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Jacqueline’s Quest

Page 13

by TL Reeve

  “Green, definitely green. Close though. So fucking close.”

  She stopped, pulling the toy away from the sensitive patch of skin below his balls. “You are? From this?”

  Murray whined in protest. “Yes. It’s my weakness. You found it, okay?”

  “Which part?” She began to jerk him off again. “This or this?” She turned the vibrator back on and placed it to his skin.

  “Both,” he panted. “Together. Fuck. Fuck. Fuck.” He twisted in the restraints wanting more of it and wanting to get away before he embarrassed himself by shooting his load too fast.

  “It’s hot,” she murmured. “Makes me wet seeing you all turned on, esclave.”

  “Fuck that’s hot.” He groaned. “Please don’t stop, Jaq. I’m way too far gone to hold back. You got me twisted up in knots and so fucking turned on it hurts. God, I want to come. Let me, Madame.”

  “Tell him no,” Luca said. “Let him hold it a bit more. Never give over with the first plea.”

  Murray bit his tongue. He’d have said the same thing to her, only it was his dick in a vise of warmth while the wand pulsed against the sensitive patch of flesh right above his ass. His toes curled and his ass clenched hard as he tried to stave off his release, but it was almost fucking impossible. He didn’t think he could hold on.

  “No. You d-don’t come until I tell you so.”

  “Yes, Madame,” he answered.

  Sweat poured down his temple. Tension built in his body until he thought his spine would break. She was torturing him in the sweetest way, because he knew she'd never done anything like it before, but also got off on the power. Watching her, seeing how her cheeks turned a soft pink. The way her nipples pearled against the material of her shirt. Plus, the tremble in her hand was gone. She might not be all way comfortable with their dynamic yet, but she'd get there, not just because they had to, but because he'd help her. He endured her torment, pushing aside the tingle at the base of his spine signaling his impending release. He grasped at the threads of his control, determined to prove to both of them she could do this.

  He flexed his hips, meeting her thrust for thrust into that godforsaken toy, chasing every bit of his pleasure while also trying to make it last. His gaze was locked with Jaqueline’s while she pumped the fleshlight up and down his dick. Her features were pulled in concentration. Her chest rose and fell at a higher rate. The pulse at her throat throbbed. She licked her lips and he moaned her name.


  “Oh God,” she whispered. “What am I doing?”

  “Getting me off,” Murray said. “You’re doing so good. God, mi cielito, you’re fucking perfect for this.”

  “Give it to me.” Jaqueline increased the speed of the vibrator.

  Everything inside of Murray tensed and then it snapped. He’d never been one to use something other than his hand to jack off, so coming inside a toy was a new one for him. Add in the fact he was so out of his mind with pleasure, he swore he was being ripped in half with it, plus he couldn’t stop coming either. He continued to throb deep inside the fleshlight even though she pulled the vibrator away from his taint. Fuck, it felt so good. The relief from it was amazing.

  He let out a long moan and fell back onto the table with a grunt. Murray was breathing hard. He tingled from head to toe. When Jaqueline undid his hands, he wrapped her in his arms and pulled her close. He kissed her with as much passion and heat as he could after his mind-blowing orgasm. When he eased her away, he stared at her. Jaqueline’s eyes were wild. Her skin was pinkened with a bright blush. Like him, her breath came hard and fast.

  “Do you need me to get you off?” Murray murmured.

  She shook her head then glanced over her shoulder at Luca who watched them like a hawk. “N-no. I’m good. I need a minute though.”

  "You need aftercare. Fuck, I think I need it too." Murray glanced at Luca. "A little help here?"

  Luca stood and adjusted himself. “What can I do to help.”

  “Sit with her. I’m no good right now,” Murray stated, removing his feet from the stirrups.

  “You need the support too,” Luca said, coming to Murray’s side first.

  “I’m good. I know how to care for myself. I need to second is all. She needs more than I can give her.”

  Luca grunted but relented. “Jaqueline, come with me. We can debrief on your first session as Madame Jacqueline.”

  “S-sure.” She glanced at Murray. “Are you sure though?”

  Murray nodded and gave her a small smile. “Yes. I’ll be okay. Don’t worry.”

