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DC Power Games Box Set 1

Page 91

by Ivy Nelson

  “That wouldn’t be very submissive of them now would it? Now get across my lap.”

  He had a point. She lowered herself across his lap and without warning, Peter spanked her. He didn’t bother warming her up either, just smacked her ass with his open palm. Tears stung at her eyes.

  “Now, are you going to ask permission before you play with someone from now on?” Peter asked as he continued peppering her bottom with stinging swats of his hand.

  “Yes Sir,” Darci cried, the tears falling freely now.

  Just a few short minutes after he started, he stopped.

  “Kneel on the floor in front of me, Kitten.”

  She slid from his lap and kneeled in front of him, tears still falling. His hand slid beneath her chin and tilted her face upward, so she was looking at him.

  “You’re lucky you chose to stay in here. My hairbrush is in the toy bag I have in the dungeon.”

  “Was I really that bad Sir?”

  “You were pretty naughty, Kitten.”

  “I’m sorry. I don’t want you to be angry with me.”

  Peter smiled kindly. “I’m not. We need to get back to the dungeon. Unfortunately, your punishment is not quite over. I may not be angry, but I am disappointed. I wanted to have a bit of fun with you and Carrie tonight. But you need to learn a lesson, so instead, you’ll be kneeling and watching. You don’t speak unless spoken too and then you only speak to me, Carrie, or Michael. Is that clear?”

  Darci nodded.

  “Try again, Darci. Do I need to spank you some more?”

  Darci’s head bobbed back and forth. “No Sir. I’m Sorry. Yes, your instructions are clear, Sir.” Her voice trembled as she tried to hold back her tears.

  “Good, now up you go and give me your panties.”

  Darci gasped but obediently slipped her panties off her ankles and handed them to Peter who accepted them and slid them into his pocket.

  Back in the dungeon, Peter located Carrie and Michael.

  “Carrie my love. I want to make you scream for me,” Peter said grinning down his wife.

  Michael looked uncomfortable but Darci wasn’t going to risk a public spanking by asking him if he was OK. Instead, she just offered him a shy smile.

  Turning from his wife, Peter scowled at Darci. “I believe I gave you some instructions Kitten. Do you need a reminder?”

  Darci shook her head. “No, Sir. Did you want me to kneel here?”

  “Yes.” He moved closer to her and picked up her hands. “Sorry I wasn’t clearer. Let’s set a rule. When you’re in a room with me, I want you on your knees at my side unless you’re doing something else. If I enter a room you’re in, you should kneel if you’re not busy. Is that clear?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir.”

  He rewarded her with a kiss on the nose.

  “Can’t Darci play with us tonight, Master?” Carrie asked.

  “I’m afraid not little one. But maybe tomorrow if she’s good.” He gave Darci a pointed look as he spoke. “Remember your rules for the night, Kitten. I’m just going to be over there.” He pointed toward a nearby spanking bench.

  Darci nodded and whispered, “Yes, Sir.” Then, she lowered herself to the ground and kneeled as she watched them walk away.

  Michael still sat on the chair next to where she kneeled.

  “So… what just happened?”

  Darci chuckled. “Thanks for asking. I’m not allowed to speak to anyone unless they speak first right now. I kind of asked Peter to mentor me as a submissive and show me what it would be like to have a dom. We didn’t fine tune our agreement, just agreed that I would be his submissive for the convention. And I fucked it up right away. I played with someone without asking.”

  “And he punished you even though the scene went bad?”

  Darci smiled at her overprotective friend. “Yes. But first, he made sure I was OK, and we talked about it.”

  “So, did he like, spank you or something?”

  “Yes. And the rest of my punishment is that I don’t get to play anymore tonight. I just have to kneel here and watch.” As she spoke, embarrassment flooded her system. “I’m sorry. Can we not talk about it anymore?”

  “I’m just trying to understand, Darci. I actually get the power exchange thing and I thought it was a fantastic panel we went to. But how are you getting anything out of being submissive to a married guy?”

