The SEAL’s Surprise Mate - Rachel McNeely
Page 5
“Is this my future?” she asked the empty room. “How can I ever find a man I believe is being truthful? I’ve let my father ruin my trust in every male I’ve met.” She stomped her foot. Darn it, they all seem to reinforce my cynicism.
Haley didn’t want to admit this disappointment hurt the most. She turned off the lights and walked into her bedroom. The silent house made her shiver.
I’m acting stupid. Everything makes me nervous. I’ve never been uncomfortable before.
She’d considered rescuing a dog for a long time. It was time to stop thinking and start doing.
I’ll call Marian, the director at a rescue home for animals. Preferably I’d like a puppy, and take him with me on my trip. There’ll be plenty of time to train one, and I’ll have company. I hope it isn’t too late to adopt a puppy before I leave.
Haley almost groaned when her boss, Mike Powers, knocked on her office door. She’d hoped no one else would be in on a Saturday morning. She motioned for him to come in. He sat in the chair across from her. Her desk cluttered with charts and notes.
“I see you’ve been keeping in touch with your group and how they’re doing. Did your brother tell you he’s just doing this one job and going back to Washington?”
“Yes, he did. I’m looking forward to getting back to work after my vacation.”
“You mean going out with your group?”
“Of course. I love the work.”
“Haley, you’re thirty-one and have been on many jobs overseas. Don’t you think it’s time to stop and let some of the younger guys…” He saw her frown and added, “or women take your spot? I’ve got several who’d like to go on missions with your team.”
“Then change out one of the guys. Tim is thirty-five. I’ve heard his wife wants him to transfer to a safer job.”
“We also have women jealous of you. We don’t have many spots like yours for our other female FBI agents.”
“I’d bet this is my father’s idea. Is he still trying to get me out of this position?”
“He’s concerned about your safety.”
“My father has never been concerned about me. He wants me to quit work, marry, and have sons he can hopefully mold into what he wants them to be.”
“I think you are too harsh regarding your father.”
“Believe me. I’m not.”
“If anything happens to you, he’ll blame me, and he has a lot of influence in Washington.”
“I’ve signed a waiver. It says whenever on a mission I’ve been warned of the danger and accepted the risk.”
Powers put his head back, closed his eyes, and sighed. “I guess that’s the best I can do for today. Enjoy your vacation. I thought you were headed out today to that mysterious cabin of yours.”
“I’m just cleaning up my desk. I’ll be leaving around noon.”
Powers walked to the door. “Have a good rest, and be safe.”
Ava was the next to come by her office. “Is everyone coming to see me off? And why are so many people here on a Saturday?”
“You need a vacation. You seldom growl at me.”
“I don’t growl.”
“You just did. Listen, I’m worried about you being alone at your cabin. This time, anyway.”
“I’ve heard they aren’t certain the leader went down with his ship. Even so, no one will find me. If they did, I have an arsenal of supplies to take them down.”
“You and who else?”
“I refuse to let you deter me. I appreciate your concern. You are a very good friend.”
When Ava left, Haley quickly finished her work and straightened her desk. She reached for her phone and called the animal rescue group. She talked with the director, Marian. They had discussed Haley adopting a dog several times over the last few years, and more often since her last mission.
“I was just about ready to call you,” Marian said. “We’ve gotten five older puppies from a family who can’t keep them all. They’re Labradors.”
“Great! I’ve been gathering items I’d need and food for the puppy. Now I get to choose one. I’m leaving here in an hour and will swing by your place.”
“Sounds good. See you soon.”
Chapter 4
Ranger had almost fallen asleep when his beeper went off. Not another mission so soon. He read the message: HQ, one hour.
After getting dressed, Ranger drove the short distance to the base. Most of his team had arrived. Captain Buchanan and Jackson stood at the front of the room. Once the whole team had checked in, the Captain motioned for them to sit.
“We’ve had a request from the FBI to be ready to assist as needed on their next mission. They’re moving out tonight. It appears no one knows for certain if the leader of the group that held Agent Haley Quinn went down with the ship. The FBI wants to make certain his group doesn’t reorganize. We’ll be on high alert. Don’t go too far from the base.”
Ranger’s heart jumped. He took a deep breath, trying to control his emotions. Several teammates glanced his way.
Kijika slipped up behind him. “You can’t fool us. We saw the alarm in your eyes.”
“She’s leaving today on vacation at some cabin, and no one knows where it’s situated.”
“The lady likes privacy.”
“I’m worried, Kijika. If he’s not at the bottom of the ocean, this group’s leader is a man who’s determined to capture her. He may have found out her destination. All he needs is for one of his guys to follow her.”
“She’s smart. Her radar would go up if she spotted an unfamiliar car being around too much.”
“I think she’s overconfident about her abilities to handle problems on her own.”
Jackson joined them as Ranger voiced his fears. “That’s why we’re leaving you behind, Ranger. Your mind would be back here and not on the mission.”
“Thanks, Jackson. I’m going to find that cabin and watch out for trouble. Haley won’t even need to know I’m there. I’ll camp out in the woods nearby.”
