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Ashes of Eden

Page 1

by Mandi Konesni

  Ashes of Eden

  Mandi Konesni

  Copyright © 2018 by Liliom Press

  Cover Design by Soxsational Cover Art

  All rights reserved

  This book is dedicated to my family. My mom, dad, and Aunt Robin. Growing up, they made sure we were well-read, that we developed a love for history and mythology. It's due to them that I have such a vivid imagination and can keep these stories flowing like I do. They were my first fans, my biggest cheerleaders and my steadfast supporters. I love you all more than life itself, and cherish your guidance in everything I do.

  Table of Contents


  Chapter One

  Chapter Two

  Chapter Three

  Chapter Four

  Chapter Five

  Chapter Six

  Chapter Seven

  Chapter Eight

  Chapter Nine

  Chapter Ten

  Chapter Eleven

  Chapter Twelve

  Chapter Thirteen

  Chapter Fourteen

  Chapter Fifteen

  Chapter Sixteen

  Chapter Seventeen

  Chapter Eighteen

  Chapter Nineteen

  Chapter Twenty

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Chapter Twenty-Two

  Chapter Twenty-Three

  Chapter Twenty-Four

  Chapter Twenty-Five

  Chapter Twenty-Six

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Chapter Twenty-Eight

  Chapter Twenty-Nine

  Chapter Thirty

  Chapter Thirty-One

  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Chapter Thirty-Three

  Chapter Thirty-Four

  Chapter Thirty-Five

  Chapter Thirty-Six

  Chapter Thirty-Seven

  Chapter Thirty-Eight


  About The Author

  Other Releases



  The world was made in our image, but free will makes traitors of us all. Even the heavenly hosts aren't immune to the lure of the flesh bared before us so easily. We were told the humans were our father's greatest creation. Some rebelled to follow our brother, leaving our Grace behind. Others chose to study the humans, to emulate them. If they were perfect, we reasoned, then surely to emulate them was divine.

  As above, so below.

  Except when we were bound on the mortal realm, our Grace was safe above. We had none of our powers, none of our strengths. We couldn't judge the evil that walked among us. For all intents and purposes, we existed among the humans as one of them. This made us targets, as the humans aren't the only creatures that inhabit the realm.

  Without our Grace, we were as babes, helpless and too trusting of the world around us. We assumed we would come to no harm, as we were the righteous ones. The ones who had stayed, who rallied around the cause our Father had given us. We were his soldiers. Surely he would fight for us as we fought for him.

  My story begins, and ends, with a female. As they so often do. She held a siren's illusion, bright as the dawning sun. Ruby lips beckoned, drawing me in, begging for just a simple taste of their sweetness. Her skin caressed mine with such urgency, such longing, that even an archangel couldn't resist the call. I allowed myself to be led astray. Father, forgive me for my sins... for I cannot forgive myself.

  I am eternal. I am Legion.

  Chapter One

  Loud laughter rang through Bell Tavern along with the healthy clink of glasses. Beer and liquor were flowing, the occupants were happy, which meant money was being made. Head and shoulders above the crowd were the favored guests... the archangels. Of course, no one knew they were anything but human. Still, they had a presence that drew others to them. When they held court, the tavern seemed to fill to bursting as people simply enjoyed being in their company.

  Sitting alone at a corner table, Raziel eyed the crowd warily. Unlike his brothers, he didn't relish being surrounded by people. He felt claustrophobic and suffocated in this place, but came because they asked him to. Once they were suitably drunk and surrounded by adoring females, he usually slipped away to take time for himself. He preferred the quiet, to walk the city streets as a shadow. Neither seen nor heard. A ghost.

  It suited him, truly. He did his job and did it well. He was a soldier. What use did a soldier have for pleasantries, for females doting at their feet? You would just have to leave them in the end. It was better to not get attached, to remain aloof. He didn't begrudge his brothers their dalliances if it made them happy, he just preferred his solitude.

  Tipping the last of the bitter drink to his lips, he glanced around the place, checking to ensure the others were suitably distracted. None were paying the slightest attention to him, so he stood, tossing a few dollars to the table for the buxom waitress who'd kept an eye on his glass for the past hour before she could rush to refill it again.

  Slipping through the door, he breathed deep, letting the cool night air settle his senses. Raziel could feel the calmness begin to settle over him as the feeling of being closed in and trapped dissipated. Yet again, he wondered why he bothered accompanying them on these excursions, but just ended up shaking his head ruefully.

  They were his brothers. Michael, Raphael, Gabriel and Uriel were the ones he fought with, trained with and lived with. They were a battalion feared amongst the Heavens and for good reason. When the five of them went to battle, they were damn near invincible. The Archangels. The warrior class, the champions of Heaven.

  For eons, they hadn't been allowed to mingle with the humans. Too many had tried, and the results had always been... bad. Half-human half-angelic hybrids, called Nephilim, had gone crazy, requiring the Archangels to be dispatched to put them down. The wholesale slaughter had haunted them all and ensured future generations had been forbidden from consorting with humankind for the safety of both.

