Shifted (The Undari Trilogy Book 1)

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Shifted (The Undari Trilogy Book 1) Page 18

by Sarah Reeves

  Alex glared down at her hands. Fuck it. The frustration built and Alex dove back into her power. She punched through the flame and into the darkness, grabbing it and hauling it out of her primary core of power. Once it was free, she let it go. Something felt different now. Cautiously now, Alex reached into the newly liberated power, and felt the familiar rush down her arm. Her eyes snapped open and she gasped right along with her mentor.

  It was like all the shadows in the area had coalesced into a sphere in the palm of Alex’s hand. It hovered there, looking like a hole had been cut into the space between it and Adrien.

  “Holy shit,” breathed Alex. “It worked.”

  “How did you do that?” Adrien had an astounded look on her face. “What did you do to make that happen?”

  “I… I was frustrated, and just grabbed the power and pulled it out of the other power. That makes no sense,” Alex added.

  “No it doesn’t.” Adrien reached to touch the ball, but thought better of it. “But it worked, so I’m not going to pick at it.”

  Something suddenly occurred to Alex. “Hey Adrien,” she said. “What happens if I gain all of these powers, and then it just gets to be too much for me? I don’t really want to explode.”

  “We need to get you an amulet of some kind,” answered the older woman. “Otherwise, I don’t know what could happen to you. You may be able to control it all, or it may get to be too much for you. Either way, it’s better to be safe and get you something to help control it.”

  “Powers can only be held in one stone though, right?” Alex let the darkness in her hand disappear. “You said yourself that trying to replace one power with another would most likely destroy it and everything around it, so who’s to say that the same thing won’t happen if you try to stuff six powers into one stone?”

  “True.” Adrien thought for a moment. “We may just have to get you a ring or something. Something that has multiple stones, so that you can store your powers individually.”

  “Where do I get one of those?”

  “Later on, I’ll take you to the jewelers. We’ll have to come up with a reason why you’re there buying a ring, but it shouldn’t be too hard. Once we do that, you’ll have to learn how to transfer your power to the stone.”

  “Is there any specific type of stone that needs to be in the ring? Or can it be anything?”

  “Your father’s was a ruby, because his power was fire. Mine was topaz. The kind of stone you use is specific to the power that is being stored inside. Ruby for fire, topaz for light, emerald for earth, onyx for darkness, sapphire for water, and aquamarine for air. We’ll need to get you a ring with one of each in it.”

  “Easy enough. Can we do it now?”

  “No. You still need to train some more, and beyond that, the store is likely closed.” With that, Adrien began to give Alex orders. For roughly three hours she put Alex through her paces, making her Shift, use both of her powers individually at first and then combined, Shift halfway, three quarters of the way, and back. Alex was made to fly, hover, shoot up and dive down, and land. The part that Alex hated the most was when Adrien made her do push-ups. By the time Adrien called an end to the maneuvers, Alex was exhausted and covered in sweat. She was proud of herself for keeping up though (mostly).

  “Okay, we’re done,” announced Adrien. “Let’s go get you cleaned up and then you can rest.” She began to walk away. “Stay here, catch your breath. I’m going to arrange sleeping quarters for us.” Alex sat down while Adrien disappeared around a corner. She wasn’t breathing hard anymore, but it did feel good to sit down. It was dark now, and the shadows made by the fires around her were long. It was almost peaceful. Almost.

  Alex closed her eyes and let the air dry the beads of sweat rolling down her face. There was so much still for her to learn. One of those, of course, was learning to control her power, and learning to manifest the ones she just couldn’t reach yet. There was also the running theory that Alex could Shift into multiple creatures. She’d have to ask Adrien about that. She wondered too if the same method of using the darkness could be applied to the others in order to be able to master them. Or at least separate the cores of power from each other. Maybe. She was too exhausted to try at the moment, though. Already her muscles were sore. What would she do tomorrow, when she had to do this all over again? Probably cry a little, she thought, then chuckled at herself. She was being dramatic.

