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Boyfriend Emergency

Page 4

by Rheland Richmond

  “You know we could watch TV and have wine after…” Before Rafe even finish speaking, Carter had leaned over and placed the wine and his glass down on the bedside table and pounced on Rafe.

  Rafe’s shock lasted only a moment before he wrapped his arms around Carter’s waist and pulled him on top of him.

  “I guess this means the wine will wait till later.” Rafe laughed as he started running his hands up and down Carter’s back until they were finally low enough that he grabbed two handfuls of his plump ass and squeezed. “I’ve been wanting to do more than just kiss you all through dinner.”

  Carter let out a groan and ground his hardened cock against Rafe’s straining erection. “I want to taste you,” he said, looking at Rafe with pleading eyes.

  Rafe started nibbling on Carter’s earlobe and replied, “Only if I get a taste of you after.”

  That was all the permission Carter needed before he slowly moved down Rafe’s body, touching and kissing the exposed flesh of his chest, stopping to nibble on one of the nipples before he made his way to where Rafe’s cock was tenting his pants.

  Carter lightly ran his hand from the base to the tip and slowly swirled his finger over the head while grinning up at Rafe.

  “Stop teasing,” Rafe protested between moans.

  Carter chuckled and leaned forward, kissing up the fabric covering his prize as his hands worked at the button on Rafe’s pants, finally popping it open. Locking eyes with Rafe, Carter pulled the zipper down and yanked the pants off, tossing them carelessly to the floor.

  Once Rafe was left only in his boxers, Carter stood up from the bed.

  “Hey!” Rafe said with a pout.

  Carter chuckled and silenced any further protests by leaning over and covering his mouth in a kiss.

  Carter’s eyes were full of lust as he stood and pulled Rafe into a sitting position.

  Rafe swung his legs over the side of the bed and pulled Carter towards him, trapping him in place between his thighs as he nibbled his bottom lip

  Carter slowly knelt down on the floor and grabbed his boxers, never breaking eye contact, and quickly slid them down to release Rafe’s impressive cock. Licking his lips, Carter wrapped his hand around the base and lifted it up so the tip of Rafe’s erection was at his lips. He stuck his tongue out to lick the precum leaking from the slit like it was his favorite popsicle. He lowered his mouth over Rafe’s cock, starting at the head and slowly taking more in.

  “Oh my God, Carter,” Rafe groaned, bucking his hips once towards Carter who slid his tongue up and down Rafe's shaft.

  Rafe made several incoherent noises and Carter slipped his lips off with an audible pop and was just about to go pull Rafe’s cock back into his mouth when there was another knock on the door.

  “Dammit,” Carter groaned. He stood back to his feet. “Let me get rid of them,” he said. He walked over to the door and opened it up. “I told you…” His words died when he saw Adrian standing there and not the bellboy as he expected.

  “Hey, Carter. I hate to bother you, but we really need to talk.”

  “This really is not a good time,” Carter said.

  Adrian looked down at Carter’s bare chest and he nodded. “I can see that, but it really can't wait. Please.”

  Carter looked behind him, unable to catch a glimpse of Rafe, but that was a good thing. it would have been awkward beyond words if Adrian was able to see Rafe, cock out… Plus, he didn’t want anyone to see Rafe… he was Carter’s now.

  He turned back to Adrian. “Give me a minute.”

  Adrian nodded and then stepped back from the door. Carter went back into the room to find Rafe already had his pants back on.

  “You need to talk to him,”Rafe said to him.

  He groaned. “I don't want to. I want to stay here with you.”

  Rafe shook his head. “You have unfinished business. So I think you better talk to him.”

  Carter could see Rafe meant what he said. “I won't be long,” he replied and placed a kiss on Rafe’s lips.

  Rafe nodded and Carter grabbed his shirt and put it back on. He quickly buttoned up and stepped back in the hallway, which he had to look up and down before he found Adrian leaning against the wall. He was several rooms down from his, so Carter just shrugged, walked down, and leaned against the opposite wall.

  “What do you want, Adrian?” Carter asked.

  Adrian shook his head. “I fucked up.”

