everything’s under control,” I say. “Just give me, like, two minutes and I’ll give you a ride home.”

  “It’s fine,” she says. She indicates a bag in her hand. “I have boots.”

  I smile at the thought of her in her boots, jumping around in the snow like a kid.

  “Nonsense,” I say. “What kind of person would I be if I let you walk home in this? Do you think I kick puppies too?”

  “Only on Tuesdays.” She grins.

  I laugh, and her smile widens.

  “I’ll wait out in the lobby,” she says.

  I nod. “I won’t be long. I just need to close down the computer and put the last of the paperwork away.”

  She nervously eyes my clear desk. It’s obvious there’s nothing for me to put away. I just need a moment to prepare myself to be so close to her without being able to touch her. She doesn’t comment, just nods.

  “Oh, and Aria?” I say.

  She turns back.

  “I’d appreciate it if you didn’t throw up this time. It took me forever to get it off the door panel,” I tease.

  She blushes bright red. “Oh my God, I’m sorry. I …”

  She trails off when she sees the grin I can’t hold back any longer.

  “You’re messing with me, aren’t you?” she says.

  I nod. “Yeah. But I really would appreciate it if you didn’t throw up. It doesn’t do much for a guy’s ego when he’s about to kiss a girl and she hurls.”

  She smiles at me, a flirty smile that sends my pulse soaring.

  “Okay. I promise not to throw up if you promise to try that kiss again,” she says with a wink.

  She’s gone before I can respond. I shake my head. That girl is going to drive me insane. But fuck me, I love how she teases me, dropping in those little one-liners when I least expect them. She’s definitely going to keep me on my toes.

  I stand behind my desk and look at my blank screen for a few seconds. I put my jacket on while I wait. How long should it take to close down a computer? It’s not something I’ve ever consciously timed. If I go now, will she know I lied about shutting down the computer? Oh, fuck it, I don’t care. I can’t stand not to be with her for a second longer.

  I flick the light off and leave the office, pulling the door closed behind me. I walk down to the lobby. Aria is perched on her desk, her legs crossed. What I wouldn’t give to go over there and fuck her right where she’s sitting. She smiles when she sees me and hops off the desk.

  “I was starting to think you climbed out of the window to get outta that kiss. I mean, how long does it take to pretend to shut down a computer?”

  She turns away and heads for the front door. I shake my head and smirk to myself. Oh, she knew. And I’m willing to bet she knew why I had to do it, as well.

  Angel, you’re playing with fire.

  Because if you keep fucking pushing me, there won’t be any waiting. It will happen right now, and it won’t be slow or gentle. It will blow your fucking mind.

  She pulls the door open and lets out a shriek. I hurry over to her, instantly worried that something bad happened.

  “What is it?” I ask.

  She just points. She doesn’t need to tell me. The door is open, but where the street should be, there’s only a wall of snow. A foot at the top of the door lets in the wintery light as the fat flakes continue to fall. The snow is higher than my head.

  I feel a delicious pulse run through me when it hits me what it means. Aria and I are going to be spending the night here.

  “What the hell?” Aria says, still staring out at the snow. “I swear I looked out the window earlier and it was nowhere near this deep.”

  “It happens now and again if the wind blows in the wrong direction,” I tell her. “The snow banks up there and we just have to wait it out.”

  “What do you mean wait it out?” she says.

  “I mean it looks like we’re having a little slumber party tonight.”

; Not that we’ll be doing much sleeping, if I get my way.

  I wait for Aria’s reaction. I’m sure I see a smile cross her face for a second before she pulls her expression back to neutral. She shrugs and closes the door.

  “I call dibs on the couch in your office,” she says, turning back to me.

  “Deal,” I say. “But you do know that the one who gets the couch also has to get the drinks, right?”

  She pretends to weigh her options. “I can live with that,” she says.

  She walks past me and heads down the hallway. I watch her walk, noting how good her ass looks, even through the long, thick jacket she’s wearing. She glances back and grins at me.

