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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

Page 42

by Watkins, Charles

  “What’s you guys’ story?” Chloe asked as she followed us back over to where we had been standing around eating.

  “We’re survivors just like yourself—we chose to fight back and go after the one responsible for this zombie apocalypse a long time ago and it’s led us all over the place; we’ve lost some important people along the way and I’m sure we’ll lose more but we’re going to find Nicolas Bowman and make him pay for what he has done.” I explained with a distant stare.

  “So this Bowman guy is the one who created these undead monsters?” Chloe asked as she came to stand especially close to me.

  “Yes—we’ve been on his trail for a long time and it seems like there’s a possibility that he’s left this continent.” Amy explained as she brought out the briefcase that we had found inside of the mansion in Beverly Hills.

  Chloe listened as we explained in full detail about everything that had happened, the things that we had been through and the clues that we had found and then she was introduced to everyone in the group, after we were done explaining things everyone returned to their vehicles and Chloe chose to ride in our Mustang with us—she sat behind my seat with Sheila, Remy, Mace and Ember in the back seat; Sheila was breastfeeding Darc Aiden and Jennifer was doing the same with Xavier in the front seat.

  “So you guys are both his girlfriends?” Chloe asked as she glanced first at Sheila and then at Jennifer.

  “Yes—I was a girlfriend to his first wife Angie as well and after she was killed and Sheila came into the group Chaz and I developed feeling for her as well.” Jennifer answered glancing over at me with a grin.

  I could tell that she wanted me because her right hand wandered over and massaged my crotch—an action that Chloe seen and a smile came to her face; I could tell that she was developing a thing for me and I knew that things were going to get interesting.

  “Is there room for a third?” Chloe asked with a lustful grin as she glanced first at me and then at Sheila and Jennifer.

  “It’s fine with me, Sheila?” Jennifer asked glancing back at Sheila.

  “Yes—she’s cute…of course it’s up to Chaz.” Sheila answered smiling.

  “We’ll see how things go—first and foremost we have to worry about staying alive; we’re immune to infection but we can still be killed by those fuckers out there.” I answered as I started the engine of the Mustang and grabbed the CB speaking into it.

  “Is everyone ready to move out?” I asked as I glanced back toward the other vehicles.

  “Yeah—we’re ready to roll.” Richard answered on his end.

  “Ready.” Billy stated in a tone that suggested he and Kayla had been engaged in something more private inside of their hotrod.

  “We’re all ready.” Hugo stated as the sound of the Eco-Roamer starting filled the background on his end.

  “Yeah—let’s go before we have more unwanted company.” Beau finished.

  I put our Mustang into gear and headed out down the highway with the others close behind.

  “We’re starting to run low on gas—we’re going to have to stop and fuel up our new vehicles.” I stated as I glanced down at the fuel gauge and noticed that our tank was almost completely empty.

  “I hope that we can find something close by and fuel up without incident.” Hugo stated on his end with a worried tone.

  “What do you guys think that thing we killed was?” Richard asked over the CB after a few seconds had passed.

  “It was another of Bowman’s bio-weapons…I think that a fitting name for that thing would be ‘Faces’…yeah, that seems to suit it well.” I answered as I thought back on the way the thing had looked.

  “Yeah…that sounds about right—with all of those hideous faces all over its torso; I just hope that there aren’t too many more of those things around out there.” Beau stated on his end.

  “No kidding—it took several grenade rounds to kill the damn thing.” I answered with a chuckle.

  I noticed that we were getting into the main part of Duluth now and I spotted a gas station down the street that looked to be mostly surrounded by wrecked vehicles and other obstructions, I cautiously drove over to it and got out with my M16 ready.

  “Stay inside the car—I’m going to see if this place is even worth the time to stop at.” I instructed as Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe started to follow.

  I walked toward the doors of the station with my rifle pointed ahead and I carefully pushed the doors open stepping inside of the room, there were corpses here and there around the area that looked fresh like they had been recently killed and there were empty shell casings all over the floor; it looked like this place had been hit recently by a group of heavily armed marauders and I stood in silence for a few moments contemplating what could be the reasoning for these sweeper teams and if these marauders were working for Bowman. That was when a sound from behind alerted me and I swiftly turned and pointed my M16 toward the door only to see that it was Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe.

  I lowered my weapon and went over to meet them.

  “Babes…I could have made the mistake of shooting you—I told you to wait outside.” I stated as I brought each one of them into my arms.

  “We just wanted to make sure that you were okay in here—the outside parking lot is riddled with empty shell casings and there’s blood everywhere; something tells me that we better hurry up and get what we need from this place and move on.” Jennifer answered kissing me tenderly.

  “I’d agree with you on that—look at this place, it looks even worse in here.” I answered as I stepped aside to where they could see all of the bodies.

  “I’m getting the feeling that not all of these people were infected…some of them had to have been survivors.” Chloe stated with a troubled expression on her face.

  “We’ll never really know…survivors of this shit are so far and few that the chances of any being here are slim.” I answered as I turned to glance at her.

