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Jacqueline’s Quest

Page 23

by TL Reeve

  But one would never erase the things he’d done.

  He'd met Maggie aka Bloody Dawn when he'd been about twenty-six if he remembered correctly. They'd been in Ireland together. Him for training and her on a job. She'd been everything and then some. Young though, petite too. She seemed so unassuming, which worked to her advantage when it came to her job. And, her fucking accent. Just hearing the lilting tone as she spoke, got him harder than a fucking buck in rut.

  They had three whirlwind weeks together, fucking and training, well, training on his part. Her, she'd been stalking a man who'd been on someone's radar and needed to be eliminated. The last night they were together, she'd been hunting. It was glorious, watching her stalk her prey until they came to a dead-end in a shithole alley. It smelled like ass and puke and whatever substance had been on the cobblestone ground stuck to the soles of Alex's shoes. It was disgusting and exciting all at the same time.

  It should have freaked him out.

  Instead, he waited there as Maggie retrieved her .45 caliber Kimber Custom from her bag along with the silencer. Whatever conversation she had with the man while she attached the silencer, he never heard. Everything Maggie did was in the whispers, almost as though two lovers carried on some wistful conversation. When she pulled the trigger, the man’s body jerked forward then fell back, sliding to the ground. She then grabbed her 35mm camera from her satchel and photographed the scene for proof the job had been complete.

  They hadn’t even made it to the end of the alley before Alex had been balls deep inside her. It was as though some kind of animalistic drive had overtaken him and he reveled in the excitement of the kill.

  By the next morning, she was gone.

  Over the years, he’d heard about her exploits, but he hadn’t seen her—until tonight. Finding out she’d gone from working with different government agencies to picking up contracts on her own, had surprised him, but not. Maggie marched to the beat of her own drum and following orders hadn’t been one of her best traits.

  Hell, it wasn’t one of his either.

  The only reason he got along with Asher so well was due to the easy flow of their unit. He didn’t have to just be one thing for the team. He could be the chameleon, and since Calvin joined their team, he was able to put all of his skills to the test, while also learning something new from the demo expert.

  Alex finished the nasty beer and turned, facing the main area of the club. The place was nice, nothing like he’d expected. There was enough leather to go around and tons of moaning subs to relax away his stress. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation and pheromones. Not to mention all the flesh. It was a feast for the eyes and the senses. He adjusted his rapidly hardening cock, pressing against the fly of his dark denim jeans. Though he didn't get down with the whole sub/Dom thing, it didn't mean he couldn't have an appreciation for the power exchange along with the sensual dance between Dom and sub.

  Vicente pushed open the door leading to the club and Alex got his first glimpse of the woman who’d rocked his world. He mentally groaned when he took in her visage. She reminded him of a runway model—sleek with compact muscles he’d felt flutter under his touch. Her hair changed, of course, in her line of work it didn’t surprise him. She sported a platinum blonde pixie cut which highlighted her wheat-colored eyes.

  When she started down the stairs, their gazes caught, and her bow-shaped lips parted. Fire snapped in those gorgeous eyes of hers along with anger and something else. Something he didn’t want to contemplate. He only needed her help to coax a Sicario out of their hiding place. Then, they could go their separate ways.

  From the intel, he gathered since Asher gave him the case, a man in Mexico had taken the job for Lincoln. Alex didn't get a name, but supposedly he was part of the military and had protected the President of Mexico for a time. According to Alex's sources, the man had an exceptional record. Being a Sicario had been a bonus for the President, considering how many mayors and law enforcement personnel had been taken down by the cartels. It left Alex frustrated though. For as much information he received, he still didn't have a name. Hence why he needed Maggie.

  “I should have known,” Maggie said as she approached the bar.

  “Good to see you too, Maggie,” Alex drawled. “Been a long time.”

  “Not long enough.” She frowned.

