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DC Power Games Box Set 1

Page 12

by Ivy Nelson

Carrie whipped around and looked over her shoulder. Instinctively, Peter’s hand tangled in her hair at the nape of her neck and he turned her head so she was facing the windshield again.

  “Eyes on me or the road in front of us, sweetheart,” he murmured.

  Her eyes were wide when he looked at her again. “Sorry. I shouldn’t have done that. I just needed you to not look behind us,” he said

  “It’s OK. Just get us home safe.”

  Thank goodness she was being reasonable. “We’re going to find a busy, well-lit area. Do not, under any circumstances get out of this car unless I tell you to.”

  He watched her head bob up and down acknowledging that she’d heard him.

  A twenty-four-hour super store was ahead on the right, so he pulled in. Sure enough, the vehicle two cars back followed them.

  “Feel like shopping?” he asked.

  “Are you serious right now?”

  Despite the circumstances, he chuckled. “I am out of groceries after all,” he teased. “Yes, I’m serious. We’re going to try and lose these guys. It’s important that you act normal and don’t look over your shoulder though. Stay in the car, I’ll open your door.”

  Carrie nodded again and he picked up her hand and pressed a kiss to her palm.

  Jogging around the car, he opened her door. She swung her legs out to climb down but he stopped her with his hands on her waist. “Let’s give them a show, shall we?”

  Her eyebrows pulled together in confusion and he grinned lifting her out of the SUV. She giggled when he pushed her against the car.

  “What are you doing?” she asked as he reached over and shut her door.

  “This,” he whispered. His mouth covered hers and he felt a tug of satisfaction when he swallowed her gasp of surprise. With her mouth open to him, he seized the opportunity and plunged his tongue into her mouth and explored. After a moment, he felt her initial shock wear off and she relaxed in his arms returning his kiss with a groan, her arms snaking around his neck. As their tongues danced together, Peter watched the car that had been following them through his vehicle windows. It parked two rows over. He needed to get her out of this parking lot and into the store.

  With a groan, he pulled his lips from hers and held her at arm’s length. “I could get used to that, but let’s get inside.”

  Her delicate fingers fluttered over her swollen lips as she stared up at him and nodded. Slinging an arm around her shoulders, he tucked her close and together they walked toward the department store. Approaching the carts, he used the time it took to find one that wasn’t stuck to scan as much of the parking lot as he could see. The suspicious car was still there and so far, the occupants hadn’t gotten out.

  “Are we really shopping?” Carrie asked when he found the cart he wanted.

  “Might as well,” he said with a wink. “I have a phone call to make too.”

  Her lips quirked up in a half smile as they made their way into the store.

  Once inside, he led them to the produce department where he pulled out his cellphone and dialed a number.

  As he waited for the person on the other end to answer, he watched Carrie saunter over to the cucumbers. He was about to make a sarcastic comment about whether she’d ever been in this part of the store before, when she leaned against the produce case with a rather large cucumber in her tiny hands. A sultry look had formed in her eyes and she dragged one hand up the length of the green vegetable.

  “It’s almost midnight and I have a new subbie in my bed. This better be good, Mercer,” Gary said when he answered.

  Peter was mesmerized by Carrie who was still stroking the phallic shaped produce.

  “Peter? Are you there?” Peter cleared his throat as Gary’s voice cut through the fog.

  “Shit. Sorry. Yes. I need some help and you’re the closest to us.”

  “Us?” Gary asked.

  “I’m with Carrie and someone is following us. We’re at the super store two exits up from your place. I want to switch cars and come crash at your house.” Apparently, Carrie couldn’t hear his conversation, because she didn’t react. Instead, her tongue poked between her lips and slid languidly across them as her hand ran up and down the length of the cucumber. It was the most arousing thing he’d seen in a while. And that was saying something considering the things he’d witnessed at Gary’s parties.