  “I’m just curious about submission is all. Can we drop it please?” The more Michael talked, the more awkward she felt. Just then, Chris came sauntering by and winked at Darci. It was more than enough to send her over the edge. Without a second glance, she jumped up and ran out of the dungeon praying Peter wouldn’t notice until he finished playing with Carrie.

  Chapter Six

  Darci paced the floor of her hotel room. Embarrassment still thick in her blood. Why had she run out? Was it seeing Chris? Was it the game of twenty questions Michael seemed to be playing? She honestly wasn’t sure. Maybe she needed to call her therapist and ask for an emergency phone consultation. The therapist she had been seeing for a few months now was good about being available for things like that and bonus, she was kink friendly so there was no need to hide what had triggered her panic attack.

  A knock sounded at her door. It was probably Peter and Carrie.

  “Darci. Sweetheart. Open the door.”

  It was Michael. That she could handle.

  Swinging open the door, she invited him in.

  “Hey you. What happened back there?”

  “I think I’m on the verge of a panic attack. Maybe I tried to push myself too far too fast or something.”

  “Me grilling you like a suspect wasn’t helping. I just wanted to say I tried to buy you some good will with Peter. I thought I recognized panic on your face.”

  She smiled and went to him for a hug. “Bless you, Michael. I’m sorry I had a mini freak out on you. That asshole I played with walked by and it just added to my embarrassment and it was all too much for me.”

  “OK. Now you need to go explain all that to Peter.”

  Darci shook her head. “I can’t, I’m too embarrassed. I think I’m just going to hide in my room the rest of the con.”

  “Don’t be ridiculous, sweetheart. Those two are crazy about you. Do you trust him?”

  Darci nodded. Of course, she did.

  “Then what are you waiting for?”

  “I don’t know. Like I said, I’m embarrassed.”

  “So, tell him that. If you’re really going to do this submissive thing, honesty is the most important thing right?”

  “Somebody was paying attention in class,” Darci said wryly.

  Michael grinned. “I always was a good student. Seriously, Darci. I refuse to get all domly on you, even though this con is stirring things in me I didn’t even know existed. But you need to talk to them. I think you owe them an explanation. And you need to point that asshole out to event staff so they can kick his ass out.”

  His arms were folded across his chest and he was scowling at her. She giggled and his scowl deepened. “What are you laughing at?”

  “You. I thought you said you weren’t going to get all domly on me. But you’re using a very dominant voice and the way your arms are crossed reminds me of Peter when he’s cranky with Carrie.”

  “Oh, stuff a sock in it. I’m just being me.”

  “And I love you for it. Give me some time to myself? I promise I’ll talk to them and I won’t hide in here all weekend.”

  “Good. Because I am not hanging out downstairs by myself, woman.”

  Darci grinned. “Some cute girl will snatch you up.”

  “I am unsnatchable,” Michael said smugly.

  Just then, a knock came from the door. Darci opened it a few inches, expecting to see Peter. Instead, it was Carrie.

  “Darci, honey. I know you’re having a rough night, but you need to see this.” She handed her a phone and Darci took it as she stepped back to let Carrie in. Her eyes went wide as sh
e stared at the screen.

  “Holy fuck, that’s me.” Someone had posted a picture of her topless, facing the cross when she had been playing with Chris. The bottom half of her face and all of her breasts were visible.

  Michael tried to grab the phone but Darci stopped him. “Don’t. Unless you’re just dying to see my tits, don’t. It’s fine, I promise.” He backed off, but Darci could see the fury on his face.

  “Peter is not happy," Carrie said.

  “I know. He’s probably going to punish me again.”

  “Oh honey, no. He’s not mad at you, he’s mad at the prick who posted the picture. He’s with Gary and Edith now trying to see if he can track the fucker down.” Carrie patted her on the arm.

  “Should I go help? I’m really embarrassed about running out of the dungeon, but I was on the verge of a full-blown panic attack. I need to apologize to Peter.”

