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Raiya- Early Game

Page 11

by Russell Wilbinski

  “You want me to stand over there?” she asked quizzically.

  “No, but could you look the other way?” he asked.

  She rolled her eyes. “Really? We are not even the same species and I find your bodies somewhat disgusting.”

  “What?” he said, looking down at his nearly naked body. “What's wrong with it?”

  "It so… soft. And colorless." She explained, looking him up and down. "You look like a youngling after molting." She shrugged and slid into the water, propelling herself with her tail through the water like a crocodile, leaving him standing there still holding his towel like a nerd. He took a few steps into the water before removing his towel and sinking down quickly.

  “By the Archons, boy, I have never seen a man so ashamed of his nudity.” Jury said.

  “Perhaps he is afraid of a little snow?” Mills asked with a chuckle.

  Jury leaned back, throwing his arms out on the rim of the pool, gently bobbing in the water. Soon, the three men were all relaxing, eyes closed when they heard a shriek that surprised them all. Skree leapt to his feet, looking for the sound. He quickly found its source. At the far end of the pool were a few women scrambling desperately away from Priestess who was waving her arms wildly. Skree came rushing over, trying his best to get them to calm down.

  “Ladies, it is okay. She won't hurt you.” He said, gesturing to the bright red lizard. “I promise.”

  When they had finally settled down, he continued with an introduction. “This is Priestess, she is a Kobold from the Blue Stone Clan. My name is Skree, also from the Blue Stone Clan.”

  They whispered to each other, then one of them took a step forward, staring at Priestess. “A Kobold? Aren’t they extinct?” she asked, never taking her eyes off the small female.

  “Afraid not.” Priestess said, this time making sure not to smile.

  The naked woman slowly reached out a hand, then stopped, looking at Skree. “Can I touch it?”

  Priestess gave a low growl, startling the woman. “I am a female and I speak for myself. He is not my owner.”

  The woman looked horrified. “Oh, uh, sorry. It’s just I’ve never talked to a Kobold before.”

  “Obviously.” Priestess snapped, a little harsher than she meant to. When the woman looked down at her hand and back at Priestess, she knew the human still wanted to touch her. “I am not an animal, but I will make you a deal. I will let you touch my fine, supple scales if I can feel yours in return.”

  Skree blushed so hard and hot he thought he might burst into flames and die. “Priestess!” he chastised.

  She looked at him perplexed. “I have never felt a female human's flesh before, I wanted to know if it differed from Jury’s.”

  “You have been feeling up Jury?” he looked over his shoulder at the man who was watching from a distance.

  “She asked to touch me first, I assumed it was a thing your females do.” She said.

  Even though he didn’t think it was possible, but he blushed so hard he felt the heat rolling down his neck. He looked to the woman and realizing for the first time that she was stark naked, dripping wet and trying to pet his friend. Then he remembered that he was naked too and scrambled to cover his parts, sinking into the water. Priestess giggled at his discomfort and like a pack of hyenas, all the women started laughing too.

  “Oh gods, I am leaving.” He said, duck walking away, keeping his lower half submerged.

  Priestess propelled herself forward, stopping mere inches from the woman.

  “So, do we have a deal?”


  “Made some friends, did ya?” Jury asked as they left the bathhouse, making their way to a nearby tailor shop.

  Priestess shrugged. “She was nice enough. Bit dull in the head though.” She said with no venom.

  “Yeah, working girls are like that. No need for an education if your pretty and able.” Jury said, chuckling to himself.

  Skree halted, looking mortified.

  “Those were prostitutes!” he squeaked, voice cracking awkwardly.

  “They were. Didn’t you see how smooth and supple their skin was? Not a scratch on ‘em.” Mills said lecherously. “Thought about getting a date for tonight, but I figure there will be plenty of time in the days to come.”

  Skree had only seen two women naked in his whole life, in person at least, and now he had seen a trio of naked prostitutes in a bathhouse. He didn’t think he was a prude, but he had always been to be respectful to women.

