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The Fidelity World: Revenge (Kindle Worlds Novella)

Page 2

by Solease M Barner

  “Jaxson there is no ‘us,’ not now, so please leave,” I say, once I have my tears under control.

  He stands and leans down to kiss me, but I turn my head. His breath is on my cheek as if he’s waiting for me to turn my head to kiss him, but I’m not that weak. Finally, he gets the picture and walks to the door, but speaks over his shoulder.

  “I won’t quit on us, Silvia.”

  He walks out the door, and I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. Roslyn rushes into my office and sees my tear-stained face.

  “What the fuck did he do, please let me go rip his balls off.”

  “No, Ros, let it be. He’s gone, and I’m moving forward.”

  “What did he say?”

  “The usual, he’s sorry, he loves me, nothing I believe.” I pull out my makeup from my desk and start fixing my face.

  “Good for you, Silvy. You don’t deserve to be hurt. Anyone who doesn’t know what an angel you are is an asshole.”

  I smile at her words; she knows how to make me feel special when there’s nothing special about me.

  “Thank you. You know, I never saw you so angry before. I was a little afraid for Jaxson – I think you were capable of ripping his balls off.”

  “I was, but Franky kept me away. “Speaking of that, though – he smelled so good with his arms wrapped around me, it was truly a struggle to not stop and take a deep breath of his sexy ass.”

  I laugh because only Roslyn can change a sad situation into something you can’t help but laugh at.

  “Wow, Roslyn, I think you’re obsessed with your assistant, and you know how I feel about playing where you work.” I squint my eyes at her.

  “Yeah, I know how you feel, but he’s so cute and smart. He’s such a nerd I’ll be doing him a favor.”

  “A favor! Are you going to sleep with him?”

  “Yes, and I’m going to love it.”

  “Okay, well I need to work on getting more money for the foundation, so off you go.”

  Roslyn gets up, comes around my desk and gives me a hug. It’s something I desperately need, and I’m glad of it. I’m going to need encouragement to stay away from Jaxson.

  Once she leaves, I start working, trying to put Jaxson out of my mind. What was he thinking, coming in here declaring his love? Before long there’s a knock at my door. The only person who would be knocking is Franky. Roslyn never knocks; she just barges in.

  “Come in,” I yell.

  The door opens, and he’s carrying a huge bouquet of flowers.

  “Ms Demetri,” he says, “these just arrived here for you.”

  I can’t believe he’s sending me flowers when I said it’s over.

  “Franky, please dispose of those flowers, and if any more arrive, tell the driver to take them back.”

  Franky looks a little confused, then he smiles.

  “Yes, I understand, but where would you like me to put these, they look nice.”

  ‘Well, you can have them because to be honest, I don’t care where you put them.”

  He looks at me, and for a second Franky doesn’t look like the nerdy tech guy Roslyn hired, but before I can think about it further, he nods and is out the door.

  The day goes by without further interruption. Roslyn and I eat lunch together and talk about everything but Jaxson. We have been able to induce more than half of the donors who don’t attend to match, or even increase their last year’s donations.

  As the day ends, I collect my things and take the elevator to the garage, where Simi is waiting for me. He’s been extremely protective of me since I called him that night to pick me up from Jaxson’s place. He’s had nothing good to say about him and has even expressed some thoughts about the damage he will do to his body if he does see him.

  As soon as I’m off the elevator, he’s waiting.

  “Ms. Demetri, I hope you had a good day,” he says, sweetly.

  “Yes, Simi, it was great, despite Jaxson showing up.”

  Simi’s face changes to something dangerous and predatory.

  “Are you okay, Ms. Demetri? I wish I had known. I’ll make sure you’re not bothered at work anymore.”

  “It’s not your fault, Simi. Can you take me home? I’m tired, and I’d like to relax.”

  “Yes, ma’am,” he says, closing the door.

  We drive through the garage, and I relax in the seat for the ride home. It’s not far, but I need to relax. As soon as Simi goes to leave the parking garage, another vehicle pulls in front of him.

