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Lake's Reign

Page 21

by A. E. D

  “Jesus Christ, Mase!” I can feel him tracing and poking each scratch. Grunting, I shrug him off. Those bitches sting!

  “When’s dinner?” I get straight to the point. The quickie I just had seems to have used up a lot of energy, leaving me starving.

  “You’re lucky, bitch. I just ordered pizza.” Nodding, I go and sit down on my favorite chair. As soon as I sit down my weight sinks into the cushioned seats like I’m sitting on a cloud. I eventually doze off, recharging my thoroughly used body.


  I wake up to the smell of pizza.

  My eyes snap open when I realize the smell is a lot closer than what it should be. The first thing I see is Monty’s face in front of me, smiling like a big idiot while he’s holding a piece of pizza literally right under my nose. Not being able to hold it in, he starts laughing his ass off. Snatching the piece out of his hand, I smash down the first slice before going for a second.

  “So...You gonna tell me what happened and where you’ve been? You’ve been shady these past few weeks.” I nod, finishing my third slice and grabbing a fourth as I start the story.

  “Well, you know how a few weeks ago when I went down to the club to chill out, well a miracle happened.” I say smiling like a Cheshire cat. Monty looks at me weirdly before motioning to continue.

  “An underage kid came into the club and-”

  “What!? Mason! You need to tighten up the security.” I wave my hand to stop him.

  “Let me finish, Mont. The kid came into the club with Jake. I told security to ring a guardian because the kid was drunk by the time I was made aware of the situation. Then she came. Like a fucking avenging angel, she stormed through the club, ripped the kid a new one and snapped Jakes arm in half. She was so beautiful.” I smile like an idiot thinking back to that night.

  “Who?” Now I grinned wickedly.

  “The Handler.” Monty’s jaw drops and his eyes seem to pop out of his head. I spend the next few hours telling him everything that happened since then. How I tracked her through the kid, how I stalked her out and then eventually met her face to face and of course, how I got these scratch marks.

  To say he was shocked would be an understatement.

  The idiot passed out.

  Chapter Thirty-Nine


  After Mason left I got ready for work. I didn’t wear my latex suit like I usually do. I usually wear that for when I’m working with my snakes. The material is kind of genetically modified with a few other materials so that if my snakes were to bite me, they won’t pierce through the material. Plus, it’s an easy outfit to clean. Things can get very messy from a poisonous snake bite. Choosing a pair of easily disposable black skinny jeans, my black boots and a black long-sleeved top. Grabbing my mirrored glasses, I head out.

  Taking my bike, I make my way to the location of the job for tonight. Like Joe’s, the room was setup in an interrogation way but as soon as I walked through the door, I was jumped, knocking me out straight away. I came too strapped to the chair that was in the interrogation room.

  There was no job tonight.

  It was all a ruse to get me here. I have a feeling Big Jim somehow found out that I’d killed his brother a few months ago. So, this was his way of getting revenge but I couldn’t be too sure. What he didn’t know was that I was trained in situations like this. Never handcuff someone to a chair, a simple thumb dislocation and I’m free.

  Which is exactly what I did. I didn’t have to wait long for the man himself to appear.

  “The invincible Handler at my mercy. Oh, how I’ve waited for this moment.” Jimmy said walking out from the shadows of the room.

  He was in his mid-fifties and was fairly built for his age. But like most men who’ve let the power go to their head, they forget about their health. They think they’re untouchable. So, he’s let himself go a bit. But what his disadvantage is, becomes my advantage.

  “James.” I greet him. I know he hates being called by his birth name. Though he's known as Jimmy, he wants everyone to call him Big Jim. But I need him to get him mad enough to get close to me. I’ve already dislocated my thumbs and broke loose of the cuffs the minute I came too. I popped my thumb back into place before I started my mission to get him mad. But with eight other men in the room to do his dirty work, I’m going to need to get him really mad. Clearly saying his name wasn’t enough when he motioned to one of his men. A fist flew out hitting me straight in the jaw. The throbbing pain vibrates the whole right side of my face. Just realizing now that they can see my face, my glasses must have fallen off when they knocked me out. Oh well, they were all going to anyways. I can already see the lust filling their eyes, but that will only distract them more.

