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Honor's Splendour

Page 34

by Julie Garwood

  Her brother regretted his outburst immediately, for he realized Madelyne's face was going to bruise. Since he knew some of his enemies would conclude he was responsible, he kept Madelyne locked in her room and gave everyone the excuse that his sister had been through such an ordeal in the hands of Baron Wexton that she would need a few days to regain her strength.

  Yet, while Louddon had been predictable, Clarissa had proven to be a devastating disappointment to Madelyne. When she had time to think about it, Madelyne realized she'd built up a fanciful picture of her older sister. Madelyne wanted to believe Clarissa cared about her. Yet every time she sent messages to both her sisters, neither Clarissa nor Sara ever bothered to answer her. Madelyne had always made excuses for their behavior. Now she realized the truth. Clarissa was every bit as self-serving as Louddon.

  Sara hadn't even come to London. Clarissa explained her absence by telling Madelyne that Sara was newly married to Baron Ruchiers and didn't wish to leave his side. Madelyne hadn't even known Sara was betrothed to anyone.

  Madelyne gave up trying to rest. Clarissa's voice grated like a shrill rooster's call. The sister was prone to whine, was doing so now as she complained to Louddon about the humiliation Madelyne had caused her.

  A snatch of conversation drew her over to the connecting door. Clarissa was talking about Rachael. Her voice was filled with loathing as she so easily defamed Madelyne's mother. Madelyne knew Louddon hated Rachael, yet never thought his two sisters felt the same way.

  "You wanted the bitch from the day she walked through the door," Clarissa said.

  Madelyne edged the door open. She saw Clarissa sitting on a padded cushion in the window well. Louddon was standing next to his sister. His back faced Madelyne. Clarissa was looking up at her brother. Both held goblets in their hands.

  "Rachael was very beautiful," Louddon said. His voice was harsh. "When Father turned against her, I was amazed. Rachael was such an appealing woman. Father forced the marriage, Clarissa. It was assumed that Baron Rhinehold would wed her."

  Clarissa snorted. Madelyne watched her take a long drink from her cup. Dark red wine spilled down the front of her gown, but Clarissa seemed oblivious to the mess and poured another cupful from the jug she held in her other hand.

  The sister was as pretty as Louddon, with the same white-blond hair and hazel eyes. Her expression, when she was angry, was also just as ugly as her brother's. "Rhinehold was no match for our father back then," Clarissa said. "But Father was played the fool, wasn't he? In the end Rachael mocked him. I wonder, Louddon, if Rhinehold knows Rachael was carrying his child when she wed our father?"

  "No," Louddon answered. "Rachael was never allowed to see Rhinehold. When Madelyne was born, Father wouldn't even look at her. Rachael was punished for her folly."

  "And you hoped Rachael would turn to you for comfort, didn't you, Louddon?" Clarissa asked. She laughed when Louddon turned to glare at her. "You were in love with her," she goaded. "Rachael thought you were disgusting, though, didn't she? If she didn't have her brat to look after, I think she really might have killed herself. God knows I suggested it to her often enough. Perhaps, brother dear, Rachael didn't fall down those steps. She might have been pushed."

  "You were always jealous of Rachael, Clarissa," Louddon snapped. "Just as you're now jealous of her daughter, illegitimate or not"

  "I'm not jealous of anyone," Clarissa screamed. "God, I'm looking forward to getting this over and done with. Then I swear I'm going to tell Madelyne about Rhinehold. I might even tell her you killed her mother"

  "You will say nothing," Louddon screamed. He slapped the goblet out of Clarissa's hand. "You're a fool, sister. I didn't kill Rachael. She did slip and fall down those steps."

  "She was trying to get away from you when she fell." Clarissa sneered.

  "Let it be," Louddon yelled. "And no one must ever know Madelyne isn't one of us. The shame would affect you and me."

  "Will the little bitch do as you demand? Will Madelyne perform before our king the way you have decided? Or will she turn against you, Louddon?"

  "She'll do whatever I tell her to do," Louddon boasted. "She obeys me because she's afraid. What a coward she is. She hasn't changed in temperament since she was a child. Besides, our little Madelyne knows I'll kill Berton if she displeases me."

