Cowgirl Heart (The Dalton Boys Book 12)

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Cowgirl Heart (The Dalton Boys Book 12) Page 7

by Em Petrova

  Knox had suddenly—and deeply—dug into being his father’s son. Too late? Who the hell knew?

  He could sign the whole place over to Uncle John, but he said he didn’t want it.

  John loved the Amazing Grace. He’d loved Knox’s father. And he didn’t give a damn about his own wealth or position—he wanted what Knox’s father wanted for the ranch, and that was for Knox to take over.

  Kizzy sat next to him, going over the paperwork and books, where his father had scribbled notes for the upcoming quarter, goals and figures that made so much sense. Could Knox even do this if he chose the path? He was a businessman, but he knew mortgages and acquisitions.

  So why had he put off returning to Houston? He could have packed up and been back in his office today, but instead, he’d settled in at his father’s desk for a nice perusal of the books—and what it would all mean for him, if only he chose to take it.

  The daylight in the room was fading—and he was hungry.

  He leaned back in the chair, and Kizzy glanced his way. “We’ve spent hours here going over this stuff,” he said. “You must be hungry.”

  She nodded.

  “Can I take you out for dinner?”

  Her expression changed, to one of reservation. “Out?”

  He nodded. “I feel like I need to get off this ranch before it possesses me even more. There’s a place not far away.”

  She drew her lower lip between her teeth, and his gut clenched with a hard wanting.

  “A business dinner,” she said. It came out as a statement, but he saw the question in her eyes.

  “Of course. Business.”

  “All right,” she said. “Should I dress nice?”

  He looked her over, taking in the dark waves of hair trailing down her shoulders and the pink in her cheeks. She was perfect.

  And he hoped he didn’t make an idiot of himself.

  “No. Just as you are.”

  Chapter Five

  When they pulled into the parking lot, Kizzy leaned closer to the window. “Am I reading that sign right?” She whipped around to look at Knox. “Line dancing?”

  She was rewarded with one of his rare crooked smiles, more uncommon since the death of his father. “We aren’t here to dance. They make pretty decent sandwiches too.”

  Damn—she loved a good line dance and she and her sisters or friends went at least once a week back home. Since moving to Houston, she hadn’t set foot on a dance floor.

  At least she’d get to sit and enjoy others’ pleasure and watch them dance.

  She grabbed the car door handle and pushed it open. Knox came around and they walked together, side by side. An odd desire to clutch hold of his hand as they walked through the wooden door gripped her, and she folded her fingers into her palm to keep from acting.

  We’re not a couple, she reminded herself. We’re here on business.

  Except they didn’t carry briefcases or laptops with Excel spreadsheets, the items that proved this was a business dinner.

  The atmosphere inside instantly pumped up her energy. She felt herself bobbing to the music as Knox led her to a table off to the side. “Is this all right?” He raised his voice to be heard.

  She nodded enthusiastically. From here, they had a good view of who was coming through the door, those seated at the bar and the crowded dance floor as well. The best of all worlds.

  Once they took their seats, she gazed around. When she finally looked up at Knox, he was staring at her with a hint of amusement in his eyes.

  “Sorry, I’m a people watcher,” she said. Weird to think that she felt as though she knew this man pretty well but fact was, they knew little of each other’s personalities outside the office. Even staying at the Amazing Grace with him, she was his employee.

  “Lots of people to watch,” he said, and she took note that the drawl she sometimes detected in his voice was completely gone.

  She bit down on her tongue so she didn’t ask why he did that, shucked his upbringing and roots. But they’d skimmed the surface of his reasons before, and he probably wouldn’t welcome her questioning him again.

  He plucked two menus from the holder next to the napkins and passed one to her. Kizzy opened the greasy folds and read the selection. Once she landed on the club sandwich, she closed the menu and returned it to the holder.

  Knox glanced up from his menu. “You already know what you want?”


  “I like a girl who can make fast decisions.”

