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The Capture Series Bundle

Page 7

by Jenika Snow



  Before I could understand what was happening, Bear had us inside, the front door shut, both of us just a few feet away from the other now.

  “I hope you’re ready, Susie,” he said low, soft, his voice this rough growl.

  God, I couldn’t breathe. He was like an animal, stalking me, making me feel so damn vulnerable in the best of ways.

  He made me retreat until my back was to the wall. I felt my breathing increase, my chest rising and falling, my nipples pressing against my shirt, the tips sensitive, my body aching.

  “Is this really happening?” I whispered, not meaning to say the words out loud, but feeling them with every part of my body.

  I didn’t expect him to answer.

  He kept his focus trained right on me. “So much more is going to happen, Susie.”

  I licked my lips, so wet, so needy for him.

  He made this deep sound in the back of his throat, his focus going down to my chest. I felt my nipples tighten even further. This wasn’t just about my arousal, but my emotions as well, running high, taking over. I looked down and saw how hard my nipples were. They ached, wanted to feel his hot, wet mouth covering them.

  And then I found myself acting out of character, just going with it, letting my inhibitions go and lifting my hands to cover my breasts, cupping them, my nipples digging into my palms.

  “Don’t hide yourself from me. Let me see what’s mine, Susie, what I’ll be claiming.”

  Was I hiding myself from him, or tempting him?

  “Drop your hands, Susie. Let me see you, all of you.”

  I removed my hands, let them hang at my sides.

  “Now the shirt, baby. Take it off. Let me see how pink your nipples really are.”

  And then he was right in front of me, his hands on my arms, his fingers skating along my flesh. He stopped at my wrists, placing his fingers right over my pulse point. I felt it jump, speed up.

  “Once you’re mine, there’s no going back, there’s no denying it.”

  “Maybe I don’t want to go back. Maybe I’ve wanted this for a long time.” And here I was, being honest in a roundabout way, telling him but not really saying the truth.

  “Mine. You’ve always been mine, Susie.”

  I became lightheaded, my mouth parting on its own, my lips feeling sensitive, wanting his kiss, needing it like I needed to breathe.

  He leaned back just an inch, but still I couldn’t catch my breath. I inhaled deeply and exhaled just as forcefully, taking in the very masculine, potent scent of him. He smelled like the woods that surrounded us, the redwoods that towered around us like living creatures. Every erogenous zone in my body tingled at the way he looked at me, like he wanted to devour me.

  I felt my pussy become wetter, my nipples aching, becoming even harder.

  “I want you,” I found myself admitting. “I really want you, Bear. I have for a long time.” And there it was, the words hanging between us.

  He placed his hands by my head on the wall and leaned in, this deep, low sound leaving him, like an animal set free. His nostrils flared as he took in my scent, as he went primal. It was like he stroked my flesh with his look alone, like he undressed me.

  Touch me.

  Be with me.

  Make me yours.

  But he moved away just as I lifted my hand to bring him in close, to have my body pressed to his. He kept his focus on me, on my body.

  “Did you think I was leaving you, baby? Did you think I was stopping this?”

  I shook my head, not sure what to say, how to respond.

  “Oh no, baby. I’ve only just begun.” He lifted his hand and ran it over his mouth as he stared at my breasts. “I want to see you. I want to see every part of you.”

  Moving away from the wall, I didn’t even hesitate in gripping the edge of my shirt and lifting it up and over my head. I needed the offending material gone. The air was chilled, and my skin puckered with goosebumps. He looked at me as if he owned me, as if he wanted to possess every inch of me.

  His gaze was penetrating, like he was reaching out and touching me.

  He looked right in my eyes. “Take it all off.”

  My hands shook as I did what he wanted, as I undid my bra, then went for my pants, my panties.

  I felt his need for me. It matched my own in intensity.

  When I was naked before him, nothing hiding me from this man, I watched as he looked his fill of my body.

  “God, Susie.” He ran his hand over his mouth again. “You’re so damn beautiful.”

  I knew what we were about to do would change everything.

  His gaze lingered on my pussy and then lifted to my breasts. I felt my nipples harden further, if that was even possible. This man held so much power over my body; I couldn’t even think straight when I was around him.

  Chills raced along my entire body, my arousal a force to be reckoned with, another living entity in this room.

  “I want you.” I said the words, wanting him like I needed to breathe. I didn’t want foreplay, or maybe I did. I just wanted Bear to touch me.

  “And you’ll have every part of me.” His voice was a husky growl, one that sounded more animal than man. He reached down and gripped himself through his jeans obscenely, but I liked it. God, I liked watching him touch himself because of me. “You see how hard I am for you, how much I want you, Susie?”

  I felt myself nodding, my body reacting automatically.

  Bear was the only person who made me feel alive, who’d ever made me want to experience more in life. I felt like I was on the precipice of falling over a cliff, the view bottomless, the ground never in sight.

  He made me feel nervous and anxious, uncertain of what was next.

  And I craved it.

