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Playing With The Doctor: A Romantic Comedy: Milestone Mischief #1

Page 10

by Piper James

  “Jessa, honey, are you okay?”

  I stiffened, an irrational panic flooding through me. My body still pinned Jessa’s against the wooden door, and I had one hand up her shirt and the other on her ass. She had frozen mid-dry-hump, and I could still feel her breath on my throat.

  “Uh, yeah,” she called out, clearing her throat. “I’m fine, Janice. We’ll be out in a minute.”

  “Okay, hon. See you in a minute,” Janice said, and I swore I could hear censure in her voice.

  I wanted to laugh and cry all at once. I wanted to beg Jessa to ignore her and continue what we’d been doing, but she was already disentangling her body from mine. It was over, and I’d just been getting started.

  “I’m sorry,” Jessa mumbled. “I shouldn’t have done that—”

  “I’m not sorry,” I interrupted, a spark of anger flaming inside me. “Not sorry at all.”

  “Here,” she said firmly. “I shouldn’t have done that here.”

  “Oh,” I whispered, my anger quickly morphing into hope. I hooked my fingers into the waistband of her apron and tugged her toward me. “Come home with me, Jessa.”

  Wrapping her long ponytail around my fist, I used it as leverage to tilt her head to the side and give my mouth access to her neck. Her hands landed on my hips as I kissed my way up the column, then sucked her earlobe into my mouth.

  “Please,” I whispered into her ear before leaning back to look into her face.

  “I can’t tonight. I’m sorry,” she said, looking sadder than I’d ever seen her. “I’m sure Janice has already called Dad, and I need to go home and talk him into staying in bed. If I know my father, he’s loading his shotgun by now with the intention of hunting that asshole down.”

  “Okay, I understand.”

  I did understand, but that didn’t mean I liked it. Not one bit.



  Dad didn’t have his gun, but he was waiting in the living room for me when I got home. Sitting on the couch in a ratty plaid robe, he stood up as quickly as he could manage the second I walked into the door.

  “Jessa, are you okay?”

  “Dad, what are you doing out of bed?”

  He shot me a dark look, and I held up my palms in surrender. “I’m fine.”

  “That doesn’t sound very good,” he said, arching a brow at me.

  “Well, my hand does hurt a bit,” I said, shaking it dramatically.

  “That’s my girl,” he said, chuckling. “Janice said you knocked his lights out.”

  “Well, he’ll probably have a sore throat and be on a liquid diet for a few days. Let’s get you back to bed.”

  “Janice said something else I found very interesting,” he said as I walked him down the hall. “She said some handsome stranger stepped in, looking like he wanted to kill the guy.”

  “It was just Dr. Walton, Dad,” I said, hoping my tone sounded more nonchalant to his ears than it did mine.

  The man was like a dog with a bone, and if he got a whiff of what happened between me and Rafe, he’d never let it go. Much to my dismay, Dad stopped walking and turned to peer at me.

  “Dr. Walton, you say? Now, what would Rafe be doing at The Bullpen tonight? Was he on a date? You know he doesn’t drink, right?”

  “Yeah, I know,” I mumbled. “And no, he was alone.”

  Dad huffed and continued on to his bedroom. He climbed back into bed, and I started to relax, thinking he would just let go of the conversation.

  No such luck.

  “So, why was a man who doesn’t drink sitting in a bar, alone?”

  “I don’t know, Dad,” I said, cringing at the defensiveness I heard in my tone.

  “Janice told me something else, too.”

  No. No. No. She did not.

  “She said you took him to my office—”

  “It was her idea!” I interrupted.

  “—and when she went to check on you, there were some strange noises coming from behind the closed door.”

  Oh my God, she did. Kill me now.

  “Dad. Please, stop.”

  The man had no filter and no sense of propriety. Talking to his daughter about sex was just like talking to one of his drinking buddies at the bar.

  “I’m just saying… If you want to start something up with the good doctor, I have no problem with it.”

  “I’m not starting anything. I’ll be going back to Atlanta soon, so there’s no point.”

