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Warfare's Ultimate Frontier 1

Page 28

by Quasar Magellan

  “From what I understand, the Sun Coalition usually doesn’t take part in the tournament. Also, you have to remember that Sun Tzu hasn’t been back in half a millenium. If the Sun Coalition participated, the Yellow Wang faction naturally wouldn’t be able to dominate the rankings as they do.”

  “What is the situation for the Middle Kingdom?”

  "...” Guan Yu just stared at Baron silently.


  Yue Fei spoke up. “The reason Guan Yu is hesitating, is because there hasn’t been much news concerning them as of recent.”

  “Is it even possible for there to be no news regarding a faction as large as the Middle Kingdom?”

  “We’re just as confused as you are. Their leader hasn’t done anything noteworthy in over a century, and their elders and inner circle aren’t active either. There’s all sorts of rumors floating around, ranging from that they’re planning something huge, or they’re about to disband. Really though, nobody has any idea.”

  Baron placed down his bowl and leaned back. “What do you think is most likely?”

  “Well, there’s a story that’s been going around, as of recent…”


  “Well, there’s been a rumor going around that the leader of the Middle Kingdom, Wu Qi, has been offered a spot in the Sun Coalition.” Said Yue Fei.

  “Is that so? That’s quite a move, if true.” Baron frowned.

  “It’s only a rumor, but it originated from one of the Middle Kingdom’s elders. So, it’s considered to be quite reputable. It’s highly controversial though, and the Sun Coalition hasn’t responded to it.”

  Like Baron, Guan Yu stopped eating. “This looks to have some ties to the disappearance of Zhuge Liang.” He remarked.

  “In what ways?” Baron asked, his interest clearly piqued.

  Guan Yu waited for a moment before he spoke, to gather his thoughts. “A few months before Zhuge Liang disappeared, there was a rumor going around, that the Sun Coalition was asking for a merger between the Middle Kingdom and the Sun Coalition. And it made sense, as Sun Tzu, Wu Qi, and Zhuge Liang were all but inseparable during their early days here on planet four.”

  Guan Yu sighed. “I don’t want to doubt Sun Tzu’s integrity, but it seemed that Zhuge Liang didn’t want to merge the two factions, and he disappeared soon after. And as time has passed, evidence has mounted against Sun Tzu… pointing towards him as the cause behind it all.”

  Meng Tian nodded. “I’ve spoken about this to some of the Middle Kingdom’s elders, as well as those of the Sun Coalition. Most of them don’t have any idea what happened, and I am confident in my ability to know when I’m being lied to. It seems that if there’s a conspiracy to be had, it goes all the way to the very top of those two factions of our Chinese community.

  “By the way, is anyone going to finish the fish?”

  Everyone shook their heads, and Meng Tian dug into what remained of the steamed fish.

  Baron though, ignored the carnage, too intrigued by the conversation. “This story is just getting more and more interesting. I wonder then, what is Wu Qi doing?”

  “It’s anyone’s guess. Either way, of those at the extreme peak of our community, only the four co-leaders of the Yellow Wang faction are present and active.”

  Silence filled the room for a bit, until Meng Yi spoke. “I don’t think that Sun Tzu would do something like this for the sake of greed. However, it can’t be understated that he has made quite a few bold moves in the last thousand or so years.”

  Everyone around the room nodded. “Indeed.”

  Finishing their food, they decided to make their way to the public war room, where Yue Fei had first tested Baron upon his arrival on planet four. It was fine to look to the future, to masters and the strongest strategists the Chinese community had to offer, but it was also important to see how the average strategist was doing — and maybe even peek at a few of the newcomers.

  The war room was situated in one of the largest buildings in the Chinese community, only surpassed by some built and run by the Sun Coalition. This wasn’t the only war room, though — many were spread around the community, so that everyone would have easy access to simulations.

  As they entered the building, Guan Yu suddenly knocked himself on the head. “Oh, right! I forgot to tell you guys, but I finally got enough contribution points to become a top fifty elder.”