  Her thoughts wandered to her family, and Oliver. She had wanted to avoid thinking about them, but she couldn’t help it. It was the one big reason why she was happy with having to study and work out. Kept her mind busy. Alex wished she could see what they were doing, where they were going. She hoped that they were already somewhere safe, away from people. The thought of them being captured had her stomach clenching. If they were (and she hated to think this), then she hoped the Unseen would kill them quickly. She couldn’t bear the thought of what kind of torture they could be put through at the hands of the Unseen. Her eyes pricked with tears when her oh so helpful brain supplied her with images of her family, strung up and sliced open with their blood running in rivers on the ground. She rubbed her hands hard over her face and stood abruptly. Stop it you idiot, you’re overthinking it. They’re fine.

  “Hey again.” Alex nearly growled at the sound of the voice behind her, but the voice didn’t belong to Kieran. She turned to see Ronan standing behind her, hands clasped awkwardly in front of him. “You okay? You look stressed.”

  “Fine.” Alex winced inwardly at her sharp reply, but she didn’t apologize. There was too much on her mind to be worrying about being polite to strangers.

  “If you say so. I didn’t want to bother you. God knows you don’t want company, especially mine. I was just concerned.” Ronan’s hands went into his pockets. Alex wasn’t sure if he was trying to use self deprecating humor or just being depressed, so she nodded.

  “Thanks, but I’m okay. Just tired.” She cast her eyes around for Adrien. It seemed to Alex that this happened a lot, her trying to find her mentor. Why do I keep having to talk to people? She just wanted to be alone. Thankfully, her silence seemed to tip Ronan off.

  “I need to get back to the Portal,” he said. “But before I go, I wanted to let you know that you can talk to me, whenever you need to. I know we just met, but sometimes a stranger can help more than your friends can. New perspective and all that.” He gave a half wave and turned to go. “Good night.”

  Alex watched him go, torn between bemusement and frustration. Her pride wanted her to be mad for his offer of help. What did he know about what she was going through? The other half of her decided that it was really very nice of him to give her the option, and she mentally chastised herself for acting unfriendly. It wouldn’t hurt to get to know a few others in this realm, so she didn’t stand out as much at the very least. She went back to where she’d been sitting, but she didn’t sink back to the ground. Instead, she walked in circles, until a flash of fire to her left caught her attention. She looked, did a double take. And stared.

  The most beautiful creature she’d ever seen rose in the center of the Arena, clothed in flame. Wings with golden red feathers spread gracefully, fire weaving under and through them until Alex could almost say they were transparent, like the stained glass windows she would see in old churches. Without thinking about it, she moved closer to watch. This has to be the Phoenix Adrien told me about. Awe filled her at the sight of the elegant and fierce lines the Phoenix created, the beak that was gorgeously curved and dangerously sharp, the eyes that seemed to hold the knowledge of thousands of lives as it met Alex’s gaze. Watching it, she suddenly got the urge to Shift too, and join in it’s fiery dance above the Arena floor. Scales spread from her hands over the rest of her body, feeling like the goosebumps she would get from listening to the swelling and fading of beautiful music. She shivered, feeling her wings erupt from between her shoulder blades. She didn’t think, she just knew she had to get up there with them.

  Her wings
lifted and transported her into the air. She felt weird, like she was floating. Flying seemed to take no effort at all, but she didn’t care about that. All she could see was the Phoenix.

  It turned to face her as she approached, and let out an unearthly call that guaranteed Alex would never listen to music the same way. It paused for a second in flight, letting Alex come close. It seemed the Phoenix was just as transfixed as she was, and it enthralled her. Details stood out to her, hovering with the creature. Details like how each feather looked both razor sharp and incredibly soft, and how there was a strange color to its eyes. Storm gray. She could see her own reptilian face reflected in it’s gaze. The fire surrounding it didn’t affect Alex at all, except to fill her with a sense of peace such as she hadn’t felt in months, since the day before Teagan’s birthday.

