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The Dead Planet Series: Exodus (Book 1)

Page 19

by Drew Avera

  Chapter 18

  I walked out of the hospital with my head in a daze. I couldn't believe it, Thom had won the lottery? I thought that it was supposed to be rigged. I thought it was in place just to keep the average citizens occupied while the wealthy members of the Syndicate left them here to die. Was I told wrong? Was the Syndicate not some evil looming figure of doom and gloom that has been hovering over the lives of other people? Was Pontiff White simply trying to use me to gain some kind of leverage against the Syndicate? There were too many questions clouding my mind right now. I had to stay focused. I had to find Kara.

  I turned the corner heading north when suddenly I was blindsided an attack. I was knocked to the ground by a heavy blunt object. I rolled onto my back and looked up to see my attackers. I was surrounded by six policemen; each of them had their gauntlets sighted onto my chest. There was nothing I could do. Any sudden movement and I would be killed by six blue lasers scorching into my chest cavity. I was powerless against them, I laid there bewildered and then I was knocked out by a boot hurdling through the air and striking my head.

  I woke up later and realized that I was tied up in the back of a vehicle. I could hear radio transmissions from inside, but I did not recognize any of the voices. The vehicle was driving quickly through what I assumed were very busy streets because of all of the swerving and some of the bumps caused me to bounce around quite a bit. I struggled to break free from the rope that was binding my hands together. It was a useless effort, I couldn't break free.

  After several minutes the vehicle finally stopped. The compartment door opened and I expected to see where I had been taken but I soon realized that a black shroud had been placed over my face. I could hear some noises like running water and footsteps, but that was all. I couldn't figure out where I had been taken with those few sounds. I tried to sniff the air but the shroud muted my senses and prevented me from taking in the smells of the location. I was clueless as to where I was.

  Two sets of arms grabbed me and stood me up. They pushed and forced me to walk as they guided me through what seemed like a long set of corridors. I could hear several footsteps clacking on the ceramic tiles of the floor and some metal doors were opened and then closed before I was shoved into a stiff metal chair. The shroud was then ripped from my head and I could see that I was sitting in a darkened room with a single bright light that shined inches from my head. I could make out the figures of several men in business suits standing around me, but I could not see their faces. The light was blinding and I was forced to either look at the ground or close my eyes.

  "So very nice to finally meet the man who has been terrorizing my brothers and sisters in the Syndicate." The voice spoke with a slight accent like someone who had lived in many locations, but had never settled in one for long. It was distinct in its ambiguity and nothing more.

  "Who are you?" I asked.

  "Names are not important, but since you will not live beyond this day I will tell you that my name is Sorell. I imagine you have probably heard of me based on the fact that you have killed an associate of mine," He was the kind of man who was cocky about the power he wielded. He spoke with a kind of amusement in his voice, like he was on the verge of laughter. I sensed that there was something maniacal about this man, he was definitely the kind of person who would have had Kara abducted.

  "What do you want with me?" I snapped.

  "I just want you out of the way," He said. "I could have had you killed in the street like an animal, but I believe there is more to your cause than just a man looking for his sister. Is that so?" He asked.

  "I don't know. Is it?" I asked defiantly.

  "I like you." He laughed. "You speak with an air of authority, but you are nothing. You speak defiantly, but your defiance is what is getting you killed. You are a paradox, Serus. And that is very entertaining to me."

  "I'm here to please," I quipped.

  "Very well," He made some kind of gesture and appeared to speak to the men around him. "Gentlemen, once you have been properly entertained by Serus I encourage you to continue that entertainment down the hall with his sister. She has refused to cooperate with me and I'm done trying to negotiate, I just want to clear the slate. Kill them both."

  "Wait!" I said.


  "I need to know. How did you know where to find me?" I was sure that I already knew the answer. White had to have double crossed me. I just needed to hear it; I needed to know for sure.

  "That information was given to me by your associate," He said.

  "So White sold me out?" I asked.

  "Hardly, but you just sold him out. Thank you for relaying the information. And to answer your question. Your friend Thom Brine alerted us to your location."

  "What? Thom? Why would he do that?" I asked.

  "There is a simple answer to that question, Serus. He ratted you out for a lottery ticket." Just the way he said it sent a dagger into my heart. I was betrayed by someone who I thought had been my friend. I had trusted him! He sold Kara and me out for a lottery ticket to Earth? I would have provided his escape by killing people like Sorell, but now I was facing the end as Kara was held captive down the hall. I was betrayed!

  The door to the room was opened and several men including Sorell stepped out. I could hear the breathing of two men behind me as I craned my neck to the side and cracked some vertebrae. During the time Sorell that had been speaking I had been working to loosen my restraints. I had been able to adjust the control on my gauntlet and now I was armed and ready. I was not about to go down without a fight. Not today. Not ever.


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