Shifted (The Undari Trilogy Book 1)

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Shifted (The Undari Trilogy Book 1) Page 17

by Sarah Reeves

  “I know this is stupid, but I really don’t feel like I belong here.” Alex eased her feelings with a small laugh. “This is too much like the first day at a new school. ‘Will the other kids like me’ and all that.”

  “You’re not here to make friends, Alex. You’re here to train. Let’s go.” Adrien turned and passed through the fiery curtain, and after a few seconds, Alex did too. Her stomach took one flip as she took in her surroundings.

  Swords flashed and clanged against each other, throwing off sparks. Students Shifted into imps, salamanders, giant dogs, and other creatures. Others still conjured their power in varying degrees. Some were playfully throwing spheres of fire back and forth, some were sparring with both flame and weapons. Some were doing nothing but meditating. The combination of light, noise and the scent of sweat and heated metal was overwhelming for Alex, and she stood there staring at it all until she felt Adrien tug on her arm.

  “This way,” she said. “You won’t be doing any of that yet.” She led Alex down a long and dim hallway, lit with torches. “Everyone who isn’t doing anything physical goes here, to the library. It has all the information you need to get started. We’ll start you there for a few hours, then do some training down in the Arena.” They emerged into the library, and Alex had to stop again. This time it was with awe rather than intimidation.

  What struck Alex first was the quiet. She couldn’t hear any of what was going on in the Arena, and for that she was grateful. The second thing was the sheer size of the library itself. Everything in the entire building seemed to be so large. Shelves upon shelves of books extended three stories up. Each story seemed to be about twenty or so feet in height; Alex had to tilt her head back to see it all. Rolling ladders gave scholars access to the higher novels while gleaming spiral staircases provided passage between floors. In between the bookcases, there were desks with comfy looking chairs, occupied by students engrossed in their studies. There were a few whispered conversations here and there, but no other noise was made, save for the constant rustle of turning pages and the scratching of pen on paper. Alex breathed in the scent of old books, delighted. She much preferred this over the training going on outside.

  “You know, you don’t have to stop and stare every time we walk into a room.” Adrien sounded exasperated, but when Alex turned her head, she was smiling. “I did the same thing when I first saw this place. I was five years old, and constantly in trouble for reading during classes.” For some reason, Alex couldn’t imagine a young Adrien. “Come. We’ll find a place to sit, and you can begin your studies.”

  “Quick question,” began Alex as they wound their way to an unoccupied table. “Where are we supposed to eat, and sleep? Surely the Undari here run off of those things. I don’t think I could function if they didn’t at least have coffee.”

  Adrien rolled her eyes, and motioned for Alex to sit. “They have places for us to stay, and food to eat. You’ll be fine. Stay here.” She disappeared into the throng of books. Alex stayed, taking in her surroundings bit by bit. The books nearest to her looked to be very old, but their bindings were brightly colored. She was reminded of others she had seen in museums back home. She looked to what she believed was the center of the library and sighed at the enormous glass and wood chandelier hanging there. I could get used to this, she thought.

  “You look starstruck.” A drawling and unfamiliar voice made Alex jump, and she turned to see a boy roughly her age watching her with amusement. “Haven’t you ever been to the library before?”

  “I have,” retorted Alex. “I just really like this place, that’s all.” She watched warily as the boy sat down in front of her. He had an unhurried demeanor about him. Alex didn’t want to be, but she was mystified. Eyes exactly the color of thunderclouds watched her from beneath tousled chestnut hair, and his full mouth smiled lazily at her.

  “I’m Kieran,” he said.

  “Good for you.” Alex wasn’t sure if she wanted to talk to Kieran or tell him to get lost. The fact that he was very handsome was not making her decision any easier.

  “Usually when one introduces himself to a stranger, it follows logically that they in turn would tell that person their name.” Kieran seemed to be on the verge of laughter. “But I’ll make this easy for you: I’m Kieran, what’s your name?”

