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Page 2

by ML Guida

  “Stay away from her.” Lethal unleashed his sword—Judgment, gleaming blue.

  She clutched Lethal’s jacket. His muscles rippled beneath her touch. She’d always dreamed of touching him, but not like this. Her knees knocked together hard. She’d never fought a demon before. Angels of Love weren’t trained in fighting the dark enemy.

  “An Angel of Love?” Balthazar sneered. “How quaint.”

  “I’m warning you,” Lethal said.

  “Warning me?” Balthazar laughed. “Don’t make me box your ears. You killed someone who meant something to me. Now, it’s my turn.”

  “She should have—”

  “Silence,” Balthazar said. “Cupid, isn’t it? Enjoy her while you can, because soon she’ll be mine.” His icy voice froze her blood. His? What did that mean?

  Ignoring her thundering fear, Cupid stepped out from behind Lethal. “It’s a mistake. I’m not his mate. I accidentally shot him with my arrow.” Her voice sounded stronger than the fear quivering inside her.

  Balthazar shrugged his shoulder. “Doesn’t matter. You’re marked. Soon you’ll be shooting arrows of hate.”

  A bright flash lit up the darkness. Cupid flinched and shielded her eyes. Balthazar vanished.

  Tears pushed on the back of her eyelids. “He’s lying, right?” She loved her job and never wanted to hurt people.

  Lethal scanned the bridge. “Demons aren’t known for telling the truth. I promise I won’t let him hurt you.”

  She wiped her tears. He was her dark warrior. But he wasn’t hers. “We need to see Gabriel.”

  He turned his fierce gaze toward her. “Why?”

  She straightened the wrinkles on her dress. “Because he’ll set you free. He’s the only one powerful enough to break the gift of the desire arrow.”

  He cocked an eyebrow. “What if I don’t want it taken away?”

  She sighed. This would be difficult. He was a Dark Angel, and they were all used to getting their way. She scratched her temple. “You’re saying that because of the arrow. We’re not meant to be together.”

  “You don’t want me?”

  Was he kidding? Who wouldn’t want a movie star Dark Angel? But it wasn’t real. “I told you, Lethal, it’s not real.”

  Lethal trapped her against the railing again. He lifted her chin. “If it wasn’t real, Balthazar wouldn’t be determined to kill you.”

  She couldn’t tear herself from his mesmerizing eyes. He tilted his dark head and his lips captured hers. Once again, she was lost in his kiss. She gripped his shoulders, cursing herself for not being stronger, and leaned into him, not sure if she could let him go.

  Chapter 2

  Lethal followed Cupid down the golden corridor to find the Archangel Gabriel. Heaven had many halls and the Angels of Love was probably the happiest. Gabriel liked to have paintings of couples in love from all periods of life–some were dancing, some were kissing, while others were getting married, reminding Lethal of fairy tales.

  Gold, silver, and red hearts glowed on the ceiling. Magical harps played by themselves. Their soothing music erased the tension in Lethal’s pent up muscles. His spirit always lifted in this wing.

  He never experienced such a light and airy mood in the Dark Angel hallway. It was stark with no paintings, no sparkles, and no music. Michael didn’t like clutter or distractions. He expected his angels to always being on guard.

  But not here.

  Lethal cracked his neck, took a deep breath, and smiled. The scent of red roses filled the hall. He wished he could pick a rose and hand it to Cupid. But with her firm footsteps and stiff back, she didn’t seem to be in a mood to be wooed. She was definitely on a mission. He couldn’t help but admire Cupid’s sweet ass and her curves. It had felt so good kissing her, exploring her mouth. She had brought sunshine to his glooming darkness. She didn’t know about death, about evil, or about betrayal.

  There was something special about Cupid. She had secrets he wanted to unravel. Tingles sensations slid over his flesh. Blood rushed through him, and his heart pounded faster and faster, drumming the words claim her, claim her, over and over again. The pull inside him to claim her was strong. He hadn’t even experienced this sensation with Vixen, who he thought was his angel-mate.

  He scrubbed his face. Was it the desire arrow or was Cupid his true mate?

  Whatever had happened, Balthazar had picked up on it. Unfortunately, she was now in real danger.