  Baron slapped him on the shoulder. “Congratulations! Although, now that you mention it, I guess Han Xin, Ban Chao, and Xu Da will have their progress towards being elders paused as they’re not here, huh.”

  Yue Fei shrugged. “It can’t be helped. They’re doing what they can to help us achieve our dream. We should do our best to ensure their efforts do not go to waste.”

  “Yes, we should.” Meng Tian continued. “Though, you should remember that my brother and I will be leaving once your faction is created.”

  “Mm.” Baron nodded. “Don’t worry, if we’re to achieve our goals, we will need to improve to levels far above yours, anyway.”

  Meng Tian chuckled. “That is the understatement of the… well, forever I suppose. You know, I’ve been here quite a while. During that time, I’ve seen the rise and fall of countless factions, both small and large.”

  “Didn’t you die around the time that the four co-leaders of the Yellow Wang faction did?”

  Meng Tian nodded. “Not bad, Baron. Yes, I did. Somehow, though, I arrived on planet four about twenty years before any of them.”

  “That is quite interesting.”

  “Well, this is the afterlife. Nothing has to make sense, even if we want it to. If you ask me, this entire planet and the thousands of others that make up the afterlife make no sense. Who set the system so that it works in such a manner?”

  Baron shrugged. “We may never know the answer to that question.”

  Guan Yu coughed twice before interjecting. “Sorry to interrupt your tangent, but I brought up my promotion because I finally have access to the simulation reports for everyone and everything in the Chinese community, save for a few secret ones.”

  “That’s amazing!” Said Baron. “So we can see what strategies everyone uses?”

  Meng Tian smacked his fist onto his palm. “This will be a great tool! Although the tournament hosted by the Sun Coalition doesn’t accept pre-registering, I still have a pretty good grasp of who will be there. Well, for the air category, at least. As for the others, I can't really help you there. I’d suggest you start by watching Wang Jian, Bai Qi, Li Mu, and Lian Po’s simulations, though. Why not learn from the best?”

  “That’s a good idea. For the sea category, I’ll ask Madam Zheng for advice. I don’t think I’ll be participating in the sea battles though. Don’t really want to embarass myself. I’ll participate in the land and air competitions. How about the four of you?”

  “Only air for me. I have no interest in the other two fields.” Said Meng Tian.

  “That is my mentality as well.” Said Meng Yi.

  Guan Yu said, “I’ll be participating in all 3.”

  “As will I.” Yue Fei finished off.

  With their intentions for the tournament clear, the five chatted while watching the sims unfolding before them.


  Baron, Guan Yu, and Yue Fei decided to visit the Hall of Records, while the Meng brother left to tend to some personal matters. Despite the massive size of the building, they were the only ones inside.

  Most of the top fifty elders, the only ones eligible to enter, had long tired themselves of watching simulation after simulation. That, or they had more important matters to deal with.

  The Hall of Records was mostly empty — there were only a few dozen or so simulation helmets, set atop pedestals. There were also a few beds and chairs to relax on, while one viewed the footage.

  As it was their first time inside, they didn’t know what exactly the procedure was, so they each picked up a simulation helmet and put it on. Turns out, the system was very simple to
operate. They just had to input the name of the strategist whose simulations they wanted to see, and a list popped up, complete with multiple filters.

  With the helmet still on, Baron spoke into the ether. “Hey, guys. Remember that we should focus on watching aerial fights. But don’t feel like those are the only ones you can watch. Everything will help.” Baron said.

  “Not to worry, I’ll just dip my nose in a few land battles then head for some of the higher level aerial showdowns.” Guan Yu replied.

  “As will I. We will still be able to come back after our faction selection tournament so stressing about land battles right now seems pretty useless.” Yue Fei agreed.

  Baron thought about what he wanted to spectate, and went to look for Sun Tzu’s files. Much to his dismay, he found that there were no records of Sun Tzu available.