  “Alexandra,” Alex answered through gritted teeth. Cute or not, this guy seemed like a douche.

  “Well, Alexandra,” he said, leaning forward. “What brings you to the library?”

  “Same as you. I’m studying.”

  “You might be here for that, but I’m not.” At Alex’s frown, he elaborated. “I was on my way through here to get to the Arena, but then I saw you looking like you’d never seen a book before. I had to make sure you weren’t lost or something.” He gave her a considering look. “I’ve never seen you before, are you from around here?”

  “I don’t think that’s any of your business.” Alex cast her eyes around, searching for Adrien, but didn’t see her.

  “So defensive,” answered Kieran, a crooked grin pulling at his lips. “You’re very interesting, Alexandra.” He stood up and stretched, and Alex quickly looked away from the ripple of muscle in his arms. “I hope I get the chance to train with you soon.” He sauntered away. Not even ten seconds later, Adrien came around the bookshelf to Alex’s left, carrying a large stack of books. Alex breathed a sigh of relief as the books thudded down in front of her.

  “You okay?” asked Adrien.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” Alex lied. “It’s still hitting me that we’ve travelled to a completely different dimension, and it’s normal to do that now.”

  “Get used to it,” answered her mentor with a smile. “We’re going to be doing it a lot. Here are some books for you to read. They cover the development and use of your power, and a more in depth history of our race. Understandably, I couldn’t find anything more than theoretical books on multiple powers and Forms, since you are the first of your kind to exist. Read, absorb, learn. Let me know if you have any questions. I’ll be over there.” She pointed to another table, where an elderly someone was already sitting. “He’s one of the Chief Scholars here. I have some questions for him.” With that, she turned and walked away. Alex watched her go. She sat down next to the scholar, who hadn’t taken his eyes off of Alex since she had looked over. There was an unreadable expression on his face. Adrien started talking to him in a low voice, and he turned away from Alex to reply.

  Alex shook her head and grabbed the first book from the pile in front of her. The Undari Race and its Roots was the title. She opened it, and began to read.

  Several minutes later, she was a couple chapters in and reading avidly. There was so much information, so much to learn that it made her head swim. She was sure that when she closed her eyes, there would be words shimmering behind her eyelids. She read about the beginning of the race, archaic battles and religious spats. Interactions with humans that mistook the Undari for gods and fantastical creatures. For Alex, it was interesting to see how the history of her race (she was just starting to think of it that way, and it hurt her head a little) lined up with humanity’s version of it. She let out a laugh when she read about Aphrodite being from the realm of water, and that was the reason she was depicted as rising out of the sea. She was completely engrossed, so much so that she didn’t realize hours had passed until a certain gray eyed douchebag showed back up. He watched her for a few minutes before she realized he was there, and she looked up to meet his gaze.

  “You’re really into that book,” he said as a greeting. He was coated in a thin layer of sweat, and there was soot on his cheek that Alex found infuriatingly endearing. “What’s it about?”

  “History,” she answered, inwardly cheering at how cool and controlled her voice sounded.

  “History, huh? I never liked history.” He sat down again, not seeming to care that he was still sweating.

  “Is that because you’re more into fighting and jock things?” Jock things?
Alex scoffed at herself.

  “Nope. It’s because I’m more into science. Fighting and using my power is fun and all, but science is better.” Alex wished he would rub the ash off his face. “I especially like learning about how our molecules change during the Shift.”

  Despite herself, Alex leaned forward. “I think that’s cool too. I mean, our DNA makeup changes. Essentially, we’re all polyploids.” She caught Kieran’s look of confusion. “Polyploidy? Multiple sets of chromosomes? Aren’t you a science nerd or something?”

  “Yeah, but I didn’t really expect you to know what that was.” His answer nearly made Alex grind her teeth. He saw her eyes flash and grinned. “Calm down, I’m only joking. Despite the fact that you looked like you didn’t read much when I first saw you, it’s pretty easy to see that you’re at least somewhat intelligent. Somewhat.” His grin widened when Alex just glared at him. “Jeez, can’t you take a joke?”

