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Raiya- Early Game

Page 25

by Russell Wilbinski

  “Mills!” he shouted, and the door popped open.

  “You ready?” he asked, hooking a finger over his shoulder. “They’re getting a bitrestless out there.”

  Skree exchanged glances with Hawkins and Priestess who nodded and he signaled for Mills to let the first person inside. Mills shut the door and after a few seconds, a familiar face pushed through the door.

  “Good morning Elaina, I expected we would see you here.” Hawkins said, standing to shake hands with the woman. Once again, her impeccably well maintained, yet wholly unusual uniform stood in stark contrast to other sailors. Bright buttons glinting with each step, Skree marveled at her coat. It looked like someone had used a naval captain’s uniform as a pattern, but instead of a single color, they used half a dozen different fabric patterns like a quilt his grandmother would have made, but with the brightness turned up to eleven.

  She strode forward and shook Hawkins’ hand, nodding to Skree and Priestess who remained seated. The gruff man gestured for her to stand before the table and took his seat. Elaina nodded once and moved to stand in front of the table, hands behind her back.

  Skree smiled and asked, “Do you have a profession card?”

  Without answering, she reached into her jacket pocket and withdrew three of the cards, handing one to each of them. Skree inspected the card and grinned when it displayed her profession details.

  Elaina Delacruze- Journeyman Sailor

  Helmsman - Rank 2 - Journeyman

  Captain - Rank 2 - Journeyman

  Gunner - Rank 1 - Apprentice

  Boatswain - Rank 1 - Apprentice

  Quartermaster - Rank 4 - Master

  “An impressive array of skills!” Skree said, nodding his approval. Pete and Jury had been right, hiring Elaina would be an excellent choice and he couldn‘t understand why a woman with skills like this would want to join his crew. He was an absolute novice and she could easily find work on a stronger crew. “But I have to ask, why do you want to join my crew? There have to be a dozen captains looking to snatch you up in a heartbeat.”

  “If you don‘t want her, I’ll take her.” Fenna said from her chair in the corner. Hawkins shot her a glare, and she held up her hands defensively. “What? I need more women on the ship able to keep up with me.”

  Before Fenna could derail the conversation further, Elaina cleared her throat. “Captain Skree, as you know I was on the Rose and without question my familiarity with the ship is a factor, but not the only factor. Rumors are flying all over Theseldora and so far, no one has said a single negative thing about you. Everyone I’ve spoken with says you are loyal, caring, generous, and a skilled fighter.” Her eyes drifted to Priestess, and she nodded. “Also, you travel with interesting people. Would you agree with my assessment Priestess?” she asked.

  Skree glanced at the kobold who was nodding vigorously. “He is all of those things and more. The first human I ever met, and he freed my people from slavery and oppression when he owed us nothing. My king trusted him and I do too.” It was enough to make him choke up, just a little. Priestess was a true friend, and without her, none of this would have been possible.

  “Besides your character, I have it on good authority you are starting a Settlement and I would love to be in on the ground floor of your new enterprise.” She said.

  His eyebrows shot up. “You wish to leave Theseldora?”

  She shrugged. “I am a sailor, and sailors always seek new horizons. Perhaps I will consider dual citizenship though being one of the first settlers always has its benefits.”

  He had to admit it, he really liked her brusk nature. She was straight and to the point, disciplined and determined. “You are familiar with the terms of our crew agreement?”

  “Captain and crewmen receive one share of any bounty, anyone assigned a specialized role get two shares. The ship gets five shares. Standard restitution upon death.” She nodded. “I can work with that.”

  “What position are you seeking?” Hawkins asked.

  “Previously, I was the quartermaster, and the first mate. On the Sawbones, I would request the role of quartermaster once again. I understand First Mate may be out of reach, but I want the chance to earn my spot.”

  Skree glanced at Priestess who nodded her acceptance and Skree clapped his hands together. “Welcome aboard the Sawbones Elaina!” he said excitedly, sliding a crew registration form across the table. “Fill that out and you’re the new Quartermaster.”