  Only recently had the ruling been lifted, allowing a select few angels the opportunity to spend some time on Earth. It was good for them, reasoned their Father, to interact with the mortals. To know what they were fighting for, to understand how a flawed creature could still be divine in their steadfast ability to fight past hardships. Their drive to survive no matter the costs. Understanding the mortals would only make the angels stronger in their fight to protect them.

  Bedding them was still out of the question, however. It was a Pandora's Box of what if's, of potential calamity. Humans simply weren't capable of bearing Nephilim, of raising the offspring of angels. The two genetic codes simply didn't mix, and it was unfair to both mother and child to give a gift of life only to have to take it away when the child became too unstable to live safely among mankind. Some still dallied, of course, but precautions were taken, as far as he knew.

  Unlike the others, Raziel wasn't interested. Women were a distraction, one he could ill afford. His brother Gabriel had been waylaid more often than not. A playboy, Gabriel chose to enjoy life and the spoils of war that came with it, even against the rules. If Gabriel had gone missing, he could usually be found in a pile of females, soaked in liquor and half coherent. He was a formidable soldier, of course. His extracurricular activities just left something to be desired.

  It wouldn't be as bad if he'd pick his conquests more carefully. Gabriel had a knack for picking unavailable women. As they were forbidden from harming a human, when the menfolk found out, Gabriel generally ended up with blackened eyes and a hangover for days. Raziel had no designs on that type of lifestyle.

  Hands in his pockets, Raziel turned to begin his solitary walk through the darkened city streets when he smelled something on the breeze that didn't belong. The heady scent of night-blooming jasmine and ozone, of feminine musk an
d ripened fruit heavy on the vine, teased his nose, beckoning him closer.

  He knew it was a woman. That was enough to keep him away.

  Underneath, however, the sharp scent of fear drew him to action, drawing twin blades from the leather sheaths at his sides as he began to search the alleyways one by one.

  Chapter Two

  Preternatural hearing aided in his quest, drawing him around the corner to where two human men had a woman pinned against the brick facade of the building. She was struggling, but clearly overpowered. The hulking males dwarfed her, towering over her until she cringed, attempting to make herself appear even smaller. The worst kind of scum.

  Raziel's lip twisted in a grimace. How he hated those that took advantage of ones they deemed 'weaker' than them. It was disgusting, preying on others in such a way. Tossing the blades nonchalantly in his hands, he stepped closer, knowing his mere presence could usually be felt by the humans if he allowed it. He certainly did this time. Raziel's eyes took on a darker cast as he glanced to the woman to assure himself she was steady on her feet before turning his attention back towards the men.

  "I'm feeling more chivalrous than you apparently are. I will give you one warning. Do not harm another while I keep watch on this world, or I will find you and you will regret it." As he spoke, he knew the shadow of his wings stretched across the alley, rising up along the buildings. It was awe-inspiring to most, downright panic-inducing to others. As their eyes widened in fear, an edge of retribution tinged his smile.

  "Well? Shouldn't you be running?"

  The men took off without a word, rocks skittering under their booted feet as they tripped over each other to be the first to exit the mouth of the alley and get far away from him. He wouldn't have actually hurt them as it wasn't allowed. Scaring them, however, wasn't against any rule that he knew of. He was happy to take full advantage of that.

  Moving to the woman, he was stricken as she threw herself into his arms, her slim form shaking. Patting her shoulder awkwardly with one hand, he glanced around, hoping to see someone else coming. Anyone else, really. He'd gladly hand her off and continue on his way, but she was clinging to him like the scent of sulfur after battle. It was impossible to shake her loose. Clearing his throat, he momentarily froze as she tipped her head to stare up at him.

  She was stunning. Pale skin seemed to nearly glow in the moonlight, sapphire eyes so deep he could drown in them. Her lips were a perfect cupids bow, plump, red and inviting. Her hair was a deep garnet, the tousled waves tumbling over her shoulders to brush her hips. Raziel's throat actually went dry, so striking was the vision he beheld. He hadn't had such a visceral reaction to a woman in a long time... at least, not a human. That alone should be enough to allay his desire. She was untouchable.

  Taking her arm, he tugged gently. The best thing to do, he reasoned, was to take her to the tavern. She'd be protected there, the place was full of people. The staff would ensure she made it home safely. It would also see to it that he wasn't alone with her any longer than necessary. Except that when he made contact with her skin, a frisson of lust had him gasping out loud, wide eyes meeting hers. She looked just as stunned, thankfully. At least he knew it wasn't something done purposely, which eased his mind somewhat.

  Being on Earth meant being human, for all intents and purposes. He still had some latent angelic abilities, but sensing inhuman creatures wasn't one of them. It had led many of his brethren into trouble. Still... surely, he faced no harm from this slip of a woman with stars in her eyes.