  “I can,” said Alex through gritted teeth. “When they come from people I enjoy talking to.”

  “Ouch.” Kieran laughed out loud at this. “Are you always so prickly to people you don’t know?”

  “Not always.”

  “Then why is it that you’re being so mean to me? I haven’t done anything to you.”

  “Well,” said Alex. “You’ve made the impression that you’re a world class dick.”

  Kieran’s eyes went wide with shock, and he laid his hand over his heart. “I can’t believe this. Such language. Here I am, trying to have a nice conversation, and I’m being called a dick. I’m shocked, Alexandra.”

  Alex smiled in spite of herself. “Maybe we did get off on the wrong foot. Let’s start over, yeah?” She held out her hand. “I go by Alex.”

  Kieran took her hand and shook it. “I go by Kieran. Only the friends that don’t call me a dick get to call me Ky.” He winked at her. “I can make an exception, though.”

  “No need. I’ll keep calling you Kieran. Or Douche. Depends on my mood.” Alex grinned again.

  “Downgrading from dick, I see. Douche it is.” Kieran rubbed his face, and the soot finally disappeared. “I suppose I should call you something other than Alex, then.”

  “What are you going to call me?”

  “I’ll think of something. It’ll be a lot better than Douche, though. What are you doing later?” he asked suddenly.

  “She’s training.” Adrien strode up to the table and looked down at Kieran, her face impassive. “Who are you?”

  “I’m Kieran. Who are you?” Kieran lost his snarky attitude, and Alex saw him tense slightly.

  “I’m Alexandra’s mother. And she will be training later. Alone.” She gave Alex a pointed look. “In the meantime, she needs to eat. We’re leaving,” she added to the younger woman. “Let’s go.”

  Alex stood up, and gathered the books on the table. “See you, Douche.”

  He wiggled his fingers, grey eyes glittering. “See you.”

  Adrien rolled her eyes and took some of the books from Alex, walking in between bookshelves to put them away while her student followed her. She didn’t say anything for a moment.

  “Are you going to tell me that I can’t make friends while I’m training here?” Alex asked.

  “No,” sighed Adrien. “I’m going to tell you to be careful, and to keep your guard up. The last thing we need is for you to get too comfortable with someone and it be the person that tells everyone what you are.”

  “I get that.” Alex placed a book in Adrien’s hands when the other woman reached for it. “At the same time though, it might be good that I do make friends here. I’ll blend in better if I do. Besides, training by myself for too long can be suspicious, you said that yourself.”

  “I did, yes. Again, I just need you to be careful. I don’t know if I liked the look of that Kieran boy. What’s his Form? Did you ask?”

  “I’m not too well versed in Undari customs,” replied Alex. “But I feel like that would be a rude question to ask. When I start training with the groups, I’m sure I would be able to see for myself what he is. Why does it matter?”

  “Just trying to see how important he is.” Adrien led her down the center aisle of the library, in the opposite direction of the Arena’s training center. Their path took them to a different room, lined with more tables. Here, there were more Undari students, but they were eating. The aroma made Alex’s mouth water. At the end of the room, there was an area that reminded Alex of school cafeterias back home, but more spread out and sophisticated. There were sconces filled with flame on the walls. Adrien led Alex into the area where they could get their food. Alex was delighted to see that the food was relatively the same as back home. It was healthier, a lot healthier than the food that the lunch ladies served in her high school’s cafeteria. Alex took a plate and helped herself to a little bit of everything. Adrien took considerably less than her student, and they went to sit at a table a little bit away.

  As they sat, Alex watched the other students around them. They were all in the same kind of training clothes as the ones sparring outside in the Arena. She wondered if they were all eating at different times, or if they could eat whenever they liked. She supposed it made more sense to eat in groups, depending on class. What class would she be in, when the time came? And what would Adrien be doing in the meantime? She glanced over, but Adrien was already eating. Alex didn’t much feel like talking, anyway. There was so much to think about. So she ate, contemplating the history of the Undari. Thoughts of her studies were quickly pushed aside by thoughts of Kieran. What a strange guy. She didn’t quite know what to make of him. The amount of sarcasm he used both amused and infuriated her. The image of him stretching surfaced in her mind and she forcefully pushed it away, wishing suddenly that Oliver had been able to come with her. It would have been interesting to see how Kieran would interact with him.

