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Raiya- Early Game

Page 18

by Russell Wilbinski

  Dabbledust stomped a foot on the counter top with a hiss. The sudden noise drew Skree’s attention. Time seemed to slow as the tiny Gnome unfastened the cord holding his pants in place and dropped his trousers, exposing his disproportionately large trouser snake. Skree’s eyes bulged at both the absurdity of his action and the size of his Dabbledust junior. He couldn’t look away even though he desperately wanted to.

  “How’s that for a rebuttal, you talentless hack?” Dabbledust taunted, shaking his bits aggressively. “Want to know what I call it?” he asked, bearing his nudity like a badge of honor. Skree tore his eyes away from the spectacle and looked at Herb, seeing equal shock on his face. A strange moment of silence passed as the tiny gnome continued to flail his hips back and forth putting on a display that was both horrific and mesmerizing.

  "I call it The Hammer!" Dabbledust said, pointing both hands at the prodigious member.

  Herb lunged at the Gnome, trying to grab his shirt but Dabbledust was impressively agile for a gnome with his pants around his ankles, rolling easily out of the way. He wobbled to the end of the counter and bent over, mooning them as Herb scrambled after him.

  “Dammit Dabbledust, you disgusting creature!” Herb shouted, missing another attempt to grab the supremely quick gnome. “Pull your pants up then get out of my shop, you’re fired!”

  Dabbledust just stuck out his tongue, put both hands behind his head and thrust his pelvis obscenely. “About time you fired me! If I would have known all I had to do was whip out The Hammer, I would have done it years ago.” As casually as a person could, Dabbledust pulled up his pants, fastened the cord in place and leapt from the counter. “Good luck selling your snake oil and love potions to impressionable young women, ya skag!”

  Before Herb could say anything else, Dabbledust marched straight out the door and disappeared into the midday crowd, leaving a shocked Skree and a slightly winded Herb standing awkwardly in the dim shop. Herb straightened his tunic, took a deep breath and turned to face Skree.

  "My apologies, Sir. Dabbledust was a charity case, I was nice enough to take him in and give him a place to work and you can see this is how he repays me. Ungrateful little halfwit. Now, with that unfortunate business out of the way, I demand that you take this as an apology for your treatment at Herb’s Herbs." He reached under the counter and withdrew a small glowing vial. He set it on the counter with a smile.

  “This is my finest work, made by yours truly. Please.” He said, waving a hand toward the bottle. Skree picked it up hesitantly, watching the sparkling liquid with fascination.

  You have found Potion of Supremely Weak Healing, Rarity: Common, Quality: Below Average, Durability: 1/1, Description: This potion will restore 1 to 2 Health every second for 5 seconds.

  A slight frown crept onto his face as he read the prompt. “This is your best work?”

  Herb’s face blossomed into a mask of pure anger, his cheeks reddening as he held back a torrent of angry words. He slammed his fist on the counter. “What do you mean is this my best work? That is a healing potion, one of the rarest potion types in the world and you have the nerve to question if it is my best work?”

  Skree looked up from the bottle, realizing just how angry Herb had become. “I mean, it's a nice gift and all, I just expected it to be… more potent.”

  “Potent? You expect a potion of healing to be more potent? Uneducated brutes like yourself rarely understand how hard it is to create even a supremely weak potion of healing, let alone a more potent version.” Herb snatched the vial from Skree’s hand, quickly placing it under the counter. “I am sorry sir, but I won’t be doing business with the likes of you.” He stamped his foot loudly on the wooden floor and pointed toward the exit. “Please leave my shop and understand you are not welcome here again!”

  Skree quickly tried to stammer an apology but another loud stomp from Herbwho was still pointing to the doorinterrupted him. With a sigh and a shake of his head, Skree left the alchemy shop with nothing but nightmare fuel courtesy of Dabbledust and his disturbing display of male endowment. He shuddered as the scene played out in his mind again unbidden. What an absurd day it was shaping up to be.