  “Maybe I’ll have some fun with you before I kill you.” He says rubbing his crotch, growing hard just at the thought.

  I laugh.

  “That would only be fitting. I mean, I did have fun with your brother before I killed him. Do you want to know what he did before he died? He cried like a little bitch. A big strong man like that cried his poor little heart out, begging me to not kill him. He sang like a bird too. Such a shame you had such an unloyal bitch of a brother.” Ah, there it is. Untamed rage courses through him. He’s looking at me like a bull to a red flag. I blow him a kiss, succeeding in pissing him off completely.

  He stalks forward grabbing my throat with one hand as the other rains down on my stomach and ribs repeatedly. I take every hit he gives me and like the rest of the men, he’s unaware that I’ve grabbed his gun from the front band of his pants.

  Resting the barrel of the gun against his crotch, he freezes mid strike. He goes deathly white when his bulging eyes look down at me. Smirking up at him, I pull the trigger. He crashes down against the floor screaming as his hands grab his crotch, blood spilling out everywhere. As if time freezes, the men stand still. They stare at their boss who’s screaming on the ground in agony before they all look up at me in union and all at once, they charge.

  I unload the rest of the gun into the head of two guys before a third knocks the gun out of my hand. Now I use my fists. I punch the third guy in the throat before grabbing the knife that’s still strapped to my leg and plunging it into his heart.

  Why would they not take my weapons? Fucking idiots.

  A punch to my back sends me flying forward, landing on the guy I just stabbed. Pulling the knife out I fling it behind me with a precision shot with the knife piercing the middle of the guys neck. Four down, four to go. A boot lands down on my foot hard. I scream out as the pain resonates up my leg. It’s not broken but severely twisted or sprained. I’ve had many broken bones before to know what they feel like. The same guy that stood on my foot, pulls me up by my hair and dangles me in the air like a trophy. The three other men crowd around me, each taking a turn in punching me like a punching bag. Taking every hit, I braced myself before I turned my head, spitting a mouthful of blood into the eyes of the guy who’s holding me up. He lets me go to wipe his eyes, sending me crashing to the ground. Using my good foot, I kick out, hitting the knee of a man behind me. It snaps backwards, making him drop to the ground screaming as he clutches the broken leg. I quickly turn around and grab the gun at his waist. Quickly pulling the trigger, I kill him and manage to get another guy down before a kick to my back sends me face planting the ground. Before I can even lift my arm up to shoot the last two men, a foot slams down on my right arm, snapping my forearm in half. Knowing it’s broken, I only have a matter of time before they get the jump on me completely. Breathing in, I use the last of my strength to roll onto my back and shoot the last two guys. I crawl over to the last guy that’s still breathing. Holding his chest where the gunshot wounds are, I pull one hand away, rolling him onto his stomach. I pull his arm back and place my knee between his shoulder blades.

  “This is for my arm.” I say into his ear before pulling his arm backwards, successfully breaking his arm instead of dislocating it. You know what they say, an eye for an eye.
/>   Slowly standing up, I limp out of the room as best as I can. I’ll have to come back for my bike. There’s no way I can drive tonight and there’s absolutely no way I’ll ring Keenan. After his reaction to my past he’s been clingier and more worried. Which I don’t mind, but I don’t want to hurt him more by him seeing me like this. I think I need a few days away to heal first.

  But where too?

  Limping down the industrial area of New York, I can see the city in the distance. A house comes into view with clothes hung out on the clothesline in the backyard. Hobbling over, I grab a grey hoodie that’s been hung up to dry. Luckily, it’s not wet anymore so I won’t freeze on this chilly night. Slowly putting it on, being careful of my broken arm and bruised ribs, I get it on, zipping it up to cover my dirtied and ripped shirt. Since it’s somewhere after midnight, I’m not worried about being caught or seen. I might come across one or two people but at least with this hoodie it will help conceal the blood splattered all over my clothes.