  “Come on now.” Alex reached for her, but she flinched. He frowned then sighed. “Guess I should have realized.”

  “Yes, you should.” She lifted her chin, giving her a superior look about her.

  “Hey, you left me. Not the other way around.” He stared at her.

  Maggie frowned. “This was a mistake.”

  Fuck. He promised he wouldn’t allow his bruised ego take hold of senses. Waking up alone after everything they’d been through, even if it was three weeks, fucked his head up. It took years to get over. Shit, if he was honest with himself, she’d been the reason he didn’t stick around. “Let’s start over. Can I buy you a drink?”

  “I’d rather talk business,” she said. “Though the atmosphere is lively.”

  He smirked, motioning for the bartender. “It’s different for sure.”

  “Did you know you’ve entered a den of vipers?” She arched one of her perfectly manicured brows.

  He shrugged, relaxing slightly. “It fits for our discussion, I believe.”

  “Oh?” She leaned forward. “The answer is no to a shag.”

  Alex barked out a laugh. “Sex wasn’t on the table, but thanks for clearing up the air. I mean, if the waves of ‘fuck off,’ coming from you, weren’t very clear...”

  She snickered; the wry curve of her lips transformed her features. She’d been ethereal standing there, almost elfish. “Good to know it still works.”

  “Glad I could be your Guinea pig.” When the bartender joined them, Alex ordered a domestic beer and an apple martini for Maggie. “Would you like to sit somewhere a little more private?”

  “Seems this place is lacking private.” She glanced around. “But, yes, whatever you’ve gotten yourself into, I believe it should be a bit more secluded.”

  Alex nodded. Being as close to her as he was, tipped his world on its axis. He hadn't realized how much he missed her or yearned for the wicked tongue lashings she could give him. She'd earned her aliases honestly. Bloody Dawn came from a job with multiple targets. By the time she walked out of the room, the sun was rising. The rays of early morning light hit the walls in such a way, it made the blood appear to be the real sun cresting over the horizon. He'd only seen it in pictures, but he imagined it was a beautifully gruesome sight.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” she muttered.

  “Like what?” He licked his bottom lip.

  “You’re still in awe of me. You put me on this pedestal, and you’ve kept me there, haven’t you?”

  “Not a pedestal per se,” he hedged. “More like, you’re this complex enigma.”

  “Oh,” she said, leaning in to grab her drink. “I’m an enigma now? Is that how you thought of me when you were fucking me?”

  The purred edge of her voice shot straight to his groin. “Never.” He took a swallow of his beer then stood. “You’ve kept me in knots all these years.”

  She laughed. "Oh, Alex." She started for one of the darker areas in the club. For a Wednesday night, the space was almost empty though some couples were playing. "You're an open book. If I said yes right now, you'd go for it, wouldn't you?"

  Well, he wouldn’t say no, if that’s what she meant. However, they had a job to talk about. “I guess, you’re going to have to figure it out on your own.” He sat beside her on the couch tucked into a small alcove. “I am older and wiser now.”

  "Yes," she said. "You would. You're a virile man. Watching me kill always got your cock in knots."

  He sighed. “Can we not talk about my dick right now.”

  She chuckled. “Of course. So, this job. What do you have for me?”

  “It’s not what you’re
expecting,” he answered. “You’re not killing the target this time.”

  “Come again?” She shifted in her seat, facing him. “I’m not here to kill someone?”

  “Well, you are, but not the mark. I need your help finding him or someone close to him so I can find out what his ulterior motive is.” He pulled a folder out of his jacket where he’d been holding it against his side then handed it to her. “It’s not much to go by, but it’s a start.”

  Maggie placed her martini glass on the table in front of them then began reading over the information. From the missing details, the person who’d been hired to kill the President of Colombia had already been put to death for his crimes. However, the contract was still active, and people were still inquiring about it. If Maggie could put out some of her feelers and get a name or a description of the person, maybe he could shut it all down before someone else had to get hurt.

