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An Untamed Governess For The Rogue (Steamy Historical Regency)

Page 26

by Olivia Bennet

  “Where have you been? Oh, my sweet boy, are you well? Did they hurt you?” The Duchess looked him over, tears streaming down her face.

  “I have several aches and pains, but I am otherwise unharmed,” he replied. “As for where I have been, I am not the one to answer that.” He looked up as Lord Harpington approached.

  “What do you mean, my dear boy?” the Duchess asked, as the Duke joined the small group.

  “Edmund, perhaps you should be the one to explain everything,” Luke said, his eyes narrowing. “Or should I use your true name?”

  Lord Harpington paled. “I do not know of what you speak.”

  “Even now, you are intent on lying?” Luke shot back.

  “I have not lied, as far as I can recall.” Lord Harpington held his ground, whilst Teresa burned with rage.

  “Could someone explain what is happening?” the Duchess murmured, her expression bemused.

  “Edmund is the one who did this to me,” Luke said. “He tried to have me killed, but his henchmen betrayed him, and sought a reward for me instead. He is the Sphinx, Mother. He is the one who brought the highwaymen to our home. He is the one who injured Miss Dowels. And he is the one who shot me in the arm. That was his first attempt at killing me. All because we do not share the same father, and he feared I might try to usurp him. Something I never intended to do.”

  “You are the liar,” Lord Harpington snarled.

  “Why, that is nonsense, Luke.” The Duchess glanced between her sons. “Of course he is not the Sphinx. You must be mistaken. Did the people who took you tell you that? They are surely wrong?”

  Teresa stepped forward, unable to restrain herself a moment longer. “No, Your Grace, it is the truth. He has my necklace upon him, somewhere. And he is what Lord Luke says he is. The highwaymen were working for Lord Harpington, but they were tired of his demands and strove to obtain remuneration for themselves. They were ordered to kill Lord Luke, but they did not, knowing he would be more valuable to them alive. I can show you the letter, if you need further proof. It details everything.”

  “What letter?” the Duke barked.

  “I was instructed to keep it from you until the exchange had been made. I hope you will be able to forgive me for that deception. I was told that, if I revealed it, Lord Luke would not survive. Nevertheless, it was delivered to me, and explained everything about Lord Harpington’s activities.” Teresa delved into her pockets and took out the letter, handing it to the Duke. Lord Harpington lunged forward to try and snatch it, but the Duke was too quick.

  “You both knew?” The Duke looked back up at Luke and Lord Harpington. “You both knew the truth?”

  “You should have buried it. You should never have doubted me and gone to that lawyer. I am not afflicted in my mind. Even if I were, that would be your doing, Father.” Lord Harpington rasped. “Although, I suppose I have no right to call you that, do I? If you had kept it buried and trusted in me, none of this would have happened. Luke would never have discovered the truth, and I would never have worried that my position was on fragile ground because of your actions when I returned from the war.”

  “Did you know about this?” The Duke turned towards the Duchess. “Did you know that they both knew?”

  She nodded sadly. “I did, but I hoped that nothing would come of it. Neither of them approached me, so I thought it had been forgotten, and everything would be fine. I was wrong, my love… forgive me.”

  “You are to blame for this.” Lord Harpington glowered at the Duke and Duchess. “You made a promise, and you broke it. You treated me with ambivalence and disdain. All these years, I wondered why, until I finally had my answer. How could I not have feared for my future, with that looming over me? I saw your letters these past few months—I know what you have been trying to do. Finishing what you started two years ago, if I am not mistaken?””

  “I would never have taken it from you,” Luke spat. “Even if I could forgive you for this, I could never forgive you for what you tried to do to Miss Dowels.”

  “I might have done you a favor, Brother,” Lord Harpington hissed. “For, if I had succeeded, you would not have fallen in love with her. And you would not be able to bring embarrassment upon our family by loving her.”

  “Pardon?” the Duchess gasped.

  “It should not have mattered whom I loved, since I had no desire to take your position.” Luke ignored his mother’s horrified expression, though Teresa could not. It did not spell good tidings for her relationship with Luke.

  “It was my duty to make sure you behaved,” Lord Harpington retorted. “It has always been my duty. And I was tired of being second best. You always did as you pleased, with no consequences for your actions. Whereas, if I put a foot wrong, I was scorned for it.”

  “And I deserved to die for that?” Luke stared at him.

  “You were a threat,” Lord Harpington replied simply. “And you know that is not the full reason. You know about the lawyer. You know what Father was trying to do.”

  “He ended that pursuit!” Luke barked.

  Lord Harpington. “And how am I to believe that, after all the lies I have been told?”

  “Is this true, Edmund?” The Duke brandished the letter, his face a mixture of emotions—grief, pain, anger, disbelief.

  Lord Harpington smirked. “Of course it is. You created that monster. All of the pain you put me through—I channeled it into something useful. Something to preserve my future.”