  “Well? What are you waiting for?”



  It’s clear I’m in for a long night of absolute torture. The chemistry between Colton and me is undeniable, but he’s making no move to kiss me. In fact, he seems to be going out of his way to stay away from me. I’m on the couch I called dibs on and he’s sitting in his office chair. He moved it around to my side of the desk, but he’s still half a room away. I guess Clare was right: he’s done dating. He’s obviously chosen not to act on the chemistry between us, and I’m certainly not going to make the first move. Not after last time.

  We’ve been here for a couple hours since we discovered we couldn’t leave, and we’ve polished off a quarter of a bottle of whiskey. Colton said he had more, but there’s no chance of me risking throwing up in front of him again. Or even falling over. We’ve talked about pretty much everything. Our childhoods, our dreams for the future. It’s surprising how much we have in common.

  We both have a passion for business. We both want to get married and have at least two kids. And we both want to one day retire and move out to the countryside. Preferably while we’re still young enough to enjoy it.

  The night won’t be long because Colton and I have nothing to say to each other, or because we don’t like each other. It’s the opposite. The night will be long because every nerve in me is on fire; every part of me aches for him. And I can’t have him.

  Maybe he’s an early bird and he’ll go to sleep soon, and I can relax a little. I don’t think there’s much chance of that, though. Maybe I could pretend I’m asleep, but that seems rude. I just wish to God he’d fucking kiss me already.

  He’s not going to kiss you, Aria.

  There’s something fucking wrong with you, and he knows it.

  He’s not going to waste his time on a pathetic little virgin.

  When he can have any woman, who knows what she’s doing?

  “Do you think there’s something wrong with me?” I blurt out, breaking the short, awkward silence that fell between us.

  Why the fuck would ask that, Aria, you moron?

  “Something wrong with you … how?” he asks slowly, tilting his head.

  “Forget it,” I say.

  “No, come on, tell me what you mean. We’re here all night. We might as well psychoanalyze you.” He smiles.

  I don’t know what it is about Colton. Usually when I’m around someone I think is hot, I’m a total wreck and so conscious of what I say or do. I’m still a total wreck with him. Hell, I’m clumsy as fuck. But I feel comfortable with being that way with him. Like I can say what’s on my mind without thinking he’ll laugh at me.

  “It’s weird being twenty-one and still a virgin, isn’t it?” I say. “Like, I always tell myself it’s because I want it to be special and all that, but really, I’m afraid that it’s just what I tell myself, because I know deep down that I’m weird and no one will ever want me that way. Or that they will only want me that way, and once they get it, they will just throw me away like yesterday’s leftovers.”

  He throws his head back and laughs. Okay, so much for him not laughing at me. He sees my face fall and stops laughing.

  “I’m not laughing at you, I swear. Well, I am, but only at the part where you think for even a second that no one would want you. Fucking hell, Aria, have you seen yourself? You’re gorgeous.”

  I blush slightly and smile at him. “You’re just saying that to be nice,” I say.

  He shakes his head. “Trust me, I’m really not. And no, I don’t think it’s weird. I don’t think there’s anything wrong with waiting until it feels right.”

  “Yeah? Neither did I, but look where that got me. Cheated on.”

  “Well, that guy’s a fucking idiot, isn’t he?” Colton says. “If he couldn’t see that you were worth waiting for, then he wasn’t worth putting out for. End of story.”

  The anger in his voice as he talks about Liam makes me braver.

  “You say that, but … you don’t want me,” I say.

  “Okay, don’t take this the wrong way, but are you on another planet? Do you really have no idea what you do to me?”

  “I … Sometimes I think you like me. Like some of the things you say, and the way you look at me sometimes. But then I threw myself at you, and nothing.”

  He laughs softly. “You hurled and passed out. What did you expect me to do?”

