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[HGB] Humanity Gone Bad: The Dead Chronicles

Page 77

by Watkins, Charles

  Noah and Christina exchanged looks and then turned back to me.

  “I guess we’re going with you then—we’ve been stuck in this town for the past several years…ever since what happened with those marauders and it’s honestly time that we left it all behind and moved on…” Noah stated with a distant look.

  “The Redeemer Strain that we were all infected with must have revitalized your bodies…the same thing happened with Amy after she was killed by Bowman in Romania…” I stated as their eyes met mine once again.

  “Redeemer Strain?”

  “What’s that?” Christina asked in a concerned tone.

  “The Redeemer Strain was the true nature of the Antitoxin Sample 3 that we found beneath the Oklahoma City hospital in that place Bowman had left the original Entity to guard it—from the information we were able to gather about it, it was meant to assemble those infected with it into sort of a hive-mind collective, but when we synthesized a vaccine from it in New York City that time it must have altered the properties of the strain because as you know none of us were infected after we inoculated ourselves with it.” I explained as I began pacing the area.

  “I see…so it brought us back from the dead…it didn’t work on Jude…I guess it’s for the best that he’s not having to live in a world like this one.” Christina answered turning away burying her face in Noah’s left shoulder.

  “Let’s get back to where the others are—they’re going to be worried about me, especially after all that gunfire.” I stated as I turned halfway toward the door.

  “Yeah…let’s get our things and get going—I told Chaz that we’re going with him; there’s nothing left here.” Noah stated as he turned to face Christina.

  She nodded and started gathering their belongings and weapons and within the next several minutes they were ready to leave; I opened the door and led the way down the stairs until we were once again out in the open—I followed the path that Noah had led me in until I was back on the far street where he had saved my ass from the wolves.

  “It’s this way.” I stated as Noah and Christina followed after me.

  I led the way into the woods and followed the markings that I had made on the tree trunks and finally we arrived in the yard of the place where we had been snowed in the past several weeks and I knocked on the side door waiting as one of the others unlocked it; Richard opened it and looked pleased to see that it was me and then his eyes fell on Noah and Christina and it looked like he had seen a ghost, with his mouth hanging open he stepped aside and allowed us to enter and the others quickly noticed my companions and my women ran to me with relieved expressions as they hugged and kissed me.

  “The Redeemer Strain…?” Amy asked as her eyes met mine once the excitement had settled down.

  “Yeah—I was just as shocked when Noah saved my ass out there and I saw that it was him; he said that they woke up just like you did when the marauders brought your body back from Romania.” I answered turning to meet the glance of Amy.

  “It’s great to see that you guys are still with us and that you’ve managed to survive since then.” Jennifer stated as she hugged Christina.

  “Jude didn’t wake up like we did and we buried him not long after—at least he’s not having to live in this world.” Christina stated as she shared hugs with Sheila and several of the others.

  They were then introduced to the newer group members and it seemed almost like a dream that I was reunited with the guy who I had thought of as my best friend—that was when I remembered the dream that I had had the morning after we had arrived at this place; I had had premonitions through my dreams before but this time the results had been uncanny.

  Over the next several hours we looked over the condition of the vehicles and then we found snow chains in a corner of the barn that we hadn’t explored before and we worked to attach them to the tires of each of our vehicles—that was when the temperature outside seemed to quickly drop and we were forced to retreat inside of the main building and huddle near the fire as Richard and Morgana worked to stoke it as much as possible.

  “Damn…must be what they used to call a polar vortex or something—there’s no other explanation for how or why the temperature could have dropped so suddenly.” Hugo stated as he sipped at a cup of steaming coffee.

  “Guys I hate to say it but we might be stuck here for a while…with this weather and now the temperature dropping that snow outside isn’t going to be melting any time soon.” I stated as I stared out the nearby window as large snowflakes started falling again.

  “We’ll do what we have to do—we’ll be ready to pull out and continue on our way when we’re able to though.” Beau answered as he leaned against the nearby wall.

  “We were able to attach chains to most of the tires of our vehicles—the temperature dropped so suddenly that we weren’t able to get them all.” I stated with a shiver as my women huddled next to me.

  “We have a vehicle of our own that we’ll use to travel with you—it’s a large, modified Mack truck—it’s got steel spikes welded on the front bumper and grill as well as on the top of the cab.” Noah stated as he and Christina stood near the nearby window looking out on the snow.

  “Sounds handy—we’ve got a trailer with diesel fuel drums stored on it…hopefully the fuel inside of them doesn’t freeze.” I answered with a hint of worry.

  We talked back and forth for a few hours after that and we explained things that had happened in the years since Noah and Christina had been left in Williston when the marauder attack had claimed their lives—it seemed weird to have them back knowing that so much time had passed since then; the storm raged on outside and the cold air continued to drift in through almost every crack and corner of the structure—by the next morning the snow had stopped but the temperatures hadn’t changed much.

