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There's Danger: A Friends to Lovers Romance

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by Nadine Hudson

  There’s Danger


  BOOK 4


  Copyright © 2021 Nadine Hudson

  This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any similarity to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.


  Conner thinks it’s all in good fun. Playful banter. He thinks all his flirting and sexual innuendos are harmless...And that’s exactly what I want him to think. He can never know how much each smirk or touch twists me up inside.

  He’s been my best friend since we were kids. I could never jeopardize our friendship over some stupid childhood crush-even if that childhood crush has bloomed into something so much sexier as we’ve gotten older.

  Regardless, I can’t do it. I need to maintain our friendship and my heart unbroken above all else. Conner Smoak has more notches in his bedpost than I care to count and I can’t bear the thought of ending up as one of them. Not after everything we’ve been through together.

  As part of her special Blackbox Collection, Nadine Hudson cranks up the heat in this friends to lovers, slow burning romance that will leave you panting… clinging for more! HEA Guaranteed!

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  I tap my knuckles against the hardwood door of Chief Joe’s office. I can feel my hands shaking. I don’t know why I am so nervous. Ian is the one who was out of line. But still. It feels like I did something wrong. Like I’m about to be in trouble for something. Maybe it’s because I’ve always found the Chief to be intimidating and cold. I’ve never been in trouble for anything and he’s never yelled at me but he had a way of making his authority known.

  Or maybe it's because I’m about to tell the Chief that his golden boy, and reason for the budget being approved, backhanded me in the parking lot last night. I don’t really know how he will react or what he will do about it. I just know I can’t work with Ian. If Chief Joe doesn’t fire him I will have to quit. The thought is very unsettling and I suppress a few tears that are trying to form in my eyes. When I hear Chief Joe’s husky voice yell, “Come in,” from the other side I take in a deep breath. My hands are shaking but I open the door and slip inside.

  He’s sitting at his desk and when he glances up at me he does a double take. His eyes fixate on my cheek and he stands and quickly moves from behind the desk. “Brooke..” he says my name like a question. I feel my face blush and I lower my head and touch my bruise gingerly with my fingertips. Maybe I’m embarrassed that I even let Ian do this to me. I’ve battled with the thoughts since this morning. The “what if I had done something differently” thoughts but ultimately I had to come to my own conclusion of the only thing I did wrong was that I fell for a boy and not a man. Real men don’t hit women.

  “Uh, do you have a minute, Chief? I need to talk to you about something.”

  “Of course. Of course. Come in. Here. Sit,” he gestures toward a chair in front of his desk. His expression seems genuinely worried. It makes me feel good. Stronger. Supported. Like maybe the Chief will take my side on this and get rid of Ian completely. My heart starts beating harder in my chest as I try to find the words to explain what happened.

  “Well, as you probably know, Ian Thompson and I have been dating for a few weeks now and…”

  “Oh, I didn’t know that.” His expression is confused.

  I don’t know why I assumed he knew. When I think about it he really doesn’t spend time with any of us outside of work and when he’s here at the station he’s cooped up in his office the whole time. We really should make it a point to try to include him in more things. You’re getting off track.

  “Umm, yeah. We actually started dating shortly after he started here. I’m sorry. I thought you knew,” I clarify. “But, anyway, uh, so we were dating and he actually, umm did this to my face at Micky’s last night.” I gesture towards my eye and I watch the surprise wash over Captain Joe’s face. Shit! Why did I just blurt it out like that? He’s probably going to think I’m crazy or something.

  I watch Chief Joe’s face and wait for his response. He leans away from me in his chair and rubs his hand through his hair. His eyes are wide. He looks dumbfounded like he has no idea what to do with this information. I need to say something. Anything. The awkward silence is making me even more nervous.

  “Look, I, uh, I know what it means to the company to have Ian here but I also want you to know that I can’t work with him anymore. I don’t mean to make you feel like I’m giving you an ultimatum or forcing you to choose between us, Chief. I just needed to let you know where I stand with things.” He still doesn’t say anything. I lower my eyes and stare down at my fingers that I didn’t even realize were knotting together in my lap.

  I hear him let out a deep sorrowful sigh and I’m sure I’m not going to like what he’s about to say.

  “I’m so sorry, Brooke,” he says quietly. A lump forms in my throat instantly. His words bring tears to my eyes. I stand slowly and turn toward the door.

  “I’ll just go clear out my stuff.”

  “Brooke! No, that’s not what I meant.”

  I turn back around to face him and swipe a tear from my cheek.


  “I didn’t mean you need to go. I meant I’m so sorry that this happened to you… And I’m sorry I didn’t know sooner.”

  A small smile forms on my lips and I sniffle. “It’s okay. So what does this mean for Ian?”

  “Actually, that’s why I wish I would have known sooner. Ian emailed me this morning.” My eyes widen and my heart begins pounding in my chest. Oh my God. What did he say? What did he tell him? I try to keep my composure.

