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Broken Beauty

Page 10

by Stella Andrews

  I hiss, “Trust you, how can I? I don’t know you.”

  “You do know me, Sophia. You have always known me. I was always coming for you; we both know that and now we are in an impossible situation. War between our families unless you agree to unite us by marriage. It should be so easy, but it is the cruellest of choices.”


  I stare at him with hurt in my eyes and he groans, pulling me roughly to him and holding me with a possession that makes my head reel and my heart pant. “Because if I do the right thing by you, I lose myself. Do you think it was easy for me to walk away from this - my family? Do you think they made it easy on me because you know how valued family is? My decision was one that took a lot of thought and a lot of guts. I never wanted this; you should know more than most what that involves because your own brother has also made that decision. I have three other brothers who are willing to step into my shoes. They thrive on this life and so business never suffered. If anything, I handed the reins to a brutal successor who loves nothing more than ruling this kingdom with no mercy and no shit. Now I’m back because of you and we have a decision to make. Stop a war by marriage, or start something that will not end well on both sides.”

  I push him away and say angrily, “Then leave, go back to the Reapers and carry on with your day. You’ve brought me here and your job is done. You can hurry back to the place you hide in and forget about the world you have delivered me to. But I’ll tell you one thing for free, I would rather die than marry one of those men and if that’s what it takes, I hope it’s quick because what sort of life would I have if I agreed to the deal? Married to an unfeeling bastard as a business arrangement. Well, newsflash, I don’t care about living because what does that mean, anyway? This life isn’t living, it’s a slow painful death that tortures your soul before delivering you to an afterlife where it happens all over again. So, fuck off whatever your name is, your job is done.”

  I turn away and close my eyes against the bitter tears that threaten to reveal how wounded I am. He can’t see that part of me, I won’t let him.

  He has other ideas.

  Suddenly, I am crushed against him and he fists my hair and holds my head in place as he kisses me so ferociously it takes me by surprise. There is so much passion behind this kiss. It knocks the breath from my lungs like a powerful punch. He grips me hard and presses me against him and I have nowhere else to go but him. My traitorous body responds like the whore it is, and I kiss him back with a passion that makes a mockery of everything I’ve just said. Then he pulls away and stares at me, his eyes flashing with a possession that makes my blood run cold and yet tells me I have nothing to worry about.

  He is not finished with me yet.

  He leans down and whispers, “Now shut the fuck up and do what I tell you because I’m going nowhere. You will fucking trust me because all of this is for you. I will not turn my back on you and if it means sacrificing my soul, I would do it in a heartbeat. There will be a way out of this, I just need time to figure out what that is, so put up and shut up and play the game because there is more at stake than your wounded pride. Now, come with me, there’s someone I would like you to meet.”

  Grabbing my hand, he pulls me from the room and my head struggles to keep up as we almost fly down the corridor to God only knows where.

  I don’t have time to register my surroundings because Maverick is on a mission of his own and I’m along for the ride.

  My heart thumps inside me as I wonder who it is and I hope to God it’s not one of his brothers because they scare the hell out of me. It’s too much breathing the same air that is laced with so much intent and I need a moment to settle my nerves but it appears I’m not allowed even that.

  However, I stare in surprise as we head into a large kitchen and the woman that looks up as we enter takes my breath away. If I thought those men had power, it is nothing compared to hers because as soon as I lay eyes on the majestic woman looking at me with interest—I am lost.



  “Miss. Moretti, come in and take a seat.”

  Her voice is kind with an authority that warns you to do as she says immediately.

  She turns to Maverick and smiles warmly. “Mio angelo, you may leave us.”

  He hesitates and she laughs, her eyes lighting up with an understanding that she obviously enjoys because she turns and looks at me a little differently.

  “I said leave. You will see, Miss. Moretti at dinner along with your brothers. You should change and take the time to settle back into your old room.”

  He looks at me with a thousand apologies in his eyes and I turn away pointedly, making the woman laugh even more.

  I hear the door close behind him and then feel her hand in mine and turn to look at her in surprise.

  “Welcome, Sophia, I am sorry your visit is under these circumstances.”

  I try to smile but it’s hard and she shakes her head sadly. “You must be worried, my dear, but you have no reason to be. Lorenzo is a good man and will find a way.”

  “A way out of what?”

  “Your predicament. We are both women who know only too well what it is like living in a family such as ours. My grandsons are difficult, complex men and are no different to my husband and son.”

  I look at her with interest and she smiles. “Allow me to fill in the details. My name is Elena Romano. My husband, Vittorio was the head of the family the entire time I knew him. Like you, I came from a rival family and our marriage was arranged against my will.”

  I make to speak and she silences me with a look. “History does have a habit of repeating itself over and over again and this, my darling, is the sad truth of the world we live in. I was the lucky one. Vittorio was a jewel among trash. He made me feel like a queen for our whole life together and yet I was under no illusions he had a dual personality. With me he was loving, kind and everything a girl could wish for. He respected me and made my life as easy as possible living under these circumstances. We loved each other with a passion that surprised me given the circumstances of our union. When Georgio was born, I was happier than I ever thought possible. Then along came Sara and Francesca.”

