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Harlow's Demons Complete Series

Page 35

by Jen Pretty

  "Well, if I threaten to break him instead of releasing him, would Shit-face release my mother? We could turn the tables on the asshole," I said.

  "That sounds like a game of chicken with a freight train," Rory said.

  "Well, we have to do something if we can't release the demon," I said.

  The limo stopped, and I looked out the front window to find several cars were blocking the road ahead of us. Two more screeched to a stop behind us blocking the way.

  "What the fuck is this?" I said as several tall half-demons yanked the doors open and reached in. They flooded the back of the limo, and before any of us could do anything to stop them, they tasered Julian. His body crumpled and jolted on the floor like a rag doll. Rory moved to attack as I screamed like a little girl, but the half-demon tasered Rory, too.

  I launched myself forward, but the men had already dragged Julian out and slammed the doors. I struggled and opened the door just as a van tore away from the scene with Julian in the back. The doors swung shut, and they were gone.

  "Hey, get back here!" I yelled. A tall half-demon in a business suit handed me a sheet of paper.

  "This is a warrant for Julian's suspension. You have two days to appeal after which time he will be suspended for no less than fifty years for his crimes. Have a nice day."

  The half-demon turned on his heel and slid back into a car that had been blocking us and drove away with a squeal of tires.

  Daddy had made good on his threat.

  Julian was in deep shit.


  I stood alone in the middle of the quiet back street. The other cars had all left. Rory was still unconscious, his feet hanging out of the backseat of the car, the rest of him not moving except for his chest slowly rising and falling.

  "Harlow," Steven's soft voice broke through my blank mind.

  I couldn't decide what to do, but Steven solved that for me.

  "We should go to the Division and appeal it right away," he said.

  "Okay," I said, but my feet didn't move. I knew the charges were false. Just as I knew the charges against Nick were false. But how had my father, I meant Shit-face convinced the Division that Julian was killing half-demons? Unless they were working with him. That would make sense but also meant there was little hope of getting Julian out of this. The shit was piling up.

  "Harlow?" I looked up into Stevens blue eyes. He was right in front of me now.

  I nodded, and he led the way back to the limo. "Can you take us to the Division?" I asked the driver as Steven pulled Rory into the car. He was still out, but his groan suggested he was coming around.

  My rag-tag little group would have to save the day. I looked at Steven. We would definitely need Rory.

  I gave him a shove as the car moved through the city. "Wake up, Rory."

  He grumbled some words that made no sense.

  "I need my first lieutenant now," I whispered, leaning over where he lay on the floor.

  Rory's eyes fluttered open, but his stare was blank for a moment longer before he groaned and rolled over.

  "Thank God," I whispered as his eyes focused on me.

  His eyes closed, but a corner of his lip lifted into a cocky grin. "Did you miss me, love?"

  "They took Julian," I said, ignoring his question.

  His eyes opened again. "I'm sure those tasers are meant to take down elephants. I still can't feel my legs." Rory pushed up to sitting and adjusted his legs with his hands, so he was in a comfortable position before looking back up at me. "Where are we going?"

  "To the Division. Apparently, I have to appeal these bogus charges." I handed the paper to Rory, who sat quietly reading for several minutes while I tried to calm the rising panic attack. If I didn't get the dragon back to Shit-face, would he actually kill my mother? Damn it. I wish I didn't care about that woman.

  The car rolled to a stop in front of the ugly office building that housed the Demon Division idiots. I felt my anger surge as I stomped into the building and marched past the receptionist. She called after me, but I wasn't interested in her. I pushed the button on the elevator several times.

  "Harlow, wait up. Jesus. Did you forget they electrocuted me less than fifteen minutes ago?" Rory limped up beside me, his arm wrapped over Steven's shoulder. I had no idea how the smaller man as holding up Rory's broad frame, but he didn't look distressed. The elevator doors opened, and the eyes of the woman inside went round as she took in my team of superheroes.