  I strolled forward and climbed over the countertop landing on my feet behind the cash register where I checked the switch to the pumps and found that it was on, I checked around the area for anything useful and then joined Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe heading back out into the ruins of the parking lot where the other were waiting.

  “What did you find in there?” Hugo asked with a worried look.

  “Just a bunch of corpses that looked relatively fresh—like they were killed not long ago; whether or not they were survivors or zombies remain unknown.” I answered as I walked over and checked the pump next to our Mustang.

  “There’s not as much pressure as there normally is at other stations—but let’s get fueled up so we can get the hell out of this place.” I stated glancing around at the others.

  I stuck the nozzle into the tank of our Mustang and started pumping the fuel as the others done the same with their vehicles—several minutes passed and we had just finished refueling our vehicles when there was a sudden explosion down the street to the north that was followed by the horrible screams of the undead and gunfire; Jennifer tossed me the binoculars that were on the dashboard inside of the Mustang and I peered through them in the direction of the explosions and the gunfire and I could make out the figures of a small group of people running from the dead-heads and other mutations that were surging after them and even somewhat toward our direction. As I studied the people I could tell that there was one among them that was at least a relatively skilled marksman as the figure—which was a woman—gunned down zombie after zombie and seemed to be doing her best to protect the others; a few of the other figures were shooting back at the undead as well with small arms like handguns and such and by the look of things they were about to be overwhelmed and killed.

  “Beau—you know what to do!” I shouted as I briefly turned to look at him.

  “I’m on it!” He answered as he ran to the rear of the semi-trailer and climbed
up into the cockpit of the battle chassis.

  Seconds later he clanked forward moving at an accelerated rate, he opened fire on the undead hordes with the Gau-8 Avenger sending a barrage of bullets into the mass; dozens of wrecked vehicles that still had gas in the tanks exploded and soon nothing was left of the undead swarm except piles of smoking corpses. The small group of survivors slowly came out from their hiding places and stared up at Beau as he turned toward them in the battle chassis, I drove our Mustang down and parked in front of them and got out with my M16 in hand.

  “W-Who are you people?” The woman who had been doing her best to protect the others asked with a cautious expression on her face.

  “We’re survivors against this whole mess—we’re on the trail of the one responsible for this zombie apocalypse, a man named Nicolas Bowman…ever heard of him?” I answered raising my right eyebrow inquisitively.

  “No…you say that you guys are after this person?” The woman answered with a confused expression.

  “Yes, we’ve been through hell and high water surviving along the road for the past 11 years—we’ve uncovered various clues left behind by this man concerning the mutagenic toxin he created that started the original outbreak back in October of 2000; we’ve also recently learned that he has created a new more powerful strain that he’s been using to create biological super-weapons.” I explained as Hugo came forward with the laptop and the other documents.

  “If this guy is responsible for this mess then I want to do what I can to bring him down—I’ve lost my entire family to this shit.” One of the other survivors—which was a middle aged man stated grimly with a thick Creole accent.

  “These are survivors that I met and have been trying to keep alive along the road—there’s Lloyd Hunt, he used to be the manager of a grocery store down near Baton Rouge, Louisiana.” The woman stated as she motioned to the middle aged man who had spoken.

  “Next, there’s Evangeline Nash back there—she’s the dark headed girl with the camera; then there’s those two college kids over there that were both from Florida State University—their names are Paul Clark and Angel Morrison.” The woman continued as she motioned to the other survivors behind her.

  “Okay—who are you?” Richard asked as he and Morgana stepped up closer to where I was standing.

  “My name is Emily Gross—I’m a former Los Angeles police officer in the K-9 unit…I used to work with police dogs until my faithful companion turned into one of those things and damn near tore out my throat…I still remember when I had to put her down—I swore right then and there that I would stay alive long enough to figure out how this all happened, no matter how long it took.” The woman answered in a melancholy tone.

  “We all have our reasons for going after Bowman—you guys are welcome to accompany us as long as you’re not with those marauders.” I stated folding my arms across my chest after shouldering my weapon.

  “We’ve had the misfortune of running into them as well—there were three others with us originally but they were killed in a firefight with those marauders over on the western side of Boise.” Emily stated with a dark look.

  “I’m sorry to hear that—we recently lost two good friends and their son when those assholes attacked us in Williston, North Dakota.” I answered with a distant look as I thought back on when Noah, Christina and Jude had been killed in the explosion.

  “Where did you guys find that…thing?” The young man named Paul Clark asked as he stared up at the battle chassis that Beau was still patrolling the area inside of.

  “We found it inside of a government facility of some sort back in Wyoming near the Montana state line—just a few miles north of Yellowstone.” Hugo answered casually.

  “Wow…that thing packs some firepower.” Paul continued with a look of awe on his face.

  “That’s all good and everything but we should be going—those fuckers could come at us again at any moment.” Richard stated with an urgent expression.

  “Yeah, come with us if you have vehicles—if not then you’re welcome to ride in one of the other ones that we have.” I answered as I turned and got back into the driver’s seat of our Mustang.

  Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe followed and I started the engine heading down the roadway a bit as most of the newcomers aside from Paul Clark and Angel Morrison got into our vehicles and followed—Paul and Angel got onto a flashy-looking black Suzuki GSX-R600 Crotch Rocket and started the engine revving it loudly.

  “You might not wanna do that—loud noises attract those fuckers.” Billy stated as he and Kayla pulled past them in their hotrod.

  “Yeah—whatever.” Paul answered in a cocky tone as Angel wrapped her arms around his waist rolling her eyes at Billy’s warning.

  Beau put the battle chassis back on the platform of the semi-trailer and started the engine as Evangeline climbed up into the rig with him, Emily and Lloyd ended up getting into the RV with my family members, Richard, Morgana, Simone and Lori Jo; shortly after everyone was ready to leave and I led the way toward the northeastern exit of town and found a road that hugged the edge of Lake Superior.

  “This seems like we’re on the coast or something.” Chloe stated as she leaned forward between the two front seats.

  Remy, Mace and Ember were asleep as well as Xavier and Darc Aiden, Chloe shortly after pulled her blood-stained shirt off over her head revealing her black lace bra that her large breasts were almost poking out of—I glanced at her in the rear view mirror and noticed that she was grinning at me and for a split second she winked; my eyes kept roaming back to go over the details of her cleavage and then they would go up to the outline of her lips and her eyes. It was at that point when Jennifer reached over and unzipped my pants taking out my cock which was already rock hard from thinking about what could possibly be in store for later between myself, Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe—Jennifer leaned down and took the head of my cock into her mouth and started sucking it; I glanced back at Sheila as she and Chloe started making out and the two of them would occasionally lean forward and kiss the left side of my face or neck and I was starting to have a hard time focusing on the road ahead of me. Several more long minutes of this continued and it was when I was cumming in Jennifer’s mouth that the rustle of Remy starting to wake alerted us and Jennifer swallowed my semen quickly before zipping up my pants and raising up wiping it from the corners of her lips, Sheila and Chloe settled down in their seats and the whole thing ended just in time as Remy, Mace and Ember woke and announced that they were thirsty.

  “Here you go.” Sheila stated as she handed a juice box to the three of them after preparing the drinking straw.

  The rest of the way northeast was quiet and I could tell by the looks that Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe were giving me that they wanted to fuck and I had to fight to keep my mind on the road; luckily the daylight was waning and dark was quickly approaching—we soon came to an overlook that looked out on the vast waters of the lake and I pulled into it and parked as the others behind us done the same.

  “What’s up, Chaz?” Richard asked over the CB.

  “This is a good place to stop for the night, it’s surrounded on the west side by thick forests and hills and there’s enough room to form sort of a barrier with our vehicles.” I answered as my attention was on the girls as they all gave me that look.

  “Okay—sounds good to me, my ass is tired.” Richard answered on his end with a chuckle.

  We all got out of the Mustang and gathered the kids and our weapons together as the others rearranged the way the vehicles were parked, shortly after they gathered materials to build a bonfire with and shortly afterward my mom started cooking dinner over the fire outside while the Covenant One members and the others stood around the firelight with their weapons in hand; I opened the door to the RV and climbed inside followed by Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe as well as Remy, Mace and Ember and I led the way back to the bedroom in the back o
f the RV that we still had dibs on.

  “Daddy, can Mace, Ember and I sleep out on the hide-a-bed?” Remy asked as she pointed to the front of the RV.

  “Yeah as long as you don’t wander from there—stay inside of the RV at all times.” I answered as I hugged her and then Mace and Ember.

  The three of them left the bedroom dragging their blankets behind them as I closed the door to the bedroom and turned back to Jennifer, Sheila and Chloe who were all discarding their clothes; Chloe pulled off her cargo pants and kicked them off before she, Jennifer and Sheila all gathered around me and started removing my clothes until I was standing there nude with my cock sticking straight out hard as a rock—Chloe started sucking on it as she pulled down her panties revealing that she was shaved and then the four of us started kissing heavily before things went to the bed and ended up with me laying against the pillows with Chloe straddling me. Her large breasts were pressed against my chest and she kissed and explored my mouth with her tongue and we made love until I couldn’t hold myself any longer and after cumming inside of Chloe, Jennifer took her turn with me and then Sheila and it seemed to go back and forth for most of the night until the three of them had finally conked out somewhere around 3 am that next morning; I was exhausted but I couldn’t sleep, so I quietly got up and left the bedroom going out into the main part of the RV and I checked on Remy, Mace and Ember. They were still sleeping and my family members as well as Richard, Morgana, Simone, Lori Jo and a few others were all sleeping around them; I carefully opened the door to the RV and stepped out into the cool night air and I was surprised to see Billy and Kayla sitting before the fire—Kayla had her head resting on his shoulder and it looked like she was asleep and Billy himself looked like he was lost in thought as he stared blankly into the flickering flames of the dying bonfire.

  “Hey, Chaz—what’s up?” He asked as I took a few steps closer.

  “Can’t sleep even though I’m worn the hell out.” I answered as I sat down on the other side of the bonfire facing him.


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