  She placed a fist over her heart and bowed. “Thank you Captain. I look forward to serving with you.One last request; the Golden Rose had a full complement of sailors, many of which are now without a ship. I would like to bringat least forty of the formercrew with me.”

  Skree raised an eyebrow. “Can I trust them?We took their ship from them, and we killed many of their companions in the battle.” He wasn’t against the idea, but there could be many looking for an opportunity to pay him back for taking their ship.”

  “Captain Delavega was a vainglorious man, loved by some, tolerated by most but i would not say many were not loyal beyond the pay. I can understand the hesitation, but I assure you, thesemen and women will remain loyal to me, and given thetime and opportunity, to you. They are good sailors, with families to feed and care for. By my word, I would not risk this opportunity on wild cards.”

  Elaina grabbed the form and moved off to a small area away from the interviewing space and got to work, and Skree asked Mills to announce the role of Quartermaster was no longer available. To no one‘ssurprise, half a dozen people waiting to interview stormed away from the boardinghouse, their hopes of getting a specialized role dashed like a ship against the rocks. A quest update appeared.

  Quest Update - Find a crew, find a job and start sailing.

  Completion: 40 percent complete

  A ship without a crew is worth nothing to a captain. As the owner of a brand new ship, it’s time to find a crew. Fill the following roles:

  Captain - Completed

  Helmsman - Unassigned

  Quartermaster - Completed

  Boatswain - Unassigned

  Gunner - Unassigned

  Reward: 15,000 Experience, 2 Profession points

  Mills sent in the next few applicants, all seeking the role of Chief Gunner, and Skree found himself utterly disappointed. Some had the skills necessary but not the temperament he wanted. Others were downright awful people, Hawkins told him the reasons they were without a crew and it had made his toes curl. A few lacked the skills to even be effective as Chief Gunner though he couldn’t fault them for wanting an opportunity.New to sailing, he only had one rank in his profession and a long way to go to become a master.

  They were about to move on when a strange figure entered. Thanks to all the years of reading and watching fantasy novels, Skree recognized his race immediately. “A Dwarf!” Skree said, nudging Priestess. The stout man was roughly four and a half feet tall and half as wide, but definitely a walking wall of muscle. If only a short wall.

  “You got a problem with dwarves?” He asked, crossing his thick arms. Skree nearly squealed in delight when he heard his thick Scottish accent. It was almost too much for him to take. So far in Raiya, every non-human race he had interacted with defied his expectations, but it seemed the dwarf was spot on from the earth stories. He steeled himself and shook his head. Before he could apologize, Hawkins was on his feet and marching over to the dwarf.

  They stared angrily at each other for a few moments, then broke into grins, shaking hands and slapping each other on the shoulders. “You old seadog Hawkins, what are you doing here? Finally freed of that crazy lass and striking out on your own?”

  “Crazy lass?” Fenna said in mock offense.

  “Fenna!” The dwarf said, marching over and pulling her into a bear hug. Skree heard her wheeze from the force of his embrace. “So you haven’t got yourself killed yet?” he said, looking her up and down.

  “Despite my best efforts Master Gunner Moultry, I’m still here to be an
endless pain in Hawkins’ ass.”

  He nodded. “Lass, you are looking great. All grown up now.”

  “Thanks! You still look like someone carved you out of a block of granite.” she said, poking at his rock-hard biceps that were the size of melons.

  “You‘re too kind. Now,” he said, turning back to the table where Skree and Priestess sat watching the exchange, “Are you Captain Skree?”

  “I am. What should I call you?”

  “The name’s Milford Moultry, but most people just call me Master Guns Moultry or just Master Guns, if you prefer.” He moved toward the table and slammed his profession card on the table with a meaty thud of his palm. Skree grabbed the card and read the dwarfs stats.

  Milford Moultry - Apprentice Sailor

  Helmsman - Rank 0 -Novice

  Captain - Rank 0 - Novice

  Gunner - Rank 5 - Grand Master

  Boatswain - Rank 0 - Journeyman

  Quartermaster - Rank 0 - Novice

  “Now I know why they call you Master Guns!” Skree said.