  “The point is to have a little fun, sugar pie. Make friends. Make mistakes you can learn from. Enjoy yourself.”

  “Don’t most dads want their daughters to enter nunneries and shit like that?” I shot back, narrowing my gaze at him.

  “Ha! You’re lucky I’m not most dads.”

  “I know,” I said seriously. “I love you, Dad. Go to sleep. I’ll see you in the morning.”

  As I pulled his bedroom door closed behind me, my phone chimed in my pocket. I pulled it out to check it, seeing a text from Rafe. My heart stuttered in my chest, and I told that horny bitch to calm down as I walked into my own room and stretched out on my bed.

  Rafe: Did you make it home okay?

  He was so thoughtful and understanding. Most guys—at least the ones I’d known in college—would’ve called me a cock-tease and told all their friends to avoid me lest they contract a serious case of blue balls.

  Rafe was teaching me the differences between boys and men…and I wanted to learn more.

  Me: Yeah, I did. Thanks. All snug in my bed.

  I would have liked to have told myself I didn’t realize what I was doing, but that would’ve been a lie. I knew exactly what I was doing. I wanted Rafe to imagine me in bed.

  All it took was one taste, and all of my inhibitions and worries flew right out the window. I liked the way he made me feel, and I wanted more. I just needed to make sure we were on the same page and in agreement that this, whatever it was, was only temporary.

  Just two adults, having a little fun—for right now.

  Rafe: That’s good to hear. I’m glad you’re okay.

  Me: What are you doing right now? Besides texting me, I mean.

  Rafe: Just sitting on my couch, trying to unwind.

  Me: How do you unwind?

  I wasn’t sure if I was doing this right. I’d never actually sexted before, but I found myself really wanting to do it with Rafe. I wanted him to touch himself while he—

  Rafe: Video games. I like the first-person shooter ones.

  Well, that wasn’t what I expected or wanted. Damn it. I didn’t know anything about those games or how to make them correlate to sex.

  Me: I don’t know how to play those kinds of games. Maybe you could teach me sometime?

  Rafe: Sure. I’d love to teach you.

  My first instinct was to ask what else he could teach me, but I couldn’t bring myself to type it. It reeked of desperation and honestly, cheap porn.

  Rafe: Do you want to talk about what happened earlier?

  Yes. Yes, I do, I thought. In great detail.

  Me: Okay. It was nice.

  Me: Shit, sorry, I didn’t mean that. It wasn’t nice. It was amazing.

  Rafe: I thought it was nice, too. But that’s not what I meant.

  Me: Oh?

  Rafe: I think we need to discuss…expectations. Make sure we’re on the same page before this goes any further.

  As much as his words scared me, they ramped up my excitement like nothing had ever done before. If he and I wanted the same thing—a short-term, fun-filled affair—I was all in. And I had a feeling sex with Rafe Walton would be better than I could even imagine, if his kisses were any indication.

  Rafe: Can you get away? Do you want to come over and talk?

  Me: I’ll be there in half an hour.

  His response was almost immediate.

  Rafe: Hurry.

  After showering, shaving, and brushing my teeth twice, I’d checked on Dad, who was sleeping peacefully. I’d left him a note telling him I was
taking his advice and left the house like the place was on fire.

  Now, I sat in my Jeep in front of Rafe’s home, taking a few deep breaths to calm myself. It had seemed like the best idea I’d ever had, coming over here, while I was safe at home in my bed. But now, my nerves were getting the better of me.

  What if he didn’t want the same thing as me? What if I left here disappointed, but still had to see Rafe when he came to check on Dad? Awkward.

  No. I refused to let fear rule me. If I didn’t do this now, the what-might-have-beens were going to drive me insane. I needed to take a chance.

  I climbed down from the car and walked up the path. Before I even reached the door, it swung open.

  “I thought you were changing your mind,” Rafe said, standing in the opening with an uncertain look on his face.

  “I did, too,” I replied, then closed the distance between us.

