Book Read Free


Page 16

by Karen Stivali

  “This is bizarre.”

  “We Vermonters prefer the term weird. What’s your movie-watching preference? Popcorn or candy?”


  “Sounds good to me. I’ll be back in a few.”

  Sitting alone in the truck gave me a chance to think for the first time in days. I’d been so wrapped up in the soft opening and last-minute decisions I’d barely made time to breathe. I peered out the side windows, amazed that so many people actually came to a drive-in to watch a movie. I’d been to a few premieres in the city, and a few film festivals, but most of my movie watching had been done at home.

  He’d only been gone a few minutes, but I already missed him. How crazy was that? How crazy was all of this? A few months ago, I’d never set foot in Vermont or met Sam or drunk a crystal elixir or grounded myself, and now here I was, in a truck, at a drive-in, pining because my boyfriend had been gone a handful of minutes. What the fuck?

  I heard the crunch of gravel and I swore my heart responded with extra beats. The door popped wide, and Sam swung in with a bucket of popcorn and a giant soda in his hands, and a bag of Sour Patch Kids clenched in his teeth. I could not have loved him more.

  “What’d I miss?”

  I helped him with the food and drink. “Uh…was I supposed to actually be watching the movie?” I popped two kernels into my mouth, savoring the buttery, salty goodness.

  “I’m sorry, I forgot you’re a drive-in virgin. Yes. You watch the movie long enough to consume a respectable portion of the snacks, then you make out.”

  I considered that. “Sounds doable.”

  “You’re doable.” He kissed me.

  He must have sipped some of the soda on his walk back from the concession stand because his lips and tongue were cola flavored, the sweetness the perfect complement to the salty popcorn. I pulled back. “Wait a minute. You just said snacks first, then making out. If I’m going to do this, I’m going to get it right.”

  “I had no idea you were such a stickler for tradition.”

  “Live and learn.” I tugged the popcorn bucket onto my lap with a nod, noting the bulge in his jeans with satisfaction.

  Sam tore open the bag of candy with exaggerated nonchalance, but I saw him shift in his seat.

  “You okay over there?” I batted my eyelashes when he looked at me.

  “Couldn’t be better.” He munched on a Sour Patch Kid.

  “Did you bring dates here as a kid?”

  He shook his head. “The drive-in I took a few dates to has closed down, but I came here a few times with friends. There’s another one that’s actually known for its concession stand. They have a farm and serve their own farm-raised, grass-fed beef burgers.”

  “That may be the most Vermont thing you’ve ever said.”

  He waggled his brows. “Is that turning you on?”

  “Nope,” I lied. “I’m busy watching the movie, as etiquette dictates.”

  He snorted, but continued staring at the screen and munching on candy. I’d been planning to wait for him to talk again, but of course he didn’t, and the longer he sat silently the more I was the one fidgeting. He stared straight ahead, but I saw the smile tugging at his ridiculously sexy lips. He knew damn well that I was having a hard time sitting still.

  I cleared my throat in an attempt to get his attention.

  Without looking at me he held out the bag and said, “Sour Patch Kid?”

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. “Oh my god, you are so…”

  He turned to me, innocence personified. “I’m what?”

  I pursed my lips, trying not to laugh.

  “Gentlemanly? Was that what you were going to say? Heroic? Not sure I’ve demonstrated that in this particular setting. Herculean? I did carry this huge soda and popcorn and candy all at the same time. All by myself.”

  That did it. I giggled.

  His entire face grinned, eyes twinkling. “You’re overwhelmed by my charm and physical prowess, aren’t you?”

  “Sam.” I put the popcorn bucket on the floor and slid across the bench seat until I was pressed against him. “Please shut up.”

  I kissed him before he could protest. He was like a giant human Sour Patch Kid, first sour then sweet. So decadently sweet. I heard the crinkle of the candy bag dropping to the floor, then his hands were on me, first cupping my face, then one sliding down to my breast, teasing a nipple before heading south.