  After a while I can start to feel myself become slower and slower with every step I take. I look down at my hands, noticing the colour had drained from them. I chalked it up to the shock of my body from the broken arm and sprained foot. I had taken quite a beating tonight so it’s only natural that I would feel this way.

  Not long after, I noticed I’m in a familiar neighborhood. I know I said I’d never come back here but I know I will definitely not make it back to my place. I want to spare Keenan from seeing me this way.

  Pushing myself further, I walk up the three steps of the apartment building. With my vision beginning to blur, I go to press the apartment button but I slip and press a different one.

  “Shit.” I was about to turn around and walk away when an older man's voice came through the speaker.

  “Hello?” I guess he can help.

  “Hi, sorry I lost my key and my boyfriend’s at work so he can’t buzz me in.” I say trying to sound cheery but I just end up sounding tired instead.

  “No problem, dear.” He hangs up and a buzzing sound fills the area.

  Pushing the door open I make my way up the three flights of stairs. Struggling to breathe as I make my way to the door, I knock and wait for the door to open.

  But it doesn’t.

  Figuring he’s at work I pull my knife out and proceed to unlock the door, effectively breaking into the only apartment I thought I’d never go back to.

  Dr Jordan James.

  Chapter Forty


  It’s been four days since I’ve last seen Lake. I’m worried something really bad has happened to her. I woke up the next day to check on her and she wasn’t home. I checked inside her place and her bed wasn’t even touched and the leftover take out we had for lunch the day before was still out on the kitchen bench. I thought maybe she was still out on a job.

  Since it was Sunday, I didn’t have school so I waited in her place all day but she never came home. When it got dark, I decided to sleep on the couch so that I’ll wake up when she comes in.

  But she never did.

  I found her phone on her bed so calling her was pointless. By the time Thursday came around she hadn’t been home for five days. Now being Friday, I couldn’t concentrate on school at all. I grew increasingly worried about her. I haven’t been able to drink or even sleep and you can tell. It’s taken a toll on my body. There are dark marks underneath my eyes from the lack of sleep and I don’t have any energy at the moment from the little food I’ve been consuming.

  Resting my head against the school desk, I zone out of the class. My English teacher just walked in and I already know he’ll be putting me to sleep soon enough. He’ll probably be doing me a favor to be honest but I can’t let myself fall asleep. Well, I actually do want to sleep but my mind is so worried from the stress of not knowing how Lake is, that I’ve found it impossible to sleep.

  “Hey, Keenan.” I start to think that I’ve actually fallen asleep. There’s no way the person who just spoke to me is actually here right now.

  Lifting my head, Ruby comes into my vision, standing by my desk looking as beautiful as always. Wearing a fitted black and white striped long-sleeved top, tucked into a black mid-thigh length skirt sitting at her waist with a light brown belt holding them in place. Her beautiful legs are in black stockings with thigh high black socks over the top, finished with a pair of black Dr Martens and a black scarf. God, she is the girl of my dreams. Her fiery red hair pulled up in a messy bun that I love seeing. Her silver septum piercing sitting proud on her face and I notice she’s gotten a new piercing in both her cheeks, making it look like she has dimples. I feel my heart beating harder just from her presence alone. I love her style and even her piercings. When she first came to school with her nose done, a few girls and even some of the guys were giving her shit about it. I set those whores straight who thought they were prettier than her and gave a few black eyes to the guys that thought they could degrade her. She always looks so cute and trendy and today she’s decided to come speak to me. I’ve only dreamt about this moment like a thousand times.

  “R..Ruby? Uh, what can do for you? I mean, what can I do for you?” Fucking hell Keenan. Get a grip of yourself! She’s going to think you’re some stupid idiot who can’t talk properly. Maybe that’s why she didn’t text you back. You didn’t speak to her at the diner. Maybe she thinks you're not interested.