  “Go get a shower, dinner will be ready soon,” Luca said. “We’ll meet you in a bit.”

  Murray nodded. “See you at dinner.

  Chapter 6

  Murray took longer in the shower than he needed. The idea of seeing Jaqueline after the scene they participated in, the one he'd hoped to share with her at some point, blew his mind. It opened up a part of him he wasn't sure he could close. Or, if he even needed to. It gave him pause just thinking about it. Shit, I should get my head on straight or else she’ll know something’s up. He’d bet his entire savings account she was sitting with Luca, shaking and wondering, maybe out loud, about what happened between them. Perhaps how much she liked it and how much she’d want to try it again.

  For her, he’d do it.

  He meant it when he said it to her before. For her, he'd do whatever it took to save his sister, but since then, it mutated into a different statement, he'd do anything for her and her alone. Damn the consequences. If that made him a switch, so be it. He didn't give a shit about titles, 'specially when it came to Jaqueline. Fuck, when did I become such a fricken softy? His dick gave a hardy throb and he chuckled to himself. Well, not all of me is soft. He thought about jerking off in the shower to unwind a little more before joining everyone for dinner—a last meal of sorts before the shit hit the fan.

  Then, he thought better of it. Tonight, was the night. He was going to have sex with Jaqueline. The tension between them only grew thicker with time and after their little scene, it only seemed natural. Crazy how a few weeks ago, he wouldn’t have thought twice about bedding a woman without knowing her, now, after being with Jaqueline for as long as he had been, every day he was gifted with her little nuances. After ten years without Hannah, Jaqueline held another spot in his heart, because she made it easier to face the day. Sure, he knew it was wrong to put so much pressure on her shoulders and he should be the one making his days easier, however, he’d be remiss if he didn’t give credit where credit was due.

  As he stepped out of the bathroom tucked away inside the playroom, he ran into Luca who’d been alone. Murray frowned. He should have been with Jaqueline, tending to her. The man raised his hand, as though reading Murray’s mind and grinned. “She said she wanted to shower as well. In your room. I certainly don’t believe you’d want me in there with her.” A devious grin stretched across his features. “Unless you don’t mind, then we could both join her.”

  “Hell no, asshole,” Murray snapped. “Her grabbing a shower is a good thing. She needs to gather her thoughts.”

  “I thought the same. Dinner will be served in thirty minutes.” Luca clicked his heels together and pivoted. “You’ll have no issue leaving here the way you came in. I’ll leave the door open.” As he started for the door, he paused and glanced over his shoulder. “She is amazing, isn’t she? Radiant even. The way her body hummed with power and excitement. She is temptation incarnate.”

  She was. He’d felt it the minute she touched him. The way her hooded dark-brown eyes caressed every inch of his body. Or when her fingernails dragged across his skin, leaving a trail of goosebumps in her wake. Added bonus? She didn’t even know what she did to him. The effect she had on Luca and him. She was so fucking innocent and sweet, it made the whole episode that much better.

  Murray adjusted himself and took one last look around the room. What happened in there between Jaqueline and him, was special. It’d be something
he’d never forget. He hoped though, in the future, he’d be able to make more memories with Jaqueline, if she’d give him a chance. Murray climbed the stairs out of the playroom and exited inside the library. After closing the door behind him, he made his way to the dining room, in hopes he’d get a moment to talk to Jaqueline alone.

  Unfortunately, when he arrived, he’d been alone, but, no matter, she’d be there soon enough and then they’d talk.

  Their timing sucked. The moment he got up the gumption to bring up the playroom, Thomas appeared at the mouth of the dining room and a few moments later, AJ followed. AJ joined him on the opposite side of the table, facing her, whatever she called Thomas. She appeared a little bit less stressed and a bit more at peace. The girl deserved it, especially with all the undo turmoil she'd put on herself. The girl took a lot onto her shoulders, hence why she reminded him of Hannah and himself. Hell, she was in the right place, yet, she needed to convince herself of that now, because the man across from her, even if he didn't say it, had the hots for her.