  “You attacked Miss Dowels?” the Duchess choked.

  “I did, but I did not know who she was. In truth, I only wished to frighten her. I would never have besmirched her. Why would I have wanted to echo my real father’s behavior?” He put his hand in his waistcoat pocket and took out the necklace. Teresa gaped at it, her heart almost stopping. None of this had seemed real until that moment.

  “And you tried to have Luke killed? Please, say that is not true,” the Duchess begged.

  “I did. It is true. I have given you my reasons, and I will not repeat them,” Lord Harpington answered, before turning back to Luke. “I suppose you will be wanting to take me to the authorities, so I can receive my just rewards?”

  The Duke stepped forward. “No… we cannot involve the authorities. I will not see my son hanging from the gallows.”

  Lord Harpington frowned. “But I am not your son.”

  “You are, Edmund. You have always been.” The Duke sighed. “I have treated you unfairly, I understand that, and I should never have tried to take your inheritance from you. But I have always loved you. You have always been part of this family. And I will not watch my son hang.”

  “Father…” Luke interjected, but the Duke shook his head.

  “He has behaved despicably, and that cannot go unpunished, but I will not endure the death of one of my children, not when I am partially responsible for this,” he said firmly. “You are not a father, so you cannot understand. No matter what he has done, I will not allow him to die for it. Instead, he will live out the rest of his days with the guilt of it.”

  “I agree, Your Grace,” Teresa said. Everyone turned to look at her. “Broken men do terrible things. My own father always told me that. I do not believe in a life for a life, nor an eye for an eye.”

  Luke’s eyes widened. “But he hurt you, Miss Dowels.”

  “Yes, he did, as he hurt you. But that is not cause to see him die,” she replied softly.

  “Then what will become of me?” Lord Harpington glanced at the Duke and waited for the axe to fall.

  “You will not be delivered to the authorities, as long as you leave this house and never return, and keep the truth of your heritage to yourself,” the Duke said. “I will make arrangements for you in Spain, to live a quiet and peaceful life. You will stay there, or I will have no choice but to hand you to the magistrates for a real sentencing. I will construct a tale, to falsify your death, and your titles will be given to Luke.”

  “Why?” Lord Harpington sounded confused. “W
hy would you do that for me, after so many years of spurning me? Surely, this is your opportunity to rid yourself of me for good, as you have always wanted?”

  The Duke sighed. “Because I agree with Miss Dowels, and I do not want to bring any further pain upon our family. Your mother would never endure watching you die, and neither would I. Think of this as my penance, for all the years I treated you wrongly, and for my actions after you returned from the war. And let us be even, at last.”

  “If I may?” Luke cut in. “That necklace does not belong to you.”

  Lord Harpington held it out and Luke took it, before placing it in Teresa’s palm. Her heart swelled as she felt the cool metal against her skin, knowing it was back where it belonged, in her possession. Just as Luke was back where he belonged. She covered the necklace with her fingers and struggled to hold fight away the tears that threatened to fall.

  Somehow, against all odds, they had triumphed. Luke was alive. The Sphinx had been thwarted. And the secrets that had threatened to tear this family apart had been put to rest once more, never to see the light of day again.


  Luke emerged into the dusky twilight, seeking out Teresa. She had told him she would be out here, and that he could find her once he had finished talking with his mother and father. They had been in the drawing room for the better part of two hours, discussing the matter of his relationship with Teresa.

  “How did they take the news?” Teresa asked, looking up as he approached.

  He smiled, feeling content at last. “They were averse, at first. However, they have come to understand that I love you, and that will not change. I suppose they think it is a small price to pay, after what you suffered at my brother’s hands. In the end, they could not deny my request. You know too much, Teresa, and it has worked in our favor.” He gave a soft chuckle as he reached out and grasped her waist, eager to feel her against him.

  “They have agreed?” she gasped, pressing her palms to his chest.

  “They will announce the engagement tomorrow, and we will be wed as soon as Edmund has been delivered safely to Spain.” He was currently under lock and key in his bedchamber, awaiting his voyage to the continent. Their father was to accompany him, to make sure he did not try to escape. Although, Luke had no fears that he would—Edmund had realized that he had been defeated. Perhaps, a calm and quiet life was precisely what he needed.

  Teresa’s mouth spread into a wide grin. “I am grateful to see you safely returned, my love. I thought of nothing but you whilst you were gone. I did all of this, so I could have you back in my arms.”

  “You are more courageous than anyone I have ever met, and more generous of spirit, too,” Luke replied. “You would have been within your rights to want Edmund punished, and nobody would have blamed you for it.”

  “He will be gone from here, and that is all I want,” she said.

  He smoothed his hand across her chest and toyed with the necklace at her throat. “Are you still glad you came here, sweeting?”

  “I would not have found you if I had not.” She looped her arms around his neck.

