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Scoring Chance: A Second Chance Hockey Romance (Rules of the Game Book 1)

Page 10

by Emma Tharp

  “Not anymore. I want Cora. This shit with Carrie has to stop,” I spit out.

  There’s loud cheering in the background and the sound of Teddy clapping his hands together.

  “What are you watching, man?” I ask, annoyed that he isn’t fully here in the conversation.

  The crowd noise gets lower. “Sorry. I DVR’d the football game. Watching the playback now. Anyway, why don’t you call Carrie and tell her to fuck off, then call Cora and tell her you want to fuck.” He lets out a low chuckle.

  “And how is it you’re still single?” The dude is completely clueless when it comes to women.

  I get back in my car and put Teddy back on Bluetooth.

  “Now that you mention it, I was going to ask you for some dating advice. I’d like to date Bri, but I don’t know how.” His voice takes on a pouty tone.

  Letting out a deep breath, I pull out of the gas station and drive toward the highway. “I don’t know if I’m the right person to ask at the moment, but why don’t you call her and tell her you want to get together, go out on dates? Do nice things for her like send her flowers or leave her notes. Listen to her when she talks; don’t be distracted by a football game. It should start to come natural to you.”

  Teddy says, “Oh, that sounds easy.” It’s almost as if I can hear the lightbulb go off over his head.

  “It can be. And you two seem to be getting along every time you’re together. You thinking about being exclusive?” It would be a first. The guy’s never had a serious girlfriend since I’ve known him.

  “I think so. She’s a cool chick. And I’m interested in getting to know her and not just get in her pants. Weird, huh?” He sounds sincere.

  Pulling into the driveway, I turn the engine off. “Good for you, man. I have to run and deal with my shit. See you at practice in the morning.”

  “Thanks,” Teddy says before hanging up.

  I squeeze the muscles of my neck and take a few calming breaths before I get out of my car. This is the last place I want to be, but it has to be done once and for all.

  Knocking on her door, I wait, tapping my foot.

  A smile spreads across her face like I’m holding a check and she won the Publisher’s Clearinghouse Sweepstakes. “You’re here. Come in.”

  “It’s best if you come out here.” I don’t want to get trapped in her house. Who knows what stunts she’ll try and pull now that I’m here?

  The smile that was there seconds ago has disappeared into a scowl. She’s dressed in a pair of short shorts and a skimpy tank top. No bra. I know I’m over her because the sight of her perky nipples used to make me want to suck on them until they were red and sore. Not at all today. “Please, come in. My neighbors already know enough of my business.” She turns and walks inside.

  Even though I know it’s a bad idea, I follow her because I know her stubborn ass won’t talk to me out here. I don’t get one step past the threshold with the door shut and I stop. “I’m staying here.”

  She was going toward her living room, but she stops and looks over her shoulder. Realization dawns on her face. She wanted me in here, well, here I am, but I won’t go any further. She comes back to stand in the foyer with me. “Why won’t you come in?”

  Pushing my hands into my jeans pocket, I say, “This will be quick. We’re done, Carrie. You filed the paperwork. We both signed it. I don’t want to get back together.”

  Her jaw hangs open, like this is news to her. “What do I have to do to change your mind?”

  She gets closer to me and I put my hands up. “Don’t touch me. This has all got to stop. There’s nothing you can do.” My tone is even. I’m doing my best not to lose my shit. You get nowhere with her once the yelling starts.

  “Why are you being so unreasonable?” she huffs.

  Squeezing my palms together, I say, “Why are you posting old pictures on the Internet and acting like we’re still together?”

  She turns her head away from me and blinks rapidly. “I love all of those pictures. What’s wrong with me posting them?”

  I hate when she plays coy like this. It’s fucking annoying and makes me want to throw shit. Not productive. “Remember when you told me that it was time to let go? Back when you served me the divorce papers? Well, now it’s time for you to take your own advice. Let me go.”

  Tears stream down her thin cheeks and she leans her hip against the console table. “Fuck. This hurts.”