  Horns start blaring, and Simi gets out of the car, and then I see Randal step out. My heart sinks; this can’t be good. I know Jax said he wasn’t going to give up, but if he’s going to interrupt me from going home, that’s a little over the top.

  Simi and Randal are face to face, and I know neither will back down. Then Jax gets out of the back seat. Simi’s attention leaves Randal, and now he’s trying to get to Jax.

  I can hear Jaxson speak to Simi.

  “I’m not trying to hurt her, Simi,” he says, calmly. “Don’t try to attack me.”

  “Jaxson, she doesn’t want to be bothered, so please don’t let this get ugly.” Simi’s voice is powerful, commanding to say the least.

  All the men are staring at each other. Simi is blocking Randal and Jaxson from coming to the car. I’m not sure what he wants, and whatever it is, why does he think stopping my car and upsetting my driver is the answer? I open the door and climb out before it gets violent.

  “Enough, Jaxson. I saw you earlier today. Why are you doing this?’

  “Silvia, give me a chance to tell you more about me.”

  I shake my head in disbelief and realize this is going nowhere. Simi looks at me like he has this, Randal is staring at Simi ready for anything, and Jaxson’s eyes are on me.

  “Look, I’m tired,” I say. “I’ll call you.”

  “Give me your number, and I’ll call you and leave.”

  I think of rejecting this idea, but dismiss it when I see Simi move closer to Randal and Jaxson.

  “What a minute,” I reply. “I’ll retrieve the number. It’s new, and I don’t know it by heart.”

  Jaxson smiles, and once I’ve written the number down, I get back out of the car. Walking up to Jaxson I hand him the paper, and he touches my hand gently.

  “Thank you, Silvy, I want a chance to explain some things to you.”

  I ignore him and get back in the car. Simi doesn’t move until Randal and Jax are in their car. Once they pull away, he comes back to the car, and we drive off, going in the opposite direction of Jax.



  Logan won’t have to blow his cover about giving me her number, now that she’s given it to me herself. I know this may seem sneaky, but I’m desperate. Silvia wants to forget about me, and about us. There’s nothing I want more in the world than to have Silvia forgive me, but that’s not going to happen if I can’t even speak with her.

  There was a risk in going to her job this morning, but I’m glad I did. Silvia is hurting as much as I am. She’s angry at me and rightfully so, but she also still wants to be with me. There are all these factors that are keeping her from opening up, but I want her. I’m not above begging, or proving myself to her. Will I tell her about Nox and my sister? Hell, no. That would only complicate things even more, and push us farther apart.

  I look at the number and smile, hoping it’s the correct number. Maybe it’s a good idea to try it out. I decide to text her and see if she answers.

  Silvy I hope you have a relaxing night

  After about five minutes my cell chimes.

  Please, Jax, I need time, let me be.

  Looking at those words pierces my heart. I decide not to respond. She may need more time to come to terms with her feelings about me. Tonight I have a meeting with some outlaws and must have my mind focused. It’s a life and death situation, whenever I’m meeting someone in a warehouse in the evening.

  I push my feelings aside, and the c
old Jax shows up as we drive in at the gate of my new client.

  “Randal, this is a referred client, so don’t let your guard down,” I say, as we get closer and I see a couple of rent-a-goons standing outside the door with guns on them.

  Even though I should really have left off my gun to gain trust, if you ask me to meet you in a warehouse at night, I’m coming with some type of security.

  “Yes sir, I will be ready for anything,” Randal responds.

  Once we are in front of the men before Randal can get out of the car one of the goons comes over and opens my door. I step out of the car, as confident as I usually am.

  “Mr. Montgomery, Mr. Fields says we have to search for wires,” says the goon, whom I mentally christen Toad. He’s short, stubby and bald, and his tongue constantly flicks out, as if he were hoping to catch a fly.