  "'Tis a shame about Morcar's death," Clarissa said. "He would have paid handsomely for Madelyne. Now no one will want her."

  "You're wrong, Clarissa. I want her. I won't let anyone marry her."

  Madelyne shut the door on Clarissa's obscene laughter. She made it to the chamber pot just in time to throw up the bile from her stomach.

  She wept for her mother, Rachael, and the hell Louddon and his father had put her through. She'd been appalled to learn that Rachael had gone to her marriage bed carrying another man's child. And then the full truth dawned on Madelyne. She wept tears of joy next, for she'd just realized she wasn't blood relative to Louddon after all.

  She'd heard the name Rhinehold from Duncan, knew they were allies. She wondered if Baron Rhinehold was in court. She wanted to see what he looked like. Had he ever married? Louddon was right; no one must ever know… and yet, Madelyne knew she'd tell Duncan the truth. Why, he'd probably be as pleased as she was.

  She was finally able to force her emotions under control. She would need her wits about her. Aye, she must try to protect Father Berton and Duncan. Louddon believed Madelyne would willingly betray one to save the other. There was also the problem of Adela, of course, but Madelyne wasn't concerned about Duncan's sister now

  Nay, Gerald would marry Adela soon, and when that happened, the king couldn't very well threaten to give Adela to Louddon.

  Madelyne spent most of the night formulating her plan. She prayed Louddon would stay predictable, that Duncan would remain safe, and that God would give her courage for the battle ahead.

  She finally closed her eyes to sleep. And then she played the same pretense she used to play when she was a little girl. Whenever she was frightened that Louddon was going to take her back home, she'd pretend Odysseus was standing over her, guarding her. The pretense changed, however. It was not Odysseus but Duncan standing guard now.

  Aye, she'd found someone more powerful than Odysseus. She had her wolf to protect her now.

  The following afternoon Madelyne accompanied Louddon to meet with their king. When they neared the king's private chambers, Louddon turned to Madelyne and smiled at her. "I am counting on your honesty, Madelyne. You need only tell the king what has happened to your home and to you. I'll do the rest."

  "And the truth will damn Duncan, is that what you believe?" Madelyne asked.

  Louddon's smile abruptly soured. He did not like the tone his sister used with him. "Dare you find your backbone now, Madelyne? Remember your precious uncle. Even now I have men ready to ride. If I give the word, Berton's throat will be slit."

  "How do I know you haven't already killed him?" Madelyne argued. "Aye," she added when Louddon grabbed hold of her arm in a threatening manner. "You can't control your temper, Louddon. You never could. How do I know you haven't already killed my uncle?"

  Louddon proved her comment about his temper was accurate. He lashed out, striking her face. The bejeweled ring he wore cut the edge of her lip. Blood immediately began to trickle down Madelyne's chin. "Look what you've made me do," Louddon bellowed. He arched his hand again to inflict another blow, and suddenly found himself slammed up against the wall next to Madelyne.

  Anthony had appeared out of the shadows. He now had Louddon by his neck, and was giving Madelyne every indication he was going to strangle her brother.

  Madelyne had deliberately provoked her brother into losing his temper. God's truth, she wasn't even thankful for Anthony's interference. "Anthony, unhand my brother," Madelyne commanded. Her voice was harsh but she softened the order by placing her hand on the vassal's shoulder. "Please, Anthony."

  The vassal shook off his anger, let go of Louddon, and calmly wat
ched the baron crumble into a coughing fit to the floor.

  Madelyne took advantage of her brother's weakened condition. She leaned up and whispered into Anthony's ear. " 'Tis time for me to put my plan into action. No matter what I do or say, do not argue with it. I am protecting Duncan."

  Anthony nodded so that Madelyne would know he'd understood her. He longed to ask her if her plan was to goad Louddon into killing her. And why was she thinking to protect Duncan? It was obvious to the vassal that his mistress wasn't the least bit concerned about her own safety.

  It took all of Anthony's determination not to show any reaction when Madelyne helped Louddon to his feet. He didn't want Madelyne to touch the bastard.

  "Louddon, I don't believe you haven't harmed Uncle Berton," Madelyne said when her brother tried to drag her away from Anthony. "We will solve this problem here and now."