  It was a struggle, but he forced himself to break eye contact with her and turn his back to her so he could focus on hatching a plan with Gary. When he was sure his friend had a handle on the plan, he ended the call and whirled around to face Carrie who had discarded the cucumber.

  “Are you trying to kill me woman?” he asked as he stalked in her direction. She backed further against the produce case and stared up at him as he towered over her.

  The pace at which her chest rose and fell told him she’d gotten herself just as worked up as she’d gotten him and that thought satisfied him. Putting both hands on the rim of the case on either side of her, he leaned down and pressed a feather soft kiss to her lips before whispering, “Naughty girl. Teasing me like that. Just remember, payback’s a bitch.”

  “Who did you call?” she asked in a small voice. He let her get away with changing the subject, but he trailed a finger down her bare neck causing her to shudder before he answered.

  “Gary. We’re close to his house, so he’s going to pick us up around back and we’ll crash at his place.”

  “You really think we were being followed?”

  He nodded. “I’ve been at this awhile sweetheart. I know a tail when I see one.”

  “OK. I trust you.”

  “Good girl. We’ll get groceries later. Though I do think I’ll take that cucumber,” he said with a wink.

  “Since we’re here, I should pick up some Red Bull.”

  Peter tried his best not to scowl at her. She drank too much of that stuff. But he knew it wasn’t his place to police her diet.

  He dutifully followed her to the energy drink aisle and waited for her to pick the one she wanted. It took biting his tongue to keep from protesting when she chose a twelve-pack of the stuff.

  “I can actually feel your disapproval all the way over here,” she said when she lifted the box off the shelf.

  “Sorry sweetheart. I hate seeing people put that stuff in their bodies. Especially people I care about.”

  “I’ll try to limit what I drink around you then,” she said.

  That made him happy. Not that it meant she would drink less caffeine, but that she acknowledged his displeasure with how much she consumed. It meant there was at least some level of respect between them that could be built on.

  His phone buzzed in his pocket. It was Gary.

  I’m out back.

  He took her drinks from her and they made their way to the register. Luckily, the store hadn’t locked down their garden center yet and it was on the opposite end of the parking lot. After paying for their items, he led them through the plants and potting soil to the side exit. He told Carrie to wait just inside the door and stepped out. Sneaking to the corner of the building, he scanned the parking lot. A man stood against the car that had been following them, but Peter couldn’t make out any details from this distance. His back was to him, and he appeared to be watching the entrance they had used.

  Peter smirked as he wondered how long the man would wait. Stepping back inside, he gripped Carries hand and led her out and to the opposite corner of the building where Gary sat waiting.

  “Carrie, how you doing gorgeous?” he asked as they climbed in. Peter watched her smile at his Texan friend.

  “I’m OK, Gary. A little spooked but OK.”

  “You sure do know how to show a girl a good time, don’t you Mercer?” Gary teased as Peter slid into the backseat next to Carrie.

  “Oh, bite me Gary. Where’s your new subbie?”

  Gary turned back and grinned as he said, “left her standing in the corner with a vibrator strapped to her cunt for sassing me.”

bsp; Peter felt Carrie squirm next to him and he looked down at her with a grin. She blushed and turned her head away.

  At Peter’s request, Gary drove around the front of the building and past the car that had been following them. Nobody in the vehicle recognized the man or the car, but Peter wrote the license plate down.

  A few minutes later, they were turning on to Gary’s street. Once inside, Gary pointed to a guest bedroom and excused himself to see to his girl.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean for him to assume we were sharing a bed,” Peter said as he led them to the room Gary indicated.

  Carrie shrugged. “It’s OK. I trust you not to do anything I don’t want.”

  That made Peter smile. They were getting somewhere.

  In the bedroom, Peter leaned against the door and watched Carrie move around the space. She seemed nervous. He was still holding the bag from the store, and he wondered how she would react to some teasing of his own. Reaching into the plastic bag, he withdrew the cucumber and set the bag down.