  She opened the door to the Grand Hall where the archangels were holding court. All wings ended at the Great Hall. Floating torches lit up the spacious room. Rows of wooden pews were lined up perfectly, but none of the human souls were sitting down. A long line wound back to the front doors.

  Lethal moved around them and glanced up. Today, white clouds rolled over the gold vaulted ceiling. Sometimes the ceiling could be sunny or stars. All of it depended on the Archangels’ moods.

  Lethal exhaled a pent up breath. Luckily, he hadn’t spotted him yet.

  Cupid scowled and wrung her hands.

  He leaned close. “It’ll be all right.”

  Or at least, he hoped it would be.

  She bit her lip. “No, it won’t.” He put his hand on her lower back, escorting her away from the long line of human souls.

  “How many more of these do I have to listen to?” An angry voice made the hair on the back of Lethal’s neck stand at attention.

  Cupid stopped.

  Lethal groaned. His boss the Archangel Michael sat on a jeweled throne, looking thoroughly bored. He’d dressed in jeans and a black T-shirt. His sword, Excalibur, was strapped to his side, and he caressed the hilt. He tapped his fingers repeatedly on the throne’s armrest. He’d be so pissed when he found out Lethal’s mission had gone awry.

  The Archangel Raphael held a list of petitions and flashed a crooked smile. His golden eyes flickered with merriment. “Four hundred and twenty-seven more, dear brother.”

  Michael leaned his head back on the throne. “You’ve got to be kidding.”

  Raphael laughed and slapped his hand on the podium. With his Captain America T-shirt, blue jeans, and long blond hair, he looked like a smart-ass teenager right out of high school, but he possessed the power of an archangel. He could be just as dangerous as Michael. His sword, Magic, strapped to his back was just as deadly as Michael’s Excalibur.

  Michael glared. “You’re enjoying this, aren’t you?”

  Lethal sucked in his breath, hoping he hadn’t spotted them yet.

  “Sorry, brother. But the look on your face…” Raphael motioned for the next soul to approach Michael with a complaint.

  Lethal released his pent up air and shook his head. Raphael must have a death wish, but he seemed to like nothing better than teasing Michael. He wasn’t afraid of Michael like everyone else.

  Someone slammed the door and Lethal winced.

  Michael caught his eye. “Lethal, what are you doing here?” He perked up. “Is something amiss?”

  Cupid glanced nervously at Lethal. Fear flickered in her eyes and her face paled. “Um…um…”

  Lethal clasped her shaking hand. The poor minx. His boss must scare the crap out of her.

  “We’re looking for Gabriel,” he said.

  Michael moved his hand across his lap. “Obviously, he isn’t here.”

  “St. Peter decided Gabriel needed a break from hearing petitions.” Raphael tilted his head. “He’s in the library.”

  Cupid stepped closer to Lethal. He could feel her beating heart. He thought any minute she would faint.

  Michael put his elbow on the armrest and rested his chin in his palm. “Why do you want to see Gabriel?”

  Something in his low voice made Lethal froze.

  He lifted his chin. “We crossed missions and need to speak with him.”

  Michael rubbed his chin. “Meaning what? Did you retrieve Betty Ann?”

  Lethal tensed. “No…”

  Michael dropped his hand. “Why not?”

��s gut clenched. Shit, he was so screwed.

  Cupid blurted. “But her name was written in the Book of Love. She was supposed to live a long life with her intended.”

  Lethal’s eyes widened. What was she doing?

  “Are you saying the Book of the Dead was wrong?” His low voice sent chills down Lethal’s back.

  Lethal released her hand and stepped in front of her. “No, of course not, but something went wrong.”

  Michael stood, his looming presence made the chamber look smaller.

  “Sit back on the throne.” Raphael tilted his head. “St. Peter won’t be pleased if you leave your post.”

  Michael opened his mouth, but slumped back down. Not even Michael would go against St. Peter’s wishes. He pointed at Lethal and then at his chest. “You and I will have a discussion about this later.”

  Raphael smiled. “You’re both free to seek out Gabriel. Good luck to you.”

  Lethal hesitated for a moment. Did Raphael know what happened?

  Michael flicked his hand. “Go.”