  “You can, sweetie. Just give him time to finish his meeting. He said he was going back to our room for a shower when he was done. You can go wait in there if you want. I’ll hang out with Michael and show him around some more. I want to introduce him to some ladies.”

  Darci grinned when Michael grimaced. She took the key card Carrie was offering and kissed her on the cheek. “You’re the best. I’m sorry if I ruined your scene with Peter.”

  “You didn’t, sweetie. We had lots of fun. I have a pretty bruise.”

  Darci ran down the hall to Peter and Carries room and unlocked the door. It was empty which meant Peter was still in his meeting. She stood at the window and looked out at the swimming pool where people were splashing about.

  A few minutes later she heard the lock click. She quickly turned and dropped to her knees before the door opened fully.

  Peter stepped in and scrubbed a hand over his face before he saw her.

  “Darci? Kitten, what a pleasant surprise. Where’s Carrie? Are you OK?”

  He crossed the room and crouched down next to her, concern marring his handsome features. She offered him a shy smile.

  “Carrie gave me a key. I hope it’s OK. She’s attempting to find Michael a date I think.” Peter grinned at that and she continued. “I’m not OK, but I will be. I need to apologize for bailing in the dungeon.”

  “Michael said he was grilling you and might have upset you. It’s OK, Kitten. You’re here now and I couldn’t be prouder of you for that. Tell me what happened.”

  She took a deep breath. “Michael was grilling me, that’s true. But he was just curious and concerned. It was embarrassing me, but I was trying to keep it in check. Then that asshole I played with walked by and the fucker winked at me. It just sent me over the edge, and I found myself staring at a panic attack, so I bolted. I didn’t want to interrupt your scene with Carrie.”

  “Did Carrie show you the picture?”

  She nodded. “Yes, Sir. I’m even more angry with myself now.” Then it hit her. “Wait. I think he might be the one who took the picture. It makes sense. At one point while he was using the floggers, he pulled his phone out and claimed he was texting his girl. He was standing in the right spot. Holy shit.”

  “Shit. What was his name Darci? We have to get this fucker out of the con now.”

  “Um, he said his name was Chris, but I didn’t get a good look at his badge. Iron something or other maybe? It wasn’t his name. It was definitely a nickname of some sort.”

  Peter already had his phone out and was texting someone. Probably Edith and Gary. “OK. This helps Kitten. You and I are going back to the dungeon. But you’re wearing a leash.”


  “I’m keeping you with me. You’re not running away again.” He winked and went to a bag on the dresser and produced a leather collar and leash.

  Instructing her to stand, he fastened the collar around her neck and told her he would put the leash on when they got to the dungeon.

  “Seriously, Sir? I promise not to run off again.”

  “Just behave for once. You won’t regret it, I promise.”

  Darci sighed and dutifully followed Peter to the bank of elevators where together they made their way into the convention space. Once inside, Peter clipped the leash to Darci’s collar and to her embarrassment proceeded to lead her around the space.

  “We’re looking for Chris,” he explained. “There are a couple of possible matches from looking at the registration records, but having you point him out will be the easiest.”

  Darci nodded, doing her best to forget about the leash attached to her neck. It was hard to do though since Peter was enjoying tugging on it whenever she lagged a little behind. They circled the dungeon and social areas twice and couldn’t find the man they were looking for.

  They did however run into Carrie who was sitting in a chair with a sloppy grin on her face. “Uh oh. I think my wife has been meddling again,” Peter said as he approached.

  “Oh. Hi, Master. I see you and Darci made up. She looks sexy in a leash.”

  Darci blushed as Peter agreed with his wife.

  “Had to make sure she didn’t run away anymore.”

  “Smart man.”

  “What are you sitting here grinning at?” Peter asked.

  Carrie pointed to another group of chairs a few yards away. When Darci looked, she saw Michael talking animatedly with not one but two women.

  “Looks like we have another convert,” Peter said.

  “Nicely done Carrie,” Darci whispered. She was still feeling embarrassed by the leash.

  “Carrie my dear. Would you like to watch me punish Darci and then you can help me reward her?”