  “I’ve seen this job several times,” she said. “It’s too risky. I’d have to infiltrate the President’s security detail to get close to him. The only easy part of the job would be killing him. Getting out, however, that’s where I’d get caught.”

  "The last assassin must have been of the same mindset, but unlike you, they went with it anyway," Alex said. "His death sentence has already been carried out."

  She nodded. “It’s a hell of a job and worth more than the thirty million offered.”

  “I learned from a source though, the person could be on the President’s detail. It seems like the easiest way to accomplish the goal, but I don’t know. The open ends of this mystery are fucking my brain up. Anyway, my job for this mission is to go to Colombia and ferret the person running this shitshow out and bring him or her to justice. Bonus if I can find out who is the proxy for Senator Lincoln.”

  “Good luck,” Maggie said. “What you’ve been tasked with, is near impossible.”

  “Not if you’re with me,” he said. “With you taking the job, we could find out who the perp is.”

  "And ruin my reputation in the industry?" she scoffed. "No, sorry. I can't help you, even if Uranium is involved. For what it's worth, I'd run in the opposite direction. Anyone willing to buy or sell Uranium on the black market is fucked in the head. They know what will happen when the element is put into the wrong hands."

  “Who said anything about ruining your rep?” He tilted his head, not willing to agree with her assessment of the situation. He knew it too. It was what made the job all the more dangerous. “Why can’t we keep your involvement with me quiet?”

  She finished her drink and stood. “No. You don’t know how to keep your mouth shut. It’s why I’ve gone off the grid and started working for the dark sites.”

  He didn’t understand. He never talked about her job or anything he saw. Plus, they’d only been together in Ireland. How the fuck could he possibly be the reason she stepped away from her government jobs? “You’re not making any sense.”

  “Sure. Thanks for the drink and catch up, Schoell.” She started away from him.

  “Wait.” He grabbed her hand, almost tripping over his two feet. “We can make this work Maggie. I need your help. I swear. You have connections even I don’t have within R.O.O.T.” He grabbed the folder and snatched one of the pages out of it and wrote his number on the empty corner of the paper. “Here, take this.” He ripped the piece off and handed it to her. “It’s my number. Please take a couple of days to reconsider my offer. I’ll be in Colombia doing a follow up with the President’s staff and asking questions.”

  She blew out a breath. “You were always a persistent asshole.”

  “Yes, but it’s one of my endearing qualities.” He grinned.

  “Now, you’re pushing your luck.” She turned from him. “Stay out of the dark web. There are people still looking for you.”

  Alex swallowed hard. “You’re joking, right?”

  She glanced over her shoulder. “I never joke about a job.”

  As she strode away from Alex, he collapsed onto the couch and groaned. How had he allowed her to get under his skin? He knew there was a chance there was still a contract out for his head, but in the last ten years, no one had come at him, so he pushed it aside—until now. Son of a bitch. I guess I deserve it after sticking my neck out for her.

  Alex finished off his beer and headed out. By the morning, he’d be on a plane to Bogota. What he didn’t tell Maggie was that he’d inserted into the President’s security detail. As an EOD and IED expert, he had skills to keep the President alive and safe. His skills were sought after and taking the job meant being exactly where he needed to be in case someone tried to take out the President again.

  When he stood, he stared off at the door where Maggie had exited. There had to be some way to convince her to join him. How or what would do the trick, he wasn’t sure, but without her, his job would be ten times harder.

  Damn it, Maggie. Help this old dog hunt.


  Get the next book in the series, Betraying Bexley, Available now!

  About the Author

  TL Reeve, a bestselling, multi-published author was born out of a love of family and a bond that became unbreakable. Living in Alabama, TL misses Los Angeles, and will one day return to the beaches of Southern California. When not writing something hot and sexy, TL can be found curled up with a good book or working on homework with a cute little pixie.