  “We need to head back to where we were staying and get our truck—to bring it back here at least, there’s no telling what kind of elements could be roaming around this area once this weather subsides.” Noah stated as everyone rose and got into a circle.

  “Where do you have your truck at right now?” I asked as my women gathered their gear and weapons—they seemed to know what I had in mind.

  “It’s inside of an underground parking structure not far from where you found us before—the inside of that parking structure is secure…maybe more so than this place and there would be plenty of room for us to bring our vehicles here along and stay until the snow melts.” Noah answered casually.

  “That’s a good idea—as soon as the roads are passable again, we can use the nearest highway which is the 85 to get to highway 2 and then head back over to Minot and hit highway 52; that was our original route anyway.” I answered as I looked over the road atlas that Sheila handed to me.

  “Let’s suit up then—we’ll need to move with a purpose once we get out in the cold.” Hugo stated as he grabbed his assault rifle and gathered his gear.

  The rest of the group done the same and we soon after left the warmth of the structure we had been staying in ever since we had become snowbound and we got inside of our vehicles—I started our Bronco with some trouble and waited as the engine sputtered to life and then I waited as the others got their vehicles started before leading the way I had went the day I had found Noah and Christina as everyone else followed; it took us around half an hour to make it to the main part of the small town of Williston and we followed Noah’s directions to the underground parking structure he had spoken of and I waited as he got out heading down to the entrance which was sealed with a tall steel shutter and after several minutes he had it opened and he directed me down past him and I flipped on the overhead lights illuminating the area ahead of us as the rest of our group followed us down.

  “This place is certainly spacious—kind of looks like its attached to something else above.” Chloe stated from behind me.

  “Could be—let’s g
et settled and then we’ll explore and see what’s here.” I answered glancing at her in the rear-view mirror.

  Once we were all down in the parking structure, Noah closed the shutter making it completely dark for a split second before Christina hit the switches on the far end of the concrete wall bringing the lights on—they were somewhat dim but working.

  “We have a generator nearby that powers the lights and other stuff above—this is actually where we’ve been living, the building I took you to that day we found each other was one we were using as recon against those dead fucks outside and anyone else who might be a threat.” Noah stated as his glance went to me.

  “What’s above this place?” Billy asked as Kayla held Madison close.

  “It’s a medium sized hotel—nothing like what we stayed inside of when we were in New York City that time, but there should be enough room for everyone to stay for as long as we need to.” Noah answered turning to face him.

  “Sweet…I hope that it’s secure, we’ve had so much trouble with those things lately that finding a safe haven seems almost too good to be true.” Shae stated with a smile.

  “You’re not kidding, I for one hope that there’s running water and gas to cook with.” Roxanne agreed as she took hold of my right hand.

  I was distracted as my mom suddenly went into a coughing fit and had to sit down nearby as my dad and sister assisted her; I caught Noah’s glance and he and Christina came over and inquired what had happened.

  “She’s very sick…I don’t know how much longer she’ll be with us…she gets worse every day that passes.” I stated with a dark look as the fears and worries once again surfaced in my mind.

  “You’ve been through the wringer over the years…I can still remember when your wife Angie was killed in that wreck…” Noah stated in a sympathetic tone.

  “Yeah…and then that fucker Bowman brought her back as a fucking bioweapon to try and kill us when we went to his Romanian lair…” I stated hanging my head.

  Neither Noah or Christina knew about that as the topic hadn’t been discussed since their return and I could tell that Noah felt like he had opened an old wound.

  “It’s okay—I’ve moved past that, she’s at peace.” I stated in a reassuring tone as I looked back at the two of them.

  “I hope so…I apologize if I caused any pain.”

  “Let’s get upstairs and I’ll show you guys the hotel.” Noah stated as he and Christina turned and led the way down a nearby corridor to an elevator.

  We all followed and waited as the doors opened with a loud ding and we all piled into the elevator that looked as though it was mostly meant for freight and we waited as the doors closed and it ascended up to the main floor; once the doors opened again I led the way into the main room of the hotel lobby and I saw that the doors to the outside were securely barricaded and there wouldn’t be anything getting through them easily.

  “There’s six floors, the rooms are all moderately clear and there shouldn’t be any surprises but keep your weapons ready until we do a sweep.” Noah stated as he loaded high-velocity shells into his combat shotgun.

  I nodded and turned to my women who seemed to be up in spirits at the fact that we were finally going to have a decent place to rest—at least until we had to get back on the road again; we soon after helped bring our gear and supplies from our Bronco as well as the other vehicles up to the main floor where the food stock was stacked in what looked like it had been a dining room years back, it was adjacent to the kitchen and Darrell and the others of his group helped stack the food stocks as close to the kitchen as possible. After a while, everyone settled in and luckily there hadn’t been any dead-heads or other mutations inside of the hotel and it seemed so good to be able to relax out of the bitter cold away from the monsters outside—the room that I had chosen for myself and my women had a good-sized bathroom with a large tub and I was soaking in the tub that evening with Jennifer, Sheila and Rachel; Chloe, Olivia and Roxanne were in the bedroom nearby sleeping—they had conked out almost as soon as we had gotten our things into the room.

