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Deal with the Dragon (Immortals Ever After Book 1)

Page 7

by Nicole Blanchard

  My dragon couldn’t be trusted to be in the same place alone with her. He had never reacted in such a way to a woman, not even to my former mate. With her, he had been quiet and still as the ice river. At times, I’d thought he’d gone dormant like the rest of my kind.

  I shouldn’t have let myself lose control, shouldn’t have let my dragon forge the blending of minds. But he’d tasted her interest with her so close, scented her desire on the air, and his need had overwhelmed my control. So much so I couldn’t resist blending my mind with hers.

  The connection had been strong, stronger than I’d ever felt with anyone. I’d been a mere spectator as our minds wound together, and our impulses took over. I could still almost taste her; feel her skin under my touch. My fangs elongated, and my claws tore through my pants where my hands were gripping my thighs. Scales peppered my skin.

  “Stars,” I spat and finished dressing in ceremony finery, careful not to tear the fabric with my claws until they retracted. My father had worn the same when he was bound to my mother. I’d forgone the tradition with my first ceremony, but I donned the gleaming white cloak and breeches this time to honor Elena’s station as princess.

  The sooner we got this over with the better. The capital was driving me mad, that was all. Once we were back in the cool, clear air in the Northlands where things made sense, my dragon would be back under control.

  The ceremony was to be held mid-afternoon. Before then, I needed to speak with my future mate. What happened last night couldn’t happen again.

  For both our sakes.

  Her rooms thrummed with activity when I could slip away from my own preparations a few hours later. Maids and guards milled about, their chattering a low buzz in the air. They quieted as I grew closer.

  “Leave us,” I ordered.

  Once the room emptied, I lingered a moment, mired in the scent of her. Much like I had been to her voice, I was drawn to her scent. I wanted to bury my nose in it and paint it on my scales. If I had less of a hold on my control, I would have found her, put her thighs over my shoulders and tasted her scent from the source.

  Furious with myself, and with her for evoking such urges, I turned and strode to the bathing rooms. Steam billowed from the semi-opened door, carrying her scent mixed with floral notes to my twitching nose. I followed it without a thought, cursing myself the entire way.

  I find her in a cavernous soaking tub more the size of a small pond. She’d arranged herself along the far side, her head resting against the wall and her body floating in steam and bubbles. She couldn’t have looked more appetizing if she tried. I wondered if she’d let me take a bite, then gave myself a brief shake. It was getting to where I didn’t know if my thoughts were mine… or the dragon’s.

  Our shifter form represented the deepest, animalistic versions of ourselves. Paired with magick older than living memory, they were powerful. For weaker shifters, they were sometimes overpowered by their animal selves, ruled completely by their inner beasts. It seemed when it came to Elena, my beast wanted to come out and play.

  Something in the air must have alerted her to my presence, because she shifted, making the water ripple out away from her, and opened her eyes. They widened even farther when she saw me take a seat at the edge of the bathing pool.

  “You shouldn’t be in here,” she said, panting a little. I tilted my head, watching her breasts flirt with the top of the water. I inched closer, hoping to see her nipples revealed through the bubbles. As though she knew what I was thinking, she slipped farther into the frothing water, obliterating my view.

  “Shouldn’t I?” I responded, when I could pull my gaze back up to hers, which was flashing with fire.

  “If you don’t mind, Lord Blaque, I’d like to get ready for the ceremony.” When I didn’t immediately agree to her request, she added, “Without your help,” through gritted teeth.

  “Much as I’d enjoy assisting you, that’s not why I’m here.”

  She gestures with an impatient hand. “By all means me why you’re here, take your time.”

  I wondered if she knew her brown eyes turned to slits when I annoyed her. “I wanted to talk to you about what happened last—”

  “We need not talk about it,” she said before I could finish. Was she embarrassed? I almost purred. There were delicious acts my dragon wanted from her that would make her more embarrased than one kiss.

  The candles she had lit on the lip of the bathing pool flickered across her face. I enjoyed seeing her bathed in flame this way.

  “We do. I must apologize. I was not… as in control as I would have hoped.”

  Her lips parted for a moment before she pressed them together. “You weren’t in control?” she asked.

  I scrubbed a hand over my hair. “
  “Our relationship,” she responded, echoing my tone, “would be well served if your dragon could control itself in the future. I don’t enjoy having my mind invaded like that. Can you, I don’t know, stop him?”

  “I’ll do my best,” I said.

  “Is that all you wished to talk about?”

  “One would think you’re trying to get rid of me, Princess.”

  She gave me a tight smile. “That would be difficult considering we’re about to be bound together for life.”

  The entire kingdom traveled overnight to witness the binding ceremonies. Word traveled fast amongst shifters, and a royal wedding was the most exciting thing to happen in decades. Scores of them were visible through the windows to the balcony where it would take place as I waited in the attached room, my expression reserved. Thoughts of the previous night kept replaying repeatedly, despite my best efforts. Seleste and Darius’ binding ceremony happened first, which made the day drag.

