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The Dead Planet Series: Exodus (Book 1)

Page 9

by Drew Avera

  Chapter 8

  As I was settling into the idea of an alliance with Pontiff White I could feel an awkward situation about to present itself. How was I going to know if I could trust him? He held all of the power in this relationship. The answer came just as I was about to leave.

  "Serus," White said. "Before you walk out of that door, there is something that you need to know. The Syndicate programmed an alert to be initiated the next time you walked through that hallway. There was nothing that I could do to stop them. I'm sure you understand."

  I guess I could have felt betrayed, but if he wanted me dead then why would he have alerted me to the danger that I was about to walk into? He moved over to his desk and brought up the security images of the square. It illuminated into a large holographic display.

  "There are three policemen posted outside. They are at the northern, southern, and western exits. The eastern exit into the square is surrounded by water and would be nearly impossible for you to escape detection. My suggestion is the southern exit. There are five streets easily accessible for escape, provided that you can take out the policeman waiting for you. Considering the fact you've recently dispatched seven policemen I would say that you are more than capable of escaping." He turned the holographic image to face me and highlighted the policemen posted at the exits with red circles. I went over the escape route that he had mentioned and could see that he was indeed presenting me with my best option.

  "Thank you for this information," I said as I turned to leave.

  "Serus, one more thing," he stopped me. I turned back to him. "The Syndicate will be looking for you. My suggestion is to either avoid them completely or confront them head on. If you want my help then you can earn it by helping me to destroy them. Also, don't pay any attention to any of the words that I will be saying to the media. I will need to continue this faithful puppet act in order to prolong our chances of succeeding." White stood at his desk and smiled at me, it was the look of an old man who was holding onto the last bit of youth that he could muster. The final act of defiance by a caged beast.

  "Understood," I replied and walked back out of the office. The lights illuminated under each step that I made, sending a signal to dispatch to alert the policemen below that I was leaving the palace. It was information that I would not have had without my new alliance with White. Just when I thought things could not get stranger I go and form an allegiance with someone whom I thought was my enemy.

  The elevator descended down to the ground floor and I walked through the lobby towards the southern exit. I had to go down several long hallways to make it to the exit; once I was close enough I slowed down and tried to sense movement on the other side of the door. I could see a policeman standing outside about fifty yards from the exit door. He had his back to me, but kept his head moving from side to side. I could tell that he was on full alert and any sound from the door would caution him to my presence. I adjusted the laser on my gauntlet and fired. The glass made a loud popping sound that resonated through the hallway. It did not shatter, but I had succeeded in blasting a hole through it leaving it spider webbed around the hole.

  I was cautious before I went outside. I was afraid that the sound would alert the other policemen to my position. Once outside though, I realized that the sound of the water outside would have deadened the sound of the glass fragmenting. I maintained my position for several moments before jutting out of the square and crossing into an alley. I ran for at least a mile before I slowed to a walk. The area I was in was not exactly bustling with activity so any sudden movements from the shadows could be a policeman waiting for me.

  It took me a little over an hour to return to my father’s old apartment. Kara had been sleeping and Thom was standing watch outside of the room that she was in. I knocked before entering so that Thom would know it was me and not attack me.

  "How did it go with White," he asked in a whisper.

  "It went alright. I know what the Syndicate is up to now. White told me everything," I replied.

  "Did you kill him?" He asked.

  "No. Believe it or not I think he is a friend." Even I had to question my judgment as I heard those words escape my lips.

  Thom laughed, "Are you kidding me? He tried to have you and your sister killed!" He was almost shouting.

  "Look," I said while trying to keep him quiet. "He is a puppet of the Syndicate and does as he is told. We both know that. I came across some new information that makes me believe that I can trust him. He told me that they killed his wife to force him into being the Pontiff."

  "He was married?" Thom asked.

  "Yeah, and she was with child when she was executed. It was a way for the Syndicate to get revenge for what his father did," I said.

  "Which was what?" Thom asked.

  "I don't know exactly, but whatever it was it cost White his riches and his family," I said.

  "Damn, tough break losing his wife and child," Thom replied.

  "No kidding. How's Kara?" I asked.

  "Sleeping in the next room. She's been quiet," Thom answered. He fumbled around with his jacket and pulled out his media device and switched it on. The holographic image appeared on the wall in front of us. The report showed images of the protests from earlier today and announced an impending speech from Pontiff White that would be aired in a few hours. "You should get some sleep," Thom said. He gave me a look that made me feel as if he was giving me an order.

  "Yeah. Are you alert enough to stay up?" I asked hoping that he would say yes.

  "I've got Serum to keep me awake," he said. "Besides, I can sleep when you get up."

  "Do me a favor and wake me up when White goes to give his speech. Something tells me that it may be something of interest to us," I said.

  "Will do. Just get some sleep," he said.

  I walked into the next room and lay out on the floor. As soon as my head touched the floor I was out cold, it was a wonder I hadn't passed out before. I guessed that my body just had enough. The stress of our situation had compounded itself and finally I would receive the rest that I so desperately needed.


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