  I pressed inside the elevator car as the woman slid past me and hurried out. Rory and Steven followed, and Steven quickly pressed a button on the panel inside the door. I thanked God for the little half-demon again. He was really coming in handy since I had no idea where I was going.

  The doors opened to the same floor we’d stopped on last time, and I followed the same path to get to the conference room.

  Slamming through the doors, I realized there was already someone inside speaking to the Division demons.

  "Excuse me, Harlow. We are already talking to someone, you must wait your turn," Darla said in a hoity tone.

  "Actually, I won't. You will release Julian immediately, or I will start sending half-demons to hell all over this city. You know damn well, he didn't do whatever trumped up charge you have laid on him. Is the demon loose in this city running the Demon Division now?" Yeah, I could be a badass if I wanted, too.

  Darla sputtered and stumbled for words while the others just stared at me. The quietest and angriest looking one I had spoken to last time, Alard, gave me a death glare.

  I narrowed my eyes at the ugliest half-demon and then scowled at Darla, too.

  "You have to appeal the charges in the proper manner," she said.

  I scoffed. "I am appealing them right now. Go get Julian or suffer the consequences."

  "Are you sure about this?" Rory whispered from behind me.

  I wasn't, but I wouldn't back down now. I had drawn a line in the sand. Metaphorically. This was too far.

  "We will consider your request," Francois, one of the other Division half-demons, said.

  "Not good enough!" I yelled before reaching out and freezing the poor half-demon who had been speaking with the Division when I walked in. "Who's next?"

  "We don't negotiate with criminals and terrorists!" Alard said.

  "Then why are you letting the shit-faced demon in the city run this Division? You know as well as I do that neither Julian nor Nick have done anything wrong. There is a full demon in this city, and you are aiding him in his efforts to destroy the world." I thought for a moment, and the pieces started to fit together. "Maybe it's just one of you? Who's in the demon's pocket?"

  Nobody spoke, but they all twitched nervously. Darla glanced at Alard with a look of fear.

  Ha. Gotcha.

  I launched myself forward at huntress speed and before the other members of the Division could blink, I had my hand on Alard's arm and froze his sleazy ass, sending him to hell.

  I stumbled back from the conference table, but no one else moved, shock on their faces that morphed to relief.

  "Now, go get my people," I said with more bravado than I had left. Freezing two half-demons was a lot in such a short time, but I knew I had to keep looking strong in front of these Division assholes. Show no weakness and all that.

  Darla picked up a phone and barked into the receiver.

  Steven dragged a chair over and parked Rory in it. My first lieutenant was struggling to keep his eyes open. I hoped that Julian was in better shape. Steven and I couldn't carry them both out.

  I needn't have worried, though. The sound of a man yelling in pain echoed through the room a moment before the doors slammed open and a red-eyed Julian stormed into the room. They had scuffed him up, making him look disheveled. His dark kohl eyeliner had smudged around his eyes, making him look like the biggest, badass, goth demon I had ever seen. His chest was heaving, and his teeth bared like a cornered dog, ready to fight to the death.

  I grinned at him. "I saved you th
is time," I said.

  His eyes landed on me, and his face relaxed as he took three giant strides toward me, his hands coming up to cup my face, and his bright eyes blazed into mine. "Thank God," he said under his breath a moment before his mouth crashed down on mine. His lips pressed with a fire that lit me up. My arms slid around his neck as he lifted me off the ground. "I thought they hurt you." His words were so soft but full of feeling.

  "Rory got his ass handed to him, but they left Steven and me alone."

  "Hey," Rory said. "I was cattle prodded almost to death."

  The next time the door opened, it was a much quieter affair. Two giant half-demons led a gaunt and pale Nick into the room, then left again.

  "Oh, shit," I said.

  Julian set my feet on the ground, and I was moving towards Nick before I even fully took in his appearance. "What have they done?" I asked as I stopped in front of him.

  His eyes were dull as he raised his chin and met my eye, moving his mouth like he was talking, but there was no sound.

  "It's okay, Nick. Let's go home," I put my arm around his back and turned him until he was facing the door we came in.