  Carter didn’t say a word.

  “I cheated on you. I broke your heart, and I wound up ruining the best thing that ever happened to me.” Adrian paused, and breathed in deeply. “I knew you would be here, and I brought Taylor here just to make you jealous.”

  “You did what?” Carter asked, brow raised.

  Adrian heaved another sigh. “Taylor and I have been seeing each other, but I've known for a while that he isn't you. No one I've ever met is you. I love you, Carter, and I ruined that. I ruined our chances at happiness. I don't even know if I can get your forgiveness. I don't deserve it. I don't even know if I can forgive myself.”

  “Wow!” Carter stared at his ex. He had been hoping that one day Adrian would come to him and say that he had royally screwed up, but he never thought he’d live to see the day, though, no matter how much he wanted it.

  “Now, you and Rafe are together and I have lost you… right? It hurts me more than you realize.”

  Carter watched Adrian as he spoke, and he sounded sincere, which was out of character for him.

  “Rafe and I aren't together,” he blurted. When Adrian started to open his mouth, Carter put up his hand to stop him. “That is… we weren't together. He was only trying to help me out, and I was trying to make you jealous and show you I had moved on, but then something happened tonight, something shifted, and I started to see him as someone that I really could be with. So, while we weren't initially together… I think we just might be working our way to getting there.”

  Adrian's eyes fell to the floor. Several long minutes passed, and then he looked up. “Are you sure? I'm asking you to take me back and for you to let me prove to you that I can change. I know you don't see it now, but I can and I have and I still am very much in love with you. I even sent the wine to your room hoping that it would be a start.”

  Carter finally heard the words he’d been hoping all along to hear, and all it did was make him sad that it had taken so long… but he was also relieved. He was moving on and not looking back.

  “You truly hurt me, Adrian,” Carter made sure to look him in the eye as he spoke, “And believe it or not, I’ve wanted to hear you say that since the day you walked out of our home. But you made me see that I do deserve to be happy and that I shouldn't settle for anything less, and I owe that to you. A part of me will always love you, but I’m not in love with you anymore.” Carter looked in the direction of his room, then back at the man before him. “Too much has happened between us, and we can't go back. I don't want to go back. I want to move forward.”

  “And by moving forward, you mean towards Rafe?” Adrian’s voice wasn’t as soft as before.

  Carter thought about it and then nodded. “Yes. I am going to give it a go with Rafe. It may not work out or...” He shrugged. “All I know is he makes me feel… he makes me happy.”

  He took a step towards Adrian. “You deserve happiness too.” He put a hand out for a handshake, but Adrian simply looked at his outstretched hands. Carter shrugged and put his hand down, “But for us… it's goodbye.”

  Carter realized he’d meant every word. He was over Adrian and he was open to whatever Rafe and he could be.

  “He’ll leave you,” Adrian threw at his retreating back. “He’ll see what I saw one day and he’ll leave, and you’ll crawl back to me.”

  Carter ignored him. Maybe he was right. Rafe might leave him, but he didn’t care. He was going to take the leap. Besides, Adrian just reminded him how much of a favor he’d done by walking out.

  When he entered his room, it was with r
enewed hope inside of him. Carter was overjoyed to find that Rafe was still there and seated on his bed.

  He stood up, but his eyes didn't meet Carter's.

  Carter felt a knot form in his belly when Rafe wouldn’t look up at him. “I need to talk to you.”

  Rafe turned back to him and smiled, but it wasn’t his usual smile, the one he’d come to expect that brightened the whole place. “I think I already know what you've decided.”

  Carter frowned. “You do?”

  Rafe nodded. “What we had wasn't real, so it's clear that you chose to get back with Adrian.” Rafe shrugged. “You were going to marry the guy; it only makes sense.”

  Carter reached out and touched Rafe's hand and then linked their fingers. “It's true that we were going to get married, but I'm not getting back together with him.”

  Rafe finally met his gaze.

  “I would like us to see where things go.” Carter bit his lip. “If you're up for that.”

  Rafe's eyes widened and he pulled Carter into his body. “Really?”

