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Yuki: A Snow White Retelling

Page 11

by Nicolette Andrews

  The door to the room opened and the tanuki quickly turned into inanimate objects as to not be seen. Yuki turned to see her stepmother walking in with a cup of tea.

  "How is he?" she asked as she came in and handed Yuki a cup. She held it in her hand, letting the warmth seep into her.

  "The same," Yuki replied tersely. It wasn't her stepmother's fault that he was ill of course. But she hated how she continued to hover over him, pushing Yuki away. It was her responsibility to take care of Riku, not some outsider.

  "You've been by his side every moment. Don't you want to rest?"


  "Well, drink your tea at least."

  Yuki stared it for a moment, thinking of refusing out of petty spite. Riku wouldn't have liked it if she did. He wanted them to be a family. She took the cup and brought it to her lips, but before she took a sip, she lowered it.

  She'd never gone to her stepmother for advice, but if Riku died she really would be all that was left of Yuki's family and she hardly knew anything about the woman.

  "Why did you marry my father?" Yuki asked.

  Her stepmother smiled slightly and then looked away, probably embarrassed. "What a strange question."

  For so long, she'd pushed her away. Maybe she could give her a chance. "Did you love him?"

  Her stepmother looked at her. There was a strange glint in her eye. It made her uneasy. The hairs on Yuki's neck prickled.

  "Why do you ask?" her stepmother said.

  Yuki rolled the teacup between her hands. "If Riku dies, you're the last family I have left. And we've never really gotten along."

  She reached across and put her hand on Yuki’s. "I know I could never replace your mother."

  Yuki swallowed past a lump in her throat. "No, you can't." It had never been about her taking her mother's place. But her stepmother had supplanted her place by her father's side. Everyone said her father spoiled her. They were always together. But when he'd remarried, it was like Yuki didn't exist anymore.

  Her stepmother squeezed Yuki's hand. "If you'll let me give you some advice?"

  Yuki met her gaze and nodded slowly. She was desperate for guidance.

  "You should marry Lord Kaedemori. For your brother's sake and for the good of the clan."

  Yuki sighed. She was afraid she'd say that. There was no use running away from it anymore. She set down her tea. "I need to head out, send word if his condition changes?"

  Her stepmother nodded. "Of course."

  She headed out in search of Hotaru. She found him talking with the elders of the clan. They were all stroking their beards and nodding their heads. As Yuki approached she heard what they were saying.

  "With you as leader of the clan, we can feel confident again."

  Hotaru bowed to them. "I'm glad I have your support."

  As he straightened, he saw the elders staring at her. He turned toward her and his face flushed. "Yuki."

  She stifled her anger. This wasn't about the two of them anymore. It was what was best for the clan.

  "We need to talk," she said coldly before turning to walk away, hoping he would follow.

  It didn't matter if she agreed to this marriage or not. The decision had been made without her. But she wanted to at least keep the illusion of choice. She led him back to the garden where the peach tree was in full bloom. White petals floated on the breeze. Spring was here at last. She avoided looking at him by watching the petals dance on the wind.

  "It's not what it looks like—"

  "I have no choice but to marry you. But before that happens, I want to make some things clear."

  "Yuki, don't be like that." He grabbed her shoulder, but she spun around to face him, hands up to defend herself if need be.

  "Don't touch me," she snarled.

  His eyes searched her face, pain written there that she didn't want to see. "I meant it when I said it was your choice. I've spoken to the elders and they'll support your rule."

  She crossed her arms over her chest. She'd fallen for his lies before. "And what's the catch?"

  "We get married and have an heir as soon as possible. Our child would rule over both clans." It felt like a punch to the gut. She'd been deluding herself into thinking he was any different than the ones who came before them.

  "I figured as much."

  "I'll admit, I came here looking for an alliance. But it's not just that anymore."

  "What if you could have me without the alliance?" It was a gamble, and one that would likely shatter her heart to pieces, no matter what his answer.