  "Oh, Harlow?" Darla said from behind me.

  I growled but turned around.

  "We still need help with the demon," she had the nerve to say.

  "Yeah, I'll clean up your mess. Then you won't ever call me again." I gave her my best death stare. Finally, she nodded. I would hold her to that nod.

  I returned to the half-demon who I had frozen in my show of anger and power. Using the last of my energy, I unfroze him with a spark of heat.

  He slumped to the floor, and I whispered an apology before turning to leave.

  I took Nick's hand and led him slowly to the elevator as Julian helped Rory. Steven hurried ahead and pushed the elevator button for us.

  I could not get out of that place fast enough, and the limo was waiting. I wanted to get the hell out of this city, but I had another job still. Luckily, Nick's apartment was in his warehouse, where he kept the dragon. We could drop off Nick and pick up the gargoyle at the same time.

  I pressed Nick into a seat and slid in beside him. "You okay?" I asked him.

  He just shook his head. I wanted to ask what happened to him in there, but it felt like something too terrible to ask right now. Maybe when he was home and safe. Those damn Division assholes. They shouldn't put hunters in their demon prison. From the look of Nick, maybe they shouldn't be putting half-demons in there either.

  We rode back to Nick's in silence. My thoughts swirled from the demon to Nick and my mother. That damn woman.

  "Does anyone have a plan to stop my father?" I asked.

  Nick's eyes slit open and focused on me. "Who is your father?" he asked.

  Oh, right. That hadn't been something I shared with Nick. "Uh mm."

  Julian squeezed my hand. "He should know."

  I looked back at Nick. "You know there is a demon loose in the city?" At his nod, I continued. "That demon says he is my father."

  Nick's brow lowered, and I watched him process that information for a long moment. "That's not even possible. I did some research on the demon when you said he was missing. Before he got loose and possessed you, he had been in the gargoyle for twenty years. Didn't you say you were seventeen when he possessed you?"

  I couldn't decide if I should have a party or sleep for a decade. The relief of not being the product of an evil demon and neglectful half-demon was a powerful feeling. I might even be mostly human.

  I laughed. The demon had me convinced that I was his daughter. My laughter grew until tears ran down my face. I believed a freaking demon.

  "Harlow?" Rory had a frightened look on his face.

  I waved him off and tried to control the laughter, but it kept bubbling up now and then on the drive, making Steven startle, and the rest of them look at me like I was crazy.

  I might have finally lost my mind, but the person waiting for us at Nick's warehouse wiped the smirk off my face.

  God damn, Chelsea. I hadn't seen her since she showed up in Nick’s hotel room before we left for Jackson. I reminded myself that Nick could do whatever and whoever he wanted. But that didn't change the fact I hated Chelsea. Her perfect blond hair was in some complicated up-do that I couldn't have pulled off and her clothes were made of sheer materials that stood no chance in hell against a gargoyle.

  "Fuck," Nick said under his breath.

  Well, guess I wasn't the only one who wasn't happy to see the skank.


  "Oh my God, Nick. I have been so worried about you!" Chelsea squealed as her high heels clicked across the pavement in a sharp staccato that made me want to cut off my ears off like van Gogh.

  I rolled my eyes and slid out of the limo before the bimbo could squeeze herself in to check on Nick.

  "You jealous, Harlow?" Julian asked.

  I gaped at him and strode towards the warehouse. I was not jealous; just a good friend who believed her friend could do better than a bleached-blond Barbie. Nick should have someone who is tough and can slay dragons and stuff. Not a flower that would be crushed under the heel of a gargoyle half her size.

  Rory followed Julian and me into the building that several sculptors used as a hub to create and ship out gargoyles to other cities in need. The sculptors of New York were busy, chipping and grinding stone into disgusting, fierce faces with animal bodies.

  Stone dust lay thick on the floor and every other surface. The overhead ventilation system hummed, just barely audible over the sound of tools.

