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Tainted Blood

Page 35

by S S Bazinet

  Arel stared at a man who was filled with rage and a searing fire that crackled and hissed in Arel’s ears. The vision was enough to totally thaw out Arel’s numbness. Rolphe was in some kind of crisis. Arel knew he had to act swiftly, but he was having trouble thinking. It was only after he heard William calling out his name that he was able to open his eyes and stare back. “What? What is it?”

  “Arel, what are you doing? Didn’t you hear Elise?” William asked.

  “Sorry, I must have spaced for a moment.”

  Elise balked at his explanation. She came over and grabbed his arm. “Arel, please, you have to help me find Freddie.”

  Arel avoided looking at her. The situation with Rolphe was escalating. “I’m sorry, Elise, but I can’t.”

  Elise stepped back and glared at him with dark, imploring eyes. “Freddie means everything to me! Don’t you understand?”

  “Again, I’m really sorry,” Arel said as he turned and started for the stairs to the lower level. “I have to go. William will help you.”


  ROLPHE WAS IN the grip of a violent, unshakable wrath, and it was escalating. It started with Michael’s visit. The angel’s light was so brilliant that Rolphe’s own flawed nature became even more damning. That fact hit his heart first. The vessel in his chest exploded in misery and torment. After that, he continued to slip deeper into the darkness he’d thought he’d escaped once and for all.

  Rolphe’s descent was fueled by Arel’s constant scrutiny and condemnation. The man clearly saw Rolphe as an inferior part of creation, something to be abhorred simply because it existed. When Rolphe first repented his sins and his former life, he had fought Arel’s judgment. He’d seen it as a challenge, something he could change once he demonstrated his sincerity.

  Rolphe had been totally earnest in his desire to be a good man. He longed to walk the earth knowing he belonged. The beautiful visions he had during that time encouraged him. He began to paint what he saw, and as he painted, his mind soared in the heavens.

  He also found comfort in a heavenly gift he’d been given. He could talk to angels about his problems. What a privilege and blessing that was. Michael and Carey were so kind and compassionate. They gave him hope. He began to think he had purpose in the world and that his future was bright.

  But Arel didn’t acknowledge the changes Rolphe had made. Not for a single moment did the man forget what Rolphe had once been, a blight on humanity. Still, Rolphe didn’t give up. As a soldier, he’d been taught not to accept defeat. That meant giving Arel time to change his mind. But after the recent, frightening events involving William, Rolphe began to see the wisdom of Arel’s unwavering attitude.

  Rolphe had always imagined that if his sons had lived, he would have been their most devoted advocate. He would have been a wise, loving parent, a person who helped his boys to navigate the treacherous waters of life successfully.

  But recent facts revealed the truth. When Rolphe was given a chance to help William, a man who could have been his son, what happened? Was he a source of guidance and wisdom? No, he was just the opposite. He’d exposed all of William’s vulnerabilities and sent him into a downward spiral. In the end, William had almost been lost forever. And Rolphe was to blame.

  Just thinking about William’s terror-stricken face, Rolphe’s breath labored under the burden of what he’d done. His guilt was enough to send him plummeting towards despair. He caught himself just before he’d gone too far.

  Despair was the cruelest of places. Rolphe should know. Some of his visits had lasted for years. Despair tore a man apart, piece by piece until a person was nothing but bits of flesh scattered over the hot coals of blame and remorse. Just remembering what he’d been through, both frightened and infuriated him. He didn’t have the courage to go there again. He couldn’t endure the merciless ways of that dark, unforgiving fortress of destruction. Yet Arel discounted all of Rolphe’s previous suffering as if it was nothing.

  “The man is like that fortress of pain. He has no compassion or understanding.”

  But what could Rolphe do if Arel was right? That’s when a great surge of anger shot through his bones. It was so powerful that it ignited all the horrors he’d experienced in his life. His innocent childhood had been snatched up and destroyed by soldiers. His beloved family was snuffed out by a ravaging disease. And then, after he was given angelic blood and done his best to open his heart, his very existence was tossed aside as contemptible.