  I sensed the moment she walked through the door with her ladies in attendance. I couldn’t help but look, it was as though my dragon had become sentient and taken control of my body. My head turned, and our eyes met. I felt the connection, the blending of minds, like a wave of warm spring air over my exposed skin. It would be easy to dislike her if she were more like my first mate. Maybe once I got to know her more, I’d find they had more in common and this… obsession of sorts would resolve itself.

  Elena’s eyes widened at my attention and I sensed her body stiffen underneath the flowing white material of her dress. She’d worn my colors instead of the traditional Darkmoore red. I appreciated seeing her in Dragon-Clan colors more than I should. She tensed long enough to be sure I wouldn’t try to ensnare her in more visions, then ignored me, which only intrigued me more.

  She didn’t want to be my mate, but she wouldn’t run from her fate either. I’d told Alaric I didn’t want a bride with a backbone—but maybe I’d been wrong.

  Once the preparations were complete, I’d had enough of her pretending I didn’t exist. We’d have plenty of that after the ceremony.

  “Ready?” I asked from behind her. She started, but only for a moment and then turned to face me.

  Being this close to her reminded me of how she’d felt in the vision. If possible, she was even more radiant knowing she was about to be mine. Her brown eyes were expertly lined with kohl, making them seem dark and secretive. Something shimmered on her cheeks and painted her full lips. My hands twitched at my sides, and I stopped myself for reaching for her to draw her close.

  She nodded and surprised me by holding out her hand. I took it, ignoring the spark of energy that coursed through me as I placed it on my forearm. The blending of minds made one more sensitive to a potential mate. Something I didn’t need consindering how intriguing I already found her. At a signal from Gideon, two attendants pushed opened the double doors leading out to
the balcony. A cheer rose from the crowd.

  The priest addressed the crowd first, speaking about the grand sacrifices of House Darkmoore and the beauty and bounty of Acasia. Then, he thanked the mighty Dragon-Clan for their protection and loyalty. The crowd cheered once more and bouquets of flowers soar through the sky.

  The priest paused his spiel to welcome us forward. She pressed against me as we moved out onto the balcony to jubilant screams from the crowd. She waved with her free hand, a serene smile plastered on her face, then turned to face me as the priest came to stand before us. Her brother, Gideon, wore no expression in the background. I was grateful we’d be going back to the Northlands. I got the impression her brother may be supportive of the match, but he wasn’t a fan of me.

  The priest spoke in an ancient language that only the clergy understood, as they passed it down from generation to generation since the Goddess created Acasia. Elena frowned ever so slightly, and I realized she must not know the words.

  “I pledge myself to you, heart of my heart and soul of my soul,” I said through our connection in her mind. She glanced in my direction, her frown deepening. “I vow in front of all who will stand witness, that I am yours until the last light of the last day. I bind myself to you, heart of my heart and soul of my soul. I will fight for you, I will die for you, and I will love you until the last light of the last day.”

  I’d vowed these words once before, when I’d been much younger and more receptive to adhering to them. Once I realized they were empty promises, I no longer gave them any weight. It didn’t seem to be the same for Elena, who must no doubt be thinking of her parents, who’d married for love, much to the chagrin of the Council. Royals rarely married for reasons other than for the crown. She’d do well to learn that sooner rather than later.

  Her voice rang out clear and strong over the clamor, “I pledge myself to you, heart of my heart and soul of my soul. I vow in front of all who will stand witness that I am yours until the last light of the last day. I bind myself to you, heart of my heart and soul of my soul. I will fight for you, I will die for you, and I will love you until the last light of the last day.”

  Despite my feelings about taking another mate, I liked the sound of her promises. My dragon liked them even more. A growl, borne from the most primal depths inside of me, erupted from my chest and reverberated through the space between us. I used my grasp on her hand to yank her against my chest. She frowned up at me and opened her mouth to admonish me, no doubt, when I cut her off mid-thought with my lips.

  She made a sound of protest, but didn’t move to back away.

  Her hands came to my shoulders, and the whole celebration silenced. The only thing I heard was the sound of our vows echoing around us. Her voice and mine, combined, the tones blending together to become one. I felt her knees give. My arms tightened around her and lifted her off the ground and pressed her to me.

  It wasn’t a few moments later that she realized I never set her back down.

  She broke away from me to look down and saw that we are soaring above the audience, my large ice-blue wings keeping us aloft. Her hands tightened on my still-human shoulders and I chuckled.

  “Don’t be afraid, Princess. It would not serve me well to let you come to harm and break my vows so soon.”

  “If you don’t put us down, I’m afraid I may have to,” she told me, though her voice was barely above a whisper.

  “Trust me,” I said.

  She closed her eyes again, and I remembered even though she was a member of the Avian-Clan, she’d never taken wing. The wind rushed by and she huddled closer to my warmth. What a sight we must be, a half-dragon and princess flying above the kingdom. If the citizens wanted a spectacle, we were giving them more than they expected.

  “Where are you taking us?” she asked.

  “I did not want to tarry with the well-wishers and sit through the twelve-course meal,” I answered, once again speaking directly in her head. She didn’t argue with my invasion of her mind this time. “There would be too many opportunities for enemies to poison you once more. I intend to have you in my bed and under me before they can.”