  Chapter 24

  A short walk down the street and Skree spotted the shop he was seeking by the sign hanging over the door. It was an embossed wooden plaque that read “Bound to Please - Octavia’s library” featuring a beautiful carving of abook, surrounded by an unfurling scroll that gave it the appearance of movement. Skree wasted no time and pushed inside with a smile, it was time for him to get an education. Before he had taken two steps, a delightfully friendly voice called out a greeting.

  “Welcome to Octavia’s Library friend! Can I help you find something in particular?” She said as she strode happily from the back of the shop, redressing her hair with a practiced ease. When her hands came to rest at her sides, not a single strand of hair was out of place. Skree couldn’t help gawking at her as she smiled easily in his direction. She was an absolute marvel of a woman, her beauty stealing the breath from his lungs. He never thought a person could be so beautiful. A sudden urge to wrap her in his arms and hold her against his body with every ounce of strength nearly overtook him.

  Her long brown hair was the color of rich chocolate and her pale, freckled skin was practically glowing in the flickering lamplight. She reached up, feeling her neck for something she expected to be there and when she realized it wasn’t, she quickly turned away from him. Covering her face with her hands, she mumbled an apology and rushed into the backroom.

  The instant he lost sight of her, his raging desire faded away in the blink of an eye. He shook the fog from his mind, ashamed at his strange lack of control. "No, that's not right." he thought. That rush of desire had been something else, something involuntary and beyond his control. He had never experienced a desire that strong in his entire life.

  When the woman reemerged from the backroom, she was wearing a seashell necklace that draped across her entire chest. To his eyes, it looked like a living ocean-scape that easily drew his attention away from her staggering eyes. The shells sparkled like they were just beneath the surface of the ocean as if invisible waves were causing the sunlight to dance across their surface. Seconds later, the effect faded, and it appeared an ordinary, if not beautiful necklace. The woman’s expression showed equal parts shame and worry.

  “Kind stranger, please accept my apology. I forgot to put my necklace on before greeting you. I am Octavia, and this is my library.” She gestured expansively at the rows of bookshelves that lined the walls.

  Skree nodded, smiling as he looked around. “I am afraid I don’t know what you are apologizing for, but consider your apology accepted.” He extended a hand in greeting. “and my name is Skree.”

  She took his hand gently, a warm blush spreading across her cheeks. “My people have a devastating effect on humans. Despite the influence of my natural magic, I will admit, it surprises me you did not have a more… aggressive reaction. I usually never remove my necklace as it keeps both of us safe.”

  “Your people?” he asked quizzically. “You’re not a human?” He inspected her carefully, but could see none of the telltale signs of a different species. No pointy ears, scaly skin, or fangs. To his eyes, she couldn’t have appeared more human.

  She leaned casually against a nearby table, the supple fabric of her dress highlighting her every curve. “No Skree, I am definitely not human. Most people refer to my race as Sirens. We have a strong natural magic that causes most humans to force themselves on us, men and women alike. That is why we always wear these.” She said, gently caressing the seashell necklace.

  His eyes went wide. “That’s horrible!”

  She leaned forward, the thin fabric moving like liquid silver across her pale skin. Her twinkling eyes met his, and he saw something beneath the surface of those cerulean pools of endless blue. Something feral, something hungry.

  “Don’t get too worked up about it, this is just how it’s been for thousa
nds of years.” She said with a playful grin. “It’s also for your protection.”

  “My protection?” he asked, raising an eyebrow. She couldn't be more than a hundred pounds and with his massive investment in strength, he was nearly certain she wouldn’t pose that much of a risk. Just to be safe, He used Analyze to see what he was dealing with.

  Name: Octavia

  Race: Siren

  Class: Singer, level 36

  Profession: Scholar

  Health: 560

  Mana: 1500

  Stamina: 480

  Disposition: Friendly

  “Sirens are natural predators who use their magically enhanced voices, pheromones, and beauty to mesmerize their prey into an overwhelming sexual desire so they can feed from them until the target is completely drained of life essence. Siren magic is particularlystrong against human prey.”