  "If I had the choice we'd leave all this behind."

  "But you don't have the choice, right?"

  He swallowed hard, his throat bobbing up and down. "What about my people? What happens to them, Yuki? This isn't just about you and me."

  "Isn't that the problem? This should only be about you and me. None of these other things would matter if you really loved me."

  "We're different. We have responsibilities." He reached for her again and she backed away.

  "I know. And that's why I'll marry you. But I will never trust you again."


  Hotaru was dressed. The clan was waiting. But he couldn't move. He was frozen in place, trapped in his room, terrified of taking a step. The look on Yuki's face haunted him still. He didn't want to marry her, not because he didn't love her. It was quite the opposite actually. Instead of bringing them closer together, this marriage would push her completely out of his reach. He was getting everything he wanted: the support of the Fujimoris and Yuki’s control of the clan. And yet he felt hollow. He'd been greedy. He wanted her and the alliance but he couldn't have both.

  A hand slid over his chest from behind. He hadn't even heard the door open. He thought he had been alone. He spun around to find the Lady Fujimori smiling at him. There was something about her, that he didn't question why she touched him, or how she'd gotten in without making a sound.

  "My lady, is there anything wrong?"

  "Everything is fine. I thought you might want something to drink." She offered up a tray with a steaming teacup.

  "Thank you," he said.

  He took the cup and drained it in one shot while she watched him. When he was finished he placed the teacup onto the tray.

  "Is everything prep—" he stopped and clutched his head, a sudden dizziness overcoming him.

  "Are you alright?" she asked, grabbing onto his arm. "You should sit."

  Hotaru sat down, and as the room swayed around him Lady Fujimori knelt in front of him. She placed both hands on his biceps, and her gaze filled his vision.

  "The wedding. I need to get going." His words were muddled as slow, his thoughts in a fog.

  Her hands glided down his arms, then across his torso going lower and lower. Before she could reach into his hakama, he stilled her roaming hands by grabbing her wrists.

  "I'm about to marry your daughter," he said as he shook his head. But that proved to be a mistake because the room spun even more.

  She smiled up at him and pretended to smooth a spot on his pants, her hands gliding too close to his manhood.

  "There's time yet," she said.

  Lady Fujimori leaned forward and brushed her hand against his neck. As she did, he felt a prick. He hissed in response and touched the spot which throbbed. When he pulled back his hand there was blood on it.

  "Oh no, I scratched you." She pulled back, his blood like a crimson flower on the tip of her pointed fingernail. Had they always been that long and sharp? He couldn't remember.

  "No, it's nothing."

  His vision blurred and she came in and out of focus. Before he knew it, he was lying on the ground, and the woman was straddling him. She cupped his face in her hands, leaning downward to give him a kiss.

  He couldn't fight it. In fact, he found his body reacting despite his mind’s protests. She leaned back with a smile.

  "You're stronger than the rest. Hopefully you'll last longer than them too."

  "What did you do to
me?" he tried to say, but his words came out more slurred and incoherent than before and sounded more like a pained groan.

  "Shh, my darling, don't worry about that now. We'll be together soon, after your wedding night."

  "No," he moaned.

  "Tonight you are going to kill Yuki with this knife." She placed the knife in his hand and his fingers obediently curled around it.

  He wanted to protest but he couldn't make his body obey his commands. She dipped her head down to kiss him once more and then everything went black.

  Hotaru woke to a startled servant who'd found him lying unconscious on the floor. "My lord, is everything alright?"

  Hotaru's head was pounding but he could not remember how he had ended up on the ground. The last thing he remembered was getting dressed for the wedding.

  The servant helped him to his feet. His head felt a bit foggy but other than that he was fine. "Has the ceremony started?"

  "The ceremony is about to start, but if you are unwell perhaps we should delay it—"

  "No! We must get married." This alliance was riding on this wedding. It couldn't be canceled. He'd find a way to sway Yuki. He'd convinced her to marry him, hadn't he?