  The warmth of his fingers against the bare skin of my legs made me gasp with anticipation. No wonder he’d looked pleased I was wearing a short, loose dress.

  I mirrored his movements, running my hand across his glorious scruff and then trailing down the planes of his chest, the ripples of his abs that tensed beneath my fingers, until I got to the bulge in his jeans. Gripping him through the thick fabric, I massaged, making my way across the length until I reached the swell of the head. He groaned as I worked that area, but I needed more. He hadn’t worn a belt, thank god, but I still struggled with the button and zipper. “Next time we do this, would you consider a kilt?”

  He laughed loud and deep, then kissed me again. “I love you.”

  “I love you too, now please undo your pants.”

  He glanced out both windows. There were no cars nearby on either side, plus his truck was much higher off the ground than most vehicles. Then he made quick work of his fly. He grunted as I released his erection from the confines of his boxer briefs and circled my fingers over the slick tip.

  His mouth returned to mine, his tongue more determined, as his hand reached my panties. I parted my legs wider, eager to grind against his palm. He teased me through the slick fabric as I rocked my hips, already close to coming, but needing more to tip me over the edge.

  “So wet.” He whispered the words, his voice so sultry it nearly did the trick. “You’re so fucking sexy. I think about you all day long.”


  He nodded, silky hair caressing my neck as he nibbled my earlobe. “All. Day. Long.”

  I whimpered as he tugged my panties to the side, letting the cool air hit my warm, wet flesh, then groaned as he slowly eased a finger along my swollen slit. “What do you think about?”

  “This.” He circled my clit and sucked my neck.

  “Does it turn you on?”

  His cock bucked in my hand. “Yes. The other day I got so hard on the drive back from New Hampshire I almost had to pull over to jack off. I’m like a goddamn teenager again.”

  “Then I guess it’s appropriate that you’re making out in a car at a drive-in.”

  He smiled against my skin, his lips working their way back to my mouth as his fingers teased me to the point I couldn’t stand it anymore. He sucked my lower lip, rubbing my clit in a way that made me want to freeze time in that moment. But my body couldn’t maintain. I panted as the orgasm hit me, and Sam slipped his fingers inside me so I contracted around him, pulsing so hard my entire body shook.

  I opened my eyes to find him staring at me, eyes dark and wild with lust. His erection throbbed in my hand, impossibly warm. I shifted, easing his fingers out of me as I kissed him hard, sucking on his tongue until he groaned. Then I lowered my head to his lap.

  His cock glistened, straining in my fist, and I licked around the crown, over and over, until I drew a long, low moan from him. Not gonna lie, the idea that it was possible someone could see me blowing him was more of a turn-on than I expected. Something about Sam made me fearless and wanton. I couldn’t get enough of him.

  When I’d teased him enough, I slid him deep into my mouth, my hand still firmly planted at the base, cupping his balls.

  He rested his hand on the back of my head, lightly stroking my hair, as I sucked, stroked, licked, and bobbed until he was gasping. “Fuck, Phoebe.”

  I took him deep, feeling him stiffen, hips bucking forward as he came. I swallowed hard, continuing to lick and suck until he stopped me.

  My lips were swollen when I wiped the back of my hand across them, but o
ne look at Sam—wrecked, disheveled—made it more than worth it. “Was that in keeping with drive-in etiquette?”

  “You are now officially the Miss Manners of drive-in etiquette. You’ve set the gold standard for drive-in experiences.”

  I shimmied my shoulders. “Then my work here is done.”

  “Oh, that was work, was it?”

  “They don’t call it a job for nothing.” I munched a handful of popcorn as he chuckled and tucked himself back in his pants.

  He reached into the back seat, pulling out a fleece blanket. “Come here.”

  I snuggled closer as he maneuvered the blanket over both of us, bucket of popcorn nestled between us. “I have a confession.”

  “I’m listening.” His strong arm wrapped around me.

  “I wasn’t just a drive-in virgin. I’ve never made out in a car before.”

  He pulled back to look at me. “Never?”