  That last fact was also the last step that threw Rolphe into a living hell. His anger escalated so fast that it became a volatile energy that filled every cell in his body. It took over his mind and turned his thoughts into firestorms of rage.

  His rage became so all-consuming that it projected itself outwardly. The projection didn’t quite make it to the material world. But on the astral plane that surrounded Rolphe, everything was on fire, and he was its source. It was as if his bones, bowels, and flesh were saturated with some combustible substance and a match had ignited what he thought of as his essence.

  * * * * *

  Arel sat in his bedroom, trying not to think about Elise and her puppy. He needed to make another trip to Paris via astral travel. He’d have to be wise about what he did when he got there. In the past, he’d frequently let his emotions guide his actions. He didn’t want to make the same mistake this time. On the other hand, the situation with Rolphe was tricky. Rolphe seemed to have slipped into some emotional hell. He could be dangerous.

  It wasn’t a comforting thought. Arel had to steel himself for the worst. “Dammit, Rolphe, why do you have to always be so—”

  He didn’t know how to finish his complaint. In truth, if he considered Rolphe’s actions, the way the man tried to always be helpful, he had to admit that Rolphe wasn’t always the monster Arel had claimed him to be. “Not until now, that is.”

  Rolphe’s dead children seemed to think that Arel was at fault. Was it true? With his dismissive attitude, had he driven Rolphe into some emotional downfall?

  Arel squared his shoulders, fortified by Michael’s advice. The angel had repeatedly said that each person was responsible for themselves. Even so, Arel also knew that he’d been on the receiving end of a lot of help from others. Maybe it was payback time.

  After a couple of calming breaths, he closed his eyes and tried to clear his mind. He had to check on Rolphe and figure out what to do when he knew more about the problem.

  After he felt a release from his body, he let himself float upwards and hover in mid-air. The next step was simple. He thought about Rolphe and getting the man back on track. Without meaning to, he also thought about Freddie. He hoped the puppy got home safely.

  As usual with an out-of-body experience, there was always a moment of disorientation and a feeling of rapid movement. But when everything slowed down, he knew something wasn’t right.

  Arel took one look around and knew that he wasn’t in Paris. In fact, he was still close to his neighborhood. He stood on a street corner that he recognized. When he checked for more details, he saw a small, white dog. It was wandering down the sidewalk, starting and stopping as if it was searching for something.

  “Freddie!” Arel called out to the puppy, forgetting that he was in his astral body. “Freddie, come here!”

  * * * * *

  William sat in the passenger seat of Elise’s car, gripping the center console for support. His job was to watch for Elise’s puppy as they cruised the neighborhood. It was a task he wished he didn’t have. Being lost was the last thing he wanted to think about. Like the puppy named Freddie, he’d recently been floundering in the unknown too. Now, all his fears were resurfacing. What if he fell asleep later that day and couldn’t wake up again? What if no one could find him this time? His questions were cut short by Elise’s shout.

  “Who said that?” Elise cried as she swerved the car and quickly tried to straighten it out. “What’s going on?”

  Elise’s sudden outburst and being thrown against
his side window made William’s hand tighten its grip. “Elise, what’s wrong?”

  Elise gave him the briefest glance. “I just heard a voice in my head!”

  “Who’s voice?”

  “That’s not the point. I’ve never had that happen before. It’s scary.”

  William returned a weak smile. After all his crazy experiences, hearing a voice wasn’t out of the ordinary. “Please, calm down. It’s no big deal.”

  Elise glanced at him again. “What do you mean? I’m serious, this voice was very loud and very insistent.”

  “Look, there are lots of things that scare people. The trick is to stay as composed as possible.”

  “Oh no! I heard it again! It sounded like Arel’s voice!”

  William relaxed a little. “Of course, I should have known.”

  “Known what?”

  “Arel has some abilities that are unusual.”

  “Are you talking about psychic abilities? Because I’ve read a few books about gifted people.”