  I nod, knowing that actually means a search for weapons. As soon as Toad finds my gun, he unloads it, takes the bullets and hands it back to me.

  “I’m going to want those back when I leave.”

  “Of course. Follow me.” He goes through the door, and I follow him, looking around at my surroundings. I may wear a suit every day, but I know how to function in the underground world as well.

  Soon we arrive at another door, and Toad steps aside and waves me through. When I enter, I’m greeted with a huge smile from Mr. Fields.

  “Thank you for coming, Jaxson,” he says. “I was told you’re the best at what you do.”

  “I’ve been told that more than once, so tell me, what can I help you with?” I get straight to the point. I’m not there to be his friend.

  “Would you like a drink? Have a drink with me, I have bourbon. I heard it’s your favorite.” He waves at Goon Number Two, who starts pouring two glasses. He is silent. slow-moving and built like a refrigerator that’s been poured into a cheap suit. I call him Lurch.

  I ask again. “Mr. Fields, what can I help you with?”

  Lurch hands me a glass of bourbon, and he lifts his glass to me. I take a small sip and set the glass down.

  “I have a delicate situation that needs discreet attention.”

  “You can be assured that discretion is something I take very seriously. Please tell me more.”

  He takes a breath and then leans over the desk.

  “My son has gotten into some trouble. He took the advances of a young lady to be something more than they were. We have offered money, but she doesn’t want any, so I thought…”

  “I don’t take care of young women because they won’t agree to your terms.”

  If he thinks I’m going to get rid of a woman because his son took advantage of her, he doesn’t know me.

  “Oh no, I don’t want that to happen, she’s a young girl, but maybe you can help her see things our way. It will be lucrative for you, I assure you.”

  “Well, I’m not going to say I will be able to handle this delicate situation. If you don’t mind, who is the young lady?” I am curious about this guy who clearly uses force to get his way, as I can tell by looking at his bodyguards, not to mention the bloodstains on the walls in this room.

  “It’s the daughter of a senator, and that’s as much as I’m willing to say unless you will agree to help me.”

  “What if I take this case and make everyone happy, how much will you pay for this happiness?”

  He takes a pen from his desk, writes down a number and slides it to me. I glance at it. Half a million. No way. For a senator’s daughter, he’s going to pay me more. I push the paper back.

  “That will not get you happiness, Mr. Fields,” I respond.

  He writes again on the paper and pushes it towards me. Now it is one point five million. Now that makes more sense. I slide the paper into my breast pocket.

  “So does that mean we have a deal?”

  “It means that I will consider it, I’ll be in touch, and from now on we meet in a place I choose.”

  I stand, and so does he. We shake hands, and I follow the guy out to where Randal is waiting. As soon as I step outside, he exhales and opens the door for me. We don’t say anything to each other, but I’m glad to see him, and he’s glad to see me as well. I’m never comfortable when I meet a client in places like this; things can easily go in another direction quickly when dealing with people who operate outside the law.

  Once we are out the gate and on the road, Randal speaks. “Everything okay, sir?”

  “Yes, Randal, thank you for asking. I’m not sure if I will take the job, but I’m not going to any more warehouses any time soon.”

  He nods, and I look at the window, wondering why I deal with criminals. It comes back to my memory. They pay well.

  As we approach my place, I remember I told Blair I would call her. Quickly I get out my cell and dial her number. She answers on the second ring.

  “Good evening, Blair, I bet you thought I forgot about calling you?’

  “No, but I hope you’re doing better. I’ve been worried.”

  “It’s okay, sweetheart, I’m doing much better today. I appreciate you worrying about me, though. Maybe we can go out soon, have a drink.”

  “That will be nice, Jax. So tell me what’s going on with you and this lady who has you in knots.”

  She probes for information, but I’m not discussing Silvia with her, especially after the way she threw herself at me yesterday.

  “Let’s move on. Who are you dating now?” I hope asking about her love life will head her off from concerning herself with mine.

  “You know me, Jax, no one’s ever good enough for me, but I do have someone that adores my attention.”