  “You seem confused.” Jury said.

  “Well, prostitution isn’t a great career choice where I’m from.”

  “Why not?” Jury asked. “My mother was a prostitute, rest her soul.”

  Skree nearly choked on his words. “Your mother?”

  “And a damn fine one at that, from what I’m told.” he said, shaking his head fondly. “She was beautiful, charismatic, and she took pride in her profession.”

  “Holy crap, it’s a profession? Like with profession skills and levels?” he said, trying to understand what he was hearing.

  “Damn boy, you really are…” He looked at Priestess, “dull in the head.” The small Kobold giggled approvingly.

  Mills threw an arm around his shoulder. “Skree my friend, you need to see what wonders a skilled woman can do!”

  “Uh, no, uh, no thanks.” He stuttered, horrified at the idea.

  Mills groaned. “You really are looking green around the edges, you feeling okay?” he asked politely.

  He took a deep breath. “I’m fine Mills, I just don’t want to have sex with a prostitute.”

  “And what’s wrong with having sex with a prostitute?” Jury asked, offended by his tone.

  “Oh, no.” Skree said, holding his hands up in surrender. “I don’t care if you do or they do, or whatever. It’s just not for me, okay? Can we talk about something else, please?” he asked.

  Jury shrugged, and they started walking again. The tailor shop was only a few blocks away and had a lovely little sign hanging above the door of a needle and thread. Upon entering the shop, aman in fine silken clothing greeted them, his outfit brightly colored and perfectly suited for the island weather.

  “Welcome to Calador’s, finest tailor shop in Theseldora.” The man said in a thick Spanish accent. “I am Calador, and who might you be?” he said, leaning down to talk with Priestess.

  “Hello sir, My name is Priestess and I need some new clothing.” She said deliberately, still struggling with some words.

  “Fantastic!” he exclaimed. “I have the perfect fabric, it will compliment your beautiful hues perfectly.”

  If Kobolds could blush, she would be blushing. “Thank you.” She said, giving him a small bow.

  “Please, come with me.” He said, extending a hand to the Kobold. They disappeared into the backroom, leaving the three men standing there confused.

  “Was anyone else confused by that whole… thing?” Mills said, waving to the spot Calador had just vacated.

  “It was a little strange that Calador didn’t even seem to notice that she was a Kobold. Wasn’t it?” Skree asked hesitantly.

  Jury slapped him on the back. “The man knows his way with the ladies, human or otherwise. Besides, if he wants to get paid, he better not offend his customers.”

  They took seats and waited for nearly an hour before the pair returned from the back room of the shop. When they saw Priestess, they all did a double take. Gone were the dirty, makeshift rags, replaced by fine silk in a deep emerald green, trimmed in a midnight black that made her fiery red scales stand out in stark contrast to the richly colored cloth.

  “Do you like it?” she asked them, holding her hands out.

  Jury removed his hat, holding it over his heart. “You look lovely, my friend. Prettiest darn Kobold I have ever seen.”

  She crossed her arms. “Aren’t I basically the only Kobold you have ever seen?”

  Jury thought about it a second. “Regardless, the only and the prettiest Kobold I have
ever seen.” He winked at her.

  “That will be forty-five silver.” Calador said with a congenial grin, holding out his hand. Skree pulled the coins from his pouch and handed them to the man. “Worth every penny.”

  “I got it in green to match your armor, Lord Skree.” She said with a smile that looked much less forced and aggressive.

  Skree knelt and looked her over. “You look amazing Priestess. Like a queen.”

  “You think so?” she said happily, her tail wagging furiously.

  “Now I know Maybelle will let us use the boarding house.” He said, smiling warmly.



  Chapter 15

  “Absolutely not!” Maybelle said, crossing her arms. “No way am I letting thirty Kobolds move into my boarding house.”

  Skree frowned at her. “And why not?” he asked.

  “Because I said so.” She answered hotly.