  I am riveted to her story because she is giving me an insight into a world that sounds so different to mine. It almost appears normal and how can I not be impressed by that?

  Then her face clouds and she sighs. “My children were much like you, unwilling to accept who they were. The girls did everything in their power to turn their back on this life and had a hard time because of it. You see, a normal life is not an option when you fear you may not be around long to live it. We have many enemies and need the guards to keep us safe. Georgio met Maria, the boy’s mother, and she was not from this world. It was not a successful marriage because she struggled to understand this life we live. It ate at her soul and when Dante was just five years old, she took her own life.”

  I stare at her in horror and she shakes her head sadly. “Those poor boys were left without a mother and I tried to step into her shoes. So, you see Sophia, those boys are like my own and like any mother, I excuse their flaws and celebrate their strengths. I see them in a very different way to you and wanted to reassure you that they are not the demons you think they are. I know the reason for your visit and I sympathize but you really have nothing to worry about.”

  “Don’t I?”

  My voice is hard, which I regret because she is being so kind and she laughs softly. “I hoped you were strong because that is a quality you will need more than anything. Strength and love.”

  “You think I have that option—love?”

  Her eyes sparkle with a light that settles my heart - a little. “I see love in your future, my darling. You see, like all mothers, I know my children more than they know themselves. When Lorenzo left the family, he broke all our hearts. We have never stopped hoping for his safe return, which is why this is more important than you will ever know. Failure is not an option because you, my dear, are the g
lue that will bind this family together and I think you already know that.”

  “Me? I am nothing. Just a way for your family to get richer and control an even bigger empire. Why should I be any different to any other daughter of a family that has something they want?”

  “Because you give me hope, Sophia. Your situation reminds me of my own all those years ago and the one who brought you here is struggling to stay. He is battling his own feelings because he wants to turn his back and walk away, but he can’t.”

  “I’m sure it won’t be long.”

  “You’re wrong.”

  “How do you know? We’ve been back here for five minutes, he’s changed.”

  She smiles sweetly and laughs. “Because the way he looked at you when he brought you to me is the same way his grandfather used to look at me. You’re wrong, Sophia. Lorenzo is going nowhere without you by his side, which is why I need you to trust him and go along with the plan. If you do, you might just save you both and get the future you both want, just don’t do anything foolish and trust in God to deliver you on the right path.”

  Leaning back, I think for a moment and then smile.

  “They are lucky to have you, Mrs. Romano.”

  “Call me Elena, my dear. I am your greatest ally here but also your worst enemy if you upset my boys.”

  She stares at me with a fierceness that makes me smile. For all her sweetness and soft approach, this woman is harder than all the men here. A shell that has built over time and many years of hard living and I’m guessing she has endured so many horrors I couldn’t sleep at night Yet she has survived and well by the looks of things and all because of the love of the right man for her.

  “Tell me about your husband, Vittorio.”

  Her eyes dance as she laughs happily. “He was a bastard. A ruthless bastard who drove me to distraction in every way possible. I could be angry with him one minute to the point of driving a dagger through his heart and then forgiving him in an instant when he smiled and lit the flame inside my soul. He was everything to me, Sophia, and when he died, it was as if a part of my soul died with him.”

  I almost don’t want to know but say sadly, “How did he die?”


  I wasn’t expecting that and she shrugs. “He was the lucky one. Nature extinguished his flame when it could have been much worse. All the money in the world doesn’t buy your health and if mother nature decides your time is up, there is no bargaining with her.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  I smile with sympathy and she shakes her head. “Don’t be, we had many happy years and he was aging fast. It was his time and at least he had Georgio to hand the business to. You see, Sophia, Georgio was like Lucian. He thrived on this life. He married Maria because he wanted her and when a Romano man wants something, they take it without having to work too hard to get it. But Georgio lacked the love in his heart that his father had. He didn’t treat Maria the same way I was treated and lacked the patience to understand she was struggling. He started to look outside the home for entertainment and became cold and cruel. It was too much for such a beautiful creature who craved the light and she overdosed one night when he was away.”

  “How old was Lorenzo?”

  I can’t imagine the pain he must have gone through and she sighs. “He was ten years old. The boys are close in age and had each other at least but I’m not sure if they have ever really come to terms with her death and each deal with it in their own way. Lorenzo blamed the life we live for destroying her, which is why he felt the need to run. Lucian is like his father and god help any woman he marries because I can see history repeating itself there. Romeo chooses to forget inside every woman he meets and Dante has a sadness to him that only increased when he lost the second woman he loved, which makes him more deadly than the lot of them. So, you see, Sophia, they are all struggling and the only thing that has remained constant in their lives is the family business. This is what keeps them going and so don’t take it personally when you think on the reason you are here.”