  William moaned quietly. “Yes, Arel is gifted if you want to call it that. Anyway, telepathy is one of those gifts. What’s he telling you?”

  “He said that I’m going the wrong way.”

  “Then it’s simple. Turn around.”

  Elise pulled over to the curb, grabbed a tissue, and dabbed her eyes.

  William waited for her to say something and finally frowned back. “What is it now?”

  “The second time Arel spoke, his voice was stern. It reminded me of an old boyfriend who used to shout at me, and all these feelings came up.”

  “But I thought you told me that you were happy with the life you’re living now.”

  “Maybe I’m kidding myself. Michael and Carey said that I’d be a great mom, but I can’t even take care of a puppy. Now, hearing Arel yell at me—”

  “Elise, take it from someone who knows. You can’t worry about Arel yelling or getting upset. It’s what he does. I’m sure it’s not personal. As for your puppy getting lost, it’s what puppies do. Almost every pet owner goes through something similar.”

  Elise blinked back and sniffled. “Really?”

  “Yes, so stop worrying and let’s find your Freddie.”


  “First of all, send Arel a message. Tell him to keep a civil tongue in his head. And secondly, tell him to keep the directions coming.”

  “But how would he know how to give me directions?”

  “Never mind that. For now, take my word for it. Arel can be full of surprises. Hopefully, this is a good one.”

  * * * * *

  Arel amazed himself. He’d managed to get Freddie’s attention. The puppy wasn’t only listening to him, he was taking directions. Arel was able to steer the dog away from the busy thoroughfare and onto a side street that was quiet. Of course, Freddie deserved some credit too. The puppy could see Arel when Arel appeared in his astral form. The puppy even tried to jump up on Arel’s person. That didn’t work, but Arel used his voice to praise the dog. It wasn’t as rewarding to Freddie as physical contact, but when he called to the puppy, Freddie listened and trailed after him.

  Arel’s second task was to contact Elise. It would have been easier to connect with William, but William had his shields up. Arel was impressed with how competent Willian was getting at shutting him out.

  One problem with communicating with Elise was her state of mind. It was a jumble of thoughts with a million worries coursing through. He tried to get a word in, so to speak, but she paid no attention. Finally, he resorted to another approach. He projected as powerfully as possible, linking his mind to hers. Next, he yelled out a message. The result was unexpected. Elise heard him and nearly drove off the road.

  Arel didn’t want to endanger her life, but every time he tried a softer approach, she ignored him. He had to shout out his message a second time. “You’re going the wrong way!”

  Unfortunately, Freddie’s ability to tune into Arel’s astral voice was excellent. He was startled every time Arel shouted. Arel tried his best to calm the puppy, but the little run-away wasn’t appeased. In a state of panic, he took off running again. Arel panicked too and called after him. “Freddie, no, come back!”

  His pleas were useless. Freddie was tearing up the walk, putting distance between himself and Arel. Arel’s fears escalated. Even if he caught up with Freddie, he had no way to control the puppy. Astral travel wasn’t helpful when you couldn’t interact with the physical. Now, a small dog was going to get run over if he didn’t intercede. He yelled out his frustration, filling the etheric airways with his appeal. “Please, I need some help!”


  ROLPHE LAY IN his bed and stared out through bloodshot eyes. He was coming to his senses after making a terrible mistake. As his brain toiled under the burden of heat and destruction, one thought was crystal clear. He shouldn’t have allowed his anger and resentment to get the upper hand. He should have been grateful for what he had. Instead, he’d been a fool and given in to pettiness.

  The price for his blunder was steep. His violent emotions had affected his body. He lay weak and helpless as a terrible fever ravaged his tissues and made his trillions of cells cry out for mercy. Arel’s repeated warnings came to mind. If a person carried angelic blood in their veins, they shouldn’t misuse that gift.