  His hand snaked out to grab mine, pulling me inside. The door slammed behind us just before I was whirled around and pushed up against it. Rafe’s mouth pressed against mine, hot and wet, making my brain go a little haywire. My hands fisted in his t-shirt, twisting the material as his tongue brushed against mine.

  “Sorry,” he said, pulling back after a few more moments of heart-pounding kissing. “I know you came here to talk, but I couldn’t help myself.”

  Then he smiled, and holy hell the things that smile did to me. I forced myself to release the death grip I had on his shirt before smoothing the material across his abdomen. A sharp breath hissed through his teeth at the touch, making me feel…powerful.

  He wrapped his fingers around my wrist. Then he pulled my hands away from his abs and walked backwards toward his couch. Sitting, he pulled me down beside him and angled his body toward mine. I fought the urge to crawl into his lap, but only for about two seconds.

  Swinging my leg over his, I straddled him and propped my hands on his shoulders. I had no clue where this brazen hussy inside me had come from, but she wanted what she wanted. Nothing would stop her from getting it, either.

  I liked her. And I liked the way I could feel Rafe’s erection pressing against me through the thin material of his athletic shorts, making me wish I’d worn a skirt instead of these damn jeans. My hips bucked, and a quiet groan vibrated in my chest as my eyes closed.

  “Ahh,” he said, though it came out more like a moan. “I don’t think we’re going to get very much talking done if you keep this up.”

  I realized I’d been pressing myself against him a little harder than necessary and lifted my weight, saying, “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry,” he breathed. “It feels better than I ever could’ve imagined.”

  “You imagined this?” I teased, grinding against him.

  “Jessa,” he growled, and I conceded.

  “Sorry, sorry. I’ll stop,” I chuckled.

  This was fun. Maybe Dad was right. Maybe I did need to let loose and enjoy myself a little more.

  Wait. Stop. Don’t think about Dad right now, Jessa!

  “Before I lose all sense of reason,” Rafe said, bringing me back to the present, “we really should talk about what we want out of this.”

  His hands squeezed my hips, pushing me down against him in a way that told me turnabout was fair play. He could tease me just as easily as I did him. I didn’t hate it.

  “Yeah,” I said, letting my fingers trail up to tangle in his black hair. “I’m not looking for anything serious. I’ll be leaving in a few weeks, and this—whatever it is—will be over. I just…can’t fight my attraction to you anymore.”

  His mouth had latched onto my breast as I spoke, its heat searing me through the material of my shirt. I wasn’t wearing a bra, and if he didn’t know it before, he knew it now. His groan vibrated through me as my nipple hardened under his tongue.

  “I don’t have time for anything serious, either,” he said as his mouth moved to tease my other nipple. “I…just want…to enjoy myself…with you…for a while.”

  “Short term,” I breathed, then gasped as he ripped my shirt off and tossed it across the room.

  “Exactly,” he said just before his tongue darted out to lick my bare skin.

  I threw my head back as his mouth worshipped my breasts, back and forth, over and over until I could barely stand it. My hands tugged his hair, pulling his head back so I could kiss him. My hips bucked against his, once, twice, three times, before the world tilted as he stood up, carrying me like a spider monkey while never once breaking our kiss.

  He must’ve walked into a bedroom, because the next thing I knew, I was lying on a soft bed while Rafe peeled my jeans down my legs. Watching his face as he exposed each new inch of bare skin was damned near euphoric.

  Apparently, I lost my flip flops at some point, because there was no resistance when he pulled the denim free of my feet. When he finished, I was wearing nothing but the black lace panties I’d slid into after my shower, and his dark eyes roved over me like I was a cool glass of water on a hot day. And he was really fucking thirsty.

  He pulled his t-shirt off with that sexy, one-handed move guys do, giving me my first look at his bare chest. I propped myself up on my elbows to get a better look, and holy shit…all the moisture evaporated from my mouth, making it hard to swallow.

  Broad shoulders and a firm chest tapered down to muscular abs, split down the middle by a trail of soft-looking hair that disappeared beneath the waistband of his shorts. After giving me just a moment to look my fill, he bent over and placed a soft kiss on the top of my foot.