  “That’s not a reason.” He said, returning her anger.

  “It’s the only one you’re gonna get.” She said, glaring at him.

  He took a deep breath and let it out slowly. He had gotten off to a bad start. “Look, Maybelle, I understand your hesitation, but I need space for almost thirty Kobolds and one human. We won’t be staying long and I promise, They will be on their best behavior.”

  “Civilized?” she said. “I don’t care about that one bit. The boarding house has seen its fair share of uncivilized folk.”

  “Then what is the problem?” he asked, growing more frustrated by the second.

  “I have to think about my business. You think rich merchants will stay here after they find out that kobolds slept in all the beds, used all the bathrooms and who knows what else.” She explained. “This place would go down in flames and then I’d never sell it.”

  Skree opened his mouth to reply when Priestess spoke to him in kobold. “Pretend that I am frustrated about having to wait.” She said. Skree nearly stumbled on his reply, so shocked by her sudden change in demeanor.

  “I can do that” he said in kobold, showing deference. He moved closer to the older woman, pleading with her. “Madame Maybelle, I have to apologize for speaking in Kobold, it's just she refuses to learn common words.” He could feel the heat of Priestess’ glare on his back. She spoke well, better than he did sometimes and knew the statement would make her a little angry. Now her anger was genuine, and it was hard to miss.

  “You are a real jerk sometimes, you know that?” Priestess asked sounding irritated.

  He bowed obsequiously. “I am sorry about that, but I needed you angryfor real.”

  “You know I worry about my common talk.” Priestess said, crossing her arms.

  This time his bow was even deeper. He turned back, giving Maybelle a tight-lipped smile. “I am sorry Maybelle, again.” He leaned in conspiratorially, lowering his voice. “Just think about it will you? That right there is the first Kobold to anyone has seen in a long while, a real long while.” He glanced over his shoulder and gave her a bright smile and thumbs up. “She is alsothe queen of her kind, traveling with nearly thirty of the little buggers. Princes and princesses all.”

  Maybelle’s eyebrows shot up in understanding. “You’re telling me, that she is a queen, and that all those… what did you call em, youngling?” he nodded. “Are all royalty?” He nodded again.

  “She birthed each of them.” He looked into Maybelle’s eyes slightly aghast. “Every. Single. One.” He nodded for effect as he said each word. “Did that last one on the boat, just two nights ago.”

  This time it was Maybelle who peered back at Priestess. “That little thing had a babe two days ago?”

  “So you can see how desperately we need a place to rest. She just wants a little nap while I bring our noble lizards in and get them settled.” He explained. “Can you help me out, it might be another night on the ship and despite the brave face she’s in a lot of pain.”

  She leaned in even closer and tsked. “Well, that's just bullshit ain't it? Mother doing what she has to, just to survive.” She met his gaze her imposed sadness melted away replaced by a smirk. “Look Skree, it's a good story, but you went too far with all the babies.”

  “Damn.” He hissed

  “But I like your story, and just cause I know it’s bullshit, doesn’t mean I can't convince those drunk idiots out there.” She said with a smile. “Tell you what, I get to spin your story and you stay here for 85 silver a week.”

  He considered it for a second before replying. “That’s a little high don't you think?” he looked around as if inspecting the place for the first time. “This place isn’t eighty-five silver a week. This place might be 10 silver a week. 15 if it’s tourist season.”

  Maybelle scoffed. “Take your story, and your money elsewhere then. eighty-five silver a week, and not a copper less.” She said firmly, crossing her arms and glowering.

  “Look, maybe I misjudged things, I have been living with the kobolds for months. Thirty silver a week and we will pay double for any food you provide.”

  “Fifty silver, double food, and you let me show off the Queen to some interested locals.” She said, eyeballing Priestess with a greedy smirk.

  “No way.” He snapped. “She is my friend and I will not have her be a sideshow attraction. Take my offer of twenty-five silver a week and double expenses or we will find more accommodating reservations. Even if I have to pay eighty-five silver a week.” His words rang with the hammer blow of finality and he meant every word. Priestess was his friend and his responsibility. He would die before he let someone show her off like a freak in a carnival.