  His compliments were few and far between, but she wasn’t an employee who required praise to fuel her fires. She was self-driven to do a good job, and his offhanded remark felt far more personal than the ‘good work’ she typically heard from him.

  Suddenly, she was reminded of a dating event back home that her sisters had dragged her to. What a disaster.

  “What’s that?” Knox leveled her in his stare.

  “Oh nothing. Did I make a noise?”

  “You groaned.” His gaze latched onto her mouth.

  She’d seen men look at her like that before—right before kissin’ her. But surely her boss didn’t want to kiss her.

  Once rooted, the thought sprouted in her imagination, and pretty soon she was wondering how hard his lips actually were. Or how his broad chest would feel as he pushed her down onto a mattress…

  Flustered, she fiddled with the strap of her handbag before the waitress saved the day by returning with their drinks. She sipped her margarita too fast and choked. Before the cough exploded from her, she managed to swallow what was left in her mouth and didn’t spray Knox. Thank God for small mercies.

  Once she recovered, the concern pinching his brows eased. “All right?” he asked.

  She nodded. “I bet this was one of your favorite hangouts back in the day.”

  “What makes you think that?”

  She was probably wrong about Knox being a country boy just running from the expectations of his family. He might have been born to leave home and become a big-city shark.

  “It just looks like fun in here. Lots of young people.”

  “Yeah, it’s making me feel a little old.” When he curled his fingers around his whiskey glass, she couldn’t help but notice the dark dusting of hair across his knuckles or the back of his wrist. His long fingers looked more than capable…

  Capable of what?

  Satisfying a woman.

  During her time at Cohen Mortgages, she’d seen half a dozen women exit Knox’s office, and she was far from his type. He liked tall, slim model-types, and typically blonde. She didn’t fit the bill.

  What’s the matter with me? Who cares if he looks at me like a woman he could—

  She caught sight of the man walking through the front door and wending his way through people to the bar. A few guys shouted greetings to him, and a couple ladies hopped off their barstools to put their arms around him and kiss his cheeks.

  Corbin, the ranch hand from the Amazing Grace.

  Kizzy felt a flush cross her face. This must be the cowboy bar he’d mentioned taking her to—then abruptly retracted his invitation.

  Knox’s attention zeroed in on her, and then he twisted to follow her gaze.

  “Fuck,” he said softly.

  Shock hit her. She’d never heard him swear, and why he’d be cussing about seeing Corbin was even more of a mystery. She’d detected there was no love lost between these two men, but wasn’t this taking it a bit far?

  At that moment, a waitress hustled by Corbin. She paused to say something to him, and he laughed. Then he followed her swaying hips all the way to Kizzy and Knox’s table.

  Corbin’s face blanked as he locked his stare on Kizzy.

  “Goddammit.” Knox half-rose from his seat, but the waitress set down their sandwiches and he dropped back to the wooden chair with the wagon-wheel back.

  The waitress stood in Kizzy’s line of sight and when she moved, Corbin wasn’t visible any longer. Her thoughts raced even more when she looked at Knox. T
he man was fuming.

  She’d seen KC Cohen angry before, once in the early days after she’d taken the position as his assistant. He’d stormed out of his office, red-faced and making sharp movements as he told her to get so-and-so on the phone and this person in his office pronto.

  But since then, she’d only seen him disgruntled or irritated. Never angry.

  The redness mottling his neck and crawling up his angled jaw was enough to tell her he was pissed. Why? Because Corbin had shown up here?

  Or because he looked at me?

  Now she was just making things up in her head. Knox was her boss and Corbin was technically in his employ as well. Maybe that was his reason for being upset—no fraternizing between employees, even if they came from two different operations.

  They ate their sandwiches in silence, Knox attacking his like it’d done him some past wrong.

  The song changed, and a howl of excitement sounded from the ladies on the dance floor. She turned in her seat to see Corbin taking his position in the line.