  “You know, watching you with this tonight was excruciating,” he said as he stroked the cucumber much the way she had. His voice got her attention and she stopped her nervous pacing. “I feel like a little payback is in order.”

  “Oh really?” she said. Her voice wavered, but she was making direct eye contact with him.

  “I wonder if you might want to have a little fun.”

  “Don’t you have to be at work in like six hours?” she asked.

  He chuckled. “If you don’t want to, just say so.”

  “I… I want to. I just don’t know how far I want to go.”

  “Fair enough, sweetheart. Let’s start with some ground rules then. Are there places you know you don’t want this to go?”

  She sat on the edge of the bed and twisted the fabric of the comforter in her fingers. “I don’t think I’m ready for you to fuck me.”

  “That’s OK. You’ll let me know when you are.”

  “What does payback involve?” she asked.

  A slow grin spread across his face. “Let’s just say, I bought the cucumber for a reason.”

  “Do I have to be submissive?”

  The fear that laced that question concerned him and he purposely softened his tone. “Not at all sweetheart.”

  “OK. Tell me what you have in mind then.”

  Not dominating her would make this an interesting challenge, but he planned to meet it. “Well, since you were teasing me, I think you should continue. I assume you meant for the cucumber to be my cock?” he asked when her expression grew puzzled.

  “You assume correct,” she said in a husky voice.

  “Then show me what you want my cock to do to you when we do have sex,” he said, holding out the phallic veggie.

  Her hands trembled as she reached for it. A chair sat a few feet from the bed in a corner, so he settled into it to watch what she did next.

  Much to his pleasure, she reached under her skirt and pulled her panties down and kicked them off. Then, she scooted up the bed until her back was against the headboard. Peter’s eyes never left hers as she picked up the cucumber again and ran her fingers down it a few times before slipping her hand between her legs. The sound that came as she rubbed herself told him she was soaked. Still, she leaned over to the nightstand and opened the top drawer. Withdrawing a bottle of lube, she grinned at him and doused the cucumber with it before resuming the stroking motions. Leave it to Gary to stock all the bedrooms with lube. Peter was having a hard time not moaning out loud, he really hadn’t expected her to take it this far. It was a pleasant surprise.

  Raising her hips, she lifted her skirt up around her waist and parted her thighs. Her folds glistened. With one hand, she poised the cucumber at her opening. With the other, she fingered her swollen clit. A few slow circles later, she parted her opening and slid the vegetable deep inside, a grunt escaping her as she did. Peter let himself groan as he watched the green flesh sink into her, and he wished like hell it was his cock.

  Carrie pumped the cucumber in and out of her several times, the fingers on her other hand still flitting over her clit as she did. Soon she was breathing heavy and moaning loudly. It was obvious when the orgasm ripped through her body and it took all of Peter’s willpower not to join her on the bed. As he watched her body tremble from the pleasure she had given herself, she raised her head and said, “I changed my mind, I want you to fuck me.”

  The corners of Peter’s mouth turned up into a grin and he considered taking her up on her offer. However, he had a rule about negotiations, and he wasn’t about to break it with her. Building her trust was too important to him. So instead, he leaned back in his chair and interlocked his fingers behind his head. “Nope. I’m sorry, I don’t renegotiate mid-scene. If you still feel that way tomorrow, I’ll gladly fuck you,” he said as composed as he could manage.

  Her mouth dropped open and she sat all the way up. “Are you fucking kidding me right now?”

  Knowing that he needed to handle this exactly the right way or risk her wrath, he stood and crossed the room to her. “I’m serious, sweetheart. And you don’t know how hard this is for me, but renegotiating mid-scene when emotions, hormones, and endorphins are running high leaves too much room for regret later. It’s a hard limit for me. I promise I want to fuck you but I’m not going to. Not tonight. We need sleep and I need you to trust that I’ll keep my word.”