  Louddon was astonished by Madelyne's boldness. His sister wasn't acting timid or frightened now. "What do you think to tell the king when he notices the marks on my face, Louddon?"

  "You aren't going to see the king," Louddon bellowed. "I've changed my mind. I'm taking you back to your chambers, Madelyne. I'll speak to our leader on your behalf."

  Madelyne pulled out of her brother's grasp. "He'll want to see me and hear my explanation," she said. "Today, tomorrow, or next week, Louddon," she added. "You have only extended the wait. And do you know what I'll tell our king?"

  "The truth." Louddon sneered. "Aye, your honesty will trap Baron Wexton." He actually laughed over his own announcement. "You can't help yourself, Madelyne."

  "I would tell the truth if I spoke to the king. But I'm not going to say a word. I'll simply stand there and stare at you when the king asks me his questions. God's truth, I'll not say one word."

  Louddon was so enraged by Madelyne's threat, he almost hit her again. When he raised his hand, Anthony took a menacing step forward. Louddon's urge to retaliate was immediately pushed aside.

  "We'll speak of this later," Louddon said. He gave Anthony a meaningful glare before he continued. "When we are alone, I promise you I'll change your mind."

  Madelyne hid her fear. "We're going to speak of this now, Louddon, else I'll send Anthony to our king to tell him how you are mistreating me."

  "You think William would care?" Louddon shouted.

  "I am as much his subject as you are," Madelyne returned. "I will also instruct Anthony to tell the king how concerned I am that you are going to kill Uncle Berton. I doubt William would like the church's reaction to a baron murdering one of their own."

  "The king wouldn't believe you. And you know damn well your precious priest is alive. But if you persist in this rebellion, I will have him killed. Goad me further, bitch, and I'll—"

  "You'll send me back to live with Uncle Berton. That is what you'll do."

  Louddon's eyes widened and his face turned a blotchy red. He couldn't believe this radical change in his sister's disposition. She was standing up to him, and in front of a witness too. Worry edged into Louddon's mind. It was imperative that he have Madelyne's cooperation if he was going to sway their king into ruling against Duncan. Aye, he'd counted on Madelyne to tell how Duncan had destroyed his fortress and taken her captive. Suddenly Madelyne had become unpredictable.

  "You expect me to answer only certain truths, don't you? What if I begin my accounting by telling how you tried to kill Baron Wexton?"

  "You will answer only those questions put to you," Louddon bellowed.

  "Then give in to my request. Let me go to my uncle. I'll stay with him and let you take care of this problem with Baron Wexton."

  Madelyne felt like weeping over her deliberate choice of words. Problem, indeed. Louddon was out to see Duncan destroyed. "I swear to you, I could do your petition far more damage if I'm called before the king. The truth might damn Duncan, but my silence will damn you."

  "When this is over…"

  "You'll kill me, I suppose," Madelyne announced with a forced shrug of indifference. Her voice was devoid of emotion when she said, "I don't care, Louddon. Do your worst."

  Louddon didn't need to think about Madelyne's threat. He concluded immediately that she should be removed from court. There simply wasn't time to beat her into submission.

  Just two days past he'd learned of Morcar's failure to kill Duncan. Morcar was dead, and Duncan would surely arrive in London anytime now.

  Perhaps he should let his sister have her way. Her departure would serve his purpose well, he decided.

  "You will leave within the hour," Louddon announced. "But my men will escort you, Madelyne. Wexton's men," he added, staring at Anthony now, "have no reason to follow after you. The baron no longer has a say in your affairs. He has his sister back and you now belong to me."

  Madelyne agreed before Anthony could offer argument. The vassal exchanged a look with his mistress and then nodded his acceptance.

  He didn't have any intention of honoring the agreement, of course. Anthony would follow Madelyne no matter where Louddon sent her. He would be discreet, however, and let Louddon believe his duty was done. "Then I'll return to Wexton fortress," he announced before he turned and walked away.

  "I must go and have a few words with the king," Louddon muttered. "He is expecting us. I'm giving in to your whim, Madelyne, but you and I both know the time will come when you must report what happened to William."

  "I will give him my honesty," Madelyne returned. When Louddon looked suspicious, she hastily added, "And that will, of course, support your cause."