  The Phoenix began to Shift, the beak softening and shrinking to a human nose, feathers receding until only his wings remained. Alex mirrored him, until she was halfway Shifted to her human form. Shock thrummed in her core as she recognized the face in front of her, his expression just as astonished as hers was. Kieran. Their faces were so close that when Kieran released his breath in shock, Alex felt a puff of air against her face. Admittedly, she had never seen him rattled until then.

  “Alex.” Kieran lifted a hand and brushed his fingers against her cheek. It burned like the flames surrounding them hadn’t.

  “What’s going on?” Alex thanked whatever god was listening that her voice didn’t shake when she asked her question. “I saw you in your Shifted form, and I… I couldn’t control myself. I had to be up here with you.”

  Kieran didn’t answer right away. When he did, it sent Alex’s mind reeling. “Don’t you know? This is called the Discovering.

  “I swear, if you tell me this means we’re soulmates or some crap I’m going to hit you.” Alex wanted to move away, but for some reason she couldn’t pinpoint, she didn’t.

  A corner of Kieran’s mouth quirked up. “Don’t sound so excited,” he said. “Is being my soulmate really such a bad thing? I didn’t think I was all that terrible to you.”

  Alex opened her mouth to protest, but she couldn’t say anything against Kieran. The only thing he’s done was talk to her, albeit rather arrogantly. She didn’t know what to think, but she did know one thing. She squared her shoulders.

  “You might believe in soulmates, but I don’t. That whole notion is ridiculous. So I’m going to leave, and you’re never going to bring up the subject again. Okay?”


  “No?” Alex was incredulous.

  “No,” repeated Kieran calmly. “You might not want anything to do with me, but I don’t see a point in prolonging the inevitable. We recognized each other just now. We’re bound, you and I. Phoenix to dragon.”

  Something nagged at Alex in the back of her mind. “Phoenix.” She let out her breath in shock. “You’re royalty.”

  “Guilty.” Kieran’s grin was quick and rueful. “I would have told you earlier, but it didn’t seem appropriate, especially not when you were calling me such crass names.”

  “Great. So not only am I supposedly your soulmate, but you’re a prince, too. Fantastic. On that note, I’m leaving.” Alex turned to fly back to the ground, but was stopped by Kieran’s hand on her arm.

  “Don’t dismiss this so easily,” he said. His eyes held hers. “You may not believe in the idea of us being meant for each other, but that doesn’t make it any less true. Sooner or later, you’ll have to accept it.”

  “Maybe,” answered Alex. “But it’s not going to be now.” With that, Alex shrugged out of Kieran’s grasp and landed on the floor of the Arena. She walked out of the training area, unknowingly passing Adrien, who had watched the scene with a narrowed gaze.

  Chapter Twelve

  Alex’s mind was swirling. Soulmates? With the prince? Just what kind of fairy tale was she stuck in? And why was Kieran so insistent on them being “bound”? Alex shuddered to think of what the implications of that were. She was certain that if they were together longer than fifteen minutes, she would strangle him. He was so arrogant to think she would just fall in line with this.

  “It’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard in my life,” she muttered, kicking at a pillar. Without thinking about it, she had gone back into the Library. The kick at the pillar caused a student to look up in mild interest before going back to her studies. “Stupid prince, with his stupid Discovering bullshit-”

  The student that had looked up when Alex kicked the pillar looked up again, startled. “You had your Discovering? With Prince Kieran?”

  Alex glowered back. “Yes. And I want to get rid of it.”

  “Oh, but why? He’s really cute, and you seem--” the girl gulped at Alex’s ferocious expression. “Nice,” she finished falteringly.

  “Oh sure. He’s adorable. I don’t want to be his soulmate, or whatever it is, though. I’m perfectly happy keeping my distance.”