  I shrugged. “City girl.”

  “What’d you think of it?”

  I kissed his cheek, pulling his arm tighter around me. “I’m glad you were my first.”



  My phone vibrated with a text.

  Ellie: Hey sweetie, you up for a video chat?

  Me: Sure. Give me a sec. Reception’s bad up here so let me get to my computer.

  I grabbed my laptop and settled in on my bed.

  Me: Ready

  The Skype call came almost immediately, and I answered, smiling as Ellie’s face came into focus.

  “Hey, you. It’s good to see you.” I’d missed her.

  She grinned. “I missed your face too. You look good. Vermont seems to agree with you.”

  “It does.” I wasn’t sure I was ready to explain why. Which was bizarre.

  I’d told Ellie everything almost my entire life, but for some reason I felt like maybe I should keep whatever was going on between me and Sam a secret. Like telling people would break the spell. Or maybe make it real and somehow ruin it.

  I wasn’t making any sense. I realized Ellie was just staring at me from the screen, sly amusement on her face. Had she read my thoughts, or was she up to something?

  “What’s with that look?”

  Her smile got impossibly wider, her ultra-white teeth on full display. “I have to tell you something.”

  Before I could respond, she stood up and backed away from the camera enough that I could see her silhouette. Her normally thick-slim figure was noticeably altered by a belly bulge.

  “Oh my god. Ellie! Are you...”

  Her hand went to her tummy and rubbed as she sat back down, grin still in place and tears shining in her dark eyes. “I am. And you’re not going to believe this—I already was at the wedding.”


  She shrugged. “All that weight I lost and those upset stomachs I blamed on pre-wedding stress? Turns out that was morning sickness, and it’s not uncommon to lose weight in the first trimester.”

  “Holy shit. What did Dominic say when you told him?”

  “Oh my god, that man is over the moon. And he’s smug as fuck because he’s the one who thought I was pregnant before I did. I kept telling him how my cycle’s been irregular my whole life, and he was like, ‘Nope,’ and sure enough he was right.” She gave a laugh, hand still rubbing her belly.

  “Oh, El. I’m so happy for you.”

  “Me too. You’re going to be an auntie.”

  “I’m gonna spoil your kid rotten, is what I’m gonna do.”

  “I’d expect nothing less.”

  Sam knocked at the door, and I yelled for him to come in.

  “Is that your mystery man? Girl, your whole face lit up the second you said his name.”


  “Don’t you be shushing me. I’m pregnant. You need to be extra nice to me. I’m in a delicate condition.”

  I rolled my eyes. “I’m always nice to you.”

  “Good, then you’ll let me meet him.”

  My mind raced. Was this a bad idea or a terrible idea? I trusted Ellie with my life, but I had no idea what would fly out of her unfiltered mouth if she actually had a chance to talk with Sam.

  And on cue Sam popped his head into the bedroom. “Oh, sorry, didn’t realize you were on a call.”

  “Hi, Sam,” Ellie said. “Come closer and let me get a look at you. Phoebe’s been telling me how hot the guys in Vermont are, and I told her I need proof.”

  “Oh god.” I covered my face with my hands, but not before I caught the twinkle in Sam’s eyes.

  He leaned down and kissed the top of my head, then sat next to me on the bed. “I don’t know about hot, but I’m here.”

  “I see no lies. And now I see why my city girl isn’t minding being up there in the wild.”

  I sighed. “Sam, this is my oldest and dearest friend, Ellie.” I emphasized the oldest even though she was barely a year older than me.

  “Nice to meet you, Ellie.”

  “Likewise. I was just telling Phoebe she’s gonna be an auntie.”

  “Oh wow. Congratulations. When are you due?”

  Shit, I hadn’t even thought to ask that. Some best friend I was.

  “Right after Thanksgiving. Like an early Christmas present. Anyway, I won’t keep you two from whatever plans you had going on. I just wanted to share my news. I think it’s time for my pre-dinner nap anyway. Who knew baby-making was so tiring?”