  Rolphe had respected Arel’s warnings for a long time. It was only recently, in a moment of weakness and self-pity that he’d given into a volatile resentment. He’d pushed away Michael’s help and allowed his anger to overrule the beliefs that he lived by. He’d taken all the energy he had to create something beautiful and used it to fuel a firestorm of negativity.

  But why? He had so much to love about his life. His sweetheart, Myra, wasn’t just another beautiful woman. She was truly an extraordinary person whose generous heart had taken him in. Even when he disappointed her, she was patient, understanding and forgiving.

  When he thought about his artwork, tears stung his dry, burning eyes. Gallery owners and his patrons had described his talent as “God-given” and incredible. He took paint, a substance that came out of tiny tubes, and created wondrous worlds of awesome beauty. Angels appeared on his canvases. They smiled back at him with glorious, beatific faces.

  The list of his blessings was long. He had a little cat friend, Dantela, that was sweet and devoted. He had a beautiful home in a beautiful city. He didn’t have to worry about money or buying whatever he liked. The world was his to enjoy.

  Instead of reveling in his bounty, he’d thrown everything away in a rash need to vent. Like Arel, he’d also taken judgment into his hands. He’d judged Arel. He’d judged William. And he’d judged himself. He’d slammed his gavel of ignorance down hard, declaring all of them as guilty of misconduct.

  But in truth, after burning in the flames of his self-condemnation, he knew he had no right to censure anyone. He didn’t have enough wisdom. Life was too complex. The bigger picture was beyond his ability to understand it all.

  Yet, he had to smile. Sometimes, when he was painting, he could “feel” the bigger picture. There were occasions when he caught a glimpse of the Creator’s plan and how perfect it was. Those were the best of times when his heart would open wide, and his spirit would break free of boundaries. If he allowed himself to soar in the bliss of the divine, he’d hear the music of the spheres.

  Recalling those times helped him to feel better. The fires receded a little. His lungs expanded, and he breathed easier. He realized that he didn’t want to be angry at anyone. He wanted to be back in the fold again, in that place where angels existed.

  His change of heart worked. First, his boys, who had appeared earlier, seemed pleased and encouraged him to have faith. He also saw Michael’s magnificent person fade in and out a number of times. The angel made it clear that Rolphe wasn’t alone.

  Rolphe took comfort from his children and from Michael’s visitations and the angel’s soothing energy. It helped to stabilize his body. He began to relax an
d listen. He longed to hear heaven’s music again. But this time he only heard a call for help. Arel’s voice filled the etheric airways. He was asking for assistance.

  Arel’s plea affected Rolphe in a way that surprised him. He suddenly had the strength to sit up. After he heard Arel’s request a second time, his emotions shifted from chastising himself to being a person who cared about others. It filled him with purpose. And that purpose at the moment was to respond to Arel’s need. Maybe it was the father in him who was called into action. That protective side would have walked through fire to save his boys when they were alive. Now, he quickly slipped out of his body to help Arel.

  * * * * *

  Arel’s frustration levels were topping the charts. Freddie was quickly putting distance between them. Arel had tried approaching the puppy and speaking softly, but nothing worked. Freddie took one look at Arel’s wispy form and ran faster than ever.

  After trying different approaches to the problem and getting nowhere, Arel paused. He was hoping to come up with a new plan when a sharp chill passed through his astral body. The unpleasant sensation came without warning and activated an old memory. During his first experience with astral traveling, he’d nearly died. Since that time he’d learned a lot about how to manage his travels, but that didn’t mean he couldn’t be spooked. When another chill hit, his body went on instant alert.

  “Arel, please don’t get upset. It’s only me,” a deep, booming voice announced.

  Arel jerked around with relief. He recognized the voice. “Rolphe? What are you doing here? I thought you were sick.”

  Rolphe smiled back. “I heard you shouting, and I thought I better find out if you were in trouble.”

  Arel felt a pang of embarrassment. Rolphe’s compassionate attitude was noteworthy in comparison to his own. He wished he’d been more helpful with Rolphe’s situation. “I was going to visit you, but something went wrong. I ended up here instead.”


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