  “Guan Yu, how come I can’t access anything on Sun Tzu?”

  “I believe some of the top brass aren’t available to be watched through this system.” Guan Yu responded.

  Baron continued, annoyed. “I searched up Zhuge Liang and Wu Qi, but they didn’t show up either. But, it looks like the co-leaders of the Yellow Wang faction are still available. I suppose I’ll take a look and see what they have to offer.”

  “Mmm.” Guan Yu responded absentmindedly as the simulation he’d chosen to observe, started.

  The replay system was rather simple and intuitive. One could choose how to view the battle, such as from a bird's eye view, or a specific soldier or strategist’s point of view. Basically any possible way one wanted to view it, one could.

  There was also a slider that could be used to speed up or slow down time, as well as skip functionality.

  In such a manner, the three watched sim after sim, hour after hour, until the Meng brothers stepped in. Although they didn’t have Guan Yu with them, the system had confirmed their relationship with Guan Yu, who was inside.

  “You guys are still here? Impressive.” Meng Yi said in wonder.

  “What? How long has it been?” Yue Fei asked.

  It’s been three whole days. Haven’t you missed us?” Meng Tian joked.

  “How about you two join us? I’m sure you guys would love this. To be able to peek inside the brains of our future competitors… it’s not a chance that comes every day.”

  “Fair enough. Come on, Meng Yi. Let’s join in.”

  And so, they spent the rest of their week of relaxation browsing the library of simulations. But, no matter how many they watched, their experience could only be used to familiarize themselves with others’ tactics. As for using these strategies themselves, that was a very risky endeavor.

  After all, one had to properly understand the ins and outs of the tactic in question to use it properly. They likely wouldn’t have time to steal any tactics for themselves — but it would be highly beneficial for them to familiarize themselves with them.

  At the very least, if they recognized the strategy when it was being used against them, they would have a better chance at countering properly.

  Even on their proclaimed “week off” the five held nothing but thoughts of battle and strategy in their minds. So much so, that they were unwilling to leave the Hall of Records even the time they’d originally set to leave came and went.

  And it made sense — these simulations, filled with endless theories regarding the art of war, were the best source of stimulation for their minds, that had grown accustomed to a certain norm.

  It was akin to being born anew as a military commander and strategist. On their way back to headquarters, they excitedly discussed new theories they’d gained from watching the simulations. And, of course, they quickly tested these new ideas. Most turned out to be no more than fancy ideas, but still, a few proved to be useful, well worth the time they’d spent in the Hall of Records.

  By the end, of course, they set out to test the results of their work. This time, though, it would be Meng Tian and Guan Yu against Meng Yi, Baron, and Yue Fei. In short, the two best generals, against the three weaker.

  As for the setting, they decided to make it a fully custom scenario — a million man army against a million man army, set in a randomly generated map.

  Chapter 61


  Since this battle wasn’t a simulation of a historical one, the two sides were able to build their own forces. As such, Meng Yi, Yue Fei, and Baron took a great deal of time planning the make of their army.

  Of course, the base of any army, no matter the time period, was the infantry.

  So, they ended up building half of their army with standard infantry, then spent the rest of their allotted “points” on heavy artillery, machines, and pilots. What little resource remained was put towards workers who would be tasked with producing weapons and the like.

  They also quickly decided that it would be best to split their duties. Baron and Yue Fei were tasked with offensive duties while Meng Yi was tasked with defense — he would be responsible for protecting their base.

  There were many things they needed to do during the preparatory period to prepare themselves. First, their main base was located in a valley, surrounded on all sides by mountains. So, they built outposts on the surrounding mountain peaks, so that they would have an advanced warning system in event of enemy attack. Second, they needed to properly prepare and train their soldiers. Given the rather unique terrain of the mountains surrounding the base, the troops needed to be trained in mountain warfare.