  Hawkins stepped around the table and picked up a card. “I see you still haven‘t branched out or developed any other skills.”

  Moultry grinned, resting his hands on his hips. “And why would I do that? I love being a gunner and I‘m damn good at it too. Mother always said, do one thing and do it well. I took her advice to heart.”

  “There is no way you don’t have the profession points you need to become a master in the other disciplines.”

  “Dunno, turn off those notifications after I got to Grand Master in Gunnery. Besides, if I only have ranks in Gunnery, captains never ask me to take a shift at the wheel or deal with cargo. It’s a win-win for me at least.” he said with a bellowing laugh. “Now, can we get down to business here Hawkins?”

  “What are you even doing here? Last I heard you were on some Admiral’s ship working for the C.K. Navy.”

  The dwarf’s jovial demeanor changed in an instant, and his expression soured. “Aye, I was. There was a dispute over contracts and payment from the Central Kingdom. The Admiral tried to explain that we would get paid once the funds had arrived but you know the Boom Crew don‘t work for free.” He cracked his knuckles and rolled his shoulders. “I took him aside, and we had a… conversation and he graciously paid us from his own pocket. Figured it was a good a time as any to get out of the mercenary business and get back to Theseldora to find a new ship.”

  Hawkins grinned, and the expression on the normally dour man‘s face surprised Skree. He rarely smiled and he couldn’t recall ever seeing the man grin. “Welcome home Master Guns. You couldn’t have come at a better time. This is Skree, and he is the captain of the Sawbones, formerly the Golden Rose.”

  “I heard that idiot Delavega tried to take the Typhoon in some kind oflovers quarrel. Doesn‘t matter to me, one man’s loss is the Boom Crews gain.” Moultry turned and looked at Skree. “What do you say Captain, you want to hire the best in the business?”

  “What do you think Priestess?” He asked, even though he knew what she would say.

  The kobold marched over, stared up at the dwarf and extended a hand. “Welcome aboard Mister Guns!”

  The dwarf sighed then grabbed her tiny outstretched hand and shook. “Thanks little one, and it’s Master guns, not mister.”

  Soon after they shook hands, a quest update appeared.

  Quest Updated - Find a crew, find a job and start sailing.

  Completion: 60 percent complete

  A ship without a crew is worth nothing to a captain. As the owner of a brand new ship, it’s time to find a crew. Fill the following roles:

  Captain - Completed

  Helmsman - Unassigned

  Quartermaster - Completed

  Boatswain - Unassigned

  Gunner - Completed

  Reward: 25,000 Experience, 2 Profession points

  “Welcome to the Crew, Master Guns.” Skree said, handing him a stack of papers to sign.

  Chapter 34

  Elaina and Moultry finished their paperwork, and they each took a stack of forms for their teams to complete. After adding the pair to the crew, and an exhausting day of interviews, the sun was setting, providing a beautiful skyline for their walk home. Skree was happy with the progress they made today, but there were still many more crew members to hire.

  “I have to admit, getting those two is a real win for you guys.” Mills said. “Elaina was a likely get, but still great either way.”

  “Yeah, I reallylike her.” Priestess said, glancing up at Mills with a polite smile.

  “And The Boom Crew?” Hawkins asked, gesturing excitedly. “Everyone on Theseldora knows about them. Used to sail with the Admiral and Hawkins way back when. Seriously Skree, there isn’t a better gunnery team this side of the Great Rift.”

  “That‘s the feeling I got from Hawkins.” Skree said with a sigh. “But I‘m worried they could be a handful. Moultry seems like he might not enjoy taking orders from a new captain.”

  Mills peered at Skree, eyebrows raised in surprise. “If they worried you, why did you hire them?”

  He shrugged. “It was a long day and I might have gotten swept up in the moment. He‘s just so likable.”

  “I think they will be a great addition to the crew. Elaina can be the voice of reason when needed, and Moultry will back you when we want to take a risk or two.” Priestess said, nodding as if it made all the sense in the world.