  Carter smiled and nodded. “I am positive. I am ready for a new beginning.” He leaned in and kissed Rafe. “In case I wasn’t clear, I meant with you.”

  Rafe leaned in for another kiss.

  They could have easily gotten right back to where they left off, but Carter was hesitant, so he pulled back slowly from the kiss.

  “What's wrong?” Rafe asked.

  “I don't want to rush things.” He bit his lip wondering if he should say this, but he figured he should start things differently this time, namely speaking his mind. “I want us to both be sure before we jump into anything…”

  He looked away feeling silly.

  “Talk to me, Carter.” Rafe used his finger to turn Carter’s head to face him.

  “I was thinking that we should hang out the rest of this seminar. We only have one more full day left.” He paused as a thought occurred to him. “Did you drive?”

  Rafe shook his head. “No, I flew up.”

  He nodded. “I drove. So, what do you think about driving back to LA with me? We can talk, just us, and get to know each other better. Maybe stop along the way and start making our own memories.”

  Rafe nodded his agreement. “Let's do it.”

  Carter couldn't wait to see what the trip back to LA would bring, and he was ready to do things the right way this time. That meant not rushing things and ending up in the same place that he’d landed with Adrian.

  Things with Rafe would be a whole lot better… he hoped.



  Rafe was grateful that the last day at the convention had been a full day of seminars because it didn't allow much time for Carter and him to spend time together… horizontal time, that was. But, to make up for it, they’d sat together at all the seminars they’d overlapped on.

  Still, at the end of the day, they’d both been too tired, and it didn't allow much time for any intimate moments, although they’d still made out like teenagers at the door.

  It had been difficult to leave Carter at his door the night before, but Rafe had to. If he’d stayed any longer, they’d have wound up in bed and they’d already decided to take things slow.

  Rafe just had to keep telling himself that the next day they were headed back to LA, and hopefully, it would just be the beginning for them.

  Rafe looked at his room one last time to make sure he hadn’t left anything behind, then made his way down to the lobby. He spotted Carter sitting with an opened a box of donuts and was in the middle of eating one before Rafe joined him. He’d grabbed a donut and smiled.

  “Hey there!” Rafe took a bite so he wouldn't give in to the urge to kiss Carter.

  Suddenly, Carter started laughing. “You know, I said we should take it slow… not non-existent.”

  When Rafe swallowed the contents of his mouth, Carter stepped into his arms and kissed him.

  Rafe had a huge smile as they parted. “You are so damn sexy.”

  Carter laughed. “You're the sexy one. Did you see how Taylor kept looking at you.”

  “I hadn’t noticed since my eyes were on someone else.” Rafe watched as Carter’s cheeks heated at his words, and he loved that they did. He leaned in and they kissed again.

  When they pulled back, Rafe asked, “Ready?”

  Carter’s lips lifted and he nodded. They each took their luggage, with Carter carrying the box of donuts under one arm. They left the hotel and Carter motioned to where he was parked.

  The walk over to his car was in comfortable silence, and when they got there, Carter popped the trunk with his keyfob while Rafe picked their luggage up and put the cases inside.

  “Thank you.” Carter said, his eyes shining.

  Rafe was taken aback by how grateful Carter looked just because he’d helped him with his luggage, and it occurred to him that maybe he’d never had that.

  Once he closed the trunk, Rafe got in the passenger seat, and when Carter got in the car, he turned and faced him from the driver’s seat. “Okay… first test.”

  Rafe groaned, but chuckled, brow raised. “Test?”

  Carter laughed. “If you had to choose a radio station, would you choose Pop, Rock and Roll, Country, or Opera?”

  Rafe laughed. “Oh… Opera… hands down.”

  Carter raised his eyebrow. “I’m going to assume that you're teasing.”

  Rafe nodded. “I’m into all of it. Okay, not so much opera… but I also listen to a lot of Afropop and rap.”

  Carter smiled. “Good choices.” When he turned on the radio, it was already on a Rock station. He smirked as Rafe started to jam to the song as he put the car in drive.

  “I can’t wait to hear all about you growing up. I bet it was so much fun.”

  “It was. I have friends all over the world. I went to international schools, so my friends are everywhere.”