  He couldn’t believe his eyes. Octavia was a siren and apparently, sirens were vampires that drained sentient creatures of their life energy. Based on her high level, he had to assume she was dangerous. The adage not to judge a book by its cover was never more clear than looking at this small, lithe siren. He took an involuntary step back.

  “Oh, don’t be that way.” She purred. “If I wanted to drain your essence, you would already be dead. Just another desiccated husk on the floor of my shop. Trust me, after the first few you learn quickly that eating people is bad for business.” His jaw nearly hit the floor, and he inched further away from her. She bubbled up with laughter at his discomfort.

  “I am kidding,” she said with a wink. “I haven't partaken in nearly a hundred years”

  “Partaken!” he nearly squealed before processing the rest of her words. “A hundred years? Holy crap how old are you?”

  She gave him an exaggerated frown. “I thought humans considered it impolite to ask a woman her age.”

  “I uh, yeah, I guess it is. Sorry about that, you look so young.”

  She pushed away from the table, stalking toward him like a predatory cat. “I am old enough to be the woman of your dreams.” She reached out, brushing a gentle hand along his jaw. “I am also old enough to be your great grandmother.” As if she was turning off a switch, her demeanor changed from one of pure sexuality to a genuine friendliness, her allure fading away like a sunset. “Now that’s out of the way, what can I help you with. Spell books? Scrolls? Primers? I have them all.”

  Skree got a tingling sensation at the mention of all that incredible treasure, but he pushed it away, he was here for more important reasons, at least for the moment. “Actually, I need information about Raiya.”

  “Oh?” she asked. “What kind of information? A history, a book of fables?”

  He shook his head. “No. I am looking for anything you might have on how it all works.”

  “The entire world? I doubt it could fit in a book. Or several.” She said with a playful chuckle. “Be more specific.”

  “Well, how about a book on the different classes?”

  She pursed her lips, tapping a finger against her lips. She walked over to one shelf, running a slender finger along the rack, quickly reading the titles as she searched for a specific tome. She reached up, leaning one volume out before letting it fall back into place. “No, no, that won't work.” She disappeared behind the shelf for nearly a full minute before he heard a muffled “Here we go.” She emerged from the rows of shelves and held out a book, finely bound in smooth leather, embossed with golden letters. He took it eagerly and read the cover.

  You have found “A Complete Compilation of Classes, Vol. 1”, Rarity: Common, Quality: Above Average, Durability: 6/8. Description: This primer contains all information pertaining to Starter, Basic, and Advanced classes found across Raiya. If you ever wanted to know the difference between a mage and wizard, all you need is this book.

  Skree clutched the volume jealously as if she had reunited him with a long-lost friend. “This is exactly what I am looking for, do you have anything else like this? Perhaps one about professions?” She nodded, disappearing behind the shelves again, this time holding several volumes. She sat them on a table in front of him. “These will do you nicely I believe. I even added one”

  He read the title of each quickly, happiness growing with each new prompt that appeared in his vision.

  You have found “A Complete Compilation of Classes, Vol. 2”, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Above Average, Durability: 12/12. Description: This Primer contains a comprehensive guide to Master classes in Raiya. Learn what it takes be a true power in Raiya.

  You have found “Professions and You, How to Earn a Living in Raiya.”, Rarity: Common, Quality: Average, Durability: 4/4. Description: This primer contains a comprehensive guide to Professions. Get a profession so you don’t starve to death, not everyone can make a living as an adventurer.

  You have found “Sentient Races: a Primer on Every Race of Sentient Creatures in Raiya.”, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Superb, Durability: 11/14. Description: This primer contains a comprehensive guide to the races of Raiya. Know the difference between Gringlewill and Grindelwald, it might save your life one day.

  You have found “Nature’s Allies, a Comprehensive Study on Druids and their Advanced Classes.”, Rarity: Rare, Quality: Masterwork, Durability: 65/68. Description: This primer contains a comprehensive guide to the Druid class, including all available Advanced classes.