  “He did?” I ask calmly.

  “Yeah, actually, he said he just wasn’t a fan of the area. Didn’t feel like he was settling in very well and requested a letter of recommendation for a transfer. I didn’t know anything about this,” he gestures toward me, “otherwise I never would have written him one. I’m so sorry, Brooke.”

  I let out a deep sigh of relief. Ian is gone. I can keep my job. This is good news. “It’s really okay Chief. Thank you so much.” I pause for a moment then remember the other reason I came to see him. I know things with Conner are going to be difficult for a while and I’m not ready to deal with all of that just yet. I need a break. I need real distance.

  “Oh, there’s something else, too. Umm, if it’s okay with you I’m going to take a week off. Maybe go visit my parents. It’s just that with everything that’s happened I feel like I could use a break.”

  He puts his hand in the air and smiles. “Say no more, Brooke. Go, relax, and have fun.” I nod at him and I turn to leave again, but he stops me.

  “Hey Brooke.”

  I glance back at him over my shoulder and he smiles at me.

  “Even if Ian wouldn’t have resigned, I would have chosen you. And he would have been fired. You know
that don’t you?”

  I smile brightly at him and nod in agreement. A warm feeling fills my heart. Maybe he’s not quite as cold and intimidating as I once thought he was.


  As soon as I get home I pack a bag, load it into my car, and hit the road. I drive for about an hour and a half when I turn onto a bumpy dirt road beside a large, beautiful lake. At the end of the road is a log cabin home surrounded by miles and miles of forest. It has a wrap-around porch overlooking the lake and the woods and huge beautiful picture windows in the front.

  I pull up to the cabin and turn off the car. I take a deep breath but before I can even get out of my car I spot a tan, petite, blonde bopping out the front door and running toward me. She has a huge smile spread across her face and her arms open up wide as she gets closer to me.

  “Ahh! Brooke!” she screeches, “You made it!” Holding out her arms she wraps me in a big hug and rocks me back and forth. And I hug her back.

  “Hi, Mom!”



  As soon as I get back home I take care of Bruno and go to get a shower. I turn on the water and start to undress. I pull my shirt over my head and look down at my hands. I eye the scuffs left on my knuckles from last night. I rub them gently and I can tell they are going to be sore for a few days. I look back at my reflection in the mirror and let out a deep sigh.

  How can she possibly think that I don’t love her? And I’m not “boyfriend material?” What the hell is that about? I could be boyfriend material for her. I could be whatever she needs. My eyes narrow at the scruffy man staring back at me. “ I know how to commit,” I say out loud as if I’m trying to convince myself. “I’ll show her that I know how to commit and that I can be everything she needs.”

  I pull out my phone and start to text.

  I know you don’t believe me yet but one day you will. I love you, Brooke.

  I set my phone on the vanity and hop in the shower. A smile spreads across my face. I have a new mission. A new purpose. To prove to Brooke that I love her and that I can be “boyfriend material.” I don’t know why that phrase pisses me off so much but it definitely strikes a nerve. Boyfriend material. What does that even mean? I scoff to myself.

  When I finish washing I turn the water off and jump out. Immediately, I pick up my phone and check for a response. I feel my heart jump when I see her name on my screen. I dry my hand quickly on my towel then using my thumb I swipe up on the screen.

  Please, Conner. Don’t make this harder than it has to be. I’m going to be out of town for a little while and I might not have service.

  My heart sinks. Not the response I was hoping for. I type out another message quickly.

  I’m not trying to make anything harder for you I promise. I want you and only you. I just want the chance to prove it.

  My breathing grows rapid as I stare at the screen waiting for a response. When it doesn’t come in right away I take my phone with me to my bedroom and get dressed. She’s going to be out of town? Where did she go? I dry off my body and pull on my boxers and a pair of running pants then sit on the edge of my bed staring at my phone again. Nothing.

  Ugh! Why isn’t she answering? I can’t believe she would just up and leave? I consider letting it go but then I feel anger build up inside me and I type out another message.

  Please just talk to me. This is making me crazy!

  We had an amazing night together, I tell you I love you, and you just run away?

  I don’t know what I’m supposed to do now.

  I toss my phone onto my bed beside me and drop my face into my hands. I’m so frustrated. I’ve never felt this helpless and it’s crippling. I stand up and finish getting dressed. I need to get to work. I grab my phone off my bed and head out the door.

  I’m running late to work and when I pull in it looks like everyone else is already here. My eyes frantically search the lot for Brooke’s car, but I don’t see it. I notice Ian’s car isn’t here either. Good. I smile to myself. If he knows what’s good for him he quit already.

  I make my way through the doors and to the upstairs room where everyone is sitting quietly around the table. My eyes narrow at everyone as they all stare back at me.

  “What’s going on?” I ask cautiously.

  “Chief called a meeting. Wants to talk to all of us,” Bobby answers.

  I nod in acknowledgement and take a seat across from Bobby and Gabe.