  “Why are you telling me this?”

  “Because it’s something you need to know. I’m guessing you are scared, hurt and confused and rightly so. Don’t get me wrong, these men will break your family to protect their own which is why you need to put your faith in Lorenzo because he is the only one who can save you.”

  She looks up at the clock on the wall and stands quickly. “Look at the time, I have rambled on too long. I will have one of the maids show you back to your room so you can dress for dinner. We eat as a family and there is never business brought to the table. Take the time to understand those boys and look behind their cold eyes and ruthless attitude. They are just the same as your brothers and if anyone knows what lies behind the blackest heart, it’s a woman that’s lived this life.”

  Almost as soon as the last word leaves her lips, a maid different to the one before appears and I wonder if there is some sort of hidden summoning device I don’t know about. The maid curtseys as if she is in the presence of a queen and Elena says kindly, “Emma, please show Miss. Moretti to her room and help her if necessary. Dinner will be served in one hour.”

  She then turns to me and I see a flash of steel enter her eyes as she says firmly, “Think on what I have said, my dear. It was said with good reason and only a fool would disregard it. Don’t be a fool because I’m counting on you to be better than that.”

  I nod and whisper my thanks before following Emma from the room. For all her sweetness, Elena is the most ruthless one here. I can see that because that little speech was in itself the starkest warning. I have no choice—this is how it is and I can only hope that the man I marry is the one they want the most—Maverick.



  Just being here is crushing me. The air is always different here. Denser, choking and laced with threats and tension. I’m not sure why I thought bringing Sophia here was a good idea. Maybe we should have remained at the Rubicon and hidden away until my brothers grew tired of searching? Then again, I’m a fool if I thought that was ever gonna happen.

  As I dress for dinner, I hate the fact I have slipped back into my role here as if I’ve never been away. The clothes I wear caress my skin like an old friend and remind me of how easy it is to live with great riches. As Maverick, I live a more basic life that is one hundred times better than this. There I have no responsibilities other than doing my job when I’m required. Ridding the streets of the very people my brothers do business with, which is why my one rule was that I don’t do mafia. I may have turned my back on being one, but I will not betray my own kind on the instructions of a government who are more corrupt than any Mafia Don.

  I almost consider calling for Sophia to escort her down to the meal, but I know that would show my weakness in an instant. So, instead, I allow the maid assigned to her to show her the way and head down to join my brothers in the den for the usual pre-dinner drink, where we discuss business before leaving it behind to enjoy a family meal.

  Dante is the only one there and he looks up and nods as I step foot inside the room.



  As I fix myself a drink, he says thoughtfully, “What made you return?”

  “I thought that was obvious.”

  “The girl?”

  “Her name is Sophia.”

  “Of course.”

  His voice is laced with humor and it irritates me. “Have you got something to say to me, Dante?”

  “Rather a lot as it happens but I doubt you want to hear any of it.”

  “You’re right.”

  He sighs and then lowers his voice. “When you left, Lucian took it upon himself to prove that he was more than capable of filling your shoes. You should be worried about that.”

  “Why, he’s welcome to it?”

  “Because of the family name, reputation and respect our father built up.”

  “You think they respected our father? He was no different to
Lucian. He was a tyrant that had no feeling and I blame him for ruining all our lives. If Lucian decides to model himself on a monster, that’s up to him.”

  “Keep on telling yourself that, Lorenzo, only you believe you mean every word. Tell me, if he marries the girl, would it bother you?”

  I consider my answer carefully because Dante is no fool and it’s obvious he’s seen something I’m not willing to reveal. “Should it?”

  “If you love her it would change everything.”

  “Love.” I almost spit the word. “Love gets you nowhere, Dante, of everyone you should know that. Where has love ever got any of us? Love has ruined your life and you have never stopped searching for something that probably isn’t there anymore.”

  Immediately he reacts and flies at me and I face him down like the soldier I am. Getting in his face, I fix him with a look of warning he would do well to heed because I have always been the strongest brother and he obviously remembers that because he snarls, “You know nothing about me brother, you chose to walk away—remember. If you think love has destroyed me, then you are more lost than I realized.”

  “Well, isn’t this nice?”

  We look up as Romeo heads inside the room straight for the whiskey bottle. “Brothers scrapping like the kids they still are. Don’t expect me to join in, I grew up years ago.”

  He regards us coolly and I shrug and turn away. Dante also retreats, and Romeo laughs softly. “You know, I almost envy your choice, Lorenzo. Miss. Moretti is an intoxicating woman. She would look good on the arm of any man and I’m guessing would be quite the whore when required.”

  I push down the anger his words were designed to create and just shrug. “From what I’ve heard, you’d know a lot about whores, brother. What’s the matter, can’t you interest a real woman long enough to stick around?”

  He just laughs and raises his glass. “Touché. No, my problem is getting them to leave. What can I say, I’m a good catch?”


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