  “These are perfect!” he said, trying to pry open the cover of the druid book. When it wouldn’t open, he looked to Octavia. “Wait, why can’t I open it?”

  She looked at him aghast, an expression of pure shock twisting her features. “Because then you would absorb the knowledge of the primers and I would be out a few choice tomes. You must purchase them and I will give you the words to break the seals on them.” She pulled the stack of books closer to herself covetously.

  “How much for the books? I will buy them.” He blurted, hoping he hadn’t offended her too badly.

  She relaxed visibly, then considered the value of each book in her head quickly. “two gold for the common primers, fifty gold each for the rare primers”

  Skree nearly choked. One hundred and four gold? That was an expensive stack of books. It reminded him of the absurd price of college textbooks that had significantly increased his debt when he first started at university. Even used textbooks were way overpriced, and he had to read them page by page. If these primers were anything like spell books, all he had to do was crack the seal and he would gain a tremendous amount of information almost instantly. He ran his fingers across the embossed cover again, taking in the quality of the embossing.

  “Will you do 75 for the lot?” he asked, putting on an air of indifference.

  “I will happily take 100 gold.” She said without missing a beat.

  Skree looked down at his hand, rubbing his fingers together as if it bore him to be negotiating.

  “85 gold for these and you help me find one more book.”

  “Oh really? You don’t even want to pay full price for the ones I already brought you why would I want to find you another one?”

  “Because it is the primer I need most, more than any of these.” He explained, setting the book in his hands atop the pile. “Besides, how many customers do you have hoping to learn about classes and professions? The only reason I am interested in them is because I lost my memories somehow and remember little about the world. I need to get myself back up to speed before I leave for my new home.”

  She perked up immediately. “Amnesia? You’re the man rescued by the crew of the Typhoon from that mystery island?” she asked with honest interest. She leaned forward, necklace swaying gently from her shapely chest. “Perhaps you can help me instead. If you tell me everything you know about that island, I will give you these four books and help you find this other mystery book you're after. Do we have a deal?”

  Chapter 25

  You have been offered a quest! Trading Secrets

  The Siren Octavia is hungry for knowledge about the mysteri
ous island they rescued you from though her reasons are unknown to you. She has asked you to share all you know about the island.

  Reward: Knowledge Primers X 4, help to find other books

  Do you accept Yes or No?

  He took a moment to consider the implications of her deal. She seemed eager for information but the quest prompt had him concerned. It seemed like a warning there could be consequences for sharing this information. Still, he needed the primers and didn’t know what it could hurt. He winced as memories of the Kobold slaughter at the hands of Abrenacht’s minions flooded his mind. He could almost smell the burning flesh and spilled blood. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath, pushing the memories far to the back of his mind. Octavia placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

  “I am sorry, I did not know it would cause you so much pain.” She whispered, squeezing his shoulder lightly.

  His eyes opened, and they were wet with tears. A sad smile washed over his face. He selected Yes to the quest prompt; he knew talking about it would help bring him closure. “I will tell you everything I know about the island, and everything that happened there. I think it will do me good to talk about it.” She nodded then lead him towards the back area of the library, pulling out some wine glasses and motioning for him to take a seat. He did so, and she poured them each a glass of dark red wine, the fruity aroma filled the small area and helped settle his nerves. He sipped gingerly, letting the rich flavors wash over his tongue and cool his parched throat.

  “This is superb, thank you for sharing.” He said, taking a longer pull from his glass. He held it away from his face, visually inspecting the liquid with an appreciative gaze. “Fantastic.”

  “You are welcome. Now, start from the beginning. Tell me everything you can about the island.”

  He took a moment to organize his thoughts, then told her everything he felt comfortable sharing with her. From the moment he woke up to the moment he boarded the ship, he shared all the details he had previously shared with Fenna and Hawkins. He took nearly a full hour to reach the point of his story when he had first battled Abrenacht. At the mention of its name, Octavia hissed, startling him so much he spilled the last of his wine on his lap. After the moment of shock had passed, he saw that she was snarling and looking toward the floor.


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