  “That’s amazing.” Carter glanced his way for a moment.

  “Yeah, maybe one day we could go to Ghana together. It gorgeous. And Lagos in Nigeria is the real city that never sleeps.”

  “I would love to.” Carter glanced his way again. “I really would.”

  “I would love to share it with you.” Rafe knew he had a loopy grin on his face.

  “Do I get a question now?” Rafe asked as they started the drive through wine country.

  “Of course!”

  “What is 90,000 divided by 125,000?” Carter tossed a glance in his direction, brow raised, and Rafe burst out laughing. “I'm kidding.”

  “I would hope so.” Carter rolled his eyes, but he was laughing.

  “Okay, so here's the real question… favorite movie?”

  “Depends. I love a good Rom-Com, and I’ll watch almost anything with Sandra Bullock, but then I love an action movie when I need white noise.”

  Rafe nodded. “I’m more of a TV-show guy… I watch a lot of reruns.”

  Carter looked in his direction. “Really?”

  “I think I’ve watched Big Bang Theory a thousand times, but I love a good rom-com.”

  “Who’s your fave duo? Mine is Adam Sandler and Drew Barrymore.”

  “Mine is Matthew McConaughey and Kate Hudson.” Rafe said.

  “Huh… interesting,” Carter said.

  Rafe glanced at him out of the corner of his eye. “How so?”

  Carter snickered. “I think we may need to have a movie off.”

  Rafe grinned. “Don’t tell me you think 50 First Dates wins over How to Lose a Guy in 10 Days.”

  “Is that going to start our movie off? I think we have to settle this, even if we have to watch all their movies over several days. Might even have to watch them twice.”

  When their eyes met, Carter’s were lit up. “You’re on.”

  Rafe settled in for the rest of the seven-hour trip, ready to just get to know one another and find out each other's quirks, habits, likes, and dislikes. He looked forward to making the most of the trip, and it was going to go way too fast.

  By the time Carter drove into LA, Rafe and he had learned everything from their favorites in food to their favorite subjects in college. They didn't miss any details, and Rafe was more intrigued by the orthopedic surgeon now than he had been when he’d seen him around the hospital. They had a lot in common, and he felt more of a connection with him than anybody else he’d ever dated in his life. It cemented his initial feelings from when he’d first observed Carter—he was special. And he couldn't wait to start a future with Carter in it.

  They were just ten minutes from his home when Carter blurted out, “So, uhh... we should probably make plans for our movie marathon.”

  Rafe laughed. At least he knew the man wanted to see him again and they were on the same page. “Just say when. We could start now.”

  They were minutes from his place, they had just gotten started, and he wasn’t ready to say goodbye yet.

  “I do have my toothbrush,” Carter replied.

  “I’m taking that as a you’re staying over.” Rafe couldn’t stop the smile from spreading across his face. “There’s a mall not far from here if you need to get clothes.”

  “How long are you trying to keep me at your place for?”

  When Rafe studied Carter’s face, he didn’t look like he was complaining about it.

  “As long as possible,” Rafe said. He was relieved to get the confirmation.

  Carter couldn't have driven any faster than if he would have been on a hovercraft. They made excellent time and didn't even bother getting the luggage before they jumped out of the car and hurried towards the front door. Rafe had the keys in hand and got the door opened without dropping them.

  The minute they were behind closed doors, they were on one another and shirts were flying off.

  “Lead the way,” Carter moaned between his lips. They continued to kiss all the way down the hall and into Rafe’s bedroom. They lost the rest of their clothing at record speed, leaving a trail back to the foyer. By the time they were actually in the room, they were both naked and ready, and Rafe was never more glad to have gotten a bungalow.

  Rafe pulled from the kiss and flipped Carter around so his back was to him. He kissed a path down the back of Carter’s neck to his shoulder blade, and as he pulled him flush with his body, his hard cock pressed into the cleft of Carter’s ass. He traced his nails down Carter’s chest, swirling over his nipples before reaching his stomach, where he paused only a moment before wrapping his hand around Carter’s cock while using the other hand to massage his balls.


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