  You can sign up for her newsletter at: or join TL’s and Michele’s group: www.facebook.come/groups/RandRravingreaders

  Michele Ryan is an author with Decadent Publishing, After Glows Publishing, and now Twisted Erotica Publishing. Michele embraced her creative passion and co-authored several books with fellow author and best friend TL Reeve. Michele has also published two solo novellas.

  Michele is a lifelong resident of the state of New Jersey, along with her husband and three children, whom she refers to as her hobbits. When Michele is not plotting or writing, she can be found either volunteering at her children’s school or reading.

  Also by TL Reeve & Michele Ryan

  Black Ops: Project R.O.O.T (Running Out of Time)

  Rule Breaker

  Extracting Mateo

  Exploiting AJ

  Jacqueline’s Quest

  Betraying Bexley

  Apache County Shifters

  Kalkin: Apache County Shifters

  Twins (free read): Apache County Shifters (found in the back of Kalkin)

  Caden: Apache County Shifters

  Teacher (Free read): Apache County Shifters (found in the back of Caden)

  Rapier: Apache County Shifters

  TSU Series

  Unrequited Mate: TSU

  Sorority Row: TSU

  Bearing It All: TSU

  TSU After Dark

  Radio Sass

  Revelations (BTS Halloween)

  Lupercalia (BTS Valentine’s Day)

  Martyrs (BTS Ruined)

  Psychic Retrieval Agency

  Midnight (BAD Bad Alpha Dad)


  Leaving the Past Behind



  Lost and Secrets


  Tarpley VFD Series

  Fighting for Brittney (TL Reeve)

  There are many more books in this fan fiction world than listed here, for an up-to-date list go to

  You can also visit our Amazon page at:

  Special Forces: Operation Alpha World

  Christie Adams: Charity’s Heart

  Denise Agnew: Dangerous to Hold

  Shauna Allen: Awakening Aubreyr />
  Brynne Asher: Blackburn

  Linzi Baxter: Unlocking Dreams

  Jennifer Becker: Hiding Catherine

  Alice Bello: Shadowing Milly

  BP Beth: Scott

  Heather Blair: Rescue Me

  Anna Blakely: Rescuing Gracelynn

  Julia Bright: Saving Lorelei

  Cara Carnes: Protecting Mari

  Kendra Mei Chailyn: Beast

  Melissa Kay Clarke: Rescuing Annabeth

  Samantha A. Cole: Handling Haven

  Sue Coletta: Hacked

  Melissa Combs: Gallant

  Anne Conley: Redemption for Misty

  KaLyn Cooper: Rescuing Melina

  Liz Crowe: Marking Mariah

  Sarah Curtis: Securing the Odds

  Jordan Dane: Redemption for Avery

  Tarina Deaton: Found in the Lost

  Aspen Drake, Intense

  KL Donn: Unraveling Love

  Riley Edwards: Protecting Olivia

  PJ Fiala: Defending Sophie

  Nicole Flockton: Protecting Maria

  Michele Gwynn: Rescuing Emma

  Casey Hagen: Shielding Nebraska

  Desiree Holt: Protecting Maddie

  Kathy Ivan: Saving Sarah

  Kris Jacen, Be With Me

  Jesse Jacobson: Protecting Honor

  Silver James: Rescue Moon

  Becca Jameson: Saving Sofia

  Kate Kinsley: Protecting Ava

  Heather Long: Securing Arizona

  Gennita Low: No Protection

  Kirsten Lynn: Joining Forces for Jesse

  Margaret Madigan: Bang for the Buck

  Kimberly McGath: The Predecessor

  Rachel McNeely: The SEAL’s Surprise Baby

  KD Michaels: Saving Laura

  Lynn Michaels, Rescuing Kyle

  Wren Michaels: The Fox & The Hound

  Kat Mizera: Protecting Bobbi

  Keira Montclair, Wolf and the Wild Scots


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