  The servant looked skeptical but did not argue. After dusting off his clothes, they hurried out toward the palace shrine where the wedding was to be held. The household had already gathered as Hotaru took his place.

  A divider separated him from Yuki, but he still tried to catch a peek between the slats of wood. Until they stood before the altar together, he would not see her. The presiding priestess chanted and rang the ceremonial bells as Hotaru took a step forward. His heart hammered in his chest.

  For good or ill, there was no stopping it now. The divider ended and Yuki walked in place beside him, nothing but a blur of white. More than anything he wanted to gaze upon her, but he feared seeing the hatred in her eyes as well and held back.

  They both knelt before the priestess. Hotaru lifted his gaze to see the witch smiling at him. This was what she had wanted after all. He should be happy as well, everything was going as he had planned it. He chanced a glance at Yuki, but her wide hood hid her face and she kept her gaze forward. He turned away. They could talk after the ceremony.

  The kami's blessing was invoked by the witch, and then the pair took drinks from the sacred sake, while the priestess continued her liturgy of blessings upon them: for fertility, for long life, and for happiness. Then they were purified with the water sprinkled on them by the branch of a holy tree. They spoke their own vows, and there was a slight tremor in Yuki's voice as she gave hers. Otherwise the ceremony went on without incident. The houses of Kaedemori and Fujimori were forever united.

  After the wedding ceremony they were presented to the clan, who roared with approval. At least someone was happy. Hotaru tried catching Yuki's eye once more, but she continued to avoid his gaze. Even as the family feasted in celebration, they sat side by side in complete silence. At the end of the meal, they were escorted to their bedroom where they would be expected to consummate their marriage. Yuki could avoid him no longer.

  Alone at last, Yuki stood at the farthest end of the room. Her back to him as she looked at the window. Most likely she was contemplating escaping out it.

  "Yuki—" he started to say but a sudden pain ripped through his skull. He paused, massaging his head.

  "Don't even think about it. I may be your wife but you don't have my body."

  "I would never try to force you into anything you didn't want," he said through gritted teeth. The pain in his skull felt enough to rip it open.

  "Just like you didn't want to trick me into a marriage."

  "If you would let me—ahhh." He cried out, collapsing to his knees. The pain was so intense he couldn't see.

  He wrapped his arms around his body and his hand brushed against a knife concealed there. As soon as he touched it, the pain receded. He reached into the folds of his haori and removed it. The pain disappeared completely. What is this doing here? He kept it hidden from view.

  "Don't try—" she turned and seeing him doubled over on the floor she rushed toward him. "Hotaru, what's wrong?"

  He clutched the knife tighter. Kill her.

  "I won't," he groaned.

  "Won't what?"

  He drew the knife, but before Yuki could escape he grabbed her by the shoulder, holding in place. She struggled against him.

  "What are you doing?"

  But he couldn't speak. Couldn't warn her. The knife plunged toward her heart.


  Yuki turned as the knife came toward her. There was no time to dodge the blow. She threw out her hands, grabbing onto Hotaru's wrist, wrestling against him. The two of them struggled for a moment with the blade between them. Hotaru's superior strength won out and the blade inched toward her.

  She tried to wriggle out of his grasp but it was no use, his hold of her was too strong. The blade cut through the layers of her wedding kimono and then stopped, just inches before it pierced her heart. Hotaru's arm shook.

  Through gritted teeth he said, "Run."

  She broke free of his grip and scrambled backward, but he was standing between her and the door. Yuki scanned the room for a quick escape. The window was not big enough for her to squeeze through, and besides it would leave her back exposed. Hotaru cried out and Yuki whipped her head in his direction as he fell to his knees. The knife was still clutched in his hand as his body trembled. He slammed the knife onto the ground, the flat of his palm resting on top of it. It appeared he was struggling to remove his hand, but some invisible force was keeping him from doing so.