  “That’s good. I hope you find that special guy, but we will get together soon.”

  “Okay, night, Jax.”

  By the time the call ends, we are inside, and I get out of the car before Randal can open the door.

  “Don’t worry, Randal. I’m going to go in, eat some dinner and try to get Silvy back.”

  “Mr. Montgomery, I’m sure you will find a way.”

  I take the elevator up to my place and am greeted by wonderful cooking smells. Lori is in the kitchen, making something delicious. In my room, I remove my tie and take a seat on the lounge in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows.

  As I sit here, I think that coming home to an empty house with no one to love is not how I want to live any more. Silvia has my heart, and I’m not going to go away that easily. Not even if her brother were a person I cared to know.

  I’ve put all my cards on the table for Silvia. She knows I want her. The fact that I showed up at her office and on my knees told her I miss her and want her should mean something. I’m out of ideas; this is new to me, chasing a woman who doesn’t want me, or so it seems. There would not be tears if she didn’t want me, I know it was a major fuck up, but my time with her quickly became real.

  She should be here with me, not home alone, but she’s home, and I’m home, and I’m miserable. After a few minutes, I go downstairs to the kitchen where some wine is waiting for me on the counter.

  “Everything smells good, Lori. What’s for dinner?”

  “Thank you, Mr. Montgomery. It’s chopped steak, fresh veggies, and twice-baked potatoes.”

  “Sounds good.”

  As I am tasting my wine, the doorbell rings. I get up to answer, and it’s an employee. I look at him with a frown because he shouldn’t be here. Someone could have been following him.

  I open the door, and he walks in, looking sheepish. I’m sure he doesn’t want to be here anymore than I want him here.

  “Mr. Montgomery, we have a problem. I know usually I can make decisions without involving you, but I need your help.”

  This must be serious. I nod for him to follow me to my office. I don’t want to ever involve Lori in my business, it’s not always safe, and I would be devastated if something happened to her because of my carelessness.

  In my office, I close the door and walk over to my desk.

  “So tell me, why are you her

  He passes me a folded paper. It’s a request to watch my movements and to find out more about me.

  “Who the hell wants this?” I snap.

  “I’m sorry this is happening, but now they are going to want a report back on you, and I don’t want to do that.”

  I look at the paper and back at him.

  “Logan, or Franky, whichever you prefer, you need to bed Roslyn fast.”

  “Yes, sir. I’m meeting with her tonight. I’ll get her distracted.”

  I walk him to the door and go back to the counter and eat my food in the quiet apartment, alone.



  Life shouldn’t be this hard. I’m sitting in my bedroom eating almonds and dark chocolate and listening to Leonard Cohen. Shit, I really liked Jaxson, and he had to ruin a good thing by lying to me, or withholding information, anyway, which is the same thing. Why would he not disclose that he knew my family unless he was hiding something? Besides, if he’s mixed up with my family, then there’s the possibility of him being mixed up in illegal activity. I know I’ve been to his office, but that could be a front.

  I stuff my mouth with chocolate and stare up at the ceiling, wondering why I can’t have love. Even though my brother meant well, there’s a small part of me that’s pissed he stopped my joy. He’s happy, why can’t I be?

  The urge to call Jax is strong, but could I really even consider giving him another chance? I’m not a teenager; I don’t have time for games or holding grudges. Maybe I should hear him out, see why he didn’t tell me the truth. Bracing myself, I pick up my cell and call him.

  “Silvy, I’m glad to hear from you.” His voice is deep and sexy.

  “Jax, I need to understand why just let me speak before you answer.” I pause, and there’s a silence between us, but he doesn’t say a word, only waits for me to speak. “The time I spent with you made me feel alive. My heart fluttered every time you and I were in the same room, but you didn’t tell me you knew who I was, and that concerns me more than you can know. You asked me to tell you about my family, but you already knew. That was malicious, Jax. Tell me why you hurt me like that? I thought we had something special.”


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