  “Jesus, what a showoff.” Knox’s words were low, but she caught them all the same.

  Was that his problem—that Corbin was the center of attention?

  She ignored Knox in favor of watching the dancers. Corbin was very good, and each time he ground his hips, the ladies squealed. A few vied for his attention by fighting for a place beside him. When the song ended, the cowboy sent Kizzy a long look.

  Then his gaze slid past her to Knox. He blatantly waved for her to join him while glaring down the man she was sitting with.

  She wasn’t about to become some pawn in the middle of a chest-thumping match between these two.

  Shooting to her feet, she grabbed her handbag. “Excuse me while I visit the ladies’ room.”

  Knox said nothing. She hurried through the crowd gathered to watch the dancers who started another song. A hand on her shoulder brought her around, but she wasn’t looking up at Knox or Corbin. Another cowboy grinned down at her.

  “You dance?” he drawled.


  “Dance with me.”

  She didn’t really need to visit the ladies’ room—it had been her excuse to escape. Now that she had another perfectly acceptable partner, why not?

  She slung the strap of her bag across her body. “All right.”

  With a grin, he took her by the hand and hauled her onto the dance floor.

  They jumped into line and it took Kizzy all of ten seconds to figure out her place in the dance. She kicked up her boots and twirled. He grabbed her by the waist, and she felt a thrill at having a hot guy touching her. It’d been a long time since she’d spent time with anybody but Knox.

  Her partner made a show of getting down and dirty, and she tossed back her head on a laugh.

  Next thing she knew, she was in another man’s arms, and he spun her away.

  She tipped her head up to look into Corbin’s eyes.

  “Told ya this isn’t a place a lady goes alone. Especially a right pretty one like you. Now that Reed’s had his hands on ya, every guy in the place will want his turn.”

  Worry wiggled through her lower belly. “Really?”

  He nodded. “Don’t worry. I’ll protect ya.”

  Unable to be rude and break away, she danced two songs with Corbin. But halfway through the third, a loud cheer went up. When a few bodies parted enough for her to see, she got a glimpse of a very familiar man on the dance floor, boot-scootin’ like a pro.

  And he was lookin’ right at her.


  He made his way to her, navigating the floor like he’d done this a thousand times, and he must have if he was this good.

  Next to her, Corbin let out a groan.

  When Knox reached out a hand to her, she met his hazel eyes, and a warmth enveloped her.

  She placed her hand in his, and he closed his fingers around it, tugging her away. He spun her into his arms and back out. They two-stepped to the beat. Knox’s hand on her waist had her body prickling with goosebumps. The scent of his cologne enveloped her.

  He twirled her out to arms’ length and back in with an abruptness that had her bumping into him. She threw back her head and laughed…

  And he kissed her open mouth.

  Need blasted through her, and she hooked her arms around his neck, tugging him down for more. The delicious flavor of whiskey on his lips flooded her head, and if she didn’t know better she’d think she was drunk.

  He stopped swaying to the music and pulled back. Their gazes locked for a slamming heartbeat, and then she was moving in again, seeking more.

  He cupped her cheek, threaded his fingers into her hair and drew her to him with a hand on her spine. Country tunes filled her mind, mingled with the pulse of her heart. When his mouth fell across hers with a possessive need, she gave herself up to the man.

  * * * * *

  Son of a bitch, he was kissing his assistant… and she was more amazing than he’d even fantasized.

  As if realizing the same thing at the same moment, Kizzy drew away.

  He kept hold of her, unable to force his hand to let go.

  “I’m sorry,” she said.

  He shook his head. “No, don’t. C’mere.” He yanked her close again and kissed her hard. Angling his mouth over hers, he applied pressure to her lips that dizzied the hell out of him. As her tongue slipped out to taste his lower lip, he issued a growl and plunged inside.

  She melted into his embrace, kissing him back, tongues stroking over each other’s in a dance that was sexier and hotter than anything on this dance floor.