  At first it looked like she might be angry but then she gave him a small smile. “Then I guess we should sleep.”

  Peter stepped into the guest bathroom to wet a rag for her to clean up with. Having the wall between them gave him a minute to breathe deeply and cool down as he waited for the water to warm.

  After she cleaned up, they climbed into bed together and Peter turned out the bedside lamp. A few minutes of silence went by and he thought maybe she had fallen asleep already.

  “I’m still horny,” she said. “Sure you don’t want to have sex?”

  “Oh sweetheart, I want to have sex, but I’ve already given you my answer.”

  He snuggled close to her, purposely letting his erection press into her back as he whispered in her ear, “I told you payback was a bitch.”

  Chapter Fourteen

  Carrie laid awake long after Peter fell asleep and listened to him breathe. One of his brawny arms rested around her waist. On any other occasion, she would roll out from underneath a partner’s arm as soon as they drifted off to sleep. But Peter made her feel safe, so she stayed where she was while she relived the events of the evening. Masturbating in front of him had been a much bigger turn on than she ever thought it could be, and the fact that he turned her down flat for sex but still made her feel wanted made her like him even more.

  She had no idea where this was going, but one thing was certain, she was ready to find out. A small smile formed on her face as she drifted into her own dream land.

  Sleep didn’t last long though, and just a few hours later, she felt Peter slip out of bed. Sitting up, she stared at his backside as he walked into the bathroom. It was a nice backside even from what she could see in the dark.

  A few minutes later, he returned, and a smile spread across his face when he saw her sitting against the headboard.

  “Good morning. I hope I didn’t wake you.”

  She shook her head as she stifled a yawn. “I don’t think so. What time is it?”

  “Early. Do you need to work today?”

  His question puzzled her, but she shrugged. “I don’t suppose I have to. I can always work from home.”

  “I was thinking you could stay here and get some more sleep,” he said as he crossed the room and sat next to her. “I feel safe leaving you here with Gary. If you need to go to work later, I’m sure he would take you.”

  Carrie thought about it for a moment. She had come to enjoy the early morning drives into work with Peter, but this bed was really comfortable and the opportunity to sleep late was one she didn’t want to pass up.

OK. I could stay here. If you’re sure Gary won’t mind.”

  Peter smiled. “He won’t mind. He’s family.”

  It made her happy that her southern friend had someone to call family. She had often gotten the impression that his family life wasn’t the greatest, and his kink family made up for it in some small way. If she had to guess though, Peter and Gary were much more than brothers in kink. It would be more than Gary’s dominant nature that made him feel safe leaving her with him.

  “OK. I’m going back to sleep then,” she said with a grin as she slipped back under the blankets and sank her head into the pillows.

  “Good girl. Have sweet dreams,” he whispered.

  As she was drifting off to sleep, she heard the shower turn on, and images of a very naked and dripping wet Peter met her in her dreams.

  When she woke sometime later, the sun was shining through the bedroom window. Her phone told her it was nearly eleven in the morning. It had been months since she’d slept this late. Stretching out in bed, she scrolled through her e-mails and texts. Nothing important, but there were two messages that made her smile. The first was from Gary.

  Morning Hot stuff. I’m putting donuts outside your door.

  She grinned and was tempted to hop out of bed right then, but there was one more message waiting for her and she’d already seen who it was from.

  I hope you slept well. Know that I was jealous of your pillow when I left. I was thinking, maybe we should drive out to the rest area when I get off work. Let me know where I’m picking you up from.

  There was nothing erotic about the message, but it made her blush anyway. Along with the blush came a face splitting grin. It was time to admit she had more than a crush on Peter. Grin still in place, she rolled out of bed and opened the door. Sure enough, Gary had placed a small box of donuts from a nearby bakery on the floor. Grabbing them up, she shut the door again and sat in the middle of the bed where she ate two of the four in the box.

  After a shower, she made her way to the living room with the remaining donuts in hand.


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