  “I will forever be grateful for that.” He leaned in and kissed her, pressing his lips against hers with a desperate hunger. He had been waiting for this moment, and now that they were due to be wed, it felt all the more wonderful.

  She kissed him back with equal fervor, her tongue moving against his, and her fingertips tugging gently at his dark curls. Letting his hands smooth across the contours of her waist, he gripped the fabric of her gown and pulled her ever closer, his breath quickening as he held her. Finally, they would be at peace.

  * * *

  Their wedding had been a very subdued affair that morning. The actual ceremony took place in the small chapel attached to the Rowfex Estate, with only Luke’s family and the servants in the congregation. Listening to the vicar join them together for the rest of their lives, Teresa and Luke gazed lovingly at one another. Finally, they were one in God’s eyes. After the vows and prayers were completed, there was much ceremony around signing the aged register in the vestry. They were legally married, and it could not have come soon enough.

  Teresa and Luke were then made to sit with the Duke and Duchess in the drawing room whilst awaiting all the guests to arrive for a luncheon hosted by Teresa’s new in-laws. Teresa got her first taste of what it meant to be a part of one of the oldest families in England, and when it became daunting she glanced at her new husband, letting herself get lost in the look of love he bestowed on her.

  Finally, just as she was beginning to tire from so many introductions, they were ushered to a grandly decorated dining room. It was so bright and magical, with the glow of hundreds of candles reflected in the elegant silver and china, and the sound of a hundred voices wishing them well. Teresa found herself in a daze, as though it was all happening in a wonderful dream. One she never wanted to awaken from.

  Speeches were followed by toasts and when, finally, Teresa was able to eat a few bites of the wonderfully opulent spread of delicacies, she wanted nothing more than to go somewhere quiet with her new husband.

  By the time they were able to sneak away to chambers newly renovated for them, they were both so overwhelmed they agreed to rest for a short while after changing out of their wedding finery. The room was filled with moonlight when Teresa awoke, Luke gently touching her face and whispering her name. She gave an involuntary exclamation of surprise, unsure at first where she was.

  “You need never be afraid with me, my love.” Luke tucked a strand of hair behind her ear. Taking her by the hand, they swiftly left the now too-quiet manor, and raced across the gardens, running over the lawns until they reached the forest that bordered the property. He knew of a glade within, where he often came to think.

  “Where are we going?” She giggled.

  “A private place, where we may be alone,” he replied. Helping her through the undergrowth, they arrived at the glade, where moonlight spilled down through the trees. There, he removed his overcoat and laid it down on the grass. She did the same with her cloak, creating a makeshift bed upon which they could be together.

  * * *

  Luke seized her eagerly about the waist, making her shriek with delight. Wrapping her arms around him, she plundered his lips with delirious abandon. Here, they could be at peace. Here, nobody would find them. It was their own private world—something she had desired for a long time.

  Arching her neck back, she shivered with delight as he kissed along the line of her throat, his tongue dampening her smooth skin. His fingertips reached for the fastenings of her gown, pushing the sleeves until the garment pooled to the ground. Spurred on by desire, she unbuttoned his shirt and cast it aside, admiring his muscular torso in the silvery light.

  He grasped her face and kissed her hard, all of their passion colliding as they feverishly undressed one another. Naked beneath the moonlight, Luke held her in his strong arms and laid her gently on the ground. Nervous excitement broiled in her stomach as he lay beside her, his member protruding in a rather formidable manner. It was far larger than she had thought possible, and she did not quite know how it might fit within her.

  As his lips plundered hers once more, his palm smoothed across the contours of her waist and reached for her supple breast, massaging it slowly. A cry escaped her throat as he dipped his head and took her hardened nipple in his mouth, sucking in a way that set her entire body alight.

  “I will not hurt you, Teresa,” he murmured, as he returned to her lips.

  “I am glad to hear that.” It had been her sole worry, not knowing what was about to happen, both carried away by their carnal impulses. And yet, she was intrigued to discover what pleasures he might bring to her.

  “But I do wish to explore you, if you would allow me?” His thumb brushed across her throat, as his tongue danced against hers.

  She nodded tentatively. “I should like that… very much.”

  Luke pressed himself down upon her, his lips devouring hers.
Skin to skin, Teresa no longer cared that her breasts were bare. Indeed, as he began to massage her plump bosom and took her nipple into his mouth again, she was glad that there were no garments to restrict his reach.

  Lying back on the soft ground, she thrashed wildly as he made his way down her stomach, kissing every inch of her. Her abdomen tightened as he reached her waist. Her back arched and a moan escaped her throat as he kissed lower, following the same path as the moonlight on her ivory skin.

  She almost screamed with ecstasy as he placed a kiss against her sweet, secret bud. It should have felt strange and outlandish, but it was too remarkable to concern herself over. The sensation was overwhelming. Already, her legs were shaking as he kissed her bud again.


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