  “It does, but you’ll move on and find happiness again,” I say with confidence in my tone. It’s the only comfort I can offer her.

  “Do you love her? The woman from the pictures?” she asks between sobs.

  “Carrie. This isn’t going to help anything.” My patience is waning.

  She wipes under her eyes with the bottom of her shirt, exposing her tight abs. I turn my head. “You’re right. You deserve to be happy, Derek.”

  “So do you. And do you know what would make me really happy?”

  She looks at me through damp lashes. “What?”

  “If you could take down the old pictures. Or at the very least, don’t post anymore. I’m moving on and you know holding onto the past isn’t going to help you move forward either.”

  She walks the two steps toward me and throws her arms around me. Her touch and scent do nothing anymore. No spark ignites. It’s a good feeling. I hug her back, but only for a moment.

  “I have to go. Take care of yourself.” Turning, I clutch the door handle in my hand.

  “Goodbye,” she says.

  Getting in my car, a peace comes over me.

  I know now what I have to do.



  A HORN HONKS. Peeking out my window, it’s Bri’s car in my driveway.

  Grabbing my clutch from the counter, I head out the front door as fast as my heels and black party dress will allow.

  I get in the passenger seat and say, “Thanks for driving.”

  “No problem. That dress is gorgeous,” she says, eying me with a mischievous grin.

  Bri’s hair is pulled up in a high ponytail and her makeup is flawless. “You look great, too.”

  “I love bachelorette parties,” she says as she puts the car in reverse and backs out of my driveway.

  My stomach sinks. Normally, I like a good bachelorette party as much as the next girl. Getting a little crazy with girlfriends, having some drinks, and flirting with men is always a good time. But when Rose called me up to invite Bri and me to her bachelorette party, I thought I shouldn’t accept. I haven’t talked to Derek in a week. Not since that day at my house. It doesn’t seem right to be hanging out with his friend’s fiancée. “Are you sure this is a good idea?”

  She waves her hand at me. “Of course it is. Remember that Rose invited us to come.”

  “She doesn’t know that Derek and I aren’t together anymore. And what if Carrie shows up?” The thought of seeing her makes me nauseous.

  Bri sighs. “She won’t be there. I still think that bitch isn’t getting back together with Derek. She hasn’t posted on social media in a week. You need to hear him out.”

  My heart wants me to go talk to Derek, but my head is telling me it’s a bad idea and I’ll end up hurting worse than I am now. “I will. He reached out at the beginning of the week and left a voice message asking me to meet him for coffee.”

  I’ve listened to the message over and over again. His voice sounds sad; it breaks my heart to hear him like that. But what if I go to see him and he tells me that he and Carrie hooked up, or worse that they’re getting back together? I don’t have any claim over him, but I was falling for him nonetheless.

  I’ve been an absolute wreck. Every day I want to pick up the phone and call him. It’s been torture not seeing him as well. Maybe it’ll get easier as time goes on. That’s what I’m hoping for.

  Bri pulls onto the highway and hits the accelerator. I nearly get whiplash from the speed change. She’s always been a crazy driver. “Good. Do it for yourself and f
or Derek. He deserves to have a conversation with you. Teddy did mention that Derek hasn’t been himself lately.”

  My head spins from everything that’s been going on in my life lately. My mom’s stroke, the photos of Carrie and Derek, and most recently, Steve putting me on probation at Lolita’s. He said I didn’t get all of my shifts covered and didn’t call in for one of them. Things were chaotic. I thought I took care of everything. At least he didn’t fire me. “I can relate. What about you and Teddy? You guys are still in regular contact.”

  She signals, cuts over past two cars, and pulls off our exit. “He’s been putting in effort, but I’m not looking to get serious. It’s too soon after my divorce.”

  I can smell it. She’s afraid. Can’t blame her. “Maybe you should take your own advice. Live day by day. Stay out of your head.”

  Whipping her head in my direction, she gives me an irritated grin. She’s never liked being called out. “Oh, look, we’re here.” She buzzes into the parking lot at lightning speed and slams the car into park. “Let’s go. I need a drink.”