  Skree bobbed his head, considering the idea. He liked Elaina’s officious yet polite attitude and found her a wonderful change of pace from the ever infuriating Fenna and the always reserved Hawkins. Her personality said law and order while her coat screamed punk rock bad-ass. Moultry seemed ready to sail into the mouth of hell, guns blazing with an ale in each hand. Priestess was probably right, the two might be opposites, but he could use that to his advantage. Every day Priestess was growing more comfortable and insightful about the people of Theseldora.

  “You‘re right, as usual.” Skree said. “Tomorrow, we can fill out the rest of the crew and plan our first journey out to sea.”

  “I am.” she said with a self-satisfied nod.

  “That reminds me, you just said this side of the Great Rift. People keep saying that. What the hell is the Great Rift?” Skree asked.

  “It‘s so easy to forget you have Amnesia my fine-feathered friend.” Mills said, throwing an arm around his friend. He gestured expansively toward the horizon. “The Great Rift is a wall of nothing. A big ass silvery wall of nothing. It extends from the sea floor to the stars and surrounds the entire world of Raiya.”

  Skree’s brow furrowed in confusion. “A wall… of nothing?”

  “Sounds crazy right? Sail far to the west and you will find it, a big imposing wall of absolutely nothing.” Mills shuddered just thinking about it.

  “I don’t think you are explaining it very well. You can't have a wall of nothing, it has to be something.”

  “Trust me Skree, that‘s what it is. It reflects no light, it‘s not hot or cold, and as far as anyone knows, there is nothing beyond it, not anymore.”

  Skree’s thoughts were racing as he tried to wrap his head around the concept. A wall of nothing was impossible, but here in Raiya, impossible things happened all the time. His best friend was a talking lizard, he had fought an evil being made of smoke and he could use a magic that restored gaping flesh wounds in seconds. Maybe a wall of nothing was just another thing he needed to see to believe. Again, Mills had said something that left him even more questions.

  “What do you mean, beyond it? It wasn‘t always there?” He asked, staring up at the night sky trying to imagine a wall that blocked out the stars. It made his head hurt just thinking about it.

  “Listen, I’m not really a historian or anything but the stories say Raiya used to be larger, much larger. Then about a thousand years ago, give or take, it expanded from some old kingdom and has been ever since. Moves closer every year though not by much. Maybe half a mile or so
.” Mills explained.

  “And what happens when it expands?” Priestess asked, a hint of terror in her eyes.

  “No one really knows. Once the rift passes over anything, it’s just sort of, gone. A few years ago, it pushed through the orcish islands, forcing them ever closer to the Central Kingdom. Jury thinks it's a doorway of some sort, but once you go through, there’s no coming back.”

  It was Skree‘s turn to shudder. “How do you know?”

  “No one’s ever come back after crossing over. Anything that crosses over never comes back. You should talk to Old Greg, crazy bastards missing an arm after he stuck it through the Rift. Most amazing thing you’ll ever see.”

  “His missing arm? How would I see that?” Skree asked.

  “Not the part that’s missing, the part that remains. Cleanest amputation I’ve ever seen. Like he never had that part of his arm to begin with. Luckily for him, he said he didn’t feel a thing. It was just there one minute, gone the next. As you might guess, most people stay away.” Mills met his friends questioning eyes. “Far, far away.”

  “I want to see it.” Priestess said. “Whatever it is, it sounds truly awe-inspiring.”

  Mills looked at her like she had lost her mind. “It inspires something, but I doubt awe is at the top of the list. First time I saw it, I wanted to piss me britches. Couldn‘t pay me to go near it again.”

  It was a warning that Skree knew he should listen to, but there was no way he could stay away. That bastard Sharktooth, or Hakora or whatever had transported him to Raiya for a reason. Stopping a wall of nothing that was consuming all of Raiya seemed like an epic final quest. He couldn‘t shake the feeling, the Great Rift had something to do with him.

  “Sounds like good advice, but I’m with Priestess on this one. I need to see it with my own eyes.” Skree said with a grin.

  “Fine, don’t listen to your friend, sail headlong into oblivion. Don‘t expect me to sail with you when you do.” Mills said, voice dripping with sarcasm.


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