  “Is that what he told you?” At Alex’s nod, the girl giggled, but stopped abruptly when Alex’s eyes flashed. “Sorry. It’s just funny to me. Discovering isn’t about finding your soulmate. It’s about finding the person in your realm that you’re the most compatible with. The one you’re bound to by predisposition. A lot of times, Undari who Discover each other do end up becoming mates, but there are others that just end up being Companions. They train together, fight together, and they know each other better than anyone else. They can even use telepathy without having to Shift. Your soul sort of recognizes them, hence why so many assume that they’re your soulmate. Which, they kind of are. Sort of. Not in the conventional sense, unless you choose…” She reddened and laughed again. “I’m sorry. I’m babbling. My name is Vera.” She held out a small and delicate hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”

  Alex took her first real look at Vera since beginning to talk to her. She was tiny, shorter than Alex and willow slim. Not gangly, Alex mused, but graceful. Large blue eyes fit sweetly into a pale face that held no hint of malice. Corn silk blonde hair was braided past her waist, but there were a large amount of flyaways floating around her head. She was wearing training clothes, too (was that all anyone had to wear in the fire realm?). She regarded Alex with a small smile, and Alex’s immediate instinct was to protect her against anything and everything.

  “I’m Alex,” she answered finally, shaking her hand. “How do you know all of this stuff?”

  “I study a lot. I spend most of my time here, because I like to learn about our race. There’s so much to know, and more that we still don’t know. Mom says I should focus on fighting, but I don’t like to fight. Don’t get me wrong,” she added warningly. “I will fight if I have to. I just don’t like to. Confrontation makes me feel sick.” Alex felt that protective urge grow more intense. She wasn’t going to fight anyone. Not this little ball of sunshine.

  “Aren’t there other jobs that Undari can have? I’m sure not everyone is itching for a fight.”

  “There are. I would have thought you’d know that, though. You are one of us, right?” Vera’s face went suddenly grim. Before Alex could fumble out a response, Vera giggled again, her eyes bright. “Kidding! You wouldn’t be here if you weren’t one of us.” Alex let out a quiet breath and listened as Vera led her through the shelves. “The books on the Discovering are through here. They go more in depth about it and the changes your bodies go through-”

  “Changes?” Interrupted Alex. “What changes?” Not puberty again.

  “Nothing major.” Vera waved a hand. “Just your mind changing in order to be able to use telepathy in your human Form, and some other small things.” She stopped by a shelf. “Here is everything you need to know. I recommend this book.” She pulled it off the shelf and handed it to Alex. At that moment, Alex caught sight of Adrien in the aisle.

  “I gotta go.” Alex smiled at Vera. “Thank you for your help, Vera. I really appreciate it.”

  “Sure!” Vera’s lips curved in response, and without warning she
grabbed Alex in a hug. Alex stiffened in shock, but Vera released her almost as suddenly as she’d hugged her. “You looked like you needed one of those,” she said in explanation. “Bye!”

  Alex stood frozen until Adrien put a hand on her shoulder. That one brief hug had threatened to bring forth a lot of what Alex had been trying to hold back since arriving in the realm.

  “You okay?” Adrien’s voice snapped her out of her daze, and Alex nodded reflexively.

  “I’m fine. I just didn’t expect to be hugged by a stranger.”

  “Who was she?”

  “Her name is Vera. She started talking to me after - after I came inside.”

  Adrien noticed Alex’s brief hesitation, but chose not to comment on it. “Well, I was able to find us some sleeping quarters.”

  “Are they private quarters or are they with other people?” Alex asked warily.

  “They’re private, don’t worry. You have your own room, and you share a bathroom with someone. Not me, though. I’ll be in the trainers’ quarters.” She started walking, taking a door a few shelves down and to the right. Outside, it was completely dark, save for the torches about every ten feet and a sliver of a moon above. No, there were two moons. Awesome. Alex and her mentor walked down a well worn path that ran adjacent to the Arena and into the woods. Bugs that sounded vaguely like crickets sang in the undergrowth around them. Eventually they reached a set of buildings that looked like someone had taken a couple of tiny houses and joined them by a small room. It surprised Alex, who had been expecting little huts.

  Adrien led her to the third set in the row of buildings. “The door on the left is your room,” she said. “I went ahead and got you a few sets of clothes and other essentials. They’re on your bed. Here are the keys.” She dropped them into her student’s hand.


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