  “You’re resting for two. Take care of both of you, okay?” I still couldn’t believe my best friend was having a baby.

  “Will do. And you two do whatever you do that makes you so happy.” She blew us kisses and disconnected before I could scowl at her.

  Sam’s arms snaked around me, and he nuzzled my neck. “That’s exciting. A baby.”

  “It is. I feel weird not being near her. Like I should be cooking for her, making whatever she’s craving or something. It’s silly. She’s in the city. She can get anything she wants delivered any hour of the day.” I ran my hand over the soft hair of his forearm and then turned to face him, needing a kiss.

  He obliged as if he’d read my mind, his lips warm and sensual. “It’s sweet that you want to take care of her.”

  “Sweet is not a word I’ve been called often.”

  He buried his face in my neck, breathing deeply. “Then you must not have let many people get to know you very well.”

  That could not have been more true. “You know me well.”

  He grinned, smoothing back my hair. “I do, indeed. So, do you ever think about it?”


  “Babies. Do you want kids someday?”

  The question kind of stunned me. No one had ever asked me that before. “Yes.”

  “How many?”

  I was still startled by the fact that I’d blurted out yes. Not that it wasn’t the truth, it absolutely was. But I’d honestly never said it out loud. “I don’t know. More than one. I didn’t enjoy being an only child.”

  “Same. I’ve always wanted more than one kid. Although, to be honest, I wasn’t sure I’d ever find anyone I’d want to have a family with.”

  Sometimes he mirrored my thoughts and emotions in a way that was so eerie it seemed as if it should make me feel uncomfortable. But it never did. It made me feel safe. Then it hit me that he might have been trying to tell me that I was a person he could see wanting to have a family with. I momentarily forgot how to breathe.

  As if he sensed my tension, he gave me a quick kiss then pulled back. “Put your shoes on. I’ve got a surprise for you.”

  My eyes narrowed. “What kind of surprise?”

  He laughed. “If I told you, it wouldn’t be a surprise.”

  I slipped on flip-flops and followed him to his truck.

  He popped open the back, and inside were three long wooden boxes, each with a row of plants. He tugged one of them forward, and I got a closer look.

  “Oh my god. You made me an herb garden?”

  “I did. You like it?”r />
  My heart did the flip-floppy thing again. “It’s perfect. But you didn’t have to do all this work.”

  He shrugged. “You said you’d always wanted one.”

  I had. And he’d listened and remembered and gone through all this trouble. “You still didn’t have to do all this.”

  He leaned in and kissed me. “I didn’t have to, I wanted to. You deserve to have everything you want. And this way you won’t have herbs just in the summer, you can bring these inside.”

  “It’s perfect. Fresh herbs all year round without having to run to the store.”

  “And maybe some more of that cheesy, rosemary, garlic pull-apart bread for me?”

  I laughed. “I see...the real reason comes out. You’re just using me for my baking skills.”

  “And your cooking skills. And your smoking-hot body.”

  “I thought I was the one using you for your smoking-hot body.”

  He grinned as he lifted the first box out of the truck. “See? We’re the perfect couple.”

  I detected not one single lie.



  Phoebe had been so stressed in the days leading up to the grand opening that I’d had a hard time calming down myself. We’d become so in sync, I felt her tension, her worries, her excitement—all her emotions.

  I’d made multiple crystal elixirs, letting various stones infuse water overnight, then using the charged water in creative ways. Spraying calming blue agate water around the bedroom, misting her pulse points with chilled amethyst water when she was overheated from too much cooking. She’d even agreed to have a nighttime cup of tea made with quartz-infused water, which told me she was desperate enough to try anything.

  She’d left for work even earlier than usual, giving me more than enough time to drive a few towns away to pick up the gift I’d special-ordered for her. I stopped by Speakeasy knowing she’d be busy, but wanting her to have it before her big night got under way.

  I texted her from the parking lot, not wanting to get in the way if she was in the middle of something. She told me to come in through the staff entrance at the side of the building.


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