  Murray glanced across the table at Jaqueline. Her cheeks were still rosy and lips were swollen. He’d kissed the fuck out of her, next time, he’d find out what those sweet lips of her felt like when they were wrapped around her dick. He muttered a curse to himself as his semi-hard cock thickened. He needed to keep his head on straight. Later he would explain what they were going to do. Now, they were supposed to be eating dinner together and having fun. Again, something he hadn't done in many years. Someone was missing from their festivities—Luca.

  “Where’s Luca?” AJ asked, breaking the silence.

  “In the kitchen,” Thomas said.

  “Ah.” She nodded. She shifted in her chair to face Jaqueline. “How did your time with Luca go?”

  “Fine.” Jaqueline gave a forced smile as the pink tinging her cheeks darkened. “We’re working on it.”

  She cut her gaze to Murray. “That so?”

  Murray nodded. “Sure. You?”

  AJ shrugged. “It’s going. We’ll get there before the auction.”

  “Yes, we will,” Thomas added, winking at her.

  “This conversation is forced,” Jaqueline said in a huff. “It shouldn’t be this damn hard, should it?”

  AJ laughed. “Not at all.”

  “Dios mio! What the hell is wrong with me?” Jaqueline patted her cheeks. “I can do this.”

  Thomas chuckled. "It's not easy fulfilling a role you're not accustomed to. It takes time and practice. Unfortunately, we don't have time to ease either of you into the lifestyle."

  "Yeah, we're diving off the highest platform, headfirst, into shark-infested water." Jaqueline sighed. "If we don't accomplish our task for this mission, the outcoming has several possibilities, including all of us being killed."

  "Wow." AJ sank into her chair. The reality of the situation snuck up on her. Which meant, things were going better than she let on unless she was holding herself back. Wouldn’t surprise me.

  “We won’t fail,” Thomas said. “We’re all agents of some kind. Military, special forces, CIA, FBI, if we can’t finish this mission, we have no business calling ourselves professionals.”

  “Fuckin’ eh,” Jaqueline said, sitting up a little straight.

  Murray cocked a brow. “Feel better?”

  Jaqueline nodded. “I do.”

  "Dinner's ready," Luca said, entering the space. Behind him, a woman pushed a cart loaded down with food. "I hope you're all hungry because we have plenty more where this came from."

  Murray’s mouth watered. The scents wafting from the cart ladened with food were to die for. There was a little bit of everything there. Fish, chicken, beef, and seafood. There were also traditional Spanish dishes along with tortillas and bread. The spread had to have taken hours to prepare. A second cart joined the first and instead of main courses, it had desserts. Jesus, it was like Luca had put together their last meal. In a way, Murray supposed it could be. After tonight, they began the intense prep for infiltrating the club. One or more of them might not make it out alive. He grabbed a beer out of the bucket behind him and twisted off the cap. So much for not having such morose fucking feelings. He couldn’t help it though. It would always come back to the mission.

  “Nothing has strawberries on it, does it?”

  Murray glanced at Luca then AJ. Strawberries?

  “Uh,” Luca glanced at the cart. “The Deluca de Leche does.”

  “Can we put it back in the kitchen?” She glanced up at Luca. “It’s not my place to say—”

  “Your fine, AJ,” Thomas said, beaming at her. “Finish your statement.”

  “Thomas has a strawberry allergy. Don’t want to kill him with cake.”

  Luca laughed. “Was the downfall of Marie Antionette too.” He grabbed the tray off the cart. “I’ll be right back.”

  When Luca returned, he sat at the head of the table. “There. No one will be dying on my watch.”

  "Much appreciated," Thomas replied. "The only death I want is by chocolate."

  Jaqueline hummed. “Tan bueno. Have you tried, chocolate turrón?”

  "Can't say I have." Thomas opened the bottle of wine Luca placed in the middle of the table. He poured some into a glass for AJ then for Jaqueline. "Is it good?"

  She nodded. “Gracias. It is spectacular. I have mi madre’s recipe. She only made it for special occasions, usually for Christmas and Christian’s birthday. The minute my brother and I smelled it, we’d spend the rest of the day in the kitchen waiting for it to come out of the oven.” She smiled as she raised her glass to her lips. He supposed he should have been jealous, Jaqueline telling all of them a little bit about her childhood, but while she talked about the cake, he could imagine her with her brother waiting impatiently. The eager looks on their faces. The simple decadence of having cake for a birthday.