  “It’s too bad that we can’t just stay here…I know that we need to get to where that radio signal was sent out from though; if there are other survivors out there trying to make a stand then we should try to get to them…strength in numbers.” Jennifer stated in a relaxed tone as she stretched out her legs moving them around in the hot, soapy water.

  That’s when there was a knock at the door to our room and I called out for the person on the other side to come in and that the door was open—seconds later Shae came in and seen us in the tub, she looked a bit embarrassed as she came to the doorway and announced that dinner had been served down in the dining room.

  “Care to join us?” Jennifer asked as she sat up letting her large breasts show proudly.

  “Um…I’m not sure, are you sure that it’s okay?” Shae asked in a hesitant tone as her gaze went to me.

  “Yeah, it’s fine with me.” I answered smiling as I got up a little scooting down a bit.

  During those few seconds my dick had been exposed and Shae had seen it and it looked like she was astonished—she soon after removed her clothes until she was nude and then she got in and sat next to me; she kept looking into my eyes and then she suddenly kissed the left side of my face and I felt her right hand close around the shaft of my cock, I glanced down at her and she smiled. I glanced at Jennifer and Sheila who both laughed and nodded as they too started making out with each other as well as with Rachel, Shae started kissing me deeply and within seconds she was in my lap facing me as we fucked hard and fast sending a small amount of water over the sides of the tub with each movement; this continued for several more long moments before I felt myself let loose a cloud of semen inside of Shae, that was when Chloe, Olivia and Roxanne came in and joined us. The tub was full and we had to let some of the water out before the lovemaking continued—I took time with each of them until they had all been satisfied and then we got out of the tub and dried each other off before getting our clothes and gear back on; then we followed Shae downstairs to the dining room where the others were still eating—it looked like a good bounty had been prepared and we sat down at the table and ate.

  “This place seems secure and we shouldn’t have to worry about it being infiltrated.” Beau reported from his place at the table.

  “Good—I know that we’ve still got a long way to go, hopefully we can rest here for as long as the snow is on the roads and then continue on without issue.” I answered as I started eating the food before me—which was what looked like a stew of some sort.

  “The heating should last as long as we can keep the generators going in the levels below…we might have to go out looking for some gas sooner or later.” Noah stated as he finished his food and tossed the paper plate into the nearby garbage can.

  “We’ll make some runs around this area here soon—as long as we can ride out this weather here there shouldn’t be any problems.” I answered casually.

  We finished eating and then the others spread out around the hotel—some returning to their rooms, others patrolling the hallways and setting up checkpoints; I could understand why some of the others weren’t ready to just settle down yet, we had been through hell thus far on this trip and the trip up this far hadn’t been easy. I returned to the room that we had chosen and my women spread out on the large bed and I was just about to join them when Shae met me at the doorway to the bathroom with a heated kiss—it was apparent at that point that she wanted to be with me and my other women; Rachel came over and joined us as Jennifer, Sheila, Chloe, Olivia and Roxanne all grinned and nodded before climbing into the bed for the night. I followed Shae and Rachel into the bathroom as they led me by the hand and then they discarded their clothes before doing the same with mine—they soon after took turns riding me and around half an hour later I cried out in orgasm as I wrapped my arms around Rachel tightly as she
kissed me; Shae kissed us both and we soon after retired to bed with my other women and fell asleep. I awoke hours later to sounds coming from outside and I carefully climbed out of bed and walked to the nearby window gazing out on the areas of the town that spread out in front of the hotel where we were—I gasped at the sight I saw before me, there were hundreds—hell—maybe thousands of dead-heads wandering around the area and they were covered with snow and ice and yet the cold weather didn’t seem to be effecting them much; I glanced at movement off to my right and spotted several bioweapons that I hadn’t seen before—they were large, grotesque things that had bulky abdomens and torsos and what looked like a second creature was protruding out of the things’ left shoulder and it carried a crude blade in its right hand that resembled a cleaver.

  “Shit…” I stated out loud waking my women behind me.

  They all climbed out of bed and ran over to where I was and they seen what I was looking at and gasped in horror.

  “Those fucking things could easily break through the barricades—we need to alert the others!” I stated as I quickly started putting on my clothes and gear before grabbing my weapons.

  They got dressed as well and got their gear and weapons together as well and they followed me out of our room and down to the first level where we met up with Hugo, Beau, Amy and several of the others who were watching the dead-heads and other mutations out one of the small cracks in one of the barricaded windows.

  “We’ve got large bioweapons outside—of the like I haven’t seen before; they’re carrying bladed cleaver-like weapons that they could use to easily break in here—we need to do something about them.” I stated in a low voice.


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