  “Come on.” Lethal grabbed Cupid’s shaking hand and led her out of the Grand Hall before Michael and Raphael changed their minds. Archangels were unpredictable.

  They exited down the wing of Knowledge. A huge apple tree in the middle of the Garden of Eden was painted on the ceiling. A statue of King Solomon and a lion were on either side of the golden doors that opened to the library.

  Cupid slowed her steps. “Gabriel will be so mad when he finds out what I’ve done.”

  He pushed a lock of her silky dark brown hair behind her ear. He wanted to run his hands through it. “You’ve done nothing wrong, Cupid.”

  She whisked her hair up into a loose bun. “I’m not your mate. You were in the wrong place at the wrong time.”

  His resolve weakened. He lifted her chin and kissed her frowning lips. “Actually, I was in the right place at the right time.”

  “You’re not listening.” She pulled away. “Come on, hurry. Before Michael’s done.”

  She ran toward the double doors. Lethal shook his head. He’d been so angry and so lonely for so long he wasn’t sure he wanted to know the truth.

  In the library, Gabriel the Archangel was reading as usual. His white linen suit crinkled when he draped his legs over an overstuffed chair. He read everything he could get his hands on. He twirled his finger in his wavy blond hair that curled at the nape of his neck.

  Lethal leaned against the doorway with his arms folded.

  Cupid quickly blurted what happened on the Royal Gorge Bridge with Cameron and Betty Ann.

  Gabriel slammed the book shut and sat straighter. “You did what?”

  Cupid hung her head. “I’m sorry, sir.”

  He fingered the Sacred Medal in the shape of a heart that was around his neck. “Sorry isn’t going to fix it.”

  Lethal’s eyes widened. Gabriel’s scowl would rival Michael’s when Lethal had made an infraction. Not wanting Cupid to receive the same wrath, he stepped forward. “Gabriel?”

  The archangel raised his eyebrow. “Here to make excuses for her, Dark Angel?”

  Lethal wanted to slap his smirk, but he was an archangel. He might look like an absent-minded professor, but he was far from it. Still, Lethal wouldn’t let him punish Cupid, not if he could help it. “She didn’t make a mistake.”

  Cupid touched Lethal’s arm, her hand trembling. He clasped it, hoping to send her reassurance.

  Gabriel stopped messing with the medal. “Yes. She did. She shot—”

  Lethal stuck out his chin. “Me. I got in the way.”

  Gabriel got out of the chair. He was a foot shorter than Lethal. “I didn’t say it was with you, you arrogant fool. I want to know what happened with Cameron Ackers.” He turned to Cupid. “Why did you shoot him with an aversion arrow?”

  Her face paled. “I should have told you. I’m colorblind.” Her cheeks turned bright red.

  Lethal did a double take. “You are?”

  She nodded.

  No pity flashed in Gabriel’s eyes. They darkened and turned stormy. “By keeping your disability a secret, you almost cost a girl her life and a boy his soul.”

  She pressed her palms together. “I’m sorry. I swear it won’t happen again.”

  Lethal thought she must be scared, but she held her head high.

  “You should have told me. Liars aren’t tolerated on my team.”

  Lethal clenched his teeth. “What the hell does that mean?”

  “It means if she mixes up the arrows…” Gabriel stuck out his thumb. “She’ll be off my team.”

  Lethal glared. “You’ve never made a mistake.”

  “Oh, and your boss is forgiving with any mistakes you’ve made.”

  Lethal shrugged. “That’s different.”

  “How dare you!” Cupid punched his arm.

  “Ow.” He rubbed the throbbing spot where she’d slammed her fist. “Why did you hit me? I was sticking up for you.”

  “First of all, I don’t need you fighting my battles. I can fight my own. Thank you very much.” She stuck out her chin. “We might not be as high as you, but what we do is valuable.” She pointed at Gabriel. “His team is just as important as yours.”

  “I didn’t say it wasn’t.”

  Gabriel opened up his book. “Is that all you wanted to tell me?”

  Cupid cleared her throat. “No. It’s not. I tried to fix what happened, but I had a complication.”

  Lethal lifted his eyebrow. Complication? That’s what she thought about him.

  Gabriel looked up from his book. “Meaning?”