  Guess the conversation is over. We get out of the car and make our way to the entrance of Posh, an exclusive nightclub in the city. I’ve never been here and the nerves kick in when we walk in the place.

  It’s massive. Two floors, on the first there are two long bars along the back and left walls. The rest is a massive dance floor with people bumping and grinding to the steady beat of the dance music. Bri takes my hand and guides me upstairs. The music isn’t quite as loud up here. Three of the walls are floor-to-ceiling windows with a bar in the center.

  Rose and the other ladies are gathered around a big table. She sees us and comes running over. “You made it.” She throws her arms around me.

  “I love your dress,” I tell her. She’s in a maroon V-neck lace dress with spaghetti straps donning a “Bride” sash.

  Twirling around, she nearly spills the contents of her champagne flute. “Thank you. Now come, get a drink.”

  Bri and I follow her to the table where there are bottles of champs and wine. We each get a glass of red and Rose makes introductions. We already met Lydia, Wes’s girlfriend and country singer extraordinaire, but you’d never know she was a celebrity from her attitude—but the huge bodyguard standing nearby her might give it away. She’s sweet and down to earth. We meet Rose’s sister and various other friends of hers, who all seem friendly and welcoming to Bri and me, the newcomers.

  I mingle with the ladies and my first glass of wine goes down quickly. I pour myself a second glass and drink half of it. Nothing like some wine to take the edge off.

  Rose grabs me by the arm and says, “We’re going downstairs to dance. Come with us.”

  Emptying my glass, I tell her, “Sure. Let’s go.”

  On the dance floor, we find an opening that will allow us all to be together. Rose has some moves; the woman knows how to shake her booty. I tone down the dancing I do for my stripagrams to keep it respectable.

  Bri shakes her booty against mine and we shimmy together to the beat. I haven’t been out dancing with girlfriends in a long time and it feels so good to let loose and forget about my problems for a couple of hours.

  Sweat mists my forehead and I know it’s time for another drink. I lift my arm to the group, giving them the I-need-a-drink signal and make my way back upstairs for another. Rose follows close behind me.

  “I’ve been wanting to chat with you alone all night.” Rose gives me a warm smile that reaches all the way up to her eyes and it lands smack dab in my heart. She has such great energy.

  “Yeah. Tell me, what’s up?” I grab a glass and pour myself some wine.

  She lifts the champagne bottle and fills herself up and raises it in the air. “Cheers and thanks for being here.”

  “Of course. No place I’d rather be. Your friends are so much fun,” I say.

  Rose runs her thin hand through her hair and cocks her head to the side. “Please don’t think I’m trying to butt into your relationship. I know that we haven’t known each other long, but Rick and Derek have been friends for years. Tell me if I am over-stepping.”

  The hairs on the back of my neck stand up. “Ok, you’re making me nervous.”

  She lays her hand on my arm. “No, it’s nothing like that. I want to tell you what a good guy Derek is. Rick told me that Derek has been a wreck lately because you guys aren’t talking.”

  I nod. “He’s back with Carrie. Did Rick tell you that?” Tears sting the back of my eyes.

  Her eyes widen and she takes me by the shoulders. “No, he isn’t. Are you talking about the old pictures that she was posting recently?”

  Wait. Old photos? “I thought they were new. She just posted them last week.”

  “Carrie is evil. She’s trying to get him back, but he doesn’t want her. He wants you.”

  A knot forms at the back of my throat. Could this be true? It makes sense. Maybe this is what he wanted to tell me, but I’ve been too caught up in my own shit to give him a chance to explain. “Are you kidding me?”

  “No, I’m serious.” She lifts her head and meets my gaze. “You should give him another shot. He cares about you.”

  I try to suppress my smile, but it doesn’t work. My entire body smiles. “I would love that.”

  Rose’s sister comes up to the table with the rest of the group, holding a tray full of shot glasses. She hands each of us one and yells, “To the bride!”