  Louddon looked slightly appeased. "Yes, well, perhaps the visit to your uncle is best after all. Seeing him again will remind you of your tenuous position."

  The bitch needs reminding of how important her uncle is to her, Louddon decided. She'd obviously forgotten what an old, frail man Berton was, and how impossible it would be for him to protect himself. Aye, she needed to see the priest again. Then he'd have his fearful, timid sister back where he wanted her.

  "There is always the chance that I'll have taken care of Duncan before you're asked to return to court, Madelyne. Return to your rooms now and get your puny possessions. I shall send soldiers to escort you to the courtyard."

  Madelyne pretended humility. She bowed her head and whispered her appreciation. "I have truly been through such an ordeal," she told her brother. "I hope the king does not argue with your request that I leave…"

  "My request?" Louddon laughed, an obscene sound that grated. "He won't even know, Madelyne. I need not request anything from William on such minor issues."

  Louddon turned and walked away after making his odious boast. Madelyne watched him until he'd disappeared around the curve in the corridor. She turned then and started back toward her chambers. Anthony waited in the shadows and was quick to intercept her. "You take too many chances, milady," Anthony muttered. "Your husband will be displeased."

  "We both know Duncan isn't my husband," Madelyne said. "It is important that you not interfere, Anthony. Louddon must believe he truly has his sister back."

  "Madelyne, I know you think to protect Adela, but Gerald's duty—"

  "Nay, Anthony," Madelyne interrupted. "I am only thinking to gain time. And I must go to my uncle. He is like a father to me. Louddon will kill him if I don't protect—"

  "You must protect yourself," Anthony argued. "Instead, you try to protect the world. Will you not listen to reason? You'll be vulnerable if you leave the castle grounds.

  She patted Anthony's hand and then said, "I'll be vulnerable until Duncan has righted this problem. You will tell Duncan where I've gone, Anthony, and then it will be his decision."

  "What decision?" Anthony asked.

  "Whether to come after me or not."

  "You actually doubt…"

  Madelyne let out a long sigh. "Nay, I do not doubt," she said, shaking her head for emphasis. "Duncan will come after me, and when he does, he'll leave soldiers to guard my uncle. I only pray he is quick about it."

  Anthony couldn't fa
ult Madelyne's plan. "I'll keep you in my sight at all times," he vowed. "You've only to cry out and I'll be there."

  "You must stay here and tell Duncan—"

  "I'll leave another to see to that duty," Anthony said. "I gave my word to my lord to protect his wife," he added, placing force on the word wife.

  Though she didn't admit it, Madelyne was relieved to have Anthony's guard. When she'd finished gathering her clothing, she hurried to the courtyard adjacent to the king's stables. Three of Louddon's soldiers had escorted her. They left her standing alone now while they prepared their mounts.

  Madelyne was thankful she hadn't run into Clarissa again. And Louddon was still in conference with their king… filling his head full of lies about Duncan, Madelyne knew.

  A curious crowd had gathered to watch the departure. The marks on Madelyne's face were quite noticeable, and she couldn't help but overhear the speculative comments behind her back.

  A tall red-headed woman separated herself from the group and rushed over to Madelyne. She was a beautiful woman, with a regal, elegant manner, a good deal taller than Madelyne, and a bit more filled out as well. She didn't smile at Madelyne but gave her a look of hostility.

  Madelyne met her stare and asked, "Is there something you wished to say to me?"

  "'Tis a risk I take in speaking so openly to you," the woman began. "I must think of my reputation, you see."

  "And speaking to me will tarnish it?" Madelyne asked.

  The woman looked surprised by the question. "But of course," she admitted. "Surely you realized that you are no longer a desirable—"

  Madelyne cut off the veiled insult. "Say what you wish to say and be gone then."

  "I am Lady Eleanor." Madelyne couldn't hide her surprise. "Then you've heard of me? Perchance Baron Wexton has spoken of—"

  "I have heard of you," Madelyne whispered. Her voice shook. She couldn't help but feel a bit inferior standing next to the woman. Lady Eleanor was dressed splendidly, while Madelyne wore a simple traveling gown of faded blue.

  Duncan's intended appeared to be everything Madelyne believed she wasn't. She was so composed, so dignified. Madelyne doubted the woman had ever been clumsy, even when she was a little girl.


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