  His lips trailed upward, over my ankle and up my shin before skirting the inside of my knee. His tongue darted out, blazing a path up my inner thigh, and I fought the urge to squeeze my knees together as my breaths came in short, harsh pants.

  “Are you okay?” he asked, nudging my knees further apart with his elbows. I nodded rapidly, and he pressed his lips against the skin of my inner thigh, right at the edge of my underwear. “Tell me what you want, Jessa.”

  “That,” I breathed. “Keep doing that.”

  My insides felt like lava, slow-moving and burning hot as he pulled my panties down with one hand while guiding each leg through with the other. He settled back between my thighs, and I felt his breath on me an instant before his tongue licked right up my center.

  My back arched, and my hips lifted off the bed, but Rafe pushed me back down, his fingers digging into one hip as he continued to work me over with his tongue. My body flashed with heat, flaming waves that rolled through me while throaty moans slipped through my lips.

  I thought I’d had this done for me before, but I was wrong. The one time a guy had tried it, he’d quit after about two seconds, called the foreplay good, and went straight for his own pleasure.

  This was…something else, entirely. This was blissful torture that I never wanted to end while I raced toward the finish line as fast as I could. His tongue flicked fast, then slow, then just as my body tensed in preparation for detonation, he licked his way down to push his tongue inside me.

  “Holy shit,” I chanted over and over as my hips bucked, and my fingers tangled in the bedspread.

  Then his tongue was back on that sensitive bundle of nerves as he pushed a finger inside me. Every muscle in my body went rigid, and I forgot to breathe as the world exploded. Or maybe it was just me that combusted, blowing apart into a million tiny little pieces that floated lazily toward the mattress before reforming into my body.

  My limbs were heavy, yet somehow also weightless as Rafe blazed a trail up my abdomen with his lips and tongue. His hips settled between my legs, and he braced his weight on his arms as he dipped his head to kiss me.

  Tears stung my eyes, and he pulled back to look at me before I could blink them away. His body went rigid, his wide eyes tracing the trail of a tear that escaped and rolled down my cheek toward my ear.

  “What’s wrong?” he asked, worry causing lines to crease along his brow.

  “Nothing,” I said quickly. “That was…pe
rfect. I don’t know why I’m crying.” I barked out a laugh and shook my head. “That’s a lie. I do know why.”

  “Tell me,” he said, brushing my hair away from my face.

  “It’s embarrassing,” I muttered, turning my head to the side.

  His fingers cupped my cheek and gently turned my face back toward his. He brushed away another errant tear with his thumb, and smiled at me softly. “Tell me.”

  I bit my lip as my face flushed hot. Knowing I was kind of ruining the moment here, I closed my eyes and blurted it out.

  “That’s the first time someone other than me has been able to make me come.”



  “What?” The word barked through my lips before I could stop it. Jessa flinched, and I instantly regretted my harsh tone.

  “I always thought there was something wrong with me. I mean, I usually enjoy sex, but I never experienced…that,” she said, waving her hand down her body. “That was…I don’t even know what that was, but I do know it changed my life. So…thank you.”

  She said that like she believed it was a-once-in-a-lifetime occurrence. The wistfulness in her tone made me want to go find every lazy, selfish dude she’d ever slept with and beat the shit out of them. But my anger quickly faded, replaced with a strong sense of self-satisfaction.

  My waning erection sprang back to life as I stared at her beautiful face and realized those tears were of joy and satisfaction, and I’d given her that. I’d done what no man before me had ever been able to, and the caveman I never knew existed inside me beat his chest in victory.

  I lowered my weight and kissed her mouth, dipping my tongue inside to tangle with hers. I rotated my hips, grinding my cock against her as I kissed my way down her neck and back up to her ear. She was panting in time with my movements, every other breath punctuated by little moans that made me even harder.

  “So, you’ve never come during sex?” I whispered before pulling her earlobe into my mouth.

  “I can’t,” she gasped, her hips bucking as I bit down gently.


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