  “How you doing this morning, Smoak?” Bobby asks, pointing his chin at my knuckles. I open my hand and eye my knuckles. I smile down and admire the scrapes proudly. He deserved everything and got, and more.

  “I’m good,” I answer with a grin.

  He chuckles, “I’m sure you are.”

  Moments later, Chief Joe walks in the room and everyone grows silent.

  “Alright, everyone, settle down. I have, uh, some news. Some of you may have already heard but this morning I received and approved Ian’s transfer request. His resignation from the Captain position with this company is effective immediately. Under other circumstances, I would say I am sorry to see him go but today, that’s simply not the case.”

  There were whispers and small gasps spreading around the room. It was not like Chief Joe to be so blunt or to talk badly about anyone. He usually maintained the utmost level of professionalism. But I knew why he was so upset. I could see the anger in his face and it matched my own.

  “I pride myself on leading a company of upstanding men… and women. I hold you all to the highest level of moral and ethical standards, both in and out of uniform. Both on and off duty. I want to make it clear to everyone that if anyone does not meet that expectation you will be terminated immediately.”

  His eyes are serious and narrow as they scan the room, not stopping on anyone in particular. “I also want to make it clear that I am very, very proud of the way you all take care of each other.” This time his eyes looked right to me. “If anyone has any questions, you know where to find me. Conner, my office please.”

  I follow him down the hallway and into his office.

  “Close the door, please.”

  I close it behind me and walk toward his desk. He’s already seated behind it. An eerie silence fills the room and I’m not sure if I’m about to be suspended or if he’s going to high five me.

  “Brooke came in to see me this morning, Conner.”

  My eyes flash to his and I listen intently. “Gabe came in to see me shortly after that,” he says, crossing his arms in front of his chest. Where is he going with this? I stuff my hands in my pockets to keep from fidgeting. “I’m going to tell you, like I told Gabe. The two of you should have told me about New York. If I had known, I could have dismissed him sooner. Maybe Brooke wouldn’t have had to go through any of that.” His eyes narrowed on me and I suddenly felt two feet tall. “I thought you of all people would have wanted to put her safety above all else. I’d be lying if I said, I wasn’t disappointed in both of you for that.”

  I look down at the floor. He was right. In hindsight that would have been the best thing to do. And I’m not sure why that option never crossed my mind. “You’re right, Chief. I’m sor…”

  “I’m not done,” he says, cutting me off. I stand up straight, bracing myself, and waiting for his next blow to come. “On the other hand I couldn’t be more proud of you.”

  My eyes dart to his face and he’s grinning at me. He nods his chin at my bruised hand. “How’s the hand?”

  I smile broadly at him, “It’s nothing. You should see the other guy.”

  He chuckles to himself and looks down at his desk.

  “Well I guess there’s only one thing left to discuss then…”

  I eye him curiously.

  “The Captain position is yours, Conner. If you still want it that is?” he raises an eyebrow at me.

  A surprised and excited smile breaks over my face. I haven’t even thought about that. “Thank you, Chief!” I say, holding out my hand to shake his. He takes my
hand with a smile and shakes it firmly.

  Leaving his office my first thought is that I want to text Brooke. I want to tell her about being Captain. But my smile fades quickly. She hasn’t answered me since this morning. I pull out my phone and check it. There are several messages from Brooke. My smile returns as I open them and begin to read.

  I’m not running, Conner. I need space.

  Everything is different between us now. Harder even. I know you’re not trying to make it that way but please understand that you are.

  I feel like I’ve ruined our friendship. I’ve ruined everything we had. Everything was fine until I told you that I love you. And now, I’m just regretting ever saying anything at all.

  We can’t be together. It will never work. I need you to be my friend or be nothing at all. I’m sorry.

  I reread her words at least a dozen more times before putting my phone back in my pocket. I force down the lump that’s rising in my throat and continue on with my shift. This is bullshit. How can she do that? If I’m not allowed to have feelings for her then I don’t want to feel anything at all.



  As soon as I press the send button my tears come streaming down my cheeks. I curl into a ball and pull the blanket up under my chin. There’s a cool breeze coming in from the lake and from where I’m sitting on the deck it’s hitting me right in the face. I take in a deep breath of mountain air and let it out slowly.

  What have I done? Why am I always such a mess? This is exactly why I never wanted him to know. Now things between us are even more confusing and dangerous than before. Because he loves me. It was a little easier to bear when I thought I was the only one in love but knowing that he loves me too, knowing that the potential for a relationship with him is there. Ugh! It’s enough to rip my heart in half.

  I can’t do it. I know him too well. He’ll be bored after two weeks. Three weeks tops and then he’ll leave me. I’ll be nothing more than another notch in his bed post. The thought brings more tears to my eyes and I wipe them away quickly. But even that wouldn’t hurt me nearly as badly as losing my best friend. He’s too important to me to lose over a stupid, inevitable break up.


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