  Darci looked at Peter confused. The punishment she understood but what were they rewarding her for? Carrie was on her feet having excitedly agreed with her husband’s plan.

  “I’m confused,” Darci said as Peter tugged at her leash and led them to a massage table in the center of the room.

  “What about, Kitten?”

  “I get why you want to punish me. But why are you rewarding me?”

  “Do you not want a reward?”

  “I do. I just didn’t think I’d earned one.”

  “Patience, Kitten. All will be explained. Now, you have a choice and there is no wrong answer here. You can strip or you can just lift up your skirt.”

  “Which do you prefer, Sir?”

  “What a lovely question, Darci. Very submissive. But it’s honestly up to you. If I have you naked, what I have in mind will be a bit easier, but I need you comfortable enough to not have a panic attack.”

  “I’m not embarrassed to be naked. I’ll just strip.”

  Peter smiled. “Good girl.”

  Carrie grinned. “I was hoping you would pick that.”

  Peter shushed his giggling wife. “Go kneel over there Carrie. I need to punish her first.”

  Darci swallowed. What was he going to do? She had already removed her clothes and now stood naked in front of Peter and everyone else in the dungeon. He instructed her to sit on the table. He stood in front of her and looked her in the eyes.

  “Do you know why I’m punishing you Darci?”

  “Because I disobeyed you and ran away?”

  “Yes, and because you didn’t trust me enough to follow my instructions. Now, lie on your stomach, I’m going to spank you again but this time you get the hairbrush.”

  “Oh goody,” Darci said, shuddering as she remembered how much the spanking with his hand hurt.

  “If you safeword before I’m done, that’s fine. I’ll just finish your punishment in a way that isn’t painful.”

  She vowed silently to herself that she would handle what he planned to give her.

  She did as he asked and put herself on the table on her stomach.


  “Yes Sir. I’m ready to move past this.”

  “Good. Me too. This is going to be fast and hard.”

  From her spot kneeling, Carrie said, “You can stare at me and pretend I’m squeezing your hands honey. This will hurt.”

/>   Darci grimaced and then smiled at her friend. “Thank you, sweetie.”

  “You two are just so darn cute,” Peter said as he dug the hairbrush out of his bag.

  Without warning, Peter brought the brush down on Darci’s bare bottom and after the first smack he didn’t stop. He wasn’t lying when he said it would be fast and hard. Despite her efforts to keep quiet, Darci let out a yelp every time the brush landed on her ass. At first, she kept her eyes shut tight but then she took Carries offer and stared at her, wishing she were closer so she really could squeeze her hand. As she looked into Carries eyes, movement behind her caught her attention.

  That fucker was standing behind Carrie and he had his phone out.

  Chapter Seven

  “Stop. Please Stop. Now. It’s him.” Darci cried out as the smacks continued to rain down on her. But Peter didn’t understand and just kept spanking her. Finally, not knowing what else to do, Darci yelled, “Red!”

  Immediately the spanking stopped and Darci flew up. “It’s him. Behind Carrie. That’s the guy,” she said frantically between tear filled sobs.

  Peter’s face went stone cold, and he stalked toward the man in question.

  “You. With me. Now.” He flashed his event staff badge at the man in question, gripped him by the arm and moved toward the dungeon exit. Carrie scrambled up and followed him. But she stopped long enough to grab a sheet and toss it at Darci along with her cellphone. Then on her way out she stopped where Michael was and pointed in Darci’s direction.

  Thankfully, Darci had the sheet around herself before Michael made eye contact.

  “Hey, sweetheart. You OK?”

  Darci grinned. “I’m wonderful.”

  Michael just stared at her. “You’re sitting here crying your eyes out and you’re wonderful?”

  “It’s cathartic OK? You looked like you were doing pretty wonderful yourself, mister.”

  He grinned, and a blush crept up his neck and into his cheeks. “Maybe. OK. I went to an impact play demo and a knife play demo and now I’m dying to try some of it out. Carrie just hooked me up with some unattached subs who like letting rookies try new things on them.”


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