“I don’t want you out there alone. Kijika will be with you, and since Alec’s team isn’t on a mission, I’ll ask for him and a couple men from his team to stand ready if you need them. Kijika can sneak around the area. He’s called Shadow for a reason. Use his talents.
“If they have split up, we’ll take care of this whole murderous group,” Jackson continued. “Of course, you might be wrong, and Buchanan and I will be in deep trouble.” Jackson held up his hand when Ranger tried to argue. “Let me finish. I’m willing to take the risk, and so is Captain Buchanan. My gut feeling tells me you may be right, Ranger.”
“And if I’m not?”
Jackson grinned. “We’ll all get chewed up together.”
“Thanks, but you don’t have to do this.”
“Yes, I do. And if me and the rest of the team can’t manage to support the FBI on our own, then we need to hang our heads in shame.”
Haley drove to the shelter after she’d picked up more supplies for her puppy. Marian met her at the door.
“The ones I told you about last night are adorable pups. Their owner did get two of them potty trained. I’ll point them out when I show you the group.”
Haley signed in and walked through the double doors back to where the Labrador puppies were running around together. Several barked at Marian and Haley as they approached.
Marian grinned. “The best way to choose is to let them out the back door to the area where they can play and run around. I’ll take you back there, and you can watch or join them.”
“I’d like to do both.”
Outside, Haley sat and studied each puppy as they played. She noticed how often they barked and how loud, and then she went inside the play area to join the active group. She sat on a stool and grinned when most of the puppies ran to her. They loved the attention, but were soon running around, stumbling over each other, and coming back occasionally for her to pet them.
She noticed one puppy stayed back and didn’t bark as much. When the ot
hers left to run around, this puppy edged along the fence toward her. The timid pup’s coat shone more golden than brown in the sunlight. When the Lab stopped in front of Haley, his eyes stared into hers. She lost her heart and pulled him up onto her lap to hug him.
“I like that you’re different, like me. I’d guess since you are a bit smaller than the others, they get more attention. But I bet you’ll surprise them as I did, and grow up just as strong as your brothers and sisters.” The pup cuddled into her and licked her hand.
Marian watched from the doorway. “Ah, I see you’ve found the one for you. He is small and may not turn out to be as good a protector.”
“I know. I may get another rescue dog later, a bigger one. Sampson and I will do fine together. I’m new to having a dog, and he’s new to the world. The dog training books I bought on my way here will keep me busy on vacation.”
“I thought you’d be going to the beach somewhere.”
“I will. The puppy will love the water.” Haley hated lying, but she told no one the truth about her cabin’s location.
“Well, come inside and sign the papers. Did you also get food and supplies?”
“I did. That’s when I got the books.”
“He’s old enough that he’s had his shots. The Veterinarian checked him for any medical problems. He won’t impregnate a female dog, and he’s one of the two who is potty trained.”
“Oh, you poor baby,” Haley held him close. “I guess neither of us will have children. It’ll be you and me against the world.”
Marian chuckled. “I think some handsome man will come along and change your mind.”
“He’d better hurry. I’m thirty-one.”
“Sampson’s a lucky dog to have you for his owner. Have a good vacation.”
Haley carried Sampson to her car and put him in the backseat, fastening him into the safety harness she’d bought with the other puppy supplies. He whimpered. She kissed his sweet head. “I’ll be right up front. Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you.”
Once she was seated and on her way, Sampson settled down and soon slept.
She drove in many directions, backtracking and always watching for a possible tail. Haley turned onto a route she’d used before. Twenty miles out, it would meet up with the road she had to turn onto to get to the small town near her cabin.
Every few miles, Haley glanced at Sampson. Sometimes, he slept and other times stared out the window. When he barked, she found a pull off and let him out. She clipped the leash to his collar and took him to do his business. Haley hugged him and praised him for being a good traveler.
“We are going to be so happy together, Sampson.” She put him down and he wagged his tail. After water and a treat, she secured him back in his harness and they were on their way.
After driving half a day, Haley stopped at the old-fashioned store made of wood and with smoke always coming out of the chimney. You could buy anything from food, to trinkets or souvenirs. The man behind the counter looked as old as the place. Haley liked stopping and talking with him.
“Well, look who’s here,” the storeowner grinned and came around the counter to hug her. “It’s been a while since you came our way.”
“Too long.”
“Headed to the cabin?”
“Yes. I can’t wait for the peace and quiet.”
“You’re a lot like your Grandmother,” he said and smiled. “You know I had a terrible crush on her when I was a young man, but we remained just good friends.”
“I’ll pick up a few snacks and slip around behind your store to take the short cut to the cabin. I’m glad you told me about it. I can’t believe how much shorter it makes the trip.”
“Don’t nobody else know the way except the locals. I’m glad your grandmother shared it with you.”
“Me too.” Haley bought her favorite local snacks and a frosty root beer in a frosty mug. “Can’t find root beers like these anymore.”
He chuckled. “No, and I still only charge a quarter to the neighborhood kids and you.”