  Nick stumbled through the door behind us, Chelsea hot on his heels and one by one the tool sounds stopped as the sculptors noticed Nick's triumphant return. Such as it was. He still looked haunted, but now he looked frustrated and haunted.

  The sculptors clapped, which I thought was a weird reaction, but Nick did a small bow and then took unsteady steps towards the stairs to his apartment. I hooked my arm in his and helped him up the steel steps as the clapping died and power tools hummed to life.

  "You okay?" I whispered once we were through the door.

  "No, Harlow." His voice was snippy, but he took a deep breath and continued in a softer tone. "But I will be. Listen, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap at you, I just don't feel like myself."

  "You want to talk about it?" I sat down on the couch beside him and his hand covered mine.

  "No. I don't ever want to think about it again."

  I leaned back beside him and we just sat in silence until there was a knock at the door.

  Julian peeked in. "Hey, I'll see about loading up the dragon. Do you want to have some lunch here before we go back?"

  I nodded, and he backed out, letting the door swing shut. I heard Chelsea's sharp voice complaining about something, but it cut off sharply as the door clicked closed. Thank God for soundproofing.

  Nick huffed a laugh. I guess I had said that out loud.

  "I'll get you some coffee," I said and pushed to my feet, but Nick stopped me.

  "Thank you. For coming for me. I... just, thanks."

  "Anytime. That's what friends do, right? Bust each other out of the clutches of the half-demon leaders of the Demon Division."

  He laughed and let me go so I could make him some delicious dark gold. I need a few cups, too. Life was getting weirder and more complicated by the day.

  We sipped our coffee in companionable silence until the next knock at the door proceeded the warm, delicious smell of pizza. "Oh, hell, yeah," I said as I hopped up and swiped the box out of Julian's hands. I gave him a peck on the lips and then returned to my place beside Nick on the couch, flipping open the box lid. It was a pizza from his hotel, made with Len's secret crust and Nick noticed, raising his eyebrows at me.

  "Julian weaseled the recipe out of Len somehow."

  Nick shook his head and took another bite. The cheese stretched from his slice to his mouth, and he pulled the pizza away until it broke off. The cheesier, the better, I always said. I took
a big bite of my slice and almost died of pleasure. The chef really didn't skimp on anything.

  Rory blasted through the door and strode across the room to slump down in a chair across from us.

  "Welcome to my home," Nick said with sarcasm.

  Rory just grinned and swiped a piece of pizza, too, he took a big bite, smearing sauce on his face. I shook my head, but he just gave me a cheesy grin and leaned back in his chair.

  "Okay," Nick said, as he pulled a second slice out of the box. "Tell me what has been happening."

  I sighed and put my food down. I couldn't eat and explain all this.

  "So, the demon somehow got control of one of the Division leaders."

  Nick scoffed.

  "Don't worry, I sent that bastard to hell. They arrested Julian, too. Anyway. The demon has my mother and is holding her ransom. He wants his dragon gargoyle back. Or, well, the demon within the dragon gargoyle."

  "The one here in my warehouse?" Nick asked with a shocked look.

  "Yup," I replied.

  "Does he know you hate your mother?" Nick asked.

  I laughed because apparently, that didn't matter. I would rescue my evil birth giver, anyway

  "All right, so what's the plan?" Nick said with a sigh.

  Rory piped up at that. "We need to transfer that big bitch of a demon out of the dragon, so he doesn't get a chance at escaping."

  "Transfer him out? You know they aren't like bank machines, right? We put them in there, they stay until someone breaks the damn stone."

  Rory waggled his eyebrows and took another bite of his pizza with a smug look on his face.

  "What?" Nick asked him.

  Rory just shrugged his shoulders. "There may be a way. Something I heard about in my travels. It came back to me while we were discussing moving the bastard. He weighs a ton."

  "Spill," Nick said, sitting forward.

  "It's a secret." Rory was having way too much fun.

  "Just tell us!" I said.

  He threw his hands up. "Fine. You have to break the first stone with a second stone. But don't break the second stone. It somehow sucks the demon in, and presto-chango you have the demon in a different stone."


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