  While Meng Yi was in charge of the main base, the other two biggest bases would be under the command of Baron and Yue Fei, respectively — and were not far from the front lines. They would be responsible for most of the initial fighting.

  Baron and Yue Fei designed a training regiment for the various types of troops under their command. Pilots spent their time flying in the air, learning how to best use the mountains in the area to their advantage. Many of the other troops were given training in trench warfare and general battlefield skills. How to find cover in open land, how to tell where artillery was going to hit, and how to improve their aim. Things like that.

  They didn’t forget about another important aspect of the preparatory period — the planting of spies. This went both offensively and defensively. They worked to move as many spies as they could into the opposing army’s camp, but made sure to play their cards close to the vest — what if Guan Yu and Meng Tian’s spies were already in their camp?

  While the five generally understood each others’ tactics and habits, the opponent’s movements and reactions should never be assumed. This was apparent in the group simulation where Meng Tian and Baron had faced off against the other three — lulled into a false sense of security, their assumptions regarding the opposing generals had caused them to lose that simulation.

  In the end, as the simulation began, Yue Fei was the first to make a move. Given the amount of soldiers both sides had, they were spread about, covering incredible swaths of land. It was impossible for Guan Yu and Meng Tian to have full vision of their soldiers. So, he moved against a portion of the enemy’s defenses that he believed would be outside the vision of either Guan Yu or Meng Tian.

  In such a scenario, he would be able to, at least momentarily, hold the advantage.

  He and his troops made their way forward, and aside from a momentary lull in their initial push, were able to push past the opponent’s defenses and force them to surrender the base. After thinking about his options, Yue Fei promptly pushed forward and captured two more bases before quickly retreating with his soldiers and his newfound prisoners of war.

  Having made such massive moves, he was soon contacted by his two teammates.

  “What’s the situation, Yue Fei?” Baron asked.

  Meng Yi answered for Yue Fei, as he’d been watching from afar. “He pushed up quite far, but it didn’t seem that they were too keen on trying to stop him. It’s quite strange.”

  Yue Fei nodded. “I found this quite suspicious as well. I noticed that it was too easy
to push the first line of defense, so I wanted to test their goals. After three, though, I felt it apt to return to safety immediately.”

  Chapter 62


  Yue Fei returned to his base, all the while thinking as to why his opponents hadn’t reacted to his obvious provocations.

  It was possible that the three he’d attacked were fringe, strategically unimportant bases. But then, why even bother leaving that many soldiers there to defend them?

  It was also possible that Guan Yu and Meng Tian were targeting something that they felt was more important than the three bases they’d lost. But, what could they attack that was worth so much this early in the game?

  Was it his, or Baron’s base?

  Unsure of what exactly the situation was, Yue Fei put his thoughts aside for the time being, and decided to work with what he knew, and could control.

  He sent the prisoners he’d captured from the three defeated bases to work in manufacturing, creating weapons and blueprints for his soldiers. Yue Fei sent the prisoners that came from the 3 defeated bases to work in manufacturing weapons for Yue Fei’s soldiers. Though there weren’t many prisoners, this would be the first wave of many.

  Baron and Yue Fei waited a few more days to gauge Guan Yu, and Meng Tian’s reactions. But neither made a move. Keen to continue carving out small gains, Baron and Yue Fei soon began to consistently carve into Guan Yu and Meng Tian’s territory, slowly moving forward.

  But even after a month of continuous advances, Guan Yu and Meng Tian still hadn’t shown themselves. Given how strange this was, Baron and Yue Fei once again withdrew to their own territory, wary of potential attacks.

  It was then, that Guan Yu and Meng Tian appeared to make their first move. On their retreat back to their own territory, mortars continuously fired upon them — and each time soldiers and planes were sent to kill off the soldiers manning the mortars, more seemed to appear.

  Still, there weren’t too many casualties considering the situation, but their retreat back to their bases was greatly delayed, and the constant threat of death constantly tugged at the nerves of Baron’s and Yue Fei’s troops.


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