When she got ready to go, she stopped at the door. “Call me if anyone comes around asking about me.”
“Will do. Are you in trouble?”
“I hope not.”
She drove around the store and started up over the mountain behind it. She knew the way now and made good time, but the first time she’d driven this way the drive had frightened her with its narrow and winding road. Anyone looking for her would never find the locals route.
Ranger called Haley’s office. The operator told him she’d left for the day. He asked for Ava.
“Ava, hi. This is Ranger. Is Haley there?”
“She decided to come into the office for a short time to check on some files. She left around eleven.”
“Damn, I hoped to catch her at home. I wanted to try again to find out where she was going.”
“Haley’s very private about her vacations.”
“Stubborn, is more like it. Haley’s smart. She ought to know it could be dangerous for her to go there at this time.”
“You might catch her. She went to the Ellis Dog Rescue. She finally decided to adopt a dog.”
“I hope it’s big guard dog.”
“She mentioned something about a puppy.”
“I see the place on my cell. I’ll hurry and hope to catch Haley before she leaves. Thanks, Ava.”
“Settle down,” Kijika said. “We’ll find her.”
“The woman is going to drive me crazy.”
Alec Galen and the man sitting beside him laughed.
Ranger frowned at them in the rearview mirror. “What’s so funny?”
“You. Finally, a woman has you tied around her little finger.”
Ranger groaned. “I guess you’re right.”
“They always say karma can be a bitch.”
“All right, Erik, I don’t need you on my case, too. Don’t make me forget I’m grateful to you for using your off time to help me, all of you. Thanks.”
Erik shrugged. “I was ready for some action. This job sounds interesting.”
“I hope it doesn’t get too exciting.” Ranger pulled into the shelter’s drive. “I don’t see her car. You all wait here. I’ll go check to see if she’s arrived yet.”
A petite woman with long brown hair answered the door. Seeing the large man on her stoop, she only opened the door partway. “Can I help you?”
Ranger chuckled. “Lady, if I wanted to get in and hurt you, I’d already be inside. I only want a bit of information.”
“Do you want to adopt a dog or cat?”
“No. I travel too much.”
“I see. I don’t think I can help you, then. My place is for people interested in rescuing pets.”
“I’m trying to catch up with a lady who was here a short time ago, Haley Quinn.”
“Our work is confidential.” She pushed the door toward him to close it.
“Wait.” Ranger put his foot in the way. “She may be in danger.”
The woman glanced out at the car filled with large men. “Maybe from you all?”
“No, I’m Dirk Foster. We’re all in the Navy and concerned for Miss Quinn’s safety.” He pulled out his ID. “You can call Captain Buchanan.” He handed her a card. “He’ll verify we’re good people.”
She took the card and closed the door in his face. He grinned when he heard the lock click. “I wish Haley were as careful as you,” he told the closed door.
Ranger walked back to the car and explained the holdup.
“She’s a smart woman,” Erik said.
They didn’t have to wait long. The woman opened the door and walked to the car.
“Your Captain verified you’re okay. I don’t know where Haley planned to go from here. She said she’d be at the beach, but not exactly which one. I’m sorry I can’t help more. She left here about thirty minutes ago.”
“Thanks for your help. Did Haley get a dog?”
n smiled. “A Labrador puppy. If you’re worried about her safety, he won’t be much help.”
“We’ll find her.” Ranger shook her hand.
Erik leaned out the window. “You keep being suspicious. A pretty lady like you might get hurt. Don’t you at least have someone around here to help you?” he asked.
“No.” She whistled, and a large German Shepherd ran from around the side of the house to join her. “I was keeping him out of sight unless he was needed.” The dog growled menacingly. She smiled and put a hand on the dog’s head. “Don’t get out of the car. If I say the word, he’ll attack you.”
“I like a smart woman. I may have to adopt a dog when I get back.” Erik winked, and she blushed.
“Get on with you and find Haley, safe and sound.” The woman waved, and she and her dog walked back inside the house.
“When we get back, I intend to look her up,” Erik said as he leaned back into his seat.
“Damn. I hope whatever virus has hit your team and Wolf’s isn’t going to take over mine,” Alec said. “Erik, you’ve never been interested in a woman who didn’t approach you first at Aces.”
“True, but I like this one's spunk.”
Alec groaned. “Ranger, where do we start looking for your lady?”
“Call the Captain for me,” Ranger said. “Ask if we can have a helicopter looking over all the roads out of town to see which one she chose to drive on.”
“That’s a tall order. There are many ways to get out of here, and I’m betting Haley went several different directions until choosing one.”
“I won’t bet with you,” Ranger said. “I’m afraid you’re right.”
“We’ll find her. We’ve had more difficult jobs than this one.” Kijika studied a map on his phone as they drove toward the first large highway out of town. “This is too close to the rescue place. She’d weave in and out to lose anyone on her tail. Our best bet is to stop at the next highway leading to the mountains. We know Haley didn’t plan on going to the beach.”
“Right on. I’m driving that way.”