  “I’ll have to try it then.” Thomas glanced at Murray. “Would you like some of the wine?”

  Murray pointed to the bucket of beers on a second cart. “I’m good. AJ, you want one?”

  “I think I’m going to try the wine.” The cute little girlish way she stared up at Thomas had him chuckling on the inside. Yep, she was done for with the man.

  “Suit yourself, kid.” Murray winked at her.

  AJ took a tentative sip from her glass and moaned. “What is this?”

  “A special blend I’ve been working on while I’ve been stuck down here,” Luca said. “Do you like it?”

  “It’s really good.” She took another sip. “So, who’s going first?” She hooked her finger at the trolley.

  “I’ll get ours,” Thomas said.

  Murray jerked beside her and she glanced at him. Jaqueline narrowed her eyes before she stood. What the fuck? Jaqueline’s stocking covered foot rubbed across the crotch of his jeans, before pressing her heel to the bulge growing bigger by the second. Fucking hell, Jaq, we're doing this here? She made another pass before abruptly standing to fix her dinner plate.

  “Enjoy your dinner, baby girl,” Thomas murmured.

  “Uh,” she licked her lips, “thank you, Daddy?”

  A hum of satisfaction passed Thomas’ lips. “Your welcome.”

  Murray adjusted himself before he stood and went to the cart. Saying anything right then would alert everyone to what was going on under the table. He glanced at Jaqueline who wore a perfectly pleased grin on her face. She sighed wistfully while taking a spoon full of just about everything offered to them. Her gaze slid to him as she placed her finger in her mouth to lick it clean and Murray swore, he felt it in his balls. Dear God, this woman. The teasing twinkle in her eyes, shouldn’t have had a sinking feeling attached to it, but he feared, he created a monster. One session had been all it took for Jaqueline to figure out how much power she had over him and now, she meant to use.

  Once he had his plate filled, he sat back down next to AJ and dug in. Beside him, AJ tried one bite of everything on her plate. With each taste, her moans of delight grew louder. He could appreciate
her love of food. Plus, it seemed even Thomas got off on her style of eating. Poor girl didn’t even know what she was doing to her Dom at the moment, but if the looks Thomas was throwing in her direction were any indication, she’d figure it sooner rather than later.

  “Good?” Thomas glanced at her with heavy-lidded eyes.

  “So much yes,” AJ said.

  Murray jerked beside her again. She slid her gaze between him and Jaqueline. The woman wore a serene expression while she continued to eat. Murray's lips were parted. His eyes were closed. Shit, it felt good to have her rubbing his cock. He wanted more of it. Craved more. He slipped down into his chair, trying to get closer to Jaqueline, so she could add a bit more pressure. The downside, if she did it just right, he'd be creaming his jeans—not that he cared though. It was cum after all and nothing to be embarrassed by.

  A moan fell from Murray’s lips as he took a bite. “So good.”

  He continued to eat, trying to play off what was happening between him and Jaqueline. However, it was getting harder by the minute, literally. She used the tips of her toes to caress the head of his dick, pressing down on the spongy flesh. The inside of his jeans was sticky with precum and his balls ached. Heat filled his cheeks and chest as arousal pooled low in his groin. Okay, maybe he’d be a little bit embarrassed if he shot his load in the dining room with everyone watching. Still, he didn’t want Jaqueline to stop. Each pass of her foot sent another tingle of bliss through him. It was fucking amazing. He’d been half-tempted to yank his zipper down and start stroking off on her foot.

  His mind churned with lewd ideas. He wondered what her big tits would look like with his cum all over them. Or what she’d sound like when she climaxed in his arms. Or if her nipples would taste just as sweet as the rest of her. He closed his eyes. The more he thought about fucking her and hearing her, the closer he inched toward coming. He had to get it together.

  The clank of a utensil broke through the haze surrounding him, but at the same moment, Jaqueline pressed harder and he bit back a moan. Movement out of the corner of his eye caught his attention, but he didn't care. His sole focus was on Jaqueline and the way she touched him. Murray took another bite of his food, using the moment to still his racing heart and calm his overheated libido.


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