  Maybelle opened her mouth then closed it. When she said nothing for a few seconds, he whirled and started walking to the door. Priestess didn’t miss the hint and walked too. Just as he was reaching for the door handle, Maybelle yelled to them. “Will you still do thirty and doubles?”

  He grinned with his back to her before putting on a more serious expression and walking back to where she stood. He extended his hand, and they shook on it. “It’s a deal, but the first round is on you.”


  After getting a feel for the place, they headed back to the ship and gathered up the Kobolds. Just like when they had fled the Warrens, Priestess had them line up in three small lines, each holding the tail of the kobold in front of them. At the front of each line was one of the adult Kobolds, including Priestess. Skree walked beside them along with Fenna, Hawkins, Mills, and Jury. It was drawing closer to sundown as they marched up the main thoroughfare, a cavalcade of Kobolds long thought extinct were now stomping up the road in formation.

  They received plenty of stares, screeches, and general interest, much more than when it had just been Priestess. Pirates got used to seeing strange things, but a mass formation of lizard people marching through their streets? No one could ignore that. They came to a bend in the road where the buildings got much closer together, when a group of men stepped out of the alleyway. A gargantuan man stepped forward, wearing boots, pants and a thick layer of chest hair for a shirt.

  “Howdy Captain.” The big man said dangerously. “Looks like you’re bringing trouble like always.”

  “Well, if it isn’t the biggest pile of shit I have ever seen.” Fenna said mockingly.

  “I’ve seen bigger.” Skree said with a chuckle, thinking back to the time he had fallen in the pile of manure on the island. That was a big pile of shit.

  The man took an angry step forward. “You got quite a mouth on you, boy. Maybe me and the lads here shut it for you?”

  Skree took a step forward, but Hawkins held out a hand blocking him gently and shaking his head once. Fenna clapped her hands slowly, mocking him. “Breathtaking in its stupidity. Why are you bothering me again Butt-face?”

  Skree did a double-take as he stared at the man. He had a massive jaw with the deepest chin dimple he had ever seen and he had to agree; it looked like an actual butt on his face. He was also one ugly bastard.

“You call me Butt-face one more time…” he said, and Fenna called out, “Butt-Face, Butt-Face, Butt-Face.”

  The man grabbed his sword, and just as it started to slide free of its scabbard, there was a blade resting at his throat and a hand squeezing his wrist. His eyes bulged at the sudden appearance of Fenna and her sword. “Put it away, or I’ll do it for you.” She said without a hint of malice or humor. It was so serious coming from her it even gave Skree chills.

  “You dumb bit…” he started, but collapsed with a wheeze after Fenna kicked him square in the balls.

  He crumpled to his knees, clutching at the area before screaming in agony. Skree blanched at the power of her kick. He knew Butt-Face would feel that one for weeks. He toppled onto his side, curling up in the fetal position. Fenna dropped to one knee beside him, gently leaning on her sword. “And I told you that if you ever called me that again, I would kick your nuts into your skull didn’t I?” She craned an ear toward his head and grabbed a fistful of his hair, jerking his head around hard while listening carefully.

  “Shame. Sounds like I didn't get them into your empty skull. I will kick harder next time.” She growled, releasing her grip, his head flopped to the ground limply. He moaned, but didn’t seem to have the desire to say anything else. Fenna sheathed her sword, glaring at the remaining group of men. “You guys are better than this, yeah?” she asked. The three men kept staring at the ground in shame.

  “Now pick up your friend and think about getting a new one. This one’s broken, always says the same things.” She poked at the man on the ground with her foot. “Do not speak again to me again, unless it's at my funeral.” The men scooped up the still groaning Butt-Face and moved him out of the way. Fenna resumed walking as if nothing had even happened. Skree jogged to catch up to her.


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