  When he moved forward again, I held my breath. He reached out and cupped my chin in a firm, strong hold. For long seconds he didn’t say anything, didn’t even move. The air around us grew hot, humid … charged with our combined arousal.

  “Bear.” I whispered his name.

  He moved his thumb along my bottom lip, skating the pad over the flesh, staring at the act. “You’re shaking,” he whispered.

  I was, but not from fear. I was excited.

  “I should have told you how I felt long ago. I should have been a man and claimed you instead of waiting on the sidelines being a brooding bastard.”

  I didn’t know what to say. I could have told him the same thing, that I’d waited so long too, that I had wasted so much time worrying and wondering instead of acting and taking charge.

  Then do it. Say it. Tell him.

  “Bear,” I whispered.

  Tell him the truth. What can it hurt at this point?

  “Tell me, Susie. Tell me anything, everything.”

  He slid his hands down my outer thighs and my pussy tingled, my clit throbbing in time with my pulse. My mouth was dry, my head throbbing with everything I wanted to tell him, with the endorphins and adrenaline pumping through my veins.

  “I want it all.” That was the only thing I could say at the moment.

  Bear moved his hands in slow but demanding movements, scraping his nails slightly into my flesh. I gasped, the pleasure maddening.

  “Tell me you like this, that you like what I’m doing to you.”

  I nodded, not trusting my voice.

  He was controlled as he touched every part of me, as he ran his fingers over every part of my body. Then he had his hands on my breasts, tweaking my nipples, making me cry out in pleasure and pain.

  I still couldn’t speak, my throat tight, dry. He curled his hand around my breast, adding pressure, making it hurt in a good way.

  He made this deep, gruff sound. “Say my name. Tell me you want me to lick your pretty pink pussy, that you want me to make you come with my mouth and then with my cock.”

  He added more pressure. Another gasp of pleasure left me.

  “Yes,” I groaned.

  “Say the words,” he d

  “Yes, I want all of that.”

  He growled. “Yeah, of course you fucking do.” He breathed hard, fast. “Because it’s exactly what I want.”

  And then Bear had me in his arms, his hands cupping my ass, and was striding to his room. He put me on the bed and took a step back. Time seemed to stand still as he stared at me, not speaking, not moving, but certainly looking at every part of me on display.

  “I want to see you spread for me.”

  My heart stalled for a moment, and then I was in the position he wanted. I curled my hands into fists, waiting for whatever he had planned. I lay there watching as he took his pants off, my body temperature heating, yet chills raced up my body. I stared at his chest. The sight of his exposed pectoral muscles and defined abdomen had a fresh gush of wetness leaving my pussy. I was primed for him.

  And as I looked at his cock, I felt my throat tighten. He was huge. My pussy clenched with the need to be filled by him.

  “Spread your legs for me, Susie. Let me see how wet you are for me.”

  I licked my lips, my mouth so damn dry like I’d swallowed sand. I braced my feet on the bed and spread my legs wide until I knew my pussy was obscenely on display for him.

  Then Bear was moving closer to me, his look purely predatory. When he was close enough, he reached out and smoothed his fingers over my inner thighs, moving closer to the part of my body that ached the most for him.

  He added pressure, his nails now scraping along my skin hard enough there was a flash of pain mixing with the pleasure. I gasped in surprise, needing more.

  The way he stayed silent, watching me with intent, turned me on so damn badly. He leaned above me, his mouth so close to my pussy, his warm breath moving along my exposed folds. A shiver worked through me.

  “Please. Bear. I need more.” I arched my back, my nipples hard, aching. And when Bear ran his tongue over one hard tip, we both groaned.

  “You’re so fucking receptive to my touch,” he murmured against my breast before he sucked a nipple into his mouth. Over and over he moved his tongue along the peak, sucking on the flesh, tugging at it with his teeth, and bringing me closer to coming.

  He sucked harder and faster, groaning against the flesh until vibrations went right to my clit.


  “Say my name again.” He growled the words out.

  “Bear. Oh my God. Yes, Bear. I’m going to come.”

  He groaned and smoothed his fingers between my slick pussy folds. My back bowed as pleasure slammed into me.

  He moved his lips up my chest and settled at the crook of my neck, gently pulling at my flesh with his teeth. He had his hand between my legs, his fingers rubbing at my clit in gentle, pressurized motions.

  “More,” I begged shamelessly.

  “Christ,” he groaned.

  I cried out as he moved his finger around the little bud faster.

  “Give it to me, Susie. Let go and come.”

  I placed my hands on Bear’s shoulders, wanting him closer, needing so much more.

  He didn’t stop rubbing his fingers against my clit, giving me pleasure, making it never end.

  I came for him, because of him.

  When the pleasure started to dim I ached for more, desperate for it to last forever.

  He used the weight of his body to press me down on the mattress, his chest to mine, his strength meshing with my softness.

  “So fucking good.” He growled out the words. “Knowing I’m making you feel good gets me off, baby.” He ground his erection into my belly. He reached between us to touch my wet pussy again, rubbing his fingers through my folds.

  I was going mad with my lust.

  He ground himself against me harder, as if he was losing his mind … like I was.

  “I’m so fucking hard for you, Susie. You feel how hard you make me?”

  He was huge and hard against me.

  Bear slid his hand down my thighs and took hold behind my knee. I couldn’t breathe, my throat so dry and tight, this arousal pumping through me like another person in the room.

  He moved in between my open legs, his cock now pressed right up against my pussy.

  I gasped and he groaned. I knew I had to tell him this was my first time.

  Licking my lips, I inhaled and just said it. “Bear, I’m a virgin.”

  He growled, this purely animalistic sound leaving him.

  “Mine,” he said with determination. “All. Fucking. Mine.”



  Sensations moved through me, controlling me, trying to consume every inch of my body. I found myself desiring to do whatever he wanted, not because I was weak, but because it gave me pleasure to make him feel good.

  Did he feel the same way?

  “Give me everything, Susie. Give me you.” His voice was husky, deep. It moved over me like fingers stroking along my entire body. Bear thrust his massive cock against my pussy, back and forth, slow and easy, torturing me. The thick length moved up and down my center, teasing my clit, making the bundle of nerves swell, my lust burning hotter.

  He ran his teeth and tongue along the side of my throat, right over my pulse point.

  “You were mine before we got to this point, but once I’m stretching your virgin pussy, once that cherry is popped and my cum is filling you … there’s no going back.” He pulled back ad looked into my eyes. “Is that what you want?”

  I nodded, not able to say a word.

  He moved back another inch and I looked down to watch him grab his dick, stroking the monster from base to tip.

  “Say the words. I want to hear them.”

  I swallowed. “I want this, Bear.”

  He shook his head. “Say it how I want to hear it.”

  I licked my lips. “I want you stretching me with your big cock, popping my cherry.”

  He groaned and clenched his jaw, the muscles under his scruff-covered cheek flexing. He opened his eyes again and used the hand not gripping himself to touch me. Bear started touching me again, rubbing his fingers up and down the lips of my pussy, making me wetter for him. He moved a finger lower, plunging it into my body.

  I opened my mouth on a silent cry, my body trembling for him, for his touch. He started fucking me with his finger and I knew I was going to come from this alone. My pussy clenched around his digit, sucking it in deeper, needing something thicker, more substantial.

  “Let go.”

  And as if his words had been what I needed, I came for him, closing my eyes and crying out. I reached up and gripped his wrist, holding onto it for support as I was thrown over the edge.

  It was when the pleasure dimmed and I floated back to reality that I realized Bear had removed his finger from my pussy and was now right between my splayed thighs. He claimed my mouth, plunging his tongue into the hot, wet recesses and fucking me there. I felt him move on top of me, knew he was pressing his hips into the mattress, dry-humping it because he couldn’t control himself.

  That turned me on even more.

  “Fuck,” he said in a deep voice.

  I spread my legs wider, his body big and hard, pressing me into the mattress, making me feel wholly feminine.

  The pleasure still coursed through me, stealing any thoughts from my mind, taking the very breath from my lungs.

  He pulled back after long seconds and stared at my pussy, this look of pure need, of untold desire, flashing across his masculine face. I was burning up, yet goosebumps moved along my arms and legs. Bear reached between my legs and spread my pussy lips wide. He stared at the most intimate part of me for what seemed like forever.

  “I’m going to fucking devour you.” And then his face was between my legs, his warm breath moving along my exposed flesh. He placed a hand on each of my inner thighs, holding me in place, keeping me immobile for what he was about to do. “Ask me for it,” he demanded, looking up at me from between my spread thighs.

  I couldn’t breathe, couldn’t even think of a single word, but I
found myself wanting to say the words, wanting to admit them.

  “I want to feel you down there.”

  “Doing what, baby?” He still stared at me, his pupils dilated.

  “I want you to lick me, to make me come with your lips and tongue.”

  He groaned and closed his eyes, not moving for a long second. When he opened his eyes, I swear I saw a flash of primal need. And then he had his mouth on my pussy. He worked his tongue around my clit, moving the muscle along my lips, sucking the cream from me.

  The sound of him sucking at my flesh seemed to reverberate in the room, echo off the walls … make my arousal climb higher.

  I was so close to coming already and he’d only just started. But just when the sweet taste of release would have claimed me, he stopped. I groaned in disappointment, opening my eyes, not realizing I’d closed them.

  “Don’t worry, baby. I’m not done. I just got started.” He moved up my body, licking, sucking at my flesh. He dragged his tongue over one of my nipples, drawing a cry of ecstasy from me. I arched into his mouth, needing more.

  “Bear,” I found myself whispering.

  He licked and sucked at my breasts until the peaks were hard and red, wet from his mouth. Then he moved back, looking down the length of my body, staring right at my spread pussy. Bear grabbed his cock again, aligned the tip of his dick with the entrance of my body, and for a second we just stared at each other.

  “Tell me how much you want this, you want me.”


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