  When he’d seen her with that first cowboy, he’d been pissed. But when Corbin got his hands on Kizzy, a white fury had risen inside him. He’d experienced strong feelings of jealousy before, but this… Hell, he couldn’t let Kizzy out of his sight.

  The music changed from a boot-stompin’ riot to a slow song, and he swayed her in his arms, letting the emotions he’d been holding back for days encompass him.

  There’d be hell to pay for this slip in protocol, but he’d deal with it later. Right now, he had to have her.

  “Kizzy,” he whispered against her lips.

  Her blue eyes, so close, were a myriad of hues, from sky blue to deep navy specks. She dropped her forehead to his, and he nuzzled her lips, brushing his own back and forth across hers in time to the music.

  God, the sweetness of her gripped him so hard, he could barely breathe. When had he ever felt something remotely close to this? The attraction had been there from the beginning, but over the past few days, he’d learned what an amazing woman Kizzy was.

  When she reached up and tangled her fingers in his hair, he bit off a groan of desire. To feel her beneath him, to be inside her…

  The dance went on and on, and he didn’t let her go. Once in a while, their lips connected in a gentle caress. A soft puff of air escaped her, triggering his animal instinct to claim her.

  He cupped her face in his hands and kissed her with all the passion seeping through his veins. It went on and on, his tongue passing over hers in long, demanding strokes. She fed him soft noises of want, and dammit, he was aching hard.

  He envisioned driving her home, pulling off at least once to put his hands on her. And then leading her into his bedroom back at the Amazing Grace and slowly stripping away her clothes… teasing and tasting every inch of her curvy body until she was begging him to claim her.

  Hell, he was in so much trouble. He was violating his own rules. He… didn’t care.

  Grabbing her backside in both hands, he drew her onto tiptoe. She plastered herself against him, not remotely inhibited in her reactions. She was as stunning as he’d dreamed, and now he didn’t know what to do with the realization.

  Take her to the car. Take her to bed.

  He shook himself. The song ended. Her eyes were two candles glowing up at him.

  A guy bumped into his shoulder on the way off the dance floor. Knox looked up to see Corbin striding away.

bsp; Anger struck, and he said, “Wait for me a minute. I’ve gotta handle someone.”

  He released Kizzy and delved into the crowd after Corbin. It was high time the asshole understood his position.

  “Hey,” he called out, grabbing the ranch hand by the shoulder and turning him back.

  Corbin spun with clenched fists. People scattered away, waiting for one of the fights that broke out here almost weekly and usually ended with two men in the back of state police cruisers.

  Knox couldn’t let that happen.

  “I thought you’d moved on from all this,” Knox said to him.

  “She’s better than both of us. Just like Samantha was.” Corbin glared.

  Hearing the name of the girl they’d both had a thing for their senior year of high school slammed Knox with anger and memories he’d believed long since squelched.

  They glared at each other for several long seconds.

  “I thought you were both grown men, not jerks!” Kizzy huffed as she shoved by them and rushed through the front door.

  Knox came to his senses.

  This wasn’t Samantha, and he was no longer seventeen.

  Damn, he had regressed so much since coming to the Amazing Grace. He had a lot of things to set straight, and then he had to get the hell out.

  * * * * *

  Kizzy didn’t speak to Knox the entire trip home. When he parked the car, she climbed out and stalked into the house without a single glance over her shoulder.

  She wasn’t about to be stuck in the middle, a game piece for two men to play with. She liked Corbin, had enjoyed dancing with him and had only been enjoying herself.

  Then Knox… God, the man had turned her into lava with his touch and kisses.

  But she wasn’t going to be fought over either. What had come over them? She’d heard a name—Samantha—and could only think it was a woman from their past.

  She stormed into her private bathroom and washed her face. Staring at her reflection, her lips were plumped from kissing her boss, and that only made her angrier with herself for allowing it to happen and for giving in to the closeness she’d been feeling lately.


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