  She quickly told Gabriel about shooting him with the desire arrow.

  “Lethal thinks I’m his mate. You need to undo it.”

  Just like Vixen, she was dismissing him. Why did he even think love was in the stars for him?

  Gabriel looked between the two of them. “There’s something you should both know about desire arrows.”

  The hair on the back of Lethal’s neck stood straight up. He stilled. “What?”

  Gabriel put his book away. “Desire arrows don’t work on Dark Angels. They’re a higher angel, so our arrows aren’t effective.”

  Cupid frowned. “Gabriel, what are you talking about? Desire arrows work on angels.”

  “Not on Dark Angels,” Gabriel said.

  Lethal ran his hand through his hair. “I don’t understand. I’ve seen Cupid a hundred times and never sensed she was my angel-mate.”

  “Then you weren’t listening to your heart. Or more likely, you hardened your heart.” Gabriel hunted for another book as if he couldn’t care less what was going on.

  “But I haven’t sensed anything either,” Cupid said.

  Gabriel picked out another book and set it down on an end table. “That’s not true, is it, Cupid?”

  Cupid blushed fourteen shades of red and hung her head.

  Lethal threaded his fingers through his hair. “I’m still having a hard time comprehending this, especially since Cupid insisted it was the arrow.”

  “Don’t believe me?” Gabriel drew a square in the middle of the air with his finger. The Book of Love flashed into the room and floated in front of the archangel. He grabbed the gold book and flipped through the pages. He put it on the end table and pointed. “You two have been destined to be together.”

  Lethal gritted his teeth. Sure enough, their names were written down. But how could this be? He was sure Vixen had been his intended mate.

  Cupid rubbed her temple. “I don’t remember seeing this.”

  As if reading his mind, Gabriel blurted, “You thought Vixen or should I say Victoria was your mate, didn’t you?”

  Lethal cringed.

  Cupid hung her head.

  Why did the archangels have to be so damn blunt? Lethal narrowed his eyes. “Yes, I did.”

  Gabriel met his hostile gaze. “Did you claim Vixen?”

  Lethal crossed his arms. “You know I didn’t.” He avoided looking at Cupid. His
head was spinning on how he could have been so wrong about Vixen.

  Gabriel closed the book. “The Book of Love doesn’t apply to demons.” He snapped his fingers and the book disappeared. “Victoria fell, and unlike Blade, she never repented.”

  Blade had been a dark angel who had fallen because he thought his angel-mate had died.

  Lethal rubbed his sweating forehead. The Archangel had ripped up old wounds he didn’t want to relive.

  Cupid squeezed his arm. “I’m sorry.”

  Lethal stood straighter, swallowing back the pain forming in his throat.

  She dropped her arm. “If Vixen hadn’t had turned, were her and Lethal angel-mates?” Her voice was so soft he could barely hear it.

  Gabriel lifted her chin. “Do you really want to know?”

  “No.” Cupid turned her head and folded her arms.

  Lethal wanted to plow his fist into the archangel’s face.

  Gabriel flicked his hand. “I need to get back to my books. You know what to do Lethal.”

  “I can’t. It’s too dangerous.”

  Gabriel scratched his chin. “Why?”

  Cupid glared. “I know why. You don’t want to claim me, because I’m a Cherub, and no one in your great order has ever lowered themselves to claim one. For your information, love is greater than death.”

  Lethal shook his head. He kept his arms pressed to his side, afraid he’d rattle the woman until she listened to reason. “No, that’s not it. Do you remember what happened at the bridge? You heard Balthazar. Do you think he was kidding?”

  Fear flashed in her eyes. “No.”

  Gabriel studied Lethal. “Do you think Balthazar knows you’re an assassin?”

  Cupid covered her mouth. Her face turned white and her eyes got huge. “Oh, Zeus. You’re an assassin? What have I done?” She gasped. “I need some air.”

  Lethal winced. She looked at him as if he were a black widow.

  Gabriel motioned with his arm. “Lie down on the couch.”

  Lethal clasped her arm and helped her. “I’ll get you something to drink.”

  She nodded. “I’m sorry.” Beads of sweat broke on her forehead. “I wasn’t expecting this.”


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