  The silk of my dress did little to protect me against the frigid breeze and despite that, my core heated and a full body flush spread over me. His flight slowed and the dip in height caused my belly to leap. My fingers dug into his shoulders and I pulled closer. Then his feet were on the ground and he lowered me down his front until I could touch. I didn’t immediately let go, my fingers gripping his cloak.

  “Come, Princess,” he said as he drew away slightly.

  We were on a smaller balcony on the other side of my castle. He sensed the moment of hesitation and tugged on my fingers. I followed, stepping through the open double doors into his private rooms.

  We designated the largest and most ornate of the guest rooms for his use during his stay. It consisted of three large quarters. One living area with a statuesque fireplace, sumptuous couches and stocked liquor cabinet. Next to it was the bedroom. I peered into the open doors into the dark blue interior. I imagined him in his mussed bedclothes, spread out against the blue silk, bare-chested and resplendent in sleep.

  I tried to steer the conversation away from the bedroom. Not that I was trying to avoid it; I knew consummating our bond was inevitable, but I wasn’t eager. Not when that eagerness was also tainted with a hint of fear. “You think whoever poisoned my food is still after me?

  He unbuttoned his shirt, starting at the top. The sudden protrusion of his magnificent wings had split through the material. Shreds of it flickered around him as the wings retracted. His bared muscles bunched and contracted under the fabric. “I think if they’re determined to kill you, they won’t stop after one attempt. They’ll try again until they succeed.”

  “But there’s no reason to kill me. I’m no threat to the throne. Now that we’re bound, I’ll be leaving for the Northlands. It makes no sense.” I should have stayed in the temples where I had been all but forgotten. If it weren’t for my father, I would have. Rhys would have married Seleste and I could have lived out my days in oblivion.

  Rhys tossed the tattered shirt on the nearest couch and prowled toward me, clad only in his dark breeches and the dragonhide boots my maids were swooning over. His chest was as I remembered from the illusion. Broad and tan and magicked with an iridescent sheen of scale. The fire flickered over its surface, drawing my reluctant eyes. My fingers itched to trace them to see if they felt like scales or skin.

  “I never wanted Seleste.” He stood in front of me then, eyes even more blue and locked with mine. When I tried to move away, his clawed hand gripped my chin. His consciousness slithered across mine, leaving me bared and exposed.

  I jerked away and said through gritted teeth, “Don’t do that. I don’t like having you in my mind that way.”

  “We talked about your father,” he said, ignoring my protests and reading my mind again. “He’s as good as gone, Elena. You should mourn him now and be done with it.”

  My fists clenched at my sides. “If you think this is how you’ll convince me to go to bed with you, you’re sorely mistaken.”

  He smirked, but took a step back. “I won’t have to convince you, pet. If it bothers you so much, once you conceive an heir you can send for your father to come stay with us in the Northlands.”

  Mouth dry, I swallowed hard, trying to form words. I’d done my best to bury the comment he’d made at dinner about children until now. “That… feels like bribery. Is that how you deal with all your mates?”

  He lifted a shoulder, not taking the bait. “What are relationships if not a barter? I’ve found it’s better to be direct. You have needs, so do I. At least this way there won’t be any claims of miscommunication.”

  I wanted to cure my father more than anything. I couldn’t do that if he was here in the capital, wasting away in that stuffy room like he’d been forgotten. If I could have him with me in the Northlands, then I co
uld work on healing him with my own hands. Or at least be with him when he died.

  “I take it we have a bargain?” he asked, no doubt having read my mind again.

  “Stop doing that!”

  “Do we have a bargain?” he repeated.

  “What is it with you and making bargains? Have you been socializing with the faeries? Yes, fine. If you’ll help me cure my father.”

  “Deal,” he bit out, then shackled my wrists with his hands. “Enough talking.”

  His eyes shuttered closed and his chest rumbled against my own where we were pressed together. My nipples constricted, and my fingers constricted on his biceps. The state of arousal he left me in after his intrusion into my bathing room roared back triple fold. Words and common sense were feeble against this adversary.

  He laid his cheek against mine, rubbing it up and down and he purred, “Oh, pet, I feel how you ache for me.”

  “I do no such thing,” I denied, even though I was strung so tight one movement would shatter me.

  Warmth slicked along my neck and ended at my ear. I bit my lip to contain the groan even as his teeth nipped and he soothed the sting with his tongue. “You need not lie to me, Elena. Your body speaks the truth even if you do not.” He backed away, taking one of my hands in his. “Come.”

  And I feared I might do just that before we even made it to the bedroom.

  At a loss for words, I followed him through the doors and into the dark recesses of his bedroom. His essence of cinnamon and smoke was doubly strong. I inhaled deeply, needing to make it a part of me.

  With a wave of his long, tapered fingers, Rhys lit the small fire in the hearth with no match or kindling. My eyes met his in surprise. “I must admit you’re nothing like I expected.”

  He toed off his boot and strolled back to my place beside his bed. “And what were you expecting?”

  “I’m not sure.”

  He looked down and took my hands in his, my own milky skin against his caramel brown. “There’s not much to know.” He pressed a kiss to my palm that I felt in other, more sensitive areas.


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