  The sensible thing to do would be to run away from him. But she knew Hotaru now. He would never try to harm her. Yuki inched over toward him. His gaze was trained on the ground and his breathing was coming out in painful gasps. As she approached, he growled like a wounded animal. And just like she would a cornered beast, she moved slowly toward him. When she got close, however, he burst up, swinging the knife at her once more.

  Yuki dodged to the side and managed to get behind him. She grabbed the hand that held the knife behind his back and forced him to drop it.

  "Hotaru, I know this isn't you. I'm going to try and help you."

  She'd taken the knife from him, but with his size and strength she was no match for him and he broke free of her hold. Grabbing a hold of her arm, he flipped her onto the ground. Hotaru straddled her and his hands wrapped around her throat. There was no more room for hesitation.

  The notes of a song burned through her and slammed into Hotaru's chest. The force of the blow threw him off her and he slammed against a nearby wall. As he tried to rise and attack her again, Yuki sang, letting the power of the forest flow through her. It wove around her, illuminating her in golden light, and wrapped around Hotaru. He threw his head back, screaming in agony as his body contorted from the force of the song.

  He fell to his knees once more and bent over retching. A thick black sludge pooled on the ground, staining the tatami. Once he had purged himself of all the thick black liquid, he collapsed onto his side. Yuki panted for breath and sat back to watch him. His face was pale and sweaty, and he remained lying on his side, eyes half closed.

  "What happened to me?" he asked. His voice was hoarse.

  "You were being controlled by a yokai."

  "I was? How is that possible?"

  Yuki frowned. If only she could talk to the forest guardian and ask his advice, but there wasn't time. Whoever had been trying to kill her wasn't the yokai they'd destroyed. That had likely been a diversion. There was someone else pulling the strings. And if her hunch were correct, they would be here soon to make sure the job was done.

  "They likely don't appear to be yokai, but are pretending to be human. We need to lure them out."


  "We give them what they want." She smirked.

  Hotaru sat up unsteadily. His eyes scanned her face. "I must be the luckiest man in the world."

  The sudden int
imacy made her uncomfortable, and Yuki stood and crossed the room. The space between them felt charged. She cleared her throat. "Don't get any funny ideas."

  He gave her a crooked smile. "Don't worry. I won't."

  "Good." But this situation was anything but. She didn't want him to know how scared she'd been to lose him. She didn't want to admit it out loud but she was falling in love with him. To him this was just an alliance.

  The room was dark as Hotaru sat on the edge of the futon watching the door. Yuki’s immobile body lay just a few feet from him. The fake blood and mangled corpse were enough to give him nightmares, even if he knew it was all the tanuki's illusion. He couldn't look at the fake blood on his hands or the stained clothes.

  Footsteps approached outside and he tensed. He stood up before thinking it would be too obvious, but who could sleep next to a corpse? A man who’s possessed.

  Hotaru took a deep breath and laid down on the futon, just moments before the door opened. A shaft of light illuminated the room in a pale-yellow glow before being extinguished when the door closed. Soft footsteps crossed the chamber.

  "Wake up, my darling," a soft feminine voice cooed.

  Hotaru stretched and sat up, and had to suppress his shock at who had entered the room. Lady Fujimori was holding a tray with steaming tea, her hair unbound and in her night clothes.

  She set the tea down beside him before kneeling in front of him. She ran her hands up his legs.

  "You've done good work. Now I am all yours." She leaned forward and kissed him on the mouth, and wanting to play along with the charade, he let her. But he felt Yuki's presence like a fire on the back of his skull.

  She pulled away and went over to light one of the rooms braziers. She flicked her fingers and the room was filled with light. Yuki's bloody body lay on the ground in front of her, and she smiled.

  "I thought you were going to need more tea to make you obedient, but you're a good boy, aren't you?"

  "I am," he said in a detached voice. She sauntered closer to him before wrapping her arms around his body, her hands roving lower.


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