  She giggles, brushing a fallen strand of hair behind her ear. I see a blush spreading across her face and I couldn’t help but stare. If I have to, I would scream to the world just how beautiful she is.

  “Can I sit here?” She points to the empty seat beside me. I try to hide my blush as I pull the empty chair out, letting her sit down. She sits, placing her black bag beside our two chairs. I see her taking a breath to calm down and I smile, knowing I’m doing the exact same thing.

  “I’m sorry I haven’t texted you. I just got really busy at work. We had two people quit and I had to take on extra shifts. I had to do my homework and assignments during my lunch breaks at school because I had no time.” She blushes, looking down at her hands that are fidgeting together on top of the desk. Still smiling, liking how she was worried about something as little as this.

  “It’s okay. I’ve actually been pretty busy myself these last few weeks. I haven’t really been on my phone or even hung out with anyone.” I say because it’s the truth. When I first spotted Mason weeks ago when he started following Lake, I started keeping tabs on him. I didn’t have time for anyone else until I knew Lake was okay.

  She breathes out a deep breath, only confirming my suspicions of her worrying about it.

  “I like your new piercings. They’re cute.” I say, trying to calm down the raging blush I feel burning my cheeks. It doesn’t matter because she had her own blush just as red as mine on her cheeks from my compliment.

  “Thank you. You going to beat up anyone who doesn’t like these ones?” She asks smiling cheekily.

  “Uhh, you know about that.” It’s useless trying not to blush around her now but her giggles make it so worth it.

  “I did, Amber and her little posse also told me what you said to them. They weren’t too happy about what THE Keenan said to them.” I laugh, knowing full well I’ve been caught.

  “To answer your question, yes. Yes, I will beat the shit out of anyone who tries to hurt you. Whether that would be physical or not. You’re too beautiful to be hurt like that.” I say honestly. This is the first time I’ve ever really spoken to her and I’m surprised by how easy it is.

  She shyly smiles but I can see the happiness in her eyes. Reaching down into her bag, she pulls out her phone and begins to text someone. I figured she was done talking to me so I faced the front, getting ready to lean my head back down when I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket. Thinking it might be Lake, I quickly pulled it out, only to stop confused at the unknown number that appeared on my screen. It wasn’t until I read the message that I knew who it was from.

  [You can pr
otect me anytime <3]

  Smiling widely my eyes find Ruby’s, seeing her looking at me while blushing hard.

  “Ty devushka moyey mechty.” Telling her she’s the girl of my dreams, I watch her cute face scrunch up in confusion.

  “What does that mean?” She asks sweetly.

  “I’ll tell you one day.” I say looking into her eyes before looking at the teacher when he calls for the class's attention.


  During class a thunderstorm rolled in. Thunder and lightning crashed through the sky as rain pelted against the windows. It kind of felt like the weather was portraying how I felt. At one point the thunder was so close it made the windows shake. I noticed Ruby got incredibly quiet and begin watching the windows every second. After realizing she’s afraid of thunderstorms, I slid my chair closer to hers, putting my arm around her shoulders and bringing her into me. She jumped at first but then began to calm down pretty quickly. I found myself loving the feeling of having her in my arms. I always pictured it but I didn’t realize it would feel this good. Sitting up the back of the classroom we didn’t have to worry about other kids seeing us this close. Not that I cared but I just had to do something. She was terrified. Even the teacher was a bit afraid. He ended up telling us to do our assignments before he sat down at his desk at the front of the classroom and putting his earphones in.

  Noticing we only had a few minutes left of class, I couldn’t let this opportunity go to waste.

  “Ty mne nravish'sya, Ruby.” I thought telling her I like her in Russian would help give me some confidence to say it a second time.

  And I was right, it did.

  “I like you, Ruby. I’d like to take you on a date.” I say confidently. My confidence was rewarded by a bright smile.


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