  “But the next day—”

  “You told me you wanted to forget about it,” he finishes for me. “I thought you regretted it, and I didn’t want to make a big deal out of it and make you uncomfortable. God, Aria, I was seconds away from making you come in the bar. If that doesn’t tell you what you do to me, nothing will.”

  I feel the heat rush to my face as he talks about almost making me come. I am so fucking wet again that I think a few more words will do the trick right here. I had no idea my pussy could feel this good, and that’s without him even touching me.

  “I thought it was a pity thing. Like you went along with it because you didn’t want to reject me,” I admit.

  He shakes his head. “So you’re seriously telling me I spent all day locked in here—getting nothing done, by the way—because I didn’t want to scare you off coming on too strong, and all that time, you thought it was because I didn’t like you?”

  I shrug. “I don’t know. I just … You blow hot and cold.”

  He looks down at the ground for a moment. “You know, Aria, I’ve fucked plenty of women,” he says.

  Well, I hope the end of this sentence is better than the beginning.

  “But I’ve never felt about any of them the way I do about you.”

  Okay, it’s definitely looking up.

  “I blow hot and cold because I can’t help myself when I’m around you. I lose control. And then I rein myself back in, but I guess I go too far. You have my head all over the place. I’ve never been in love before, and it scares the hell out of me in case I fuck it up, all right?”

  “You … you love me?” I say.

  He looks me straight in the eye. “Yes. I love you.”

  I don’t know what to say. Of course I know what to say. The truth has been staring me in the face since I dropped that stupid fucking tray.

  “I love you too,” I say.

  He gets up and crosses the floor in two strides. Long, manly strides that send a shiver through me. He pulls me roughly to my feet and into his arms. He presses his mouth against mine. My lips tingle where his lips touch them. My body is pressed against his, and I come alive everywhere all at once. It’s delicious. His hands are pressed on my lower back, pushing my crotch against his. I can feel his cock. I can feel how big it is. How hard it is. And I know I don’t want to wait another minute.

  His tongue comes into my mouth, filling it. I am so wet, so ready for this. I gasp a little as his tongue rubs roughly over mine. He pulls away and drops his arms to his sides.

  I look at him. I can see the lust in his eyes, making them dark and stormy. It sends another shiver through me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask as he looks at me.

  He spins away from me, growling in frustration. He slams his hand on his desk.

  “I can’t fucking do this, Aria. It’s too much.”

  I feel my heart start to break, but he turns
to back to face me, and I can see that his expression hasn’t changed. He meant it when he said he loved me.

  “I meant what I said, and I’m not going anywhere. But this can’t happen. I can’t kiss you like that and then not be able to make love to you. I need to feel your pussy around my cock. I need to make you mine.”

  “But that’s what I want too,” I say.

  He shakes his head. He’s almost close enough to touch me. He reaches out and takes my hands in his.

  “No,” he says. “Don’t you dare pretend you’re ready for this when you’re not. I’ll wait until you’re ready, Aria. I want you to know this is real, that I’m in it for the long haul. But we can’t mess around like this. Okay?”

  “I know what I want, Colton. I want my first time to be with someone special. Whether it’s tonight or a year from now, you’re still the one I want. I don’t want to wait. I’ve waited long enough.”

  “And you’re not just saying that because you think it’s what I want to hear? Because I swear I’ll wait,” he says.

  “I’m saying it because it’s what I want. I want you to make me feel things I’ve never felt before. I want you to make me come so hard I forget who I am.”

  His eyes are clouded over again as he looks me straight in the eye.

  “You need to know something first. If we do this, there’s no going back. You will be mine. You will be mine for life, and no one but me will ever get to touch your pussy again. I will claim it, claim you. Forever. Are you ready for that?”

  His tone is low and serious, and I feel another rush flood between my legs.

  “I’m ready for it,” I say. My voice is low and husky. “Make me yours, Colton.”

  He grabs me and pulls me back into his arms. He nuzzles my neck.

  “You have no idea what you just woken up, Aria,” he growls.

  Maybe I don’t, but I can’t wait to find out.



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