  Sighing, he shook his head ruefully. "My name is Raziel. I will escort you to your residence so I know you've reached it safely." Truth? He didn't trust Gabriel not to cause issues. Nor did he think she'd possibly make it through the tavern without being harassed by every male there. At least she had nothing to fear from him, as he knew the laws of his kind and planned to abide by them. She was far more secure with him than anywhere else.

  Raziel supposed even angels could lie to themselves, when they really wanted to. As she put her small hand in his, he mentally chastised himself. He would behave. He was escorting her home, that was all. He would not act like an uncivilized animal, it was beneath him and his kind. This delicate female deserved far better and he would keep himself in check, no matter how uncomfortable his lower garments became.

  As they walked, she instinctively moved closer to him as the shadows stretched deeper, fingers curled tightly around his. Raziel could sense the fear still coming from her in waves. She'd truly been frightened for her life and was still feeling the effects of it. Without thinking, he tugged his hand free to drape his arm across her shoulders, allowing his solid strength and warmth to comfort her as they moved.

  She barely came up to his chest. For some reason, all protective instincts he possessed were roused over this one female. Raziel couldn't ignore it, had no earthly explanation for it. As they talked, he learned her name was Tarin and she was in town for some work conference. It made sense. The city was on the water, what the mortals termed a 'tourist destination'. Raziel mostly saw it at night, though, so he couldn't attest to its attraction.

  Hers, though? He could swear on that. As she relaxed, her smile was breathtaking. Her light laughter danced over his senses, earning a rusty chuckle in return, though he rarely laughed much anymore. As she regaled him with tales of her exploits so far at lectures and shows here in town, he simply became more beguiled with her. Something about her was different, yet he couldn't put his finger on what exactly was drawing him to her so fast.

  Tarin was unique, that much he was sure of. She was beautiful, but he didn't place much stock in physical beauty. As angels, they focused on the soul. True souls were shimmering orbs of pure glory and breathtaking to behold. In this form, he couldn't see that, but he expected hers would be unrivaled in splendor if he could only glimpse it. He had never thought of settling down like some angels did. No Archangel ever had.

  She made him ache for it. A quiet life, a giggling babe on his knee. He knew it was pure fantasy... even if he did earn a reprieve to leave the ranks, he could never have a child with a human. Still, the thought persisted. What he wouldn't give to be a normal human male, to entertain these thoughts with the option of acting on them. He wasn't human, though. And this life wasn't meant for him. It never had been. He continued telling himself that up until they arrived at her gate, when she stood on tiptoes to press a chaste kiss to his cheek. Feeling her shudder in awareness broke the last vestiges of his control, what little was left. Turning his head, Raziel's lips met hers as his arms tightened around her waist, lifting her upwards until she was flush against him.

  When she gasped in response, he gleefully took the invitation it offered. Tongues twining, her panted breaths feathered over his lips each time she pulled back for air. When she fumbled behind her to push the swinging gate open, he managed to get them inside the small courtyard before putting her back on her feet.

  Always courteous, he settled himself first, the ground at his back, before reaching a hand up to draw her down over him. Allowing her to situate herself over his hips, he nearly whimpered. He felt like a damn schoolboy and they were still fully clothed. It was maddening, how quickly she'd managed to lead him astray, and yet he didn't much care.

  Chapter Three

  Tarin was so gloriously responsive to his touch. When his hands slid up her sides, she stretched like a cat, back arching to allow him more access. The cloth of her shirt easily ruched under his fingertips, allowing him to push it upwards as he went, until she gripped the edge, tugging it over her head and tossing it to her side. He had been right in his earlier assessment. She glowed in the moonlight, alabaster skin the perfect compliment to the fiery hair that adorned it.

  Cupping his palms around her hips, he lifted his head, nuzzling against her breast with his whiskered cheek. He knew he was likely leaving a bit of a mark, but the throaty moan that left her didn't escape his notice. Fluttering his tongue over one taut nipple, he waited until her hands were clen
ched in his hair and tugging at him before he took the peak between his teeth, scraping the edges lightly across the sensitive skin.

  The little shifting movements she made in response had him closing his eyes, needing to pause for the briefest second. It'd been so long since he'd held a woman in his arms. So long since he'd even given himself pleasure. The way she was rocking in his lap was torturous, but what a sweet way to go. He'd gladly call the inevitable death 'mercy'.

  Questioning blue eyes met determined green as he pulled back, pulling his own shirt over his head to toss it next to where hers already lay. She seemed delighted to have more flesh to run her hands over, palms smoothing up and down his chest in a rhythm that seemed to almost soothe her. When her fingers teased under the waistband of the leather trousers he wore, he swore he nearly swallowed his tongue.

  He was accustomed to the rather shy women who ran the sanctuaries at home, where the lower caste angels could go to achieve some respite if necessary. They were untouched, so hands were the normal routine. He'd only gone once or twice himself... he found it off-putting. They didn't seem to enjoy or relish the task and were entirely too innocent for his tastes.

  He'd assumed Tarin to be the same. Instead, she glanced up at him, eagerly watching his expression as her hand delved deeper, toying with the button clasps before releasing them one by one at a pace so slow he was going to combust from it.


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