  Alex was so wrapped up in her thoughts that she didn’t realize she’d finished her food. She looked down blankly, then up at Adrien, who had also finished.

  “Are you done?” her mentor asked. Alex nodded, so Adrien picked up their plates and took it to a window on the left wall of the cafeteria. There was a dishwashing station there. Adrien put the plates on a conveyor belt that disappeared through a little window, and beckoned for Alex to follow her. They went back through the library, and Alex felt her stomach start to flutter with nerves. Finally, the sounds of the Arena filled her ears again. There was less of it now, though. A lot of the students had left, probably to go home for the evening. Alex was relieved. Now she wouldn’t have to try to impress anyone that may be watching her. Unable to help herself, she cast her eyes around for Kieran. She didn’t see him. That only made her relief greater. She didn’t want him to see how unskilled she was at all of this.

  They descended a staircase that led to the dirt floor of the Arena, and Adrien chose a secluded spot. Alex stopped next to her and waited.

  “So far, you’ve learned to Shift, both halfway and all the way. You’ve learned to conjure your power, and you’ve learned to control it, however minimally. There’s also the fact that it seems you’ve been able to mix your power with another, but you haven’t been able to separate it. We’re going to start working on that. How much have you experimented with it so far?”

  “So I’ve worked on trying to access my other power. The weirdest thing though is I’m not able to access any of it. I can see each individual seat of power, but when I try to touch it, I just pass right through it. Darkness is different. I can touch it, but I haven’t been able to manifest it on my own yet. It’s weird.”

  “All of this is weird,” answered Adrien.

  “You have experience with all of this already,” countered Alex. “I just kinda got thrown into it.”

  “And you have to remember, this has never happened before. No Undari has any experience with what you are, and therefore there’s no discernible way for us to proceed other than trial and error. Yes, you were thrown into this after thinking for your whole life that you
were human, but that doesn’t mean you’re the only one here that’s confused.” Adrien took a few steps back. “When you were able to mix your powers the last time, it was primarily when you were angry, right? The Unseen’s attack, Hannah’s death.” Alex’s face darkened. “Sorry,” Adrien added. “But it’s true. You need to be able to access one or both of those powers individually. Go ahead and manifest your power, as it comes.”

  Alex did so, and a flame appeared in her hand. It was golden, except for the very core. The core was the same deep purple as the first time it had appeared. It shone brightly in the fading light.

  “Okay, from here, we need to figure out how we’re going to separate the two powers. When you say you can detect all of your seats of power, what do they look like?”

  “They’re in the center of my primary seat of power. Well, I guess you’d call it that, anyway. They’re very small, but the one associated with the dark is a little bigger.”

  “Hmm. And you’ve tried to access each one?”

  “Mmhmm. None of them worked.”

  “Try again, with the dark. We can work on the others later, but since that was the only other one you had a reaction to besides your primary one, we can start with that.”

  Adrien’s face disappeared as Alex closed her eyes. She called up her power, delving deep to find the dark core. She found it, along with the others, and tried to move into it. There was that same little shock as before, but still nothing happened on the physical plane.

  “Nothing is happening,” she said, blowing out her breath with frustration. “I don’t know how to make anything happen. All I know is that there’s this little jolt, but the darkness won’t manifest by itself.” She put down her hands. “This is stupid.”

  “No,” said Adrien. “What is stupid is that you’re getting so irritated so easily. There’s not a lot about this that you can control, and there is no way for us to know what has to happen in order for you to be able to access your full power. You’re not going to be able to do this right away, and I don’t expect you to. So suck it up, and try it again.”


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