  We tilt our glasses back and slam the clear liquid. Tastes like vodka. It burns down the back of my throat. I’m loose and relaxed and extremely excited that Derek and Carrie aren’t getting back together.

  Back out on the dance floor, I have my arms in the air feeling the music when a hard body presses up flush against mine. I spin around to find him standing in front of me with a black button-up shirt on, jeans, and the sexiest grin on his face.



  “HI,” Derek says.

  “Hi.” My breath hitches.

  “Want to dance with me?” he asks, but his hands are already around my waist and he’s pulling me in close.

  My arms go around his shoulders. “I didn’t know you were coming.”

  His mouth is next to my ear and he lays a gentle kiss there, making my knees go weak. “Are you okay with me being here?”

  I tilt my head to the side, exposing my neck for him, hoping he’ll take the bait. “It’s a free country.”

  He laughs and his warm breath skims my shoulder. His tongue makes a languid stroke from the back of my ear toward my collar bone.

  A pulse forms between my legs and I grip the back of his hair in my hands. I’ve missed this. He knows exactly what to do to me to get me going.

  We sway together to the music and it’s just him and me. Nobody else in the world matters. He looks at me with his intense dark eyes and I’m completely entranced. His hands come up to cup my cheeks and his lips move over mine, softly at first until his tongue plunges in my mouth. My core clenches with need.

  “Maybe we should leave,” I say, my voice coming out breathy and my chest heaving.

  He pulls back, a devilish smile on his face. “Looks like you ladies are having a good time. Have you had a few drinks?”

  My hands clutch the fabric of his shirt. “Oh, yeah. I’m drunk, but I still want you to take me home.”

  “I’d like that.” He lays a soft kiss on my cheek. “Why don’t you say goodbye to everyone and I’ll drive you home.”

  Unwilling to leave the sexual haze Derek has me in, I say, “It’ll be quick.”

  That cute laugh of his again. He grasps my hand in his and leads me toward Bri. I give her a thumbs up and wind my arm around Derek’s. She gives me a wicked grin and a thumbs up back.

  The short ride home, I’m practically crawling all over him. There’s no talking. I’m kissing his face, his neck. At one point during a stoplight, I’m in his lap, grinding on him, my tongue down his throat. A honk from behind us triggers me to get off h

  Standing up to get out of the car once we’re at my house, the world seems to be tipped off its axis and I stumble to get my footing. Derek is right there next to me. “You okay?” he asks.

  “I’ll be good.” Clutching onto his arm, I use him for support while we make our way to the house. I pull out my keys and hand them to him. “Could you do the honors?”

  He unlocks the door and I lead him to my room. Tugging off my heels, I throw them in the corner and lie down, patting the spot next to me. “Come here,” I say.

  The room spins. I close my eyes and wait for the world to stop moving.

  Derek lays next to me. “Are you sure you’re all right?” he asks, running his fingers through my hair.

  I nod and slowly open my eyes. “Thanks for bringing me home. I’m glad you came.”

  “I’m glad you’re glad I came.” He lays a gentle kiss on my lips. “You’ve been avoiding me. Do you want to talk about it, or is this a bad night for that?”

  Placing my arm under my head, I get myself comfortable. “No. It’s the perfect night. I’m sorry that I didn’t give you a chance to explain yourself. I was too busy and caught up in my own crap and didn’t give you a chance. I should’ve.”

  He licks his lips and nods. “I wasn’t going to let you give up on us that easy. After I saw the pictures that Carrie was posting—from last year—I might add, I knew what you must’ve been thinking. And of course, I know you’ve been under a great deal of pressure after your mother’s stroke. You shouldn’t have shut me out.”

  Guilt floods me. Of course he’s right, but I was being too stubborn to get out of my own way. “Can you forgive me?”

  “It’s already done.” His fingertips graze my lips. “But you can’t pull that shit anymore. Talk to me.”

  I nod, unable to look away from his gorgeous dark eyes. “I promise.”

  “Good. Because I can’t worry that when things get rough